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OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual

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    MACRO-32 Compiler
    MACRO-64 Assembler
MACRO--32 compiler
    consequences of noncompliant code
MACRO--64 assembler, consequences of noncompliant code
MACRO language
    data type declarations
    generating argument lists
    implementation table
Macro libraries
    calling system services
    generating argument list
        CALLG instruction
        CALLS instruction
    system services #1
    system services #2
Magnetic tapes
    initializing within a program
Mailboxes #1
Mailboxes #2
Mailboxes #3
Mailboxes #4
    creating #1
    creating #2
    for interprocess communication
        using SYS$QIO
        using SYS$QIOW
    protection #1
    protection #2
    reading data from
    temporary #1
    temporary #2
    writing data to
Mapped files
mask_byte data type
mask_longword data type
mask_quadword data type
mask_word data type
Mathematical functions
    SYSGEN parameter
    SYSGEN parameter
    SYSGEN parameter
Mechanism argument vectors #1
Mechanism argument vectors #2
Mechanism argument vectors #3
Mechanism argument vectors #4
    on Alpha systems
    on VAX systems
Mechanism arrays, format
Mechanism entry, in argument descriptions
mechanism_args data type
    allocating algorithms
    allocating and freeing blocks
    allocating and freeing pages
    locking page into #1
    locking page into #2
    reads and writes
        on VAX systems
    reads and writes on Alpha systems
Memory fragmentation
Memory management system services #1
Memory management system services #2
Memory-resident global sections
    creating with SMG$ routines
Message text, specifying variables in
Message utility (MESSAGE) #1
Message utility (MESSAGE) #2
Message utility (MESSAGE) #3
    accessing message object module
    associating messages with exception conditions
    compiling message file
    creating a message object library
    .END directive
    .FACILITY directive
    facility name
    facility number
    FAO parameters
    /FAO_COUNT qualifier
    logging messages
    message object module
    message text
    message text variables
    modifying a message source file
    .SEVERITY directive
    source module
    .TITLE directive
Middleware services
    client/server software
Mixed-language programming, calling conventions
Modularity, virtual displays
MOUNT privilege
Multiple execution contexts
Multiprocess applications
Multiprocessor environment
Multistreamed work load
Name Hidden attribute
Name services #1
Name services #2
Namespaces, listing information
$name_G macro
$name_G macro call
$name_S macro
$name_S macro call
NARGS keyword
National Character Set (NCS) utility
Natural alignment
Network management
No Access attribute
Null devices
null_arg data type
Numeric time
Object files
Object libraries #1
Object libraries #2
    adding a module
    deleting a module
    extracting a module
    including message object module
    listing modules
    replacing a module
Object-oriented programming
octaword_signed data type
octaword_unsigned data type
Open standards
Open systems
Open systems environment
OpenVMS Alpha operating systems
    migrating to
OpenVMS Alpha System-Code Debugger
OpenVMS Cluster systems, ICC programming
OpenVMS Debugger (debugger)
OpenVMS Debugger utility
OpenVMS systems
    compliance with open standards
    open systems capability
    system services
OpenVMS usage entry
    in argument descriptions
OpenVMS utility routines
Outer mode ASTs
Output formatting control routine
Overview of the OpenVMS Operating System
P0 space
P1 space #1
P1 space #2
    definition #1
    definition #2
Page access
Page faults
Page frame sections #1
Page frame sections #2
Page table entries
    See PTEs
Pages #1
Pages #2
    copy-on-reference #1
    copy-on-reference #2
    demand-zero #1
    demand-zero #2
    locking into memory #1
    locking into memory #2
    owner #1
    owner #2
    ownership and protection #1
    ownership and protection #2
page_protection data type
Paging file sections #1
Paging file sections #2
    global #1
    global #2
PALcode (privileged architecture library) code #1
PALcode (privileged architecture library) code #2
Parent lock
Partial sections
    data type declarations
    implementation table
Passing mechanisms
    by descriptor
    by reference
    by value
    for arrays
    for scalars
    for strings
    deleting #1
    deleting #2
Patch utility (PATCH)
PATHWORKS, client/server environment
PCA (performance and coverage analyzer)
PCBs (process control blocks)
Per Kernel Thread Stacks
Per-process common areas
Per-thread security
Per-thread security model
Performance, measurement routine
Persona extensions
PFNs (page frame numbers)
PHDs (process headers)
Physical device names
Physical I/Os
    access checks
    privilege #1
    privilege #2
    privilege #3
Physical names
PID numbers #1
PID numbers #2
    definition #1
    definition #2
    referencing remote processes
PID (process identifier), non-existent process
    Compaq PL/I for OpenVMS Alpha
    data type declarations
    implementation table
    VAX PL/I
Pointers, 64-bit support #1
Pointers, 64-bit support #2
Portability, applications
Portable applications, on VAX and Alpha platforms
Predefined logical name
Primary exception vector
    device widths
Private sections, definition #1
Private sections, definition #2
Privileged architecture library code
    See PALcode
Privileged shareable images
    defined by access mode
    I/O operations
    logical I/Os
    physical I/Os #1
    physical I/Os #2
    physical I/Os #3
    SHARE #1
    SHARE #2
    system services
Procedure call format
Procedure calls, testing for successful completion #1
Procedure calls, testing for successful completion #2
procedure data type
Procedure values #1
Procedure values #2
    function code
    procedure value
Process contexts
    using with $GETJPI system service
Process controls
Process, directory tables
Process Header (PHD)
Process logical name tables
Process names
    length of for remote processes
    obtain information about remote processes
    specifying for local processes
    specifying for remote processes
    using to obtain information about remote processes #1
    using to obtain information about remote processes #2
    using to obtain information about remote processes #3
Process-private space
Process rights lists
Process searches
    obtaining information about
    searching on all nodes #1
    searching on all nodes #2
    searching on specific nodes
    using item lists
        with remote procedures
    using item-specific flags to control selection information
    using SYS$PROCESS_SCAN system service item list
    using SYS$PROCESS_SCAN system service item list to specify processes
    using SYS$PROCESS_SCAN system service item list to specify selection criteria about processes
    using wildcard on local system
Process structure
    communicating between
    communicating within
        using logical names
        using symbols
    deleting #1
    deleting #2
    detached #1
    detached #2
    disabling swap mode #1
    disabling swap mode #2
    disallowing swapping #1
    disallowing swapping #2
    lock information
    modes of execution
    modifying name
    obtaining information about
        processes on specific nodes
        processes on specific nodes
        using LIB$GETJPI routine
        using PIDs #1
        using PIDs #2
        using process name #1
        using process name #2
        using SYS$GETJPI system service
        using SYS$GETJPIW system service
    one process
    suspending #1
    suspending #2
    swapping #1
    swapping #2
    SYS$PROCESS_SCAN system service
        item lists
            using to specify selection criteria about processes
        item lists
            using to specify selection criteria about processes
            using to specify selection criteria about processes
            using with remote procedures
        item-specific flags to control selection information
    termination mailboxes
    wildcard search
Processing, distributed
process_id data type
process_name data type
Production systems, OpenVMS capabilities
Program decomposition
Program execution
    specifying a time #1
    specifying a time #2
    timed intervals
Program regions #1
Program regions #2
    modular techniques
    software development tools
    to standards
Programming environment
Programming examples, calling system services
Prompt for input, with LIB$GET_INPUT routine
    by access mode
    I/O operations
Protection masks
Protection, page #1
Protection, page #2
$PRTDEF macro
PTEs (page table entries)
    extended addresses

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