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VAX MACRO and Instruction Set Reference Manual

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opcode src.rx

Condition Codes

N|| <--- src LSS 0;  
Z|| <--- src EQL 0;  
V|| <--- 0;  
C|| <--- 0;  




95 TSTB Test Byte
B5 TSTW Test Word
D5 TSTL Test Long


The condition codes are modified according to the value of the source operand.


The operand src is equivalent to CMPx src, S^#0, but is 1 byte shorter.


Exclusive OR


2operand: opcode mask.rx, dst.mx

3operand: opcode mask.rx, src.rx, dst.wx

Condition Codes

N|| <--- dst LSS 0;  
Z|| <--- dst EQL 0;  
V|| <--- 0;  
C|| <--- C;  




8C XORB2 Exclusive OR Byte 2 Operand
8D XORB3 Exclusive OR Byte 3 Operand
AC XORW2 Exclusive OR Word 2 Operand
AD XORW3 Exclusive OR Word 3 Operand
CC XORL2 Exclusive OR Long 2 Operand
CD XORL3 Exclusive OR Long 3 Operand


In 2 operand format, the result of the logical XOR on the mask operand and the destination operand replaces the destination operand. In 3 operand format, the result of the logical XOR on the mask operand and the source operand replaces the destination operand.

9.2.2 Address Instructions

The following instructions are described in this section.
  Description and Opcode Number of Instructions
1. Move Address
MOVA{B,W,L=F,Q=D=G,O=H} src.ax, dst.wl
2. Push Address
PUSHA{B,W,L=F,Q=D=G,O=H} src.ax, {-(SP).wl}


Move Address


opcode src.ax, dst.wl

Condition Codes

N|| <--- dst LSS 0;  
Z|| <--- dst EQL 0;  
V|| <--- 0;  
C|| <--- C;  




9E MOVAB Move Address Byte
3E MOVAW Move Address Word
DE MOVAL Move Address Long
  MOVAF Move Address F_floating
7E MOVAQ Move Address Quad
  MOVAD Move Address D_floating
  MOVAG Move Address G_floating
7EFD MOVAH Move Address H_floating
  MOVAO Move Address Octa


The destination operand is replaced by the source operand. The context in which the source operand is evaluated is given by the data type of the instruction. The operand whose address replaces the destination operand is not referenced.


The access type of the source operand is address, which causes the address of the specified operand to be moved.


Push Address


opcode src.ax

Condition Codes

N|| <--- src LSS 0;  
Z|| <--- src EQL 0;  
V|| <--- 0;  
C|| <--- C;  




9F PUSHAB Push Address Byte
3F PUSHAW Push Address Word
DF PUSHAL Push Address Long,
  PUSHAF Push Address F_floating
7F PUSHAQ Push Address Quad,
  PUSHAD Push Address D_floating,
  PUSHAG Push Address G_floating
7FFD PUSHAH Push Address H_floating
  PUSHAO Push Address Octa


The source operand is pushed on the stack. The context in which the source operand is evaluated is given by the data type of the instruction. The operand whose address is pushed is not referenced.


  1. PUSHAx src is equivalent to MOVAx src, -(SP), but is one byte shorter.
  2. The source operand is of address access type, which causes the address of the specified operand to be pushed.

9.2.3 Variable-Length Bit Field Instructions

A variable-length bit field is specified by the following three operands:
  1. A longword position operand.
  2. A byte field size operand in the range 0 to 32; if out of this range, a reserved operand fault occurs.
  3. A base address. Use the position operand to locate the bit field relative to this base address. The address is obtained from an operand of address access type. However, unlike other instances of operand specifiers of address access type, register mode can be designated in the operand specifier. In this case, the field is contained in the register n designated by the operand specifier (or register n+1 concatenated with register n). (See Chapter 8.) If the field is contained in a register and the size operand is not zero, the position operand must have a value in the range 0 to 31, or a reserved operand fault occurs.

Zero bytes are referenced if the field size is zero.

The following instructions are described in this section.

  Description and Opcode Number of Instructions
1. Compare Field
CMPV pos.rl, size.rb, base.vb, {field.rv},
2. Compare Zero-Extended Field
CMPZV pos.rl, size.rb, base.vb, {field.rv},
3. Extract Field
EXTV pos.rl, size.rb, base.vb, {field.rv},
4. Extract Zero-Extended Field
EXTZV pos.rl, size.rb, base.vb, {field.rv},
5. Find First
FF{S,C} startpos.rl, size.rb, base.vb,
{field.rv}, findpos.wl
6. Insert Field
INSV src.rl, pos.rl, size.rb, base.vb,

The following variable-length bit field instructions are described in Section 9.2.4:

  Description and Opcode Number of Instructions
1. Branch on Bit
BB{S,C} pos.rl, base.vb, displ.bb,
2. Branch on Bit (and modify without interlock)
BB{S,C}{S,C} pos.rl, base.vb, displ.bb,
3. Branch on Bit (and modify) Interlocked
BB{SS,CC}I pos.rl, base.vb, displ.bb,


Compare Field


opcode pos.rl, size.rb, base.vb, src.rl

Condition Codes

N|| <--- tmp LSS src;  
Z|| <--- tmp EQL src;  
V|| <--- 0;  
C|| <--- tmp LSSU src;  


reserved operand


EC CMPV Compare Field
ED CMPZV Compare Zero-Extended Field


The field specified by the position, size, and base operands is compared with the source operand. For CMPV, the source operand is compared with the sign-extended field. For CMPZV, the source operand is compared with the zero-extended field. The only action is to affect the condition codes.


