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Guide to OpenVMS File Applications

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7.1.2 Interlocked Interprocess File Sharing

Interlocked interprocess is the most common form of file sharing. This method allows the connection of one or more record streams (RABs) to one or more processes (FABs), either within a single process or across several processes. When using this form of file sharing, the values specified for file sharing and file access by the initial accessor determine the type of access permitted for subsequent processes.

The initial accessor must consider the restrictions that result from the values specified for file sharing and file access. Typically, the initial accessor denies all write access to subsequent processes. Such a restriction occurs when the initial accessor specifies some type of write access for file access without specifying write access for file sharing.

If the initial accessor specifies read-only file access and file sharing, subsequent accessors can only read the file. If the appropriate type of write access is not specified, then subsequent accessors cannot perform the corresponding write operations to the file.

If the initial accessor specifies one or more values for file sharing, subsequent processes can access the file if they specify compatible file access values. For example, if the initial accessor specifies SHARING GET and SHARING PUT, subsequent accessors must specify ACCESS GET to read the file, and ACCESS PUT to write new records to the file (read access is implied by all four types of write access).

Table 7-3 presents the values that the initial accessor of a file can specify for file sharing to permit access to subsequent accessors.

Table 7-3 Initial File Sharing and Subsequent File Access
Initial Accessor Sharing Subsequent Accessor Access
SHARING PROHIBIT No access allowed

1Implied related operation

Because the initial accessor can specify multiple SHARING values, a subsequent accessor whose ACCESS values match one, some, or all of the initial accessor's SHARING values is allowed access; however, when the subsequent accessor specifies an ACCESS value that the initial accessor did not specify as a SHARING value (an exception is SHARING GET, which is implied), access is denied to the subsequent accessor.

In addition to comparing the file access values that subsequent accessors specify with the file-sharing values specified by the initial accessor, the values that subsequent accessors specify must be compatible with values specified by the initial accessor. Table 7-4 shows the file-sharing values that subsequent accessors must specify to access the file.

Table 7-4 Initial File Access and Subsequent File Sharing
Initial Accessor Access Subsequent Accessor Sharing

1May be implied a related operation

Because the initial accessor can specify multiple ACCESS values, a subsequent accessor whose SHARING values match all of the initial accessor's ACCESS values is allowed access; however, when the subsequent accessor specifies a SHARING value that the initial accessor did not specify as an ACCESS value (an exception is ACCESS GET, which is implied), access is denied.

7.1.3 User-Interlocked Interprocess File Sharing

User-interlocked interprocess file sharing allows one or more application programs to write records to a sequential file residing on a disk device or to a file on a disk device that is open for block I/O processing. It cannot be used with relative and indexed files opened for record access. (For record access to relative and indexed files, RMS transparently controls the reading and writing of buffers to the file and always maintains current end-of-file information.)

All sequential files that reside on disk devices may be write shared with user-provided interlocks. To use this feature, you must specify SHARING USER_INTERLOCK (set the FAB$B_SHR field FAB$V_UPI bit). Note that when this option is specified, RMS does not attempt to control the reading and writing of I/O buffers across processes, nor does it maintain end-of-file information. Thus, you must use the Flush service (or language equivalent, if any) to force the writing of modified I/O buffers and to rewrite the record attributes (including end-of-file information) in the file header. Processes that open the file after that point obtain the new end-of-file information. Note also that record attributes are rewritten whenever a file is closed. The last write accessor to close the file must also be the last accessor to have extended the file. If not, end-of-file information is written by another write accessor. Read accessors of a shared sequential file can update their internal end-of-file context by closing and reopening the file.

No form of record locking is supported for this type of file sharing. Although record locking is not checked using user-interlocked interprocess file sharing, file locking is checked. For instance, if you or another user specify SHARING NONE, one of you may be denied access.

If a process tries to implement the truncate service when closing a sequential file, it must have sole write access to the file. If other processes have write access to the file, RMS does not close it and it remains accessible to other processes. If other processes have the file open for read access, RMS defers the truncation until the final process having read access closes the file.

