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OpenVMS Debugger Manual

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Contents (summary)
Preface Preface
Part 1 Introduction to the Debugger
Chapter 1 Introduction to the Debugger
Part 2 Command Interface
Chapter 2 Getting Started with the Debugger
Chapter 3 Controlling and Monitoring Program Execution
Chapter 4 Examining and Manipulating Program Data
Chapter 5 Controlling Access to Symbols in Your Program
Chapter 6 Controlling the Display of Source Code
Chapter 7 Screen Mode
Part 3 DECwindows Interface
Chapter 8 Introduction
Chapter 9 Starting and Ending a Debugging Session
Chapter 10 Using the Debugger
Part 4 PC Client Interface
Chapter 11 Introduction to the Debugger PC Client/Server Interface
Part 5 Advanced Topics
Chapter 12 Using the Heap Analyzer
Chapter 13 Additional Convenience Features
Chapter 14 Debugging Special Cases
Chapter 15 Debugging Multiprocess Programs
Chapter 16 Debugging Vectorized Programs (VAX Only)
Chapter 17 Debugging Tasking Programs
Part 6 Debugger Command Dictionary
Appendix A Predefined Key Functions
Appendix B Built-In Symbols and Logical Names
Appendix C Summary of Debugger Support for Languages


Preface Preface
Part 1
Part 1 Introduction to the Debugger
Chapter 1
1 Introduction to the Debugger
     1.1     Overview of the Debugger
         1.1.1         Functional Features
         1.1.2         Convenience Features
     1.2     Preparing an Executable Image for Debugging
         1.2.1         Compiling a Program for Debugging
         1.2.2         Linking a Program for Debugging
         1.2.3         Controlling Debugger Activation with the LINK and RUN Commands
     1.3     Debugging a Program with the Kept Debugger
         1.3.1         Starting the Kept Debugger
         1.3.2         When Your Program Completes Execution
         1.3.3         Rerunning the Same Program from the Kept Debugger
         1.3.4         Running Another Program from the Kept Debugger
     1.4     Interrupting Program Execution and Aborting Debugger Commands
     1.5     Pausing and Resuming a Debugging Session
     1.6     Starting the Debugger by Running a Program
     1.7     Starting the Debugger After Interrupting a Running Program
     1.8     Ending a Debugging Session
     1.9     Debugging a Program on a Workstation Running DECwindows Motif
     1.10     Debugging a Program from a PC Running the Debug Client
     1.11     Debugging Detached Processes That Run with No CLI
     1.12     Debugger Command Summary
         1.12.1         Starting and Ending a Debugging Session
         1.12.2         Controlling and Monitoring Program Execution
         1.12.3         Examining and Manipulating Data
         1.12.4         Controlling Type Selection and Radix
         1.12.5         Controlling Symbol Searches and Symbolization
         1.12.6         Displaying Source Code
         1.12.7         Using Screen Mode
         1.12.8         Editing Source Code
         1.12.9         Defining Symbols
         1.12.10         Using Keypad Mode
         1.12.11         Using Command Procedures, Log Files, and Initialization Files
         1.12.12         Using Control Structures
         1.12.13         Debugging Multiprocess Programs
         1.12.14         Additional Commands
Part 2
Part 2 Command Interface
Chapter 2
2 Getting Started with the Debugger
     2.1     Entering Debugger Commands and Accessing Online Help
     2.2     Displaying Source Code
         2.2.1         Noscreen Mode
         2.2.2         Screen Mode
     2.3     Controlling and Monitoring Program Execution
         2.3.1         Starting or Resuming Program Execution
         2.3.2         Executing the Program by Step Unit
         2.3.3         Determining Where Execution Is Paused
         2.3.4         Suspending Program Execution with Breakpoints
         2.3.5         Tracing Program Execution with Tracepoints
         2.3.6         Monitoring Changes in Variables with Watchpoints
     2.4     Examining and Manipulating Program Data
         2.4.1         Displaying the Value of a Variable
         2.4.2         Assigning a Value to a Variable
         2.4.3         Evaluating Language Expressions
     2.5     Controlling Access to Symbols in Your Program
         2.5.1         Setting and Canceling Modules
         2.5.2         Resolving Symbol Ambiguities
     2.6     Sample Debugging Session
Chapter 3
3 Controlling and Monitoring Program Execution
     3.1     Commands Used to Execute the Program
     3.2     Executing the Program by Step Unit
         3.2.1         Changing the STEP Command Behavior
         3.2.2         Stepping Into and Over Routines
     3.3     Suspending and Tracing Execution with Breakpoints and Tracepoints
         3.3.1         Setting Breakpoints or Tracepoints on Individual Program Locations
                Specifying Symbolic Addresses
                Specifying Locations in Memory
                Obtaining and Symbolizing Memory Addresses
         3.3.2         Setting Breakpoints or Tracepoints on Lines or Instructions
         3.3.3         Setting Breakpoints on Emulated Instructions (Alpha Only)
         3.3.4         Controlling Debugger Action at Breakpoints or Tracepoints
         3.3.5         Setting Breakpoints or Tracepoints on Exceptions
         3.3.6         Setting Breakpoints or Tracepoints on Events
         3.3.7         Deactivating, Activating, and Canceling Breakpoints or Tracepoints
     3.4     Monitoring Changes in Variables and Other Program Locations
         3.4.1         Deactivating, Activating, and Canceling Watchpoints
         3.4.2         Watchpoint Options
         3.4.3         Watching Nonstatic Variables
                Execution Speed
                Setting a Watchpoint on a Nonstatic Variable
                Options for Watching Nonstatic Variables
                Setting Watchpoints in Installed Writable Shareable Images

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