  1. A reserved operand fault occurs if:
    • size GTRU 32
    • pos GTRU 31, size NEQ 0, and the field is contained in the registers
  2. On a reserved operand fault, the condition codes are UNPREDICTABLE.


Extract Field


opcode pos.rl, size.rb, base.vb, dst.wl

Condition Codes

N|| <--- dst LSS 0;  
Z|| <--- dst EQL 0;  
V|| <--- 0;  
C|| <--- C;  


reserved operand


EE EXTV Extract Field
EF EXTZV Extract Zero-Extended Field


For EXTV, the destination operand is replaced by the sign-extended field specified by the position, size, and base operands. For EXTZV, the destination operand is replaced by the zero-extended field specified by the position, size, and base operands. If the size operand is zero, the only action is to replace the destination operand with zero and to modify the condition codes.


  1. A reserved operand fault occurs if:
    • size GTRU 32
    • pos GTRU 31, size NEQ 0, and the field is contained in the registers
  2. On a reserved operand fault, the destination operand is unaffected, and the condition codes are UNPREDICTABLE.


Find First


opcode startpos.rl, size.rb, base.vb, findpos.wl

Condition Codes

N|| <--- 0;  
Z|| <--- {bit not found};  
V|| <--- 0;  
C|| <--- 0;  


reserved operand


EB FFC Find First Clear
EA FFS Find First Set


A field specified by the start position, size, and base operands is extracted. Starting at bit 0 and extending to the highest bit in the field, the field is tested for a bit in the state indicated by the instruction. If a bit in the indicated state is found, the find position operand is replaced by the position of the bit, and the Z condition code bit is cleared. If no bit in the indicated state is found, the find position operand is replaced by the position (relative to the base) of a bit one position to the left of the specified field, and the Z condition code bit is set. If the size operand is zero, the find position operand is replaced by the start position operand, and the Z condition code bit is set.


  1. A reserved operand fault occurs if:
    • size GTRU 32
    • startpos GTRU 31, size NEQ 0, and the field is contained in the registers
  2. On a reserved operand fault, the find position operand is unaffected, and the condition codes are UNPREDICTABLE.


Insert Field


opcode src.rl, pos.rl, size.rb, base.vb

Condition Codes

N|| <--- N;  
Z|| <--- Z;  
V|| <--- V;  
C|| <--- C;  


reserved operand


F0 INSV Insert Field


The field specified by the position, size, and base operands is replaced by bits size-1:0 of the source operand. If the size operand is zero, the instruction has no effect.


  1. When executing INSV, a processor may read in the entire aligned longword or longwords that contains the field, replace the field portion of the aligned longword with the source operand, and write back the entire aligned longword. Because of this, data written to the nonfield portion of the aligned longword in memory by another processor or I/O device during the execution of INSV may be written over when the INSV is completed.
  2. A reserved operand fault occurs if:
    • size GTRU 32
    • pos GTRU 31, size NEQ 0, and the field is contained in the registers
  3. On a reserved operand fault, the field is unaffected, and the condition codes are UNPREDICTABLE.

9.2.4 Control Instructions

In most implementations of the VAX architecture, improved execution speed will result if the target of a control instruction is on an aligned longword boundary.

The following instructions are described in this section.

  Description and Opcode Number of Instructions
1. Add Compare and Branch
ACB{B,W,L,F,D,G,H} limit.rx, add.rx,
index.mx, displ.bw
Compare is LE on positive add, GE on
negative add.
2. Add One and Branch Less Than or Equal
AOBLEQ limit.rl, index.ml, displ.bb
3. Add One and Branch Less Than
AOBLSS limit.rl, index.ml, displ.bb
4. Conditional Branch
Condition Name
LSS Less Than
LEQ Less Than or Equal
EQL, EQLU Equal, Equal Unsigned
NEQ, NEQU Not Equal, Not Equal Unsigned
GEQ Greater Than or Equal
GTR Greater Than
LSSU, CS Less Than Unsigned, Carry Set
LEQU Less Than or Equal Unsigned
GEQU, CC Greater Than or Equal Unsigned,
Carry Clear
GTRU Greater Than Unsigned
VS Overflow Set
VC Overflow Clear
5. Branch on Bit
BB{S,C} pos.rl, base.vb, displ.bb,
6. Branch on Bit
(and modify without interlock)
BB{S,C}{S,C} pos.rl, base.vb, displ.bb,
7. Branch on Bit (and modify) Interlocked
BB{SS,CC}I pos.rl, base.vb, displ.bb,
8. Branch on Low Bit
BLB{S,C} src.rl, displ.bb
9. Branch with {Byte, Word} Displacement
BR{B,W} displ.bx
10. Branch to Subroutine with {Byte, Word}
Displacement BSB{B,W} displ.bx, {-(SP).wl}
11. Case
CASE{B,W,L} selector.rx, base.rx,
limit.rx, displ.bw-list
12. Jump
JMP dst.ab
13. Jump to Subroutine
JSB dst.ab, {-(SP).wl}
14. Return from Subroutine
RSB {(SP)+.rl}
15. Subtract One and Branch Greater Than
or Equal SOBGEQ index.ml, displ.bb
16. Subtract One and Branch Greater Than
SOBGTR index.ml, displ.bb

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