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VAX MACRO and Instruction Set Reference Manual

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Chapter 10
10 VAX Vector Architecture
     10.1     Introduction to VAX Vector Architecture
     10.2     VAX Vector Architecture Registers
         10.2.1         Vector Registers
         10.2.2         Vector Control Registers
         10.2.3         Internal Processor Registers
     10.3     Vector Instruction Formats
         10.3.1         Masked Operations
         10.3.2         Exception Enable Bit
         10.3.3         Modify Intent Bit
         10.3.4         Register Specifier Fields
         10.3.5         Vector Control Word Formats
         10.3.6         Restrictions on Operand Specifier Usage
         10.3.7         VAX Condition Codes
         10.3.8         Illegal Vector Opcodes
     10.4     Assembler Notation
     10.5     Execution Model
         10.5.1         Access Mode Restrictions
         10.5.2         Scalar Context Switching
         10.5.3         Overlapped Instruction Execution
                Vector Chaining
                Register Conflict
                Dependencies Among Vector Results
     10.6     Vector Processor Exceptions
         10.6.1         Vector Memory Management Exception Handling
         10.6.2         Vector Arithmetic Exceptions
         10.6.3         Vector Processor Disabled
         10.6.4         Handling Disabled Faults and Vector Context Switching
         10.6.5         MFVP Exception Reporting Examples
     10.7     Synchronization
         10.7.1         Scalar/Vector Instruction Synchronization (SYNC)
         10.7.2         Scalar/Vector Memory Synchronization
                Memory Instruction Synchronization (MSYNC)
                Memory Activity Completion Synchronization (VMAC)
         10.7.3         Other Synchronization Between the Scalar and Vector Processors
         10.7.4         Memory Synchronization Within the Vector Processor (VSYNC)
         10.7.5         Required Use of Memory Synchronization Instructions
                When VSYNC Is Not Required
     10.8     Memory Management
     10.9     Hardware Errors
     10.10     Vector Memory Access Instructions
         10.10.1         Alignment Considerations
         10.10.2         Stride Considerations
         10.10.3         Context of Address Specifiers
         10.10.4         Access Mode
         10.10.5         Memory Instructions
    Command 193     VLD
    Command 194     VGATH
    Command 195     VST
    Command 196     VSCAT
     10.11     Vector Integer Instructions
    Command 197     VADDL
    Command 198     VCMPL
    Command 199     VMULL
    Command 200     VSUBL
     10.12     Vector Logical and Shift Instructions
    Command 201     VBIC, VBIS, and VXOR
    Command 202     VSL
     10.13     Vector Floating-Point Instructions
         10.13.1         Vector Floating-Point Exception Conditions
         10.13.2         Floating-Point Instructions
    Command 203     VADD
    Command 204     VCMP
    Command 205     VVCVT
    Command 206     VDIV
    Command 207     VMUL
    Command 208     VSUB
     10.14     Vector Edit Instructions
    Command 209     VMERGE
    Command 210     IOTA
     10.15     Miscellaneous Instructions
    Command 211     MFVP
    Command 212     MTVP
    Command 213     VSYNC
Appendix A
Appendix A ASCII Character Set
Appendix B
Appendix B Hexadecimal/Decimal Conversion
     B.1     Hexadecimal to Decimal
     B.2     Decimal to Hexadecimal
     B.3     Powers of 2 and 16
Appendix C
Appendix C VAX MACRO Assembler Directives and Language Summary
     C.1     Assembler Directives
     C.2     Special Characters
     C.3     Operators
         C.3.1         Unary Operators
         C.3.2         Binary Operators
         C.3.3         Macro String Operators
     C.4     Addressing Modes
Appendix D
Appendix D Permanent Symbol Table Defined for Use with VAX MACRO
Appendix E
Appendix E Exceptions That May Occur During Instruction Execution
     E.1     Arithmetic Traps and Faults
         E.1.1         Integer Overflow Trap
         E.1.2         Integer Divide-by-Zero Trap
         E.1.3         Floating Overflow Trap
         E.1.4         Divide-by-Zero Trap
         E.1.5         Floating Underflow Trap
         E.1.6         Decimal String Overflow Trap
         E.1.7         Subscript-Range Trap
         E.1.8         Floating Overflow Fault
         E.1.9         Divide-by-Zero Floating Fault
         E.1.10         Floating Underflow Fault
     E.2     Memory Management Exceptions
         E.2.1         Access Control Violation Fault
         E.2.2         Translation Not Valid Fault
     E.3     Exceptions Detected During Operand Reference
         E.3.1         Reserved Addressing Mode Fault
         E.3.2         Reserved Operand Exception
     E.4     Exceptions Occurring as the Consequence of an Instruction
         E.4.1         Reserved or Privileged Instruction Fault
         E.4.2         Operand Reserved to Customers Fault
         E.4.3         Instruction Emulation Exceptions
         E.4.4         Compatibility Mode Exception
         E.4.5         Change Mode Trap
         E.4.6         Breakpoint Fault
     E.5     Trace Fault
         E.5.1         Trace Operation When Entering a Change Mode Instruction
         E.5.2         Trace Operation Upon Return From Interrupt
         E.5.3         Trace Operation After a BISPSW Instruction
         E.5.4         Trace Operation After a CALLS or CALLG Instruction
     E.6     Serious System Failures
         E.6.1         Kernel Stack Not Valid Abort
         E.6.2         Interrupt Stack Not Valid Halt
         E.6.3         Machine Check Exception

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