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VAX MACRO and Instruction Set Reference Manual

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Convert Leading Separate Numeric to Packed


opcode srclen.rw, srcaddr.ab, dstlen.rw, dstaddr.ab

Condition Codes

N|| <--- {dst string} LSS 0;  
Z|| <--- {dst string} EQL 0;  
V|| <--- {decimal overflow};  
C|| <--- 0;  


reserved operand
decimal overflow


09 CVTSP Convert Leading Separate Numeric to Packed


The source numeric string specified by the source length and source address operands is converted to a packed decimal string, and the destination string specified by the destination address and destination length operands is replaced by the result.


  1. A reserved operand abort occurs if:
    • The length of the source leading separate numeric string is outside the range 0 to 31
    • The length of the destination packed decimal string is outside the range 0 to 31
    • The source string contains an invalid byte. An invalid byte is any character other than an ASCII "0" to "9" in a digit byte or an ASCII "+", "<space>", or "-" in the sign byte
  2. After execution:
    R0 = 0
    R1 = Address of the sign byte of the source string
    R2 = 0
    R3 = Address of the byte containing the most significant digit of the destination string

  3. The destination string, R0 to R3, and the condition codes are UNPREDICTABLE if the destination string overlaps the source string, or if a reserved operand abort occurs.
  4. srclen is the length of the passed string minus the sign byte.


Convert Trailing Numeric to Packed


opcode srclen.rw, srcaddr.ab, tbladdr.ab, dstlen.rw,


Condition Codes

N|| <--- {dst string}LSS 0;  
Z|| <--- {dst string} EQL 0;  
V|| <--- {decimal overflow};  
C|| <--- 0;  


reserved operand
decimal overflow


26 CVTTP Convert Trailing Numeric to Packed


The source trailing numeric string specified by the source length and source address operands is converted to a packed decimal string, and the destination packed decimal string specified by the destination address and destination length operands is replaced by the result.

Conversion is effected by using the highest-addressed (trailing) byte of the source string as an unsigned index into a 256-byte table whose first entry (entry number 0) is specified by the table address operand. The byte read from the table replaces the highest-addressed byte of the destination string (the byte containing the sign and the least significant digit). The remaining packed digits of the destination string are replaced by the low-order 4 bits of the corresponding bytes in the source string.


  1. A reserved operand abort occurs if:
    • The length of the source trailing numeric string is outside the range 0 to 31
    • The length of the destination packed decimal string is outside the range 0 to 31
    • The source string contains an invalid byte. An invalid byte is any value other than ASCII "0" to "9" in any high-order byte (that is, any byte except the least significant byte)
    • The translation of the least significant digit produces an invalid packed decimal digit or sign nibble
  2. After execution:
    R0 = 0
    R1 = Address of the most significant digit of the source string
    R2 = 0
    R3 = Address of the byte containing the most significant digit of the destination string
  3. The destination string, R0 to R3, and the condition codes are UNPREDICTABLE if the destination string overlaps the source string or the table, or if a reserved operand abort occurs.
  4. If the convert instruction produces a -0 without overflow, the destination packed decimal string is changed to a +0 representation, condition code N is cleared, and Z is set.
  5. If the length of the source string is zero, the destination packed decimal string is set equal to zero, and the translation table is not referenced.
  6. By appropriate specification of the table, you can convert any form of trailing numeric string. See Chapter 8 for the preferred form of trailing overpunch, zoned and unsigned data. In addition, the table can be set up for absolute value, negative absolute value, or negated conversions.
  7. If the table translation produces a sign nibble containing any valid sign, the preferred sign representation is stored in the destination packed decimal string.


Divide Packed


opcode divrlen.rw, divraddr.ab, divdlen.rw,

divdaddr.ab, quolen.rw, quoaddr.ab

Condition Codes

N|| <--- {quo string} LSS 0;  
Z|| <--- {quo string} EQL 0;  
V|| <--- {decimal overflow};  
C|| <--- 0;  


reserved operand
decimal overflow
divide by zero


27 DIVP Divide Packed


The dividend string specified by the dividend length and dividend address operands is divided by the divisor string specified by the divisor length and divisor address operands. The quotient string specified by the quotient length and quotient address operands is replaced by the result.


