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OpenVMS Debugger Manual

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To set a breakpoint or a tracepoint on a location in memory, specify its numerical address in the currently set radix. The default radix for both data entry and display is decimal for most languages.

On VAX processors, the exceptions are BLISS and MACRO--32, which have a default radix of hexadecimal.

On Alpha processors, the exceptions are BLISS, MACRO--32, and MACRO--64, which have a default radix of hexadecimal.

For example, the following command sets a breakpoint at address 2753, decimal, or at address 2753, hexadecimal:


You can specify a radix when you enter an individual integer literal (such as 2753) by using one of the built-in symbols %BIN, %OCT, %DEC, or %HEX. For example, in the following command line the symbol %HEX specifies that 2753 should be treated as a hexadecimal integer:


Note that when specifying a hexadecimal number that starts with a letter rather than a number, you must add a leading 0. Otherwise, the debugger tries to interpret the entity specified as a symbol declared in your program.

For additional information about specifying radixes and about the built-in symbols %BIN, %DEC, %HEX, and %OCT, see Section 4.1.10 and Appendix B.

If a breakpoint or a tracepoint was set on a numerical address that corresponds to a symbol in your program, the SHOW BREAK or SHOW TRACE command identifies the breakpoint symbolically. Obtaining and Symbolizing Memory Addresses

Use the EVALUATE/ADDRESS command to determine the memory address associated with a symbolic address expression, such as a line number, routine name, or label. For example:


The address is displayed in the current radix. You can specify a radix qualifier to display the address in another radix. For example:


The SYMBOLIZE command does the reverse of EVALUATE/ADDRESS. It converts a memory address into its symbolic representation (including its path name) if such a representation is possible. Chapter 5 explains how to control symbolization. See Section 4.1.11 for more information about obtaining and symbolizing addresses.

3.3.2 Setting Breakpoints or Tracepoints on Lines or Instructions

The following SET BREAK and SET TRACE command qualifiers cause the debugger to break on or trace every source line or every instruction of a particular class:

/INSTRUCTION=(opcode[,...]) (VAX only)

When using these qualifiers, do not specify an address expression.

For example, the following command causes the debugger to break on the beginning of every source line encountered during execution:


The instruction-related qualifiers are especially useful for opcode tracing, which is the tracing of all instructions or the tracing of a class of instructions. The next command causes the debugger to trace every branch instruction encountered (for example BEQL, BGTR, and so on):


Note that opcode tracing slows program execution.

By default, when you use the qualifiers discussed in this section, the debugger breaks or traces within all called routines as well as within the currently executing routine (this is equivalent to specifying SET BREAK/INTO or SET TRACE/INTO). By specifying SET BREAK/OVER or SET TRACE/OVER, you can suppress break or trace action within all called routines. Or, you can use the /[NO]JSB, /[NO]SHARE, or /[NO]SYSTEM qualifiers to specify the kinds of called routines where break or trace action is to be suppressed. For example, the next command causes the debugger to break on every line except within called routines that are in shareable images or system space:


3.3.3 Setting Breakpoints on Emulated Instructions (Alpha Only)

On Alpha systems, to cause the debugger to suspend program execution when an instruction is emulated, use the command SET BREAK/SYSEMULATE. The syntax of the SET BREAK command when using the /SYSEMULATE qualifier is:


The optional argument mask is a quadword with bits set to specify which instruction groups shall trigger breakpoints. The only emulated instruction group currently defined consists of the BYTE and WORD instructions. Specify this instruction group by setting bit 0 of mask to 1.

If you do not specify mask, or if mask = FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, the debugger stops program execution whenever the operating system emulates any instruction.

3.3.4 Controlling Debugger Action at Breakpoints or Tracepoints

The SET BREAK and SET TRACE commands provide several options for controlling the behavior of the debugger at breakpoints and tracepoints---the /AFTER, /[NO]SILENT, /[NO]SOURCE, and /TEMPORARY command qualifiers, and the optional WHEN and DO clauses. The following examples show several of these options.

The following command sets a breakpoint on line 14 and specifies that the breakpoint take effect after the fifth time that line 14 is executed:


The following command sets a tracepoint that is triggered at every line of execution. The DO clause obtains the value of the variable X when each line is executed:


The following example shows how you capture the WHEN and DO clauses together. The command sets a breakpoint at line 27. The breakpoint is triggered (execution is paused) only when the value of SUM is greater than 100 (not each time line 27 is executed). The DO clause causes the value of TEST_RESULT to be examined whenever the breakpoint is triggered---that is, whenever the value of SUM is greater than 100. If the value of SUM is not greater than 100 when execution reaches line 27, the breakpoint is not triggered and the DO clause is not executed.


See Section 4.1.6 and Section for information about evaluating language expressions like SUM > 100.

The /SILENT qualifier suppresses the break or trace message and source code display. This is useful when, for example, you want to use the SET TRACE command only to execute a debugger command at the tracepoint. In the following example, the SET TRACE command is used to examine the value of the Boolean variable STATUS at the tracepoint:


In the next example, the SET TRACE command is used to count the number of times line 12 is executed. The first DEFINE/VALUE command defines a symbol COUNT and initializes its value to 0. The DO clause of the SET TRACE command causes the value of COUNT to be incremented and evaluated whenever the tracepoint is triggered (whenever execution reaches line 12).


