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DECwindows Companion to the OSF/Motif Style Guide

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A.2 Mouse Bindings

The bindings described in Table A-9 pertain to Digital's three-button mouse. Motif also supports bindings for a one-button mouse and a two-button mouse.

Table A-9 Mouse Bindings for DECwindows Motif (Three-Button Mouse)
Motif Name Mouse Binding Use
BSelect MB1 Used to set the location cursor, and for selection and activation.
BDrag MB2 Used for moving, copying, and dragging objects.
BCustom MB3 Used for additional, application-defined interactions. Applications are encouraged to use MB3 for pop-up menus. See BMenu.
BMenu MB3 Used for pop-up menus.
BExtend Shift+MB1 Extends a selected range.
BToggle Ctrl+MB1 Toggles between items in the range.
BPrimaryPaste MB2 Cuts or copies the current selection to the pointer. Operation depends on object being cut or copied and upon the destination.
BPrimaryCopy Ctrl+MB2 Copies the selection to the pointer.
BPrimaryCut Alt+MB2 Cuts (moves) the selection to the pointer.
BQuickPaste MB2 Cuts or copies the secondary selection to the destination cursor.
BQuickCopy Ctrl+Shift+MB2 Copies a secondary selection to the destination cursor.
BQuickCut Alt+Shift+MB2 Cuts a secondary selection to the destination cursor.

A.3 Standard Accelerators

Accelerators are keyboard bindings that have equivalent functions in menus. You can find all of the standard accelerators in either the Window menu or the Edit menu.

Table A-10 lists the OSF/Motif standard accelerators for the Window Menu. These accelerators are also listed in the OSF/Motif Style Guide.

Table A-10 Motif Accelerators for the Window Menu
Window Menu Function Accelerator
Restore Alt+F5
Move Alt+F7
Size Alt+F8
Minimize Alt+F9
Maximize Alt+F10
Lower Alt+F3
Close Alt+F4

Table A-11 lists the accelerators that Digital suggests you use with the File menu. The accelerators for the Edit menu are defined by Motif while the accelerators for the File menu are suggestions by Digital.

Table A-11 Suggested Accelerators for the File Menu
File Menu Function Accelerator
New Ctrl+N
Open Ctrl+O
Save Ctrl+S
Print... Ctrl+P
Close Ctrl+C

Table A-12 lists the OSF/Motif standard accelerators for the Edit menu. These accelerators are also listed in the OSF/Motif Style Guide.

Table A-12 Motif Accelerators for the Edit Menu
Edit Menu Function LK401 Accelerator PC-style Accelerator
Undo Alt+< X| Alt+Backspace
Cut Shift+Remove Shift+Delete
Copy Ctrl+Insert Here Ctrl+Insert
Paste Shift+Insert Here Shift+Insert

Appendix B
Common Motif Terms Translated into European Languages

This appendix contains common OSF/Motif terms in English with corresponding translations into ten European languages. These terms apply to screen objects (such as the standard menus) and to terms that writers and translators can use when creating user information. By using the translated terms in these tables for labeling screen objects in all Motif applications, and for referring to them in all documentation, you contribute to the consistency of all Motif user interfaces.

The tables include the following languages:

  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • Finnish
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Norwegian
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish
  • Swedish

