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OpenVMS Alpha System Analysis Tools Manual

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The default of the SHOW PROCESS command provides information taken from the software process control block (PCB) and the kernel threads block (KTB) of the SDA current thread. This is the first display provided by the /ALL qualifier and the only display provided by the /PCB qualifier. This information describes the following characteristics of the process:

  • Software context
  • Condition-handling information
  • Information on interprocess communication
  • Information on counts, quotas, and resource usage

Among the displayed information are the process PID, EPID, priority, job information block (JIB) address, and process header (PHD) address. SHOW PROCESS also describes the resources owned by the process, such as event flags and mutexes. The "State" field records the current scheduling state for the thread, and indicates the CPU ID of any thread whose state is CUR. See Table 4-28 for a list of all possible states.

The /THREADS qualifier (also part of SHOW PROCESS/ALL), displays information from the KTBs of all threads in the process, instead of only the SDA current thread.

The SHOW PROCESS/ALL command displays additional process-specific information, also provided by several of the individual qualifiers to the command.

The process registers display, also produced by the /REGISTERS qualifier, describes the process hardware context, as reflected in its registers. The registers displayed are those of the SDA current thread, or of all threads if either the /THREADS or the /ALL qualifier have been specified.

A process hardware context is stored in the following locations:

  • If the process is currently executing on a processor in the Alpha system (that is, in the CUR scheduling state), its hardware context is contained in that processor's registers. (That is, the process registers and the processor's registers contain identical values, as illustrated by a SHOW CPU command for that processor or a SHOW CRASH command, if the process was current at the time of the system failure.)
  • If the process is not executing, its privileged hardware context is stored in the part of the PHD known as the HWPCB. Its integer register context is stored on its kernel stack. Its floating-point registers are stored in its PHD.

The process registers display first lists those registers stored in the HWPCB, kernel stack, and PHD ("Saved process registers"). If the process to be displayed is currently executing on a processor in the Alpha system, the display then lists the processor's registers ("Active registers for the current process"). In each section, the display lists the registers in the following groups:

  • Integer registers (R0 through R29)
  • Special-purpose registers (PC and PS)
  • Stack pointers (KSP, ESP, SSP, and USP)
  • Page table base register (PTBR)
  • AST enable and summary registers (ASTEN and ASTSR)
  • Address space number register (ASN)

The semaphore display, also produced by the /SEMAPHORE qualifier, provides information on the inner-mode semaphore used to synchronize kernel threads. The PC history log, recorded if the system parameter SYSTEM_CHECK is enabled, is also displayed.

The process header display, also produced by the /PHD qualifier, provides information taken from the PHD, which is swapped into memory when the process becomes part of the balance set. Each item listed in the display reflects a quantity, count, or limit for the process use of the following resources:

  • Process memory
  • The pager
  • The scheduler
  • Asynchronous system traps
  • I/O activity
  • CPU activity

The working set information and working set list displays, also produced by the /WORKING_SET_LIST qualifier, describe those virtual pages that the process can access without a page fault. After a brief description of the size, scope, and characteristics of the working set list itself, SDA displays information for each entry in the working set list as shown in Table 4-18.

Table 4-18 Working Set List Entry Information in the SHOW PROCESS Display
Column Contents
INDEX Index into the working set list at which information for this entry can be found
ADDRESS Virtual address of the page that this entry describes
STATUS Four columns that list the following status information:
  • Page status of VALID
  • Type of physical page (See Table 4-10)
  • Indication of whether the page has been modified
  • Indication of whether the page is locked into the working set

When SDA locates either one or more unused working set entries, or entries that do not match the specified option, it issues the following message:

---- n entries not displayed
In this message, n is the number (in decimal) of contiguous entries not displayed.

The process section table information and process section table displays, also produced by the /PROCESS_SECTION_TABLE or /PST qualifier, list each entry in the process section table (PST) and display the offsets to, and the indexes of, the first free entry and last used entry.

SDA displays the information listed in Table 4-19 for each PST entry.

