Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Getting Started
Order Number:
July 2001
This manual provides introductory information to help you get started
with Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS. The manual includes a step-by-step tutorial
for developing a simple Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS application. It also
provides an overview of the AVERTZ car rental sample application that
ships with the Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS software kit.
Revision/Update Information:
This document supersedes the
Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Getting Started, Version 4.3.
Operating System:
Compaq OpenVMS Alpha, Version 6.2, 7.2--1, or 7.3
Compaq OpenVMS VAX, Version 6.2, 7.2, or 7.3
Software Version:
Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS, Version 4.4
Compaq Computer Corporation Houston, Texas
© 2001 Compaq Computer Corporation
Compaq and the Compaq logo Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark
ACMS, DECforms, DECnet, DECset, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, and Tru64 are
trademarks of the Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P. in the
United States and other countries.
Motif is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States
and other countries.
All other product names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their
respective companies.
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Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and
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Compaq shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or
omissions contained herein. The information in this document is
provided "as is" without warranty of any kind and is subject
to change without notice. The warranties for Compaq products are set
forth in the express limited warranty statments accompanying such
products. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an
additional warranty.
The OpenVMS documentation set is available on CD-ROM.
This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version V3.2n.
This manual provides an introduction to Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS (ACMS)
concepts. You should be familiar with these concepts when you use the
other manuals in the ACMS documentation set. You can use ACMS with
related Compaq products as a development and run-time system for
transaction processing (TP) applications.
Intended Audience
Part 1 of this document is intended for anyone who wants a
general understanding of ACMS.
Part 2 of this document is intended for application programmers
who are new to ACMS. You do not need expertise with Oracle
CDD/Repository, DECforms, or ACMS to perform the tutorial application.
However, you should have some familiarity with the OpenVMS operating
Part 3 of this document is intended for systems analysts and
program developers who are involved in creating and integrating the
components of an ACMS system.
Document Structure
This document has the following structure:
- Part 1 contains an overview of Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS software
and documentation. It contains the following chapters:
- Chapter 1 describes the TP style of computing, its differences
from traditional timesharing computing, and the key features of an ACMS
TP system.
- Chapter 2 provides an overview of the steps required to build an
ACMS application.
- Chapter 3 describes what happens as ACMS executes the series of
steps that make up a task.
- Chapter 4 provides an overview of managing the ACMS system and
applications and describes the tools ACMS provides for this work.
- Chapter 5 outlines the ACMS product packages and describes ACMS
- Part 2 contains a step-by-step tutorial for developing a
simple ACMS application. It contains the following chapters:
- Chapter 6 contains a list of prerequisites for performing the
tutorial and an overview of ACMS application development concepts.
- Chapter 7 describes in step-by-step detail how to write the data
entry task using ACMS, DECforms, and CDD definitions.
- Chapter 8 describes in step-by-step detail how to write the
inquiry/update task using ACMS, DECforms, and CDD definitions.
- Chapter 9 describes how to combine the data entry task and the
inquiry/update task into a task group. It also describes how to write
startup and cleanup procedures, how to link the object modules into a
server image, and how to test the tasks using the ACMS Task Debugger.
- Chapter 10 describes how to write the application definition and
then build this definition into an application database that ACMS uses
at run time.
- Chapter 11 describes how to write the menu definition and then
build this definition into a menu database that ACMS uses at run time.
- Chapter 12 describes procedures that the system manager follows
to prepare for the installation of the tutorial application.
- Chapter 13 describes how to install and run the tutorial
- Part 3 contains an overview of the AVERTZ car rental sample
application that ships with the Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS software kit. It
contains the following chapters:
- Chapter 14 describes three perspectives of an ACMS system, the
system manager's view, the user's view, and the developer's view.
- Chapter 15 helps you build, install, and set up the AVERTZ sample
- Chapter 16 presents a fictional conversation and transaction
between a reservation clerk working for AVERTZ operations in New
England and a customer who needs a rental car.
- Chapter 17 takes a brief look at some of the work involved in
designing and developing an ACMS application.
- Appendix A describes how ACMS runs a task, and introduces some
utilities that are available to help you solve problems in running a
new ACMS application.
- Appendix B lists the source files created by the tutorial in
Part 2 and describes how to access the online versions of these
- The Glossary contains definitions of terms from all books in
the ACMS documentation set.