Similarly, if a process tries to implement the truncate-on-put option when inserting a record into a sequential file, it must have sole access to the file. If other processes have access to the file, RMS does not insert the record.

7.2 Record Locking

Synchronized access to records is required in a shared file environment where record streams may compete for access to records. The operating system implements synchronized access using record locking. That is, record access conflicts are resolved by locking the record until the final competing record stream processes the record. This ensures that a program may add, delete, or modify records without interference and that when a record operation is finished, the data is consistent.


On VAX systems, RMS record locking differs from RMS Journaling for OpenVMS record locking. If your application program uses Recovery Unit Journaling, see the RMS Journaling for OpenVMS Manual for details.

The operating system allows you to determine whether the application program or RMS provides record locking. Processes accessing the file make this choice by specifying appropriate sharing attributes and access attributes in the FAB as described in Section 7.1. In general, RMS enables record locking when record modifications are permitted in a shared file environment.

RMS provides record locking for all file organizations and uses the lock manager to keep conflicting record streams from updating a record simultaneously. The rest of this section describes record locking.

7.2.1 Default Record Locking

You can specify various record-locking options in the RAB when you access a record by way of a record stream. If you do not explicitly specify any record-locking options when you access a record, RMS uses default record locking to automatically and transparently lock and unlock shared records. Default record locking does not require special handling of locks in the application program.

In a typical record-locking scenario, an application program calls a service to access and lock a record. The application program then processes the locked record. When it finishes processing the record, the application program calls the appropriate service to finish processing and unlock the record.

The following scenario illustrates processing an existing record:

  1. The application program invokes the Get service to access the record, lock the record for exclusive access, and return the record to the application program.
  2. The application program modifies the locked record. Other record streams that try to access the record using default record locking get a record-locked error. This prevents the locked record from being accessed and modified before the application program finishes modifying it.
  3. The application program invokes the Update service to store the modified record in the file and remove the lock on the modified record, thereby making the record available to other record streams.

When RMS provides record locking, the Get, Find, and Put services apply locks. The Get service and the Find service normally return with a record locked, but the Put service returns with the record unlocked unless you specify the manual-unlocking option.

When the application program uses default record locking, RMS automatically unlocks the locked record when one of the following events occurs:

  • Another record is accessed (Get service and Find service).
  • The current record is updated (Update service).
  • The current record is deleted (Delete service).
  • The record stream is disconnected (Disconnect service).
  • The file is closed (Close service).
  • The record stream is positioned to the beginning of the file (Rewind service).
  • A new record is added to the file (Put service).
  • The record lock is explicitly removed (Release service or Free service).
  • An error occurs during a record operation.

Note that a sequential Get service immediately following a Find service does not unlock the record because it accesses the same record.

7.2.2 Record-Locking Options

Record-locking options can be divided into three groups:

  • Options that specify the access allowed by other record streams
  • Options that control record conflicts between record streams
  • Miscellaneous options

All record-locking options are specified by RAB input to the accessing service. All record-locking options apply to the Get service and the Find service, and most record-locking options apply to the Put service. You can specify a different set of record-locking options each time the record stream accesses a record.

This section describe the types of record access allowed by each record locking option. It also provides some examples of when an application program might select a particular record-locking option. The following five record-locking options control record access by other record streams:

  • Exclusive locking
  • Write locking
  • Read locking
  • No locking
  • No query locking

To update or delete a record, a record stream must have an exclusive lock or a write lock on the record. Exclusive Locking

By default, RMS performs exclusive locking. With exclusive locking, only the initial record stream is permitted to access the record for reading or writing until the lock is released. Any other record stream that tries to read or write the record by applying a lock is denied access. When a record stream is denied access because of a locked record, the requesting service returns a locked-record status (RMS$_RLK).