Source lines are displayed by default at breakpoints, tracepoints, and watchpoints if they are available for the module being debugged. You can also control their display with the SET STEP [NO]SOURCE command and the /[NO]SOURCE qualifier of the SET BREAK, SET TRACE, and SET WATCH commands. See Chapter 6 for information about how to control the display of source code in general and in particular at breakpoints, tracepoints, and watchpoints.

3.3.5 Setting Breakpoints or Tracepoints on Exceptions

The SET BREAK/EXCEPTION and SET TRACE/EXCEPTION commands direct the debugger to treat any exception generated by your program as a breakpoint or tracepoint, respectively. The breakpoint or tracepoint occurs before any application-declared exception handler is invoked. See Section 14.5 for debugging techniques associated with exceptions and condition handlers.

3.3.6 Setting Breakpoints or Tracepoints on Events

The SET BREAK and SET TRACE commands each have an /EVENT=event-name qualifier. You can use this qualifier to set breakpoints or tracepoints that are triggered by various events (denoted by event-name keywords). Events and their keywords are currently defined for the following event facilities:

  • ADA event facility, which defines Compaq Ada tasking events. Ada events are defined in Section 17.6.4.
  • THREADS event facility, which defines tasking (multithread) events for programs written in any language that uses POSIX Threads services. Threads events are defined in Section 17.6.4.
  • SCAN event facility (VAX only), which defines SCAN pattern-matching events. SCAN events are defined in the debugger's online help (type HELP Language SCAN).

The appropriate facility and event-name keywords are defined when the program is brought under debugger control. Use the SHOW EVENT_FACILITY command to identify the current event facility and the associated event-name keywords. The SET EVENT_FACILITY command enables you to change the event facility and change your debugging context. This is useful if you have a multilanguage program and want to debug a routine that is associated with an event facility but that facility is not currently set.

The following example shows how to set a SCAN event breakpoint. It causes the debugger to break whenever a SCAN token is built, for any value:


When a breakpoint or tracepoint is triggered, the debugger identifies the event that caused it to be triggered and gives additional information.

3.3.7 Deactivating, Activating, and Canceling Breakpoints or Tracepoints

After a breakpoint or tracepoint is set, you can deactivate it, activate it, or cancel it.

To deactivate a breakpoint or tracepoint, enter the DEACTIVATE BREAK or DEACTIVATE TRACE command. This causes the debugger to ignore the breakpoint or tracepoint during program execution. However, you can activate it at a later time, for example, when you rerun the program (see Section 1.3.3). A deactivated breakpoint or tracepoint is listed as such in a SHOW BREAK display.

To activate a breakpoint or tracepoint, use the ACTIVATE BREAK or ACTIVATE TRACE command. Activating a breakpoint or tracepoint causes it to take effect during program execution.

The commands DEACTIVATE BREAK/ALL and ACTIVATE BREAK/ALL (or DEACTIVATE TRACE/ALL and ACTIVATE TRACE/ALL) operate on all breakpoints or tracepoints and are particularly useful when rerunning a program with the RERUN command.

To cancel a breakpoint or tracepoint, use the CANCEL BREAK or CANCEL TRACE command. A canceled breakpoint or tracepoint is no longer listed in a SHOW BREAK or SHOW TRACE display.

When using any of these commands, specify the address expression and qualifiers (if any) exactly as you did when setting the breakpoint or tracepoint. For example:


3.4 Monitoring Changes in Variables and Other Program Locations

The SET WATCH command enables you to specify program variables (or arbitrary memory locations) that the debugger monitors as your program executes. This process is called setting watchpoints. If, during execution, the program modifies the value of a watched variable (or memory location), the watchpoint is triggered. The debugger then suspends execution, displays information, and prompts for more commands. The debugger monitors watchpoints continuously during program execution.

This section describes the general use of the SET WATCH command. Section 3.4.3 gives additional information about setting watchpoints on nonstatic variables---variables that are allocated on the call stack or in registers.


In some cases, when using the SET WATCH command with a variable name (or any other symbolic address expression), you might need to set a module or specify a scope or a path name. Those concepts are described in Chapter 5. The examples in this section assume that all modules are set and that all variable names are uniquely defined.

If your program was optimized during compilation, certain variables in the program might be removed by the compiler. If you then try to set a watchpoint on such a variable, the debugger issues a warning (see Section 1.2 and Section 14.1).

The syntax of the SET WATCH command is as follows:

SET WATCH[/qualifier[...]] address-expression[, ...]
[WHEN (conditional-expression)]
[DO (command[; ...])]