ACMS and its components provide extensive online help.
- DCL level help
Enter HELP ACMS at the DCL prompt for complete
help about the ACMS command and qualifiers, and for other elements of
ACMS for which independent help systems do not exist. DCL level help
also provides brief help messages for elements of ACMS that contain
independent help systems (such as the ACMS utilities) and for related
products used by ACMS (such as DECforms or Oracle CDD/Repository).
- ACMS utilities help
Each of the following ACMS utilities has an
online help system:
- ACMS Debugger
- ACMSGEN Utility
- ACMS Remote Manager Configuration Utility (ACMSCFG)
- ACMS Remote Manager Client (ACMSMGR)
- ACMS Remote Manager Data Snapshot Utility (ACMSSNAP)
- ACMS Queue Manager (ACMSQUEMGR)
- Application Definition Utility (ADU)
- Application Authorization Utility (AAU)
- Device Definition Utility (DDU)
- User Definition Utility (UDU)
- Audit Trail Report Utility (ATR)
- Software Event Log Utility Program (SWLUP)
The two ways to get utility-specific help are:
- Run the utility and type HELP at the utility prompt.
- Use the DCL HELP command. At the "Topic?" prompt, type @
followed by the name of the utility. Use the ACMS prefix, even if the
utility does not have an ACMS prefix (except for SWLUP). For example:
However, do not use the ACMS prefix with SWLUP:
Note that if you run the ACMS Debugger Utility and then type HELP,
you must specify a file. If you ask for help from the DCL level with @,
you do not need to specify a file.
Help for the command
procedures that set parameters and quotas is a subset of the DCL level
help. You have access to this help from the DCL prompt, or from within
the command procedures.
- LSE help
ACMS provides ACMS-specific help within the LSE
templates that assist in the creation of applications, tasks, task
groups, and menus. The ACMS-specific LSE help is a subset of the ADU
help system. Within the LSE templates, this help is context-sensitive.
Type HELP/IND (PF1-PF2) at any placeholder for which you want help.
- Error help
ACMS and each of its utilities provide error message
help. Use HELP ACMS ERRORS from the DCL prompt for ACMS error message
help. Use HELP ERRORS from the individual utility prompts for error
message help for that utility.
- Terminal user help
At each menu within an ACMS application,
ACMS provides help about terminal user commands, special key mappings,
and general information about menus and how to select tasks from menus.
- Forms help
For complete help for Compaq DECforms or Compaq
TDMS, use the help systems for these products.
Related Documents
The following table lists the books in the Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
documentation set.
ACMS Information |
Description |
Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Version 4.4 Release Notes+
Information about the latest release of the software
Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Version 4.4 Installation Guide
Description of installation requirements, the installation procedure,
and postinstallation tasks.
Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Getting Started
Overview of ACMS software and documentation.
Tutorial for developing a simple ACMS application.
Description of the AVERTZ sample application.
Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Concepts and Design Guidelines
Description of how to design an ACMS application.
Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Writing Applications
Description of how to write task, task group, application, and menu
definitions using the Application Definition Utility.
Description of how to write and migrate ACMS applications on an
OpenVMS Alpha system.
Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Writing Server Procedures
Description of how to write programs to use with tasks and how to debug
tasks and programs. Description of how ACMS works with the APPC/LU6.2
programming interface to communicate with IBM CICS applications.
Description of how ACMS works with third-party database managers, with
Oracle used as an example.
Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Systems Interface Programming
Description of using Systems Interface (SI) Services to submit tasks to
an ACMS system.
Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS ADU Reference Manual
Reference information about the ADU commands, phrases, and clauses.
Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Quick Reference
List of ACMS syntax with brief descriptions.
Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Managing Applications
Description of authorizing, running, and managing ACMS applications,
and controlling the ACMS system.
Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Remote Systems Management Guide
Description of the features of the Remote Manager for managing ACMS
systems, how to use the features, and how to manage the Remote Manager.
Online help+
Online help about ACMS and its utilities.
+Available online only.
For additional information on the compatibility of other software
products with this version of ACMS, refer to the Compaq ACMS for
OpenVMS Software Product Description (SPD 25.50.xx).
For additional information about the Open Systems Software Group (OSSG)
products and services, access the following OpenVMS World Wide Web
Reader's Comments
Compaq welcomes your comments on this manual.
