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DECwindows Extensions to Motif

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Appendix B
OpenVMS DECwTermPort Routine

This appendix describes the DECwTermPort routine, which allows you to create a DECterm window on a local or remote node. This routine works only on OpenVMS systems.


Creates a DECterm window on a local or remote node.


int DECwTermPort(display,setup_file,customization,result_dev,
      char             *display;
      char             *setup_file;
      char             *customization;
      char             *result_dev;
      short            *result_len;
      char             *controller;
      struct tt_chars  *char_buff;
      struct tt_chars  *char_chng_buff;

Return Value

An OpenVMS status code that indicates the success or failure of the window creation operation. The following table lists the the status codes most commonly returned:
Status Code Description
SS$_NORMAL Window was created successfully.
CANT_OPEN_DISPLAY Window display could not be opened.
CANT_OPEN_DRM DRM database could not be opened.
TIMEOUT_CONTROLLER Timeout occurred before the DECterm controller could start.



A character string that identifies the server and screen on which the created DECterm appears. If the string address is 0, the default display is used.


A character string that specifies the name of the setup file. The setup file changes DECterm's initial settings. (See the customization argument for information about the syntax of a setup file.) If the string address is 0, the default setup file, DECW$USER_DEFAULTS:DECW$TERMINAL_DEFAULT.DAT, is used.


A character string that specifies setup options that override the default values established in resource and setup files. If the string address is 0, default values are not to be overridden. The syntax is the same as the syntax for resource and setup files:

"param:  value \n param:  value \n param:  value...."

You can create a customization file using the Application menu of the session manager. To do this, create a DECterm using the Applications menu, use the Customize option to change settings, and save the new settings in a file (be sure to use a nondefault file name). You can use the name of this file as the value of the customization argument.


A character string that specifies the virtual terminal device name for the created DECterm. This argument is intended for applications that want to assign the created DECterm or pass the name to a new process.


The address of a 16-bit word into which the length of the returned device name is written.


An optional argument that is a character string that specifies which controller should be used with the DECterm window. For example, you can specify a foreign language variant of DECterm. The default is SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$TERMINAL.EXE.


An optional argument that is the address of a 12-byte terminal characteristic buffer in which the terminal characteristics of the DECterm are specified. See the VMS I/O User's Reference Manual: Part I for further information.


An optional argument that is the address of a 12-byte terminal characteristic buffer that specifies which characteristics are set in the char_buff argument. This argument must be specified with the char_buff argument. Only those terminal characteristics that have nonzero values in the char_chng_buff buffer are set to the values specified in the char_buff argument. Otherwise, the terminal characteristic is not changed. See the VMS I/O User's Reference Manual: Part I for further information.


The DECwTermPort routine creates a DECterm window on a local or remote node, returning an OpenVMS status code that indicates the success or failure of the window creation operation.

Appendix C
SVN and Compound String Text Widget Translations

This appendix contains Structured Visual Navigation (SVN) and Compound String Text Widget translation information. Table C-1 describes the button syntax translations for the DXmSvn widget.

Table C-1 DXmSvn Widget Button Syntax Translations
Event Action Routine
BSelectPress: svn_button1_down
BSelectRelease: svn_button1_up
BSelectDrag: svn_button1_motion
BExtendPress: svn_shiftbutton1_down
BExtendRelease: svn_button1_up
BExtendDrag: svn_button1_motion
BTogglePress: svn_ctrlbutton1_down
BToggleRelease: svn_button1_up
BToggleDrag: svn_button1_motion
BDragPress: svn_button2_down
BDragRelease: svn_button2_up
BDragDrag: svn_button2_motion
BDragToggle: (MB2-ctrl-click) svn_button2_down
BDrag: (MB2-Alt-click) svn_button2_down
BMenu: svn_button3_down
BFocusIn: svn_focus_in
BFocusOut: svn_focus_out
BHelp: svnhelp

Table C-2 describes the keyboard syntax translations for the DXmSvn widget.