Table 4-19 Process Section Table Entry Information in the SHOW PROCESS Display
Part Definition
INDEX Index number of the entry. Entries in the process section table begin at the highest location in the table, and the table expands toward lower addresses.
ADDRESS Address of the process section table entry.
SECTION ADDRESS Virtual address that marks the beginning of the first page of the section described by this entry.
CCB Address of the channel control block on which the section file is open.
PAGELETS Length of the process section. This is in units of pagelets, except for a PFN-mapped section in which the units are pages.
VBN Virtual block number. The number of the file's virtual block that is mapped into the section's first page.
WINDOW Address of the window control block on which the section file is open.
REFCNT Number of pages of this section that are currently mapped.
FLINK Forward link. The pointer to the next entry in the PST list.
BLINK Backward link. The pointer to the previous entry in the PST list.
FLAGS Flags that describe the access that processes have to the process section.

In addition, for each process section that has an associated file, the device and/or file name is displayed. For details of this display, see Table 4-21.

The regions display, also produced by the either of the /RDE or /REGIONS qualifiers, shows the contents of the region descriptors. This includes the three default regions (P0, P1, P2), plus any others created by the process. A single region will be displayed if you specify its identifier. The information displayed for each region includes the RDE address, the address range of the region, its identifiers and protection, and links to other RDEs.

If you use the /PAGE_TABLE or /PPT qualifer with /RDE or /REGION, the page table for the region is also displayed, as described below.

The P0 page table, P1 page table, P2 page table, and PT page table displays, also produced by the /PAGE_TABLES qualifier, display listings of the process page table entries in the same format as that produced by the SHOW PAGE_TABLE command (see Tables 4-6 through Table 4-11).

The RMS display, also produced by the /RMS qualifier, provides information on the RMS internal data structures for all RMS-accessed open files. The data structures displayed depend on the current setting of RMS options, as described under the SET RMS command and Table 4-2.

The locks display, also produced by the /LOCKS qualifier, provides information on the locks held by the process. For a full description of the information displayed for process locks, see the SHOW LOCKS command and Table 4-5. You can also specify the /BRIEF qualifier, which is a single-line summary of each process lock; however, no other qualifiers from SHOW LOCKS apply to SHOW PROCESS/LOCKS.

The process active channels display, also produced by the /CHANNEL qualifier, displays the information in Table 4-20 for each I/O channel assigned to the process.

Table 4-20 Process Active Channels in the SHOW PROCESS Display
Column Contents
Channel Number of the channel.
CCB The address of the channel control block (CCB).
Window Address of the window control block (WCB) for the file if the device is a file-oriented device; zero otherwise.
Status Status of the device: "Busy" if the device has an I/O operation outstanding; "Dpnd" if the device is deaccess pending; blank otherwise.
Device/file accessed Name of the device and, if applicable, name of the file being accessed on that device.

The information listed under the heading "Device/file accessed" varies from channel to channel and from process to process. SDA displays certain information according to the conditions listed in Table 4-21.

Table 4-21 Process I/O Channel Information in the SHOW PROCESS Display
Information Displayed1 Type of Process
dcuu: SDA displays this information for devices that are not file structured, such as terminals, and for processes that do not open files in the normal way.
dcuu: filespec SDA displays this information only if you are examining a running system, and only if your process has enough privilege to translate the file-id into the filespec.
dcuu:( file-id) The file-id no longer points to a valid filespec, as when you look at a dump from another system; or the process in which you are running SDA does not have enough privilege to translate the file-id into the corresponding filespec.
(section file) The file in question is mapped into the process's memory.

1This table uses the following conventions to identify the information displayed:
dcuu: is the name of the device.
file-id is the RMS file identification, or
filespec is the full file specification, including directory name.

The images display, also produced by the /IMAGES qualifier, describes the activated images in the process. SDA displays the information listed in Table 4-22 for each image, plus a summary line giving the total image and total page counts.

Table 4-22 Image Information in the SHOW PROCESS Display
Item Description
Image Name The name of the image.
Link Time 1 The date and time the image was linked.
Section Type 1 For shareable images, the data for each image section is displayed on a separate line. For privileged shareable images, data for the change mode vector is also displayed on a separate line.
Start Start address of the image in process memory. For resident shareable images, this is the start address of the process-space portion of the image.
End End address of the image in process memory. For resident shareable images, this is the end address of the process-space portion of the image.
Type The image type and/or activation method, plus "PROT" for protected images and "SHR" for shareable images.
IMCB The address of the Image Management Control Block.
Sym Vect 1 The address of the image's symbol vector, if any.
Maj,Minor ID 1 The major and minor revision IDs for the image.
Base 1 For shareable images, the base address of each image section and/or the change mode vector.
Fnd 1 For shareable images, the end address of each image section and/or the change mode vector.
ImageOff 1 For shareable images, the virtual offset within the image file for each image section.