Print or edit the online form SYS$HELP:OPENVMSDOC_COMMENTS.TXT and send
us your comments by:
603 884-0120, Attention: OSSG Documentation, ZKO3-4/U08
Compaq Computer Corporation
OSSG Documentation Group, ZKO3-4/U08
110 Spit Brook Rd.
Nashua, NH 03062-2698
How To Order Additional Documentation
Use the following World Wide Web address for information about how to
order additional documentation:
To reach the OpenVMS documentation website, click the Documentation
If you need help deciding which documentation best meets your needs,
call 1--800--ATCOMPA.
The following conventions are used in this manual:
A sequence such as Ctrl/
x indicates that you must press and hold the key labeled Ctrl
while you press another key or a pointing device button.
A sequence such as PF1
x indicates that you must first press and release the key
labeled PF1 and then press and release another key or a pointing device
In examples, a key name enclosed in a box indicates that you press a
key on the keyboard. (In text, a key name is not enclosed in a box.)
In the HTML version of this document, this convention appears as
brackets rather than a box.
A horizontal ellipsis in examples indicates one of the following
- Additional optional arguments in a statement have been omitted.
- The preceding item or items can be repeated one or more times.
- Additional parameters, values, or other information can be entered.
A vertical ellipsis indicates the omission of items from a code example
or command format; the items are omitted because they are not important
to the topic being discussed.
Monospace text
Monospace type indicates code examples and interactive screen displays.
In the C programming language, monospace type in text identifies the
following elements: keywords, the names of independently compiled
external functions and files, syntax summaries, and references to
variables or identifiers introduced in an example.
In the HTML version of this document, this text style may appear as
A hyphen at the end of a command format description, command line, or
code line indicates that the command or statement continues on the
following line.
All numbers in text are assumed to be decimal unless otherwise noted.
Nondecimal radixes---binary, octal, or hexadecimal---are explicitly
bold text
Bold text represents the introduction of a new term or the name of an
argument, an attribute, or a reason.
In the HMTL version of this document, this text style may appear as
italic text
Italic text indicates important information, complete titles of
manuals, or variables. Variables include information that varies in
system output (Internal error
number), in command lines (/PRODUCER=
name), and in command parameters in text (where
dd represents the predefined code for the device type).
Uppercase text indicates the name of a routine, the name of a file, the
name of a file protection code, or the abbreviation for a system
In command format descriptions, uppercase text is an optional
In command format descriptions, uppercase text that is underlined is
required. You must include it in the statement if the clause is used.
In command format descriptions, a lowercase word indicates a required
In command format descriptions, lowercase text in angle brackets
indicates a required clause or phrase.
( )
In command format descriptions, parentheses indicate that you must
enclose the options in parentheses if you choose more than one.
[| |]
In command format descriptions, vertical bars within square brackets
indicate that you can choose any combination of the enclosed options,
but you can choose each option only once.
{| |}
In command format descriptions, vertical bars within braces indicate
that you must choose one of the options listed, but you can use each
option only once.
References to Products
The ACMS documentation set often refers to products by abbreviated
names. The following product abbreviations are used in this
documentation set:
Abbreviation |
Product |
Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Alpha, and
Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS VAX
Compaq Ada for OpenVMS Alpha Systems, and Compaq Ada for OpenVMS VAX
Compaq BASIC for OpenVMS, and Compaq BASIC for OpenVMS
Compaq C for OpenVMS Alpha Systems, and Compaq C for OpenVMS VAX Systems
Oracle CDD/Administrator, and Oracle CDD/Repository
Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS Alpha Systems, and Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS
VAX Systems
Compaq DATATRIEVE for OpenVMS Alpha, and Compaq DATATRIEVE for OpenVMS
Compaq DECforms for OpenVMS
Compaq Fortran for OpenVMS Alpha Systems, and Compaq Fortran for
OpenVMS VAX Systems
The Compaq OpenVMS Alpha operating system, and the Compaq OpenVMS VAX
operating system
Compaq Pascal for OpenVMS Alpha, and Compaq Pascal for OpenVMS VAX
PL/I for OpenVMS Systems
Oracle Rdb
The SQL interface to Oracle Rdb
Compaq TDMS for OpenVMS VAX