HP OpenVMS Systems

BASIC Translator
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Compaq BASIC Translator
User Manual

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NAME...AS statement
    restrictions on
NEXT statement
NOECHO function
    See also ECHO function
NOMARGIN statement
    See also MARGIN statement
Nonexecutable statements #1
Nonexecutable statements #2
NUM function
NUM$ function
NUM LOCK indicator and keys returned
NUM1$ function
NUM2 function
    random #1
    random #2
    sign of
Numeric conversion
    to ASCII
    to string
Numeric functions
    absolute value #1
    absolute value #2
    absolute value #3
    common logarithm
    conversion #1
    conversion #2
    natural logarithm
    random numbers
    sign of numbers
    square root
Numeric string functions #1
Numeric string functions #2
Numeric string functions #3
Numeric string functions #4
Numeric string functions #5
Numeric string functions #6
Numeric string functions #7
Numeric string functions #8
Numeric string functions #9
    conversion to formatted strings
    converting to specified or default INTEGER data type
    precision of numeric strings
Numeric strings
    precision #1
    precision #2
    precision #3
    precision #4
    rounding #1
    rounding #2
    rounding #3
    truncating #1
    truncating #2
    truncating #3
ON ERROR GO BACK statement
    within a handler
    within protected regions
ON ERROR GOTO 0 statement
ON ERROR GOTO statement
    with WHEN blocks
    within a handler
    within protected regions
ON...GOSUB...OTHERWISE statement
ON...GOSUB statement
ON...GOTO...OTHERWISE statement
ON...GOTO statement
OPEN statement #1
OPEN statement #2
OPTION statement
/OUTPUT qualifier
    suggested use for naming files
Parameter-passing mechanisms
    in subprograms
PLACE$ function
POS function
Positional qualifiers
    rules for precedence
Precision of numeric strings #1
Precision of numeric strings #2
Precision of numeric strings #3
Predefined constants
PRINT statement
PRINT USING statement
Print zones
    in MAT PRINT statement
PROD$ function
Program control statements #1
Program control statements #2
Program control statements #3
    conditional loops
    error handling
    evaluating a conditional expression
    FOR...NEXT loops
    iteration of loops
    returning from subprograms
    returning from subroutines
    suspending program execution
    transferring control #1
    transferring control #2
    unconditional branching #1
    unconditional branching #2
Program documentation
Program execution
    waiting for input
Program input
    waiting for
PROGRAM statement
    static storage
PUT statement
QUO$ function
Quoting characters
RAD$ function
Random numbers #1
Random numbers #2
RANDOMIZE statement
RCTRLC function
    See also CTRLC function
RCTRLO function
READ statement
REAL function
Record buffer
    moving data
Record File Address
Record operations
Record pointers
RECORD statement #1
RECORD statement #2
    deleting #1
    deleting #2
    unlocking #1
    unlocking #2
    unlocking #3
    writing #1
    writing #2
    writing sequentially
RECOUNT function
    in error handlers
    in subprograms
Relational expressions
Relative files
    record size in
    writing records to
REM statement
    multiline format #1
    multiline format #2
REMAP statement
RESET statement
RESTORE statement
RESUME statement
RETRY statement
Return and Enter keys
RETURN statement
RFA data type
RIGHT$ function
RMS (Record Management Services)
    locating records
    opening files
RMSSTATUS function
RND function
RSET statement
Run-time library kit
SCRATCH statement
SEG$ function
Segmented keys
SELECT statement
    transferring control into #1
    transferring control into #2
Semicolon (;)
    in MAT PRINT statement
Sequential files
    deleting records in
    record size in
    writing records to #1
    writing records to #2
SET PROMPT statement
Severe messages
SGN function
SIN function
Single floating-point data type
Single-line loops
SLEEP statement
SPACE$ function
SQR function
SQRT function
Square roots
Statement blocks
Statement modifiers
    UNLESS qualifier
Static mapping
Static storage #1
Static storage #2
Static string
STATUS function
STOP statement
    allocating #1
    allocating #2
    allocating #3
    dynamic #1
    dynamic #2
    static #1
    static #2
STR$ function
Stream format
Stream record
String arithmetic functions #1
String arithmetic functions #2
String arithmetic functions #3
String constants
String data
    assigning #1
    assigning #2
String data type
STRING$ function
String functions #1
String functions #2
String functions #3
String functions #4
    ASC function
    ASCII function
    creating strings
    extracting substrings #1
    extracting substrings #2
    extracting substrings #3
    finding length
    removing trailing blanks and tabs
    replacing substrings
    searching for substring within string
    translating strings
String variables
    formatting storage
    comparing numeric
    converting to ASCII
    creating #1
    creating #2
    editing #1
    editing #2
    extracting substrings #1
    extracting substrings #2
    extracting substrings #3
    extracting substrings #4
    finding length
    finding substrings
    justifying #1
    justifying #2
    numeric #1
    numeric #2
    numeric #3
    numeric #4
    numeric #5
    numeric #6
    numeric #7
    numeric #8
    numeric #9
    numeric #10
    replacing substrings
SUB statement
SUBEND statement
    See also END statement
SUBEXIT statement
    See also EXIT statement
    ending #1
    ending #2
    error handling in
    exiting #1
    exiting #2
    marking the beginning
    recursion in
    returning from
    returning from
    unconditional branching
    extracting #1
    extracting #2
    extracting #3
    extracting #4
SUM$ function
SWAP% function

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