1These items are only displayed with SHOW PROCESS/IMAGE=ALL or SHOW PROCESS/ALL.

The buffer objects display, also produced by the /BUFFER_OBJECTS qualifier, describes the buffer objects in use by the process. Information displayed by SDA for each buffer object includes its address, access mode, size, flags, plus the base virtual address of the object in process space and system space.

The fast I/O handles display, also produced by the /FANDLES qualifier, describes the fast I/O handles used by the process. Information displayed by SDA includes the address and size of the fast I/O handle vector header, then the address, corresponding IRP, state, and buffer object handles for each fast I/O handle, plus information on free vector entries.

The persona display, also produced by the /PERSONA qualifier, describes the Persona status block data structures. The default output of /PERSONA consists of summary information for all personae in use by the process (the PSB address, flags, user name) and information for each persona (privilege masks, UIC, and so on). When you specify /PERSONA/RIGHTS (as in SHOW PROCESS/ALL), all the rights currently held and active for each persona are also displayed. When you specify /PERSONA/RIGHTS/AUTHORIZED, all the rights authorized for each persona are displayed instead.

The pool display, also produced by the /POOL qualifier, describes the P0 and P1 process pools. The default output of /POOL is the entire contents of each used block of pool. When you specify /POOL/HEADER (as in SHOW PROCESS/ALL), only the first 16 bytes of each used pool block is displayed. By default, all pool in either P0 or P1 is displayed. You can limit this using /POOL=P0 or /POOL=P1. See the description of the SHOW POOL command for explanations of other qualifiers.

The Timer Queue Entry (TQE) display, also produced by the /TQE qualifier, describes all timer queue entries that affect the process. The default display (as in SHOW PROCESS/ALL) is a one-line summary of each TQE. If you specify /TQE=ALL, a detailed display of each TQE is given. No other qualifiers from the SHOW TQE command apply to SHOW PROCESS/TQE.



Process index: 0028   Name: SYSTEM   Extended PID: 000000E8
Process status:          02040001  RES,PHDRES,INTER
        status2:         00000000

PCB address              81444A40    JIB address              81443600
PHD address              821AA000    Swapfile disk address    00000000
KTB vector address       81444D2C    HWPCB address            821AA080
Callback vector address  00000000    Termination mailbox          0000
Master internal PID      00030028    Subprocess count                0
Creator extended PID     00000000    Creator internal PID     00000000
Previous CPU Id          00000000    Current CPU Id           00000000
Previous ASNSEQ  0000000000000003    Previous ASN     0000000000000017
Initial process priority        4    # open files remaining        100/100
Delete pending count            0    Direct I/O count/limit        150/150
UIC                [00001,000004]    Buffered I/O count/limit      149/150
Abs time of last event   01F1A51D    BUFIO byte count/limit      99424/99808
# of threads                    1    ASTs remaining                248/250
Swapped copy of LEFC0    00000000    Timer entries remaining        20/20
Swapped copy of LEFC1    00000000    Active page table count         0
Global cluster 2 pointer 00000000    Process WS page count          43
Global cluster 3 pointer 00000000    Global WS page count           28

Thread index: 0000
Current capabilities:    System: 0000000C  QUORUM,RUN
                         User:   00000000
Permanent capabilities:  System: 0000000C  QUORUM,RUN
                         User:   00000000
Current affinities:      00000000
Permanent affinities:    00000000
Thread status:           02040001
       status2:          00000000

KTB address              81444A40    HWPCB address            821AA080
PKTA address             7FFEFF98    Callback vector address  00000000
Internal PID             00030028    Callback error           00000000
Extended PID             000000E8    Current CPU id           00000000
State                       LEF      Flags                    00000000
Base priority                   4    Current priority                5
Waiting EF cluster              0    Event flag wait mask     DFFFFFFF
CPU since last quantum       FFF8    Mutex count                     0
ASTs active                  NONE


The SHOW PROCESS command displays information taken from the software PCB of SYSTEM, the SDA current process. According to the State field in the display, process SYSTEM is in Local Event Flag Wait.