A record stream can read an exclusively locked record only with the read-regardless option (see Section

Most application programs use exclusive locking because it requires minimal programming and provides maximum protection when modifying and reading records. Note, however, that contention is apt to be greatest when a record stream uses the exclusive-locking option.

See Section 7.2.1 for an example of how RMS uses exclusive locking for an application program that is modifying a record. Write Locking

The write-locking option allows the record stream that locks a record to modify the record. This option prohibits other record streams from having write-lock access or exclusive lock access, both of which imply an intent to modify the record. The write-locking option also denies read-lock access to other record streams because a read-lock access is incompatible with a record stream that is modifying the record.

Contending record streams can read the record using the no-locking option, or the read-regardless option (see Section When a contending record stream reads a write-locked record using the no-locking option, the accessing service returns a success status.

Typically, an application program uses the write-locking option when it wants the record to remain in a consistent state while the application program is modifying the record. Read Locking

The read-locking option permits other record streams to access the record for reading but denies access to any record stream that attempts to access the record for making modifications.

No record stream is allowed to access a read-locked record for making modifications to the record until all record streams that have a read lock release the record. Any record stream that attempts to access a read-locked record using either the exclusive-locking option or the write-locking option are denied access. The requesting service returns a completion status record to the application program indicating that the record was locked (RMS$_RLK) and the requesting record stream was denied access.

Contending record streams can read the record using the read-locking option, the no-locking option or the read-regardless option (see Section When a contending record stream accesses a read-locked record using the read-locking option or the no-locking option, the accessing service returns a success status.

Typically, an application program uses the read-locking option when it wants the record to remain in a consistent state while reading the record but does not intend to modify the record. No Locking (Query Locking)

The no-locking option specifies that the requesting record stream does not want to lock the record. This locking option permits the requesting record stream to have access to all locked records except for records that are locked for exclusive access. It also permits other record streams to apply any type of lock to the record. Using this option minimizes contention, but unlike the no query record locking option does not avoid a call to the lock manager .

By implication, a record stream that uses the no-locking option can only access the record for reading. When a record stream uses the no-locking option to access a record, the invoked service returns with the record unlocked.

Note that when a record stream selects the no-locking option, RMS momentarily locks the record to query whether or not the record is already locked by another record stream. This is required in order to determine if access is allowed. If the record is not locked, the requesting service returns a completion status indicating a successful access. If the record has an exclusive lock, the access is denied and the requesting service returns a completion status indicating the record is locked (RMS$_RLK). If the record has a write lock, the requesting service reads the record and returns a completion status indicating that the record was locked but a read was permitted (RMS$_OK_RLK).

If you specify the no-locking option together with the manual-unlocking option, the no-locking option takes precedence. That is, if you specify both options to the service that accesses the record, the service returns control to the application program with the record unlocked. See Section for a description of the manual-unlocking option. No Query Record Locking Option (Alpha Only)

The OpenVMS operating system provides functionality that can minimize record locking for read accesses to shared files, thereby avoiding the processing associated with record locking calls to the lock manager.

In previous releases to OpenVMS Version 7.2--1H1, if a file is opened allowing write sharing, an exclusive record lock is taken out for all record operations (both read and write). Applications may obtain record locking modes other than the exclusive lock (default) by specifying certain options to the RAB$L_ROP field. However, all the options involve some level of record locking. That is, the options require $ENQ or $DEQ system service calls to the lock manager.

The user record locking options include the RAB$V_NLK (no lock) query locking option, which requests that RMS take out a lock to probe for status and not hold the lock for synchronization. If the lock is not granted (exclusive lock held) and the read-regardless (RAB$V_RRL) option is not set, the record access fails with an RMS$_RLK status. Otherwise, the record is returned with one of the following statuses:

  • RMS$_SUC --- No other writers
  • RMS$_OK_RLK --- Record can be read but not written
  • RMS$_OK_RRL --- Exclusive lock is held (lock request denied) but the read-regardless (RAB$V_RRL) option is set

When only the RAB$V_NLK option is specified, record access can be denied. When both the RAB$V_NLK and RAB$V_RRL options are specified, an application can guarantee the return of any record with a success or alternate success status.