  1. This instruction allocates a 16-byte workspace on the stack. After execution, the stack pointer (SP) is restored to its original contents, and the contents of {(SP)-16}:{(SP)-1} are UNPREDICTABLE.
  2. The division is performed, resulting in the following conditions:
    • The absolute value of the remainder (which is lost) is less than the absolute value of the divisor
    • The product of the absolute value of the quotient times the absolute value of the divisor is less than or equal to the absolute value of the dividend
    • The sign of the quotient is determined by the rules of algebra from the signs of the dividend and the divisor; if the value of the quotient is zero, the sign is always positive
  3. After execution:
    R0 = 0
    R1 = Address of the byte containing the most significant digit of the divisor string
    R2 = 0
    R3 = Address of the byte containing the most significant digit of the dividend string
    R4 = 0
    R5 = Address of the byte containing the most significant digit of the quotient string
  4. The quotient string, R0 to R5, and the condition codes are UNPREDICTABLE if: the quotient string overlaps the divisor or dividend strings; the divisor or dividend string contains an invalid nibble; the divisor is zero; or a reserved operand abort occurs.


Move Packed


opcode len.rw, srcaddr.ab, dstaddr.ab

Condition Codes

N|| <--- {dst string} LSS 0;  
Z|| <--- {dst string} EQL 0;  
V|| <--- 0;  
C|| <--- C;  


reserved operand


34 MOVP Move Packed


The destination string specified by the length and destination address operands is replaced by the source string specified by the length and source address operands.


  1. After execution:
    R0 = 0
    R1 = Address of the byte containing the most significant digit of the source string
    R2 = 0
    R3 = Address of the byte containing the most significant digit of the destination string
  2. The destination string, R0 to R3, and the condition codes are UNPREDICTABLE if: the destination string overlaps the source string; the source string contains an invalid nibble; or a reserved operand abort occurs.
  3. If the source is -0, the result is +0, N is cleared, and Z is set.


Multiply Packed


opcode mulrlen.rw, mulraddr.ab, muldlen.rw,

muldaddr.ab, prodlen.rw, prodaddr.ab

Condition Codes

N|| <--- {prod string} LSS 0;  
Z|| <--- {prod string} EQL 0;  
V|| <--- {decimal overflow};  
C|| <--- 0;  


reserved operand
decimal overflow


25 MULP Multiply Packed


The multiplicand string specified by the multiplicand length and multiplicand address operands is multiplied by the multiplier string specified by the multiplier length and multiplier address operands. The product string specified by the product length and product address operands is replaced by the result.


  1. After execution:
    R0 = 0
    R1 = Address of the byte containing the most significant digit of the multiplier string
    R2 = 0
    R3 = Address of the byte containing the most significant digit of the multiplicand string
    R4 = 0
    R5 = Address of the byte containing the most significant digit of the product string
  2. The product string, R0 to R5, and the condition codes are UNPREDICTABLE if: the product string overlaps the multiplier or multiplicand strings; the multiplier or multiplicand strings contain an invalid nibble; or a reserved operand abort occurs.


Subtract Packed


4operand: opcode sublen.rw, subaddr.ab,

diflen.rw, difaddr.ab 6operand: opcode sublen.rw, subaddr.ab,

minlen.rw, minaddr.ab,
diflen.rw, difaddr.ab

Condition Codes

N|| <--- {dif string} LSS 0;  
Z|| <--- {dif string} EQL 0;  
V|| <--- {decimal overflow};  
C|| <--- 0;  


reserved operand
decimal overflow


22 SUBP4 Subtract Packed 4 Operand
23 SUBP6 Subtract Packed 6 Operand


In 4 operand format, the subtrahend string specified by the subtrahend length and subtrahend address operands is subtracted from the difference string specified by the difference length and difference address operands, and the difference string is replaced by the result.

In 6 operand format, the subtrahend string specified by the subtrahend length and subtrahend address operands is subtracted from the minuend string specified by the minuend length and minuend address operands. The difference string specified by the difference length and difference address operands is replaced by the result.