Table C-2 DXmSvn Widget Keyboard Syntax Translations
Event Action Routine
KMenu: svn_f4_menu
KDown: svn_arrow_down
KUp: svn_arrow_up
KPageDown: svn_page_down
KPageUp: svn_page_up
KEndData: svn_scroll_to_top
KBeginData: svn_scroll_to_bottom
KExtendUp: svn_extend_up
KExtendDown: svn_extend_down
MShiftKPageUp: svn_extend_pageup
MShiftKPageDown: svn_extend_pagedown
MShiftKBeginData: svn_extend_to_top
MShiftKEndData: svn_extend_to_bottom
KLeft: svn_arrow_left
KRight: svn_arrow_right
KBeginLine: svn_scroll_to_left
KEndLine: svn_scroll_to_right
KPageLeft: svn_page_left
KPageUp: svn_page_right
KActivate: svn_activate_entry
MCtrlKActivate: svn_activate_entry
KSpace: svn_activate_entry
MCtrlKSpace: svn_activate_entry
KSelect: svn_activate_entry
KHelp: svnhelp
KSelectAll: svn_select_all
KDeSelectAll: svn_deselect_all
KNextColumn: svn_next_column
KPrevColumn: svn_prev_column
MShiftKTab: LclTraversePrevTabGroup
KTab: LclTraverseNextTabGroup
MCtrlKTab: LclTraversePrevTabGroup
KCancel: svn_cancel
KNextPara: svn_next_level
KPrevPara: svn_prev_level

Table C-3 further describes the action routines for the DXmSvn widget.

Table C-3 Action Routines for DXmSvn Widget
Action Routine Description
svn_button1_down Selects and moves the location cursor to the current entry. Deselects all other entries.
svn_button1_up Completes selection started by the button1 press. Reports the DXmSvnNentrySelectedCallback to the application if specified. If this BtnUp was a completion of a double MB1 click, then the DXmSvnNselectAndConfirmCallback will be reported to the application, if specified.
svn_button1_motion Extends selection to include entries that are passed over with the mouse motion. If the Ctrl modifier was pressed with this MB1 motion, then all entries passed over with the mouse selection state are toggled.
svn_shiftbutton1_down Extends selection to include all entries between the last selected entry and this current entry. Moves the location cursor to this current entry.
svn_ctrlbutton1_down Toggles the selection state of the current entry and moves the location cursor to this entry.
svn_button2_down Initiates a drag operation. If MB2 is clicked on a selected entry, all selected entries are dragged. If MB2 is clicked on a unselected entry, only that entry is dragged. If application dragging is set, via the DXmSvnSetApplDragging routine, the DXmSvnNdraggingCallback is reported, if specified.
svn_button2_up Completes the drag operation. The
DXmSvnNselectionsDragged callback is reported to the application if specified and the entries are selected. If application dragging is set, via the DXmSvnSetApplDragging routine, the DXmSvnNdraggingEndCallback is reported, if specified. If the MB2 click is made without mouse motion, the DXmSvnNentryTransferCallback is reported to the application, if specified.
svn_button2_motion A ghost object is created and follows the mouse with MB2 motion.
svn_button3_down Reports DXmSvnNpopupMenu callback to the application if specified for this entry.
svn_focus_in Sets focus to the SVN widget. Moves location cursor to last selected entry in display.
svn_focus_out Removes focus from the SVN widget. Also removes location cursor from last selected entry.
svnhelp Reports the help callback DXmSvnNhelpCallback to the application, if specified.
svn_f4_menu Reports the DXmNpopupMenuCallback to the application if specified for the entry with the location cursor.
svn_arrow_down Selects and moves the location cursor to the next entry in the display, scrolling the display down, if necessary.
svn_arrow_up Selects and moves the location cursor to the previous entry in the display, scrolling the display up, if necessary.
svn_page_down Scrolls the display to the next screen of entries. Selects and moves the location cursor to the entry located at the same relative position on the next screen.
svn_page_up Scrolls the display to the previous screen of entries. Selects and moves the location cursor to the entry located at the same relative position on the previous screen.
svn_scroll_to_top Scrolls to the first entry in the SVN display. Selects and moves the location cursor to that entry.
svn_scroll_to_bottom Scrolls to the last entry in the SVN display. Selects and moves the location cursor to that entry.
svn_extend_up Adds the previous entry to the extended selection. Selects and moves the location cursor to the previous entry, scrolling the display, if necessary.
svn_extend_down Adds the next entry to the extended selection. Selects and moves the location cursor to that next entry, scrolling the display, if necessary.
svn_extend_pageup Extends the selection to include all entries in the next screen. Moves the location cursor to the entry located at the same relative position on the next screen.
svn_extend_pagedown Extends the selection to include all entries in the previous screen. Moves the location cursor to the entry located at the same relative position on the previous screen.
svn_extend_to_top Extends selection from the currently selected entry to the top entry known to SVN. Moves the location cursor to that top entry.
svn_extend_to_bottom Extends selection from the currently selected entry to the bottom entry known to SVN. Moves the location cursor to that bottom entry.
svn_arrow_left Scrolls the display one character to the left.
svn_arrow_right Scrolls the display one character to the right.
svn_scroll_to_left Scrolls to the extreme left of the display.
svn_scroll_to_right Scrolls to the extreme right of the display.
svn_page_left Scrolls the display horizontally one screen width to the left.
svn_page_right Scrolls the display horizontally one screen width to the right.
svn_activate_entry Selects and confirms the current entry. Equivalent to double clicking MB1.
svn_select_all Selects all entries known to SVN.
svn_deselect_all Deselects all entries known to SVN.
svn_next_column Selects the next column component to the right.
svn_prev_column Selects the previous column component to the left.
LclTraversePrevTabGroup Moves the location cursor (focus) to the previous Tab group. In SVN, there are primary and secondary windows that are both scrollable and in separate Tab groups. This function allows the focus to move to another window in SVN.
LclTraverseNextTabGroup Moves the location cursor to the next Tab group. In SVN, there are primary and secondary windows that are both scrollable and in separate Tab groups. This function allows the focus to move to other window in SVN.
svn_cancel Cancels any dragging operation or extended selection in progress. Moves the location cursor to the entry it was on before the operation started.
svn_next_level Scrolls to the entry at the next level in the SVN hierarchy.
svn_prev_level Scrolls to the entry at the previous level in the SVN hierarchy.