The SHOW PROCESS/ALL command displays information taken from the PCB and KTBs of process ACME_SERVER, then displays the process registers, inner mode semaphores, the process header and working set, the process section table, process regions, the page tables of the process, RMS data structures, information about I/O channels owned by the process, images activated by the process, process persona data structures, and process pool. You can also obtain these displays using the /PCB, /THREADS, /REGISTERS, /SEMAPHORE, /PHD, /WORKING_SET_LIST, /PST, /RDE, /PAGE=ALL, /RMS, /CHANNELS, /IMAGES=ALL, PERSONA/RIGHTS, and /POOL/HEADER qualifiers, respectively. This process had no locks, buffer objects, fast I/O handles, or TQEs to be displayed.

This example displays the page tables of a process whose PCB address is 805E7980.

Process index: 0022   Name: Milord_RTA1:   Extended PID: 00000062

                           Process Buffer Objects

-------- ------ -------- -------- -------- -------- ----------------- -----------------
8151AE00 User   00000011 00000031 00010022 00000001 00000000.00084000 FFFFFFFF.7DE68000 S2_WINDOW
814A6CC0 User   00000012 00000009 00010022 00000001 00000000.80000000 FFFFFFFF.7DE66000 S2_WINDOW
814FBA00 User   00000013 00000009 00010022 00000001 00000000.80000000 FFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFF NOSVA
81512200 User   00000014 00000009 00010022 00000001 00000000.80028000 FFFFFFFF.7DE64000 S2_WINDOW
8151A8C0 User   00000015 00000009 00010022 00000001 00000000.80028000 FFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFF NOSVA
81438580 User   00000016 00000009 00010022 00000001 FFFFFEFB.FF800000 FFFFFFFF.7DE62000 S2_WINDOW
81464480 User   00000017 00000009 00010022 00000001 FFFFFEFB.FF800000 FFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFF NOSVA
81416F00 Kernel 00000018 00000001 00010022 00000001 00000000.7FF76000 FFFFFFFF.8120C000 NOQUOTA

                  Fandle Vector Header

Address   Maxfix  Real_Size CCB buffer handle
-------- -------- --------- -----------------
7FF68290 00000043  00000880 00000018.81416F00


Address     IRP   fastio_done  Orgfun   Data bo handle     IOSA bo handle        DBYLEN
-------- -------- ----------- -------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
7FF682B0 815CEF40     set     00020031 00000016.81438580 00000011.8151AE00 00000000.00002000
7FF682D0 815CE4C0     set     00020030 00000016.81438580 00000011.8151AE00 00000000.00002000
7FF682F0 815CE200     set     00000031 00000016.81438580 00000011.8151AE00 00000000.00002000
7FF68310 815D4B80     set     00000030 00000016.81438580 00000011.8151AE00 00000000.00002000
7FF68330 815D65C0     set     00020031 00000015.8151A8C0 00000011.8151AE00 00000000.00002000
7FF68350 815D6880     set     00020030 00000015.8151A8C0 00000011.8151AE00 00000000.00002000


7FF68810 815D6B40     set     00020031 00000013.814FBA00 00000011.8151AE00 00000000.00002000
7FF68830 815D5880     set     00020030 00000013.814FBA00 00000011.8151AE00 00000000.00002000

                     -----    00000013 free FVEs (IRP = 00000000)              VA   7FF68850
                                                                               -to- 7FF68A90

7FF68AB0 815D9840     set     00020031 00000017.81464480 00000011.8151AE00 00000000.00002000
7FF68AD0 815CD040     set     00020030 00000017.81464480 00000011.8151AE00 00000000.00002000
7FF68AF0 815CB480     set     00000031 00000017.81464480 00000011.8151AE00 00000000.00002000

The SHOW PROCESS/BUFFER_OBJECTS/FANDLES command displays all the buffered objects and fast I/O handles that a process has created.

Process index: 000C   Name: JOB_CONTROL   Extended PID: 0000004C

                            Timer queue entries

address                 Expiration Time                 Type
--------   -----------------------------------------   ------
81504080   00A05ABD.895F93C5 27-NOV-2001 11:17:17.37   TSD---
815026C0   00A05AC3.80D0E000 27-NOV-2001 12:00:00.00   TSA---
81502180   00A0C160.635594EF  7-APR-2002 02:00:00.12   TSA---

This example shows the timer queue entries for the process JOB_CONTROL. See Table 4-29 for an explanation of the Type codes.

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