  1. After execution of SUBP4:
    R0 = 0
    R1 = Address of the byte containing the most significant digit of the subtrahend string
    R2 = 0
    R3 = Address of the byte containing the most significant digit of the difference string
  2. After execution of SUBP6:
    R0 = 0
    R1 = Address of the byte containing the most significant digit of the subtrahend string
    R2 = 0
    R3 = Address of the byte containing the most significant digit of the minuend string
    R4 = 0
    R5 = Address of the byte containing the most significant digit of the difference string
  3. The difference string, R0 to R3 (R0 to R5 for SUBP6), and the condition codes are UNPREDICTABLE if: the difference string overlaps the subtrahend or minuend strings; the subtrahend, minuend, or difference (4 operand only) strings contain an invalid nibble; or a reserved operand abort occurs.

9.2.12 The EDITPC Instruction and Its Pattern Operators

The EDITPC instruction implements the common editing functions that occur when handling fixed-format output. The operation consists of converting an input packed decimal number to an output character string and generating characters for the output. When converting digits, options include filling in leading zeros, protecting leading zeros, insertion of floating sign, insertion of floating currency symbol, insertion of special sign representations, and blanking an entire field when it is zero. An example of this operation is a MOVE to a numeric edited (PICTURE) item in COBOL or PL/I. Many other applications are possible.

The operands to the EDITPC instruction are as follows:

  1. A packed decimal string descriptor (as input). This is a standard VAX operand pair consisting of the length of the decimal string in digits (up to 31) and the starting address of the string.
  2. A pattern specification, consisting of the starting address of a pattern operation editing sequence. VAX MACRO interprets a pattern specification in the same way as it interprets normal instructions.
  3. The starting address of the output string. The output string is described by its starting address only, because the pattern defines the length unambiguously.

The EDITPC instruction manipulates two character registers and the four condition codes:

The fill register (R2<7:0>) contains the fill character. This is normally an ASCII blank but could be changed to an asterisk (*), for instance, for check protection.

The sign register (R2<15:8>) contains the sign character. Initially this register contains either an ASCII blank or a minus sign (-), depending upon the sign of the input. You can change the contents of this register to allow other sign representations such as plus/minus or plus/blank. You can also manipulate it to output special notations such as CR or DB. To implement a floating currency sign, you can change the sign register to the currency sign.

After execution, the condition codes describe the following:

N The sign of the input
Z The presence of a zero source
V An overflow condition
C The presence of significant digits

Condition code N is determined at the start of the instruction and remains unchanged (except for correcting a -0 input). The processor computes and updates the other condition codes as the instruction proceeds.

When the EDITPC instruction completes processing, registers R0 to R5 contain the values they would normally have after a decimal instruction.


Edit Packed to Character String


opcode srclen.rw, srcaddr.ab, pattern.ab, dstaddr.ab

Condition Codes

N|| <--- {src string} LSS 0; !N <- 0 if src is -0  
Z|| <--- {src string} EQL 0;  
V|| <--- {decimal overflow}; !nonzero digits lost  
C|| <--- {significance};  


reserved operand
decimal overflow


38 EDITPC Edit Packed to Character String


The destination string specified by the pattern and destination address operands is replaced by the edited version of the source string specified by the source length and source address operands. The editing is performed according to the pattern string, starting at the address of the pattern operand and extending until a pattern end pattern operator (EO$END) is encountered.

The pattern string consists of 1-byte pattern operators. Some pattern operators take no operands. Some take a repeat count that is contained in the rightmost nibble of the pattern operator itself. The rest take a 1-byte operand that immediately follows the pattern operator. This operand is either an unsigned integer length or a byte character.

Table 9-1 lists the pattern operators that can be used with the EDITPC instruction to form a pattern. Subsequent pages define each pattern operator in a format similar to that of the normal instruction descriptions. In each case, if there is an operand, it is either a repeat count (r) from 1 to 15, an unsigned byte length (len), or a character byte (ch). The encoding of the pattern operators is represented graphically in Table 9-2.

See Appendix E for information about exceptions that affect the EDITPC instruction.