The OpenVMS Version 7.2--1H1 introduces the no query record locking option, which allows applications to read records (using $GET or $FIND services) without any consideration of record locking. This option:

  • Does not make a call to the lock manager
  • Is equivalent to both RAB$V_NLK and RAB$V_RRL being set except that the RMS$_OK_RLK or RMS$_OK_RRL status will not be returned

This functionality is independent of bucket locks. It applies to both local and global buffers and to all three file organizations (sequential, relative, and indexed).

Three alternate methods for specifying the no query record locking option are outlined in Table 7-5.

Note the following:

  • The first method allows the option to be enabled externally, potentially without any application change.
  • You should use any of the methods only as appropriate for the application. In particular, you should check for any dependency in an existing application on the alternate success status RMS$_OK_RLK or RMS$_OK_RRL.

Table 7-5 Methods Available for Specifying No Query Record Locking
To... Use This Method...
Disable query record locking at the process or system level. Enter the following DCL command to request the RMS use no query record locking for any read operation with both RAB$V_NLK and RAB$V_RRL options set in the RAB$L_ROP field:

Keys on RAB$V_NLK and RAB$V_RRL options in existing applications.

Enable no query record locking on a per-record read operation. Set the RAB$V_NQL option in the RAB$W_ROP_2 field.

The RAB$V_NQL option takes precedence over all other record locking options. Use only if the current read ($GET or $FIND) operation is not followed by an $UPDATE or $DELETE call.

Enable no query record locking at the file level. Set the FAB$V_NQL option in the FAB$B_SHR field to request that RMS use no query locking for the entire period the file is open for any read record operation with both RAB$V_NLK and RAB$V_RRL options set in the RAB$L_ROP field.

This option can be used with any combination of the other available FAB$B_SHR sharing options. Keys on RAB$V_NLK and RAB$V_RRL options in applications.

RMS precedence for the no query record locking option is as follows:

  • The RAB$V_NQL option set in the RAB$W_ROP_2 field
  • At file open (and applied, if RAB$V_NLK and RAB$V_RRL are set for the read operation):
    • The FAB$V_NQL option set in the FAB$B_SHR field
    • The SET RMS_DEFAULT/QUERY_LOCKING=DISABLE setting at the process level
    • The SET RMS_DEFAULT/QUERY_LOCKING=DISABLE setting at the system level. If the process /QUERY_LOCKING setting equals SYSTEM_DEFAULT (the default when the process is created), RMS uses the system specified value. Put Service Considerations

Because the Put service adds a new record, the application program does not have to access an existing record. However, because adding a record is a multistep process, the record that is being added must be locked until the entire process is finished.

The scenario for adding a record to a file begins with the application program moving a record into its buffer. Next, the application program calls the Put service, which locks the record while it moves it from the application program buffer to the file. When the record is in the file, the Put service unlocks the record, making it available to other record streams. The locking process is transparent at the program level unless the application program selects the manual-unlocking option.

If a record stream tries to add a record using the no-locking option, the Put service ignores the option and adds the record. Summary

This section provides two tables to summarize the information described in Sections through

The record-locking options that control record access exhibit varying degrees of compatibility. Table 7-6 summarizes access control locking compatibility by comparing the type of access being requested by a record stream with the current lock held by another record stream. The table does not take into account miscellaneous record-locking options, notably the read-regardless option.

Table 7-6 Compatibility of Record-Locking Options
  Current Lock Held by Another Record Stream
Requested Access EXCLUSIVE WRITE READ None

1RMS$_OK_RLK is returned.

The next table lists record-locking options that control record access and how you select each option through the FDL and RMS interfaces.

Option Interface How to Select
Exclusive locking FDL:
This is the default when you do not select write locking, read locking, or no locking.
Write locking FDL:
Read locking FDL:
No locking FDL:

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