Table C-4 describes the button syntax translations for the DXmCSText widget.

Table C-4 DXmCSText Widget Button Syntax Translations
Event Action Routine
BSelect Press: grab-focus()
BSelect Motion: extend-adjust()
BSelect Release: extend-end()
BExtend Press: extend-start()
BExtend Motion: extend-adjust()
BExtend Release: extend-end()
BToggle Press: move-destination()
BDrag Press: secondary-start()
BDrag Motion: secondary-adjust()
BDrag Release: copy-to()
MCtrl BDrag Press: secondary-start()
MCtrl BDrag Motion: secondary-adjust()
MCtrl BDrag Release: copy-to()
MAlt BDrag Press: secondary-start()
MAlt BDrag Motion: secondary-adjust()
MAlt BDrag Release: move-to()
KUp: process-up()
MShift KUp: process-shift-up()
MCtrl KUp: backward-paragraph()
MShift MCtrl KUp: backward-paragraph(extend)
KDown: process-down()
MShift KDown: process-shift-down()
MCtrl KDown: forward-paragraph()
MShift MCtrl KDown: forward-paragraph(extend)
KLeft: left-character()
MShift KLeft: key-select(left)
MCtrl KLeft: left-word()
MShift MCtrl KLeft: left-word(extend)
KRight: right-character()
MShift KRight: key-select(right)
MCtrl KRight: right-word()
MShift MCtrl KRight: right-word(extend)
KPageUp: previous-page()
MShift KPageUp: previous-page(extend)
KPageDown: next-page()
MShift KPageDown: next-page(extend)
MCtrl KPageUp: page-horizontal-backward()
MCtrl KPageDown: page-horizontal-forward()
MAlt KLeft: left-side-of-line()
MShift Malt KLeft: left-side-of-line(extend)
MAlt KRight: right-side-of-line()
MShift MAlt KRight: right-side-of-line(extend)
MCtrl MAlt KLeft: extreme-left-of-file()
MShift MCtrl MAlt KLeft: extreme-left-of-file(extend)
MCtrl MAlt KRight: extreme-right-of-file()
MShift MCtrl MAlt KRight: extreme-right-of-file(extexd)
Malt <Key>F17: toggle-text-path
<Key>F17: toggle-editing-path-move()
MShift <Key>F17: toggle-editing-path-stay
KTab: process-tab()
KNextField: next-tab-group()
KPrevField: prev-tab-group()
KEnter: process-return()
KActivate: activate()
KDelete: delete-next-character()
KBackSpace: delete-previous-character()
KAddMode: toggle-add-mode()
KSpace: self-insert()
KSelect: set-anchor()
KExtend: key-select()
MAny KCancel: process-cancel()
KClear: clear-selection()
KSelectAll: select-all()
KDeselectAll: deselect-all()
KCut: cut-clipboard()
KCopy: copy-clipboard()
KPaste: paste-clipboard()
KPrimaryCut: cut-primary()
KPrimaryCopy: copy-primary()
KPrimaryPaste: copy-primary()
KQuickCut: quick-cut-set()
KQuickCopy: quick-copy-set()
KQuickPaste: quick-copy-set()
KQuickExtend: do-quick-action()
KHelp: Help()
KAny: self-insert()

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