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OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual

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FAB data type
FABs (file access blocks) #1
FABs (file access blocks) #2
.FACILITY directive
Facility identifiers
FAO argument, signaling
FAO parameter, specifying
Fast I/O
    buffer objects
Fast Path #1
Fast Path #2
File access blocks
    See FABs
File access, protection
File access strategies
File attributes
File terminators
    attributes #1
    attributes #2
    complete access
    discrete records access
    record-by-record access
    sequential and indexed access
file_protection data type
Fixed-size stack frames
Flag words, bit mask
Floating-point numbers
    D_floating complex
    D_floating standard
    F_floating complex
    F_floating standard
    G_floating complex
    G_floating standard
    H_floating complex
    H_floating standard
    S_floating complex
    S_floating standard
    T_floating complex
    T_floating standard
    X_floating complex
    X_floating standard
Floating-point overflow
Floating-point register usage
Floating-Point Registers and Execution Data Blocks
    See FREDs
Floating-point underflow
floating_point data type
Forced exit
Foreign commands
Foreign devices
Foreign volumes #1
Foreign volumes #2
Format convention of equivalence names
Format convention of logical names
Format heading
    in routine documentation
    See also System routine documentation
    Compaq Fortran 90
    Compaq Fortran for OpenVMS Alpha
    Compaq Fortran for OpenVMS VAX
    data type declarations
    implementation table
FREDs (Floating-Point Registers and Execution Data Blocks)
Function codes
Function modifiers
    types of
Function value returns, for RTL routines
function_code data type
Global sections #1
Global sections #2
Global sections #3
Global sections #4
    characteristics #1
    characteristics #2
    definition #1
    definition #2
    for interprocess communication
    mapping #1
    mapping #2
    name #1
    name #2
    paging file #1
    paging file #2
Global symbols
    signaling with
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
GOTO unwind operations
    of resources
    on OpenVMS Alpha systems
    on OpenVMS VAX systems
Graphical interfaces, creating
Group logical name tables
.H files
    from SYS$STARLET_C.TLB to support Compaq POSIX Threads Library
    provided by SYS$STARLET_C.TLB
Handlers, change and compatibility modes
Hardware process control blocks
    See HWPCBs
Hardware registers
    for Alpha
    for VAX
    alternate method
    and AST
    compared with suspension
High-performance sort
Holder Hidden attribute
Holder records
HWPCBs (hardware process control blocks) #1
HWPCBs (hardware process control blocks) #2
HWPCBs (hardware process control blocks) #3
Hyperinformation environment
I/O channel indexes
I/O channels
I/O completion
    recommended test
I/O functions
    codes #1
    codes #2
I/O (input/output)
    checking device type
    exit handler
    reading a single line
    reading several lines
    screen updates
        end of file
    unsolicited input
    using SYS$QIO system service
    using SYS$QIOW system service
    writing simple character data
I/O operations
    quotas, privileges, and protection
I/O performance
    Fast I/O
    Fast Path
I/O requests
I/O services
    asynchronous version
    synchronous version
I/O status blocks
    See IOSBs #1
    See IOSBs #2
I/O system services
ICBs (invocation context blocks)
ICC system services
identifier data type
Identifier names, translating
Identifier records
    adding to rights database
    removing from rights database
Identifier values, translating
Identifiers #1
Identifiers #2
    adding to rights database
    attributes #1
    attributes #2
    attributes #3
    attributes #4
    determining holders of
    global sections
    new attributes
    removing from rights database
    rights database
    user #1
    user #2
If states, composed input
IM semaphore
Image rundown
Image rundown, effect on logical names
Image sections #1
Image sections #2
    for subprocess
    loading site-specific
    rundown activity
Impersonation services
Implementation tables
    C and C++
    MACRO language
    OpenVMS usage
    RPG II
Implicit affinity
    argument list
        from within a program
        within a program
Initialization routines
Inner mode access
Inner mode ASTs
Inner mode (IM) semaphore
Inner mode synchronization
Input address arrays #1
Input address arrays #2
Instruction memory barriers
Instructions, queue
Integer and floating-point routines
Integer register usage
Interlocked instructions #1
Interlocked instructions #2
Interlocked instructions #3
Interlocked memory instructions, using
Internal file identifiers
Interprocess communication #1
Interprocess communication #2
    event flags
    global sections
    lock management services
    logical names
    shareable logical names
Interprocess control
Interrupt priority level
    See IPL
Interrupt requests, SMP systems
Intra-Cluster communications #1
Intra-Cluster communications #2
    design considerations
    programming considerations
Intraprocess communication
    common area
    global symbols
Invocation context blocks
    See ICBs
Invocation handles
invo_context_blk data type
invo_handle data type
IOSBs (I/O status blocks) #1
IOSBs (I/O status blocks) #2
    in synchronization
    return condition value field
io_status_block data type
IPL (interrupt priority level)
Item lists
item_list_2 data type
item_list_3 data type
item_list_pair data type
item_quota_list data type

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