B.1 Danish and Dutch Terms

English Danish Dutch
Accelerator Accelerator Toetscombinatie
Acknowledge Læse Gezien
Activate Aktivere Activeren
Active Aktiv Actief
Add Tilføj Voeg toe
Alt key Alt tasten Toets [Alt]
Apply Anvend Voer uit
Arrow keys Piltaster Pijltoetsen
Background Baggrund Achtergrond
Block cursor Blokmarkør Blokcursor
Border Ydre ramme Rand
Button Knap knop
Cancel Annullér knop [Annuleer]
Capture Skrive i fil Bewaren
Check button Til/fra knap Aan/uit-knop
Choose Vælge Kiezen
Clear Fjern Verwijder
Click Klikke Klikken
Clipboard Mellemlager Prikbord
Close Lukke Sluit
Compose sequence Tastsekvens Reeks van toetsaanslagen
Continue Fortsæt Verder
Control panel Kontrolpanel Keuzepaneel
Copy Kopiere Kopieer
Cursor Markør Cursor
Customize Tilpasse Instellingen
Cut Slette Knip
Deactivate Deaktivere Deactiveer
Dialog box Dialogboks Kader
Dimmed (Skrevet med) svag skrift Grijs
Dismiss Afbryd Sluit kader
Display Vise Tonen
Double click Dobbeltklikke Tweemaal klikken
Drag Trække Verschuiven
Edit Redigere Bewerk
Enable Slået til Inschakelen
End session Afslutte session Beëindig sessie
Enter Indlæs Toets [Enter]
Exit Slut Einde
Expand Ekspandere Expanderen
Extract Overføre til fil Bewaar
Fields Felter Velden
File Fil Bestand
Filter Filter Bestandsfilter
Find Søg Zoek
Foreground Forgrund Voorgrond
Go Back Tilbage Ga terug
Go To Gå til Ga naar
Help Hjælp Help
Highlight Fremhæve Benadrukken
Hold Holde Vast
Hotspot Reference Klikkader
Icon Ikon Pictogram
Include Inkludere Neem op
Index Stikordsregister Index
Initial state Starte som: Start op als
Input focus aktivt vindue actief
Interface Brugergrænseflade Interface
Login screen Indlogningsbillede Login-scherm
Lower Flytte bagest Onderste
Main window Hovedvindue Hoofdvenster
Maximize Maksimere Maximaliseren
Maximize button Knappen Maksimér Vensterknop
Menu Menu Menu
Menu bar Menulinie Menubalk
Menu item Menuvalg Optie
Merge Samordne Voeg samen
Minimize Minimere Minimaliseren
Minimize button Knappen Minimér Pictogramknop
Mnemonic Mnemonico Afkorting van optie
Mouse Mus Muis
Mouse button Museknap Muisknop
Move Flytte Verplaats
New Ny Nieuw
On Context Kontekst Context
On Keys Taster Toetsen
On Window Vindue Venster
Open Åbne Open
Options valgmenu Opties
Pane Vinduesramme omschrijven
Password Kodeord Wachtwoord
Paste Indsætte Plak
Pause Pause Onderbreken
Point Pege Aanwijzen
Pointer Pegemarkør Aanwijzer
Pop-up menu Pop-op menu Contextmenu
Post Fastholde Inactief maken
Press Trykke Drukken
Previous Forrige Vorige
Prompt Klartegn Vraag
Pull-down menu Rullegardinsmenu (Rol)menu
Quit Annullér Stop
Release Frigive Vrijgeven
Replace Erstatte Vervang
Reset Reset Beginwaarde
Resize Ændre størrelse på Venstergrootte aanpassen
Resize border Standardstørrelse Pas kadergrootte aan
Restore Genoprette Wijzigingen ongedaan maken
Return Retur Toets [Return]
Sash Vindueshåndtag Blokje voor venstergrootte
Save Arkivere Bewaar
Save as Arkivere som Bewaar als
Scroll Rulle Scrollen
Scroll bar Rullebane Scroll-balk
Search Søg Zoek
Select Vælge Selecteren
Send Afsende Verzenden
Session Session Sessie
Shift click Skift-klikke Omschrijven
Show Vise Tonen
Shrink Formindske Verkleinen
Shuffle down Flytte bagest Venster onderop
Shuffle up Flytte forrest Venster bovenop
Size Størrelse Grootte
Slider Rullefelt Schuif
Start Starte Beginnen
Stepping arrow Rullepile Scroll-pijl
Stop Stop Stop
Tab key Tabulator Toets [Tab]
Text entry field Feltet Tekst Tekstinvoerveld
Title bar Titellinien Titelbalk
Toggle button Skifteknap Aan/uit-knop
Topic Emne Onderwerp
Trough Rulleområde Sleuf van scroll-balk
Undo Fortryde Maak ongedaan
Update Opdatér Werk bij
View Se på Raadpfleeg/Overzicht
Window Vindue Venster
Work area Arbejdsområde Werkgebied
Workspace Arbejdsområde Werkgebied

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