  1. A reserved operand abort occurs if srclen GTRU 31.
  2. The destination string is UNPREDICTABLE if any of the following is true:
    • The source string contains an invalid nibble.
    • The EO$ADJUST_INPUT operand is outside the range 1 to 31.
    • The source and destination strings overlap.
    • The pattern and destination strings overlap.
  3. After execution, the following general registers have contents as specified:
    R0 = Length of source string
    R1 = Address of the byte containing the most significant digit of the source string
    R2 = 0
    R3 = Address of the byte containing the EO$END pattern operator
    R4 = 0
    R5 = Address of 1 byte beyond the last byte of the destination string

    If the destination string is UNPREDICTABLE, R0 to R5 and the condition codes are UNPREDICTABLE.
  4. If V is set at the end and DV is enabled, a numeric overflow trap occurs unless the conditions in note 9 are satisfied.
  5. The destination length is specified exactly by the pattern operators in the pattern string. If the pattern is incorrectly formed or if it is modified during the execution of the instruction, the length of the destination string is UNPREDICTABLE.
  6. If the source is -0, the result may be -0 unless a fixup pattern operator is included (EO$BLANK_ZERO or EO$REPLACE_SIGN).
  7. The contents of the destination string and the memory preceding it are UNPREDICTABLE if the length covered by EO$BLANK_ZERO or EO$REPLACE_SIGN is zero, or if it is outside the destination string.
  8. If more input digits are requested by the pattern than are specified, a reserved operand abort is taken with R0 = -1 and R3 = location of the pattern operator that requested the extra digit. The condition codes and other registers are as specified in note 11. This abort cannot be continued.
  9. If fewer input digits are requested by the pattern than are specified, a reserved operand abort is taken with R3 = location of EO$END pattern operator. The condition codes and other registers are as specified in note 11. This abort cannot be continued.
  10. On an unimplemented or reserved pattern operator, a reserved operand fault is taken with R3 = location of the faulting pattern operator. The condition codes and other registers are as specified in note 11. This fault can be continued as long as the defined register state is manipulated according to the pattern operator description and the state specified as "implementation dependent" is preserved.

  11. On a reserved operand exception, as specified in notes 8 to 10, FPD is set and the condition codes and registers are as follows:
    N = { src has minus sign}
    Z = All source digits zero so far
    V = Nonzero digits lost
    C = Significance
    R0<31:16> = -(count of source zeros to supply)
    R0<15:0> = Remaining srclen
    R1 = Current source location
    R2<31:16> = Implementation dependent
    R2<15:8> = Current contents of sign register
    R2<7:0> = Current contents of fill register
    R3 = Location of edit pattern operator causing exception
    R4 = Implementation dependent
    R5 = Location of next destination byte

Table 9-1 Summary of EDITPC Pattern Operators
Name Operand Summary
Insert operators
EO$INSERT ch Insert character, fill if insignificant
EO$STORE_SIGN --- Insert sign
EO$FILL r Insert fill
Move operators
EO$MOVE r Move digits, fill if insignificant
EO$FLOAT r Move digits, floating sign
EO$END_FLOAT --- End floating sign
Fixup operators
EO$BLANK_ZERO len Fill backward when 0
EO$REPLACE_SIGN len Replace with fill if -0
Load operators
EO$LOAD_FILL ch Load fill character
EO$LOAD_SIGN ch Load sign character
EO$LOAD_PLUS ch Load sign character if positive
EO$LOAD_MINUS ch Load sign character if negative
Control operators
EO$SET_SIGNIF --- Set significance flag
EO$CLEAR_SIGNIF --- Clear significance flag
EO$ADJUST_INPUT len Adjust source length
EO$END --- End edit

ch---One character
r---Repeat count in the range 1 to 15
len---Length in the range 1 to 255

Table 9-2 EDITPC Pattern Operator Encoding
Hex Symbol Notes
00 EO$END ---
05...1F --- Reserved to Compaq
20...3F --- Reserved for all time
40 EO$LOAD_FILL Character is in next byte
41 EO$LOAD_SIGN Character is in next byte
42 EO$LOAD_PLUS Character is in next byte
43 EO$LOAD_MINUS Character is in next byte
44 EO$INSERT Character is in next byte
45 EO$BLANK_ZERO Unsigned length is in next byte
46 EO$REPLACE_SIGN Unsigned length is in next byte
47 EO$ADJUST_INPUT Unsigned length is in next byte
48...5F --- Reserved to Compaq
60...7F --- Reserved to CSS and customers
80,90,A0 --- Reserved to Compaq
81...8F EO$FILL ---
91...9F EO$MOVE Repeat count is <3:0>
A1...AF EO$FLOAT ---
B0...FE --- Reserved to Compaq
FF --- Reserved for all time

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