You can specify any valid address expression, but usually you specify the name of a variable. The following example shows a typical use of the SET WATCH command and shows the general default behavior of the debugger at a watchpoint:

watch of MOD2\COUNT at MOD2\%LINE 24
     24:   COUNT := COUNT + 1;
    old value: 27
    new value: 28
break at MOD2\%LINE 25
     25:   END;

In this example, the SET WATCH command sets a watchpoint on the variable COUNT, and the GO command starts execution. When the program changes the value of COUNT, execution is paused. The debugger then does the following:

  • Announces the event ("watch of MOD2\COUNT..."), identifying the location of the instruction that changed the value of the watched variable ("...at MOD2\%LINE 24")
  • Displays the associated source line (24)
  • Displays the old and new values of the variable (27 and 28)
  • Announces that execution is paused at the beginning of the next line ("break at MOD2\%LINE 25") and displays that source line
  • Prompts for another command

When the address of the instruction that modified a watched variable is not at the beginning of a source line, the debugger denotes the instruction's location by displaying the line number plus the byte offset from the beginning of the line. For example:

watch of TEST\K at TEST\%LINE 19+5
     19:   DO 40 K = 1, J
    old value: 4
    new value: 5
break at TEST\%LINE 19+9
     19:   DO 40 K = 1, J

In this example, the address of the instruction that modified variable K is 5 bytes beyond the beginning of line 19. The breakpoint is on the instruction that follows the instruction that modified the variable (not on the beginning of the next source line as in the preceding example).

You can set watchpoints on aggregates (that is, entire arrays or records). A watchpoint set on an array or record triggers if any element of the array or record changes. Thus, you do not need to set watchpoints on individual array elements or record components. However, you cannot set an aggregate watchpoint on a variant record. In the following example, the watchpoint is triggered because element 3 of array ARR was modified:

watch of SUBR\ARR at SUBR\%LINE 12
    12:     ARR(3) := 28
   old value:
    (1):         7
    (2):         12
    (3):         3
    (4):         0

   new value:
    (1):         7
    (2):         12
    (3):         28
    (4):         0

break at SUBR\%LINE 13

You can also set a watchpoint on a record component, on an individual array element, or on an array slice (a range of array elements). A watchpoint set on an array slice triggers if any element within that slice changes. When setting the watchpoint, use the syntax of the current language. For example, the following command sets a watchpoint on element 7 of array CHECK using Pascal syntax:


To identify all of the watchpoints that are currently set, use the SHOW WATCH command.

3.4.1 Deactivating, Activating, and Canceling Watchpoints

After a watchpoint is set, you can deactivate it, activate it, or cancel it.

To deactivate a watchpoint, use the DEACTIVATE WATCH command. This causes the debugger to ignore the watchpoint during program execution. However, you can activate it at a later time, for example, when you rerun the program (see Section 1.3.3). A deactivated watchpoint is listed as such in a SHOW WATCH display.

To activate a watchpoint, use the ACTIVATE WATCH command. Activating a watchpoint causes it to take effect during program execution. You can always activate a static watchpoint, but the debugger cancels a nonstatic watchpoint if execution moves out of the scope in which the variable is defined (see Section 3.4.3).

The commands DEACTIVATE WATCH/ALL and ACTIVATE WATCH/ALL operate on all watchpoints and are particularly useful when rerunning a program with the RERUN command.

To cancel a watchpoint, use the CANCEL WATCH command. A canceled watchpoint is no longer listed in a SHOW WATCH display.

3.4.2 Watchpoint Options

The SET WATCH command provides the same options for controlling the behavior of the debugger at watchpoints that the SET BREAK and SET TRACE commands provide for breakpoints and tracepoints---namely the /AFTER, /[NO]SILENT, /[NO]SOURCE, and /TEMPORARY qualifiers, and the optional WHEN and DO clauses. See Section 3.3.4 for examples.

3.4.3 Watching Nonstatic Variables


The generic term nonstatic variable is used here to denote what is called an automatic variable in some languages.

Storage for a variable in your program is allocated either statically or nonstatically. A static variable is associated with the same memory address throughout execution of the program. A nonstatic variable is allocated on the call stack or in a register and has a value only when its defining routine is active on the call stack. As explained in this section, the technique for setting a watchpoint, the watchpoint's behavior, and the speed of program execution are different for the two kinds of variables.

To determine how a variable is allocated, use the EVALUATE/ADDRESS command. A static variable generally has its address in P0 space (0 to 3FFFFFFF, hexadecimal). A nonstatic variable generally has its address in P1 space (40000000 to 7FFFFFFF, hexadecimal) or is in a register. In the following Pascal code example, X is declared as a static variable, but Y is a nonstatic variable (by default). The EVALUATE/ADDRESS command, entered while debugging, shows that X is allocated at memory location 512, but Y is allocated in register R0.

     Y: INTEGER;


When using the SET WATCH command, note the following distinction. You can set a watchpoint on a static variable throughout execution of your program, but you can set a watchpoint on a nonstatic variable only when execution is paused within the scope of the variable's defining routine. Otherwise, the debugger issues a warning. For example:

%DEBUG-W-SYMNOTACT, nonstatic variable 'MOD4\ROUT3\Y'
    is not active

Section describes how to set a watchpoint on a nonstatic variable.

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