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OpenVMS Debugger Manual

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Appendix D
     D.1     EIGHTQUEENS.C
     D.2     8QUEENS.C
1-1 Compiling a Program with the /DEBUG Qualifier
1-2 Linking a Program with the /DEBUG Qualifier
1-3 Linking a Program with the /OPTIONS_FILE Qualifier (VAX Only)
2-1 Sample Program SQUARES
2-2 Sample Debugging Session Using Program SQUARES
9-1 Command Procedure SEPARATE_WINDOW.COM
10-1 System Default Debugger Resource File (DECW$SYSTEM_DEFAULTS:VMSDEBUG.DAT)
15-1 RUN/NEW Command
15-2 SHOW PROCESS Command
15-3 Process Specification Syntax
15-4 server.c
15-5 client.c
17-1 Sample C Multithread Program
17-2 Sample Ada Tasking Program
17-3 Sample SHOW TASK/ALL Display for POSIX Threads Tasks
17-4 Sample SHOW TASK/FULL Display for a POSIX Threads Task
17-5 Sample SHOW TASK/STAT/FULL Display for POSIX Threads Tasks
17-6 Sample SHOW TASK/ALL Display for Ada Tasks
17-7 Sample SHOW TASK/FULL Display for an Ada Task
17-8 Sample SHOW TASK/STATISTICS/FULL Display for Ada Tasks (VAX Example)
C-1 C++ Example Program CXXDOCEXAMPLE.C
C-2 C++ Debugging Example
D-1 Single-Module Program EIGHTQUEENS.C
D-2 Main Module 8QUEENS.C
D-3 Submodule 8QUEENS_SUB.C
2-1 Keypad Key Functions Predefined by the Debugger---Command Interface
2-2 Default Screen Mode Display Configuration
7-1 Default Screen Mode Display Configuration
7-2 Screen Mode Source Display When Source Code Is Not Available
7-3 Screen Mode Instruction Display (VAX Example)
7-4 Screen Mode Register Display
8-1 Default Window Configuration
8-2 Menus on Main Window
8-3 Default Buttons in the Push Button View
8-4 Debugger Main Window
8-5 Breakpoint, Monitor, and Register Views
8-6 Instruction View
8-7 Tasking View
8-8 Menus on Optional Views Window
8-9 Entering Commands at the Prompt
9-1 Debugger at Startup
9-2 Running a Program by Specifying an Image
9-3 Running a Program by Specifying a Command Symbol
9-4 Source Display at Startup
9-5 Rerunning the Same Program
9-6 Debug Server Connection Dialog
9-7 Server Options Dialog
9-8 Active Sessions List
9-9 Confirm Exit Dialog
10-1 Source Display
10-2 Displaying Source Code of Another Routine
10-3 Editor Window
10-4 Setting a Breakpoint on a Source Line
10-5 Setting a Breakpoint on a Routine
10-6 Setting a Conditional Breakpoint
10-7 Setting an Action Breakpoint
10-8 Displaying the Value of an Integer Variable
10-9 Displaying the Value of an Array Aggregate
10-10 Displaying the Value of an Array Element
10-11 Typecasting the Value of a Variable
10-12 Changing the Value of a Variable
10-13 Monitoring a Variable
10-14 Expanded Aggregate Variable (Array) in Monitor View
10-15 Pointer Variable and Referenced Object in Monitor View
10-16 Watched Variable in Monitor View
10-17 Changing the Value of a Monitored Scalar Variable
10-18 Changing the Value of a Component of an Aggregate Variable
10-19 Current Scope Set to a Calling Routine
10-20 Register View
10-21 Instruction View
10-22 Tasking View
10-23 Changing the STEP Button Label to an Icon
10-24 Adding a Button
12-1 Heap Analyzer Windows
12-2 Heap Analyzer Pull-Down Menus
12-3 Heap Analyzer Context-Sensitive Pop-Up Menus
12-4 Heap Analyzer Control Panel
12-5 Heap Analyzer Display Menu
12-6 Heap Analyzer Memory Map Context-Sensitive Pop-Up Menu
12-7 Heap Analyzer Information and Source Windows
12-8 Heap Analyzer Type Histogram
12-9 Heap Analyzer Do-Not-Use Type List
12-10 Heap Analyzer Views-and-Types Hierarchy
12-11 Heap Analyzer Views-and-Types Display Options
12-12 Incrementing Memory Allocation Indicates a Memory Leak
12-13 The Do-Not-Use Type Menu Item Redefines Segment Type
12-14 The Click on Traceback Entry Shows Associated Source Code
12-15 Review of Source Code Shows Double Allocation
16-1 Masked Loading of Array Elements from Memory into a Vector Register
17-1 Diagram of a Task Stack
A-1 Keypad Key Functions Predefined by the Debugger---Command Interface
1-1 Controlling Debugger Activation with the LINK and RUN Commands
4-1 Debugger Symbols for VAX Registers
4-2 Debugger Symbols for Alpha Registers
4-3 SET TYPE Keywords
5-1 Compiler Options for DST Symbol Information
5-2 Effect of Compiler and Linker on DST and GST Symbol Information
7-1 Predefined Displays
7-2 Predefined Windows
8-1 Menus on Main Window
8-2 Displays in Register View
8-3 Default Buttons in the Push Button View
8-4 Optional Views
8-5 Menus on Optional Views Window
8-6 Keypad Definitions in the Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Debugger Interface
8-7 Debugger Commands Not Available in the Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS User Interface
15-1 Debugging States
15-2 Process Specifications
17-1 Comparison of POSIX Threads and Ada Terminology
17-2 Task Built-In Symbols
17-3 Generic Task States
17-4 POSIX Threads Task Substates
17-5 Ada Task Substates
17-6 Generic Low-Level Task Scheduling Events
17-7 POSIX Threads-Specific Events
17-8 Ada-Specific Events
17-9 Ada Tasking Deadlock Conditions and Debugger Commands for Diagnosing Them
DEBUG-1 Restrictions on Process Creation, by Debugger Version Number
DEBUG-2 Debugging States
A-1 Key Definitions Specific to LK201 Keyboards
A-2 Keys That Change the Key State
A-3 Keys That Invoke Online Help to Display Keypad Diagrams
A-4 Debugger Key Definitions
B-1 Debugger Symbols for VAX Registers (VAX Only)
B-2 Debugger Symbols for Alpha Registers (Alpha Only)

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