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DECamds User's Guide

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The Sort, Filter, and collection interval settings at the data window level affect performance. Follow these guidelines to balance customization with performance:

  • Filter out data to improve CPU performance. Reducing the collection criteria increases performance. See Section 5.2 for information on filtering data.
  • Use unsorted windows to improve performance. Sorting requires extra computations. See Section 5.3 for information on sorting data.
  • Increase collection interval values to improve performance. See Section 5.4 for information on changing collection intervals.

5.5.2 Optimizing System Settings

Changing several system settings might improve the performance of DECamds on your system. The following sections discuss these settings and how to change them. Setting Data Link Read Operations

Increase read operations to the data link by changing the logical name AMDS$COMM_READS in the AMDS$CONFIG:AMDS$LOGICALS.COM command procedure. The AMDS$COMM_READS logical name controls the number of requests for data (read operations) queued to the data link.

If you increase data collection, increase the number of requests that can be queued. Compaq recommends two requests for each node being monitored. Each read operation queued requires 1500 bytes of BYTLM quota. Setting the Communications Buffer

Increase the communications buffer by changing the logical name AMDS$COMM_BUFFER_SIZE in the AMDS$CONFIG:AMDS$LOGICALS.COM command procedure. The buffer controls the size of the global section used for communication between the provider node and the communications process.

When DECamds cannot keep up, it displays the following warning message:

AMDS$_COMMBUFOVF---communications buffer overflow.  Increase the buffer by 25 percent.

In addition to increasing the value of the AMDS$COMM_BUFFER_SIZE logical name, set the system parameter GBLPAGFIL on the provider node to cover the increase. This adds to the amount of data collection that DECamds can perform.

The value of the GBLPAGFIL system parameter must always be higher than the number of FREE_GBLPAGES. To determine the value of FREE_GBLPAGES, enter the following commands:


The value of A must conform to the following formula:

2 * ( (buffer_size / 512) + 512)

5.5.3 Optimizing Performance with Hardware

Table 5-7 provides an approximate guideline for the number of nodes you can monitor when running DECamds on certain computer types.

Table 5-7 Monitoring Nodes
Monitoring Computer Type Number of Nodes Monitored
  Observation Only Observe and Fix
VAXstation 3100 0-30 0-20
VAXstation 4000 Model 60 20-60 20-50
VAX 6000 1 75-150 65-130
VAX 4000 Model 90 75-150 65-130
DEC 3000 Model 400 0-50 0-50
DEC 4000 Model 620 0-70 0-70
DEC 7000 Model 720 Any number Any number

1With DECwindows display directed to a workstation

Follow these suggestions when choosing and configuring a console:

  • Use fast hardware.
    Because DECamds is compute and memory-intensive, which is compounded by its real-time DECwindows-based display medium, faster CPUs will improve throughput and perceived response time.
  • Use multiprocessors.
    DECamds runs two processes: one handling calculations and display; one handling communications between the monitoring node and the remote nodes. A multiprocessor reduces the DECwindows server process competition for CPU time. On single processor systems, the processes must compete.
  • Run the monitoring portion of DECamds on a standalone system.
    If a cluster is experiencing system resource problems, you can still use DECamds.

Appendix A
Installing the DECamds Data Analyzer

This appendix explains how to install the DECamds Data Analyzer software on OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX Version 6.2 and later systems.

Beginning with OpenVMS Version 7.2, the Data Provider ships as part of the OpenVMS installation. Installing or upgrading to OpenVMS Version 7.2 or later automatically installs the Data Provider on your system. You can run the Data Provider on any VAX or Alpha Version 6.2 or later system.


The Compaq Availability Manager web site might refer you to a more recent version of the Data Provider than the one on the current OpenVMS VAX or Alpha operating system CD-ROM. Compaq recommends that you install the DECamds Data Provider software using the version indicated at the following URL:


Section A.7 explains how to start using the Data Provider.

This chapter contains the following sections:

  • General installation information
  • Data Analyzer installation requirements
  • Downloading the Data Analyzer software
  • Installing Data Analyzer software from a PCSI kit
  • Postinstallation tasks on Data Provider nodes
  • Postinstallation tasks on the Data Analyzer node
  • Starting to use the Data Provider
  • Determining and reporting problems
  • Running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) separately

A.1 General Installation Information

DECamds provides online release notes. Compaq strongly recommends that you read the release notes before proceeding with the installation. You can print the text file of the release notes from the following location:


DECamds consists of client and server software:

  • The client software, the Data Analyzer, provides the graphical user interface to display DECamds information to users.
  • The server software, the DECamds Data Provider (RMDRIVER), collects the data that DECamds analyzes and displays.

In earlier versions of OpenVMS, you needed to install both both the Data Analyzer and Data Provider software on your system from the latest DECamds kit. Beginning with OpenVMS Version 7.2, you need to install only the Data Analyzer software on the system where you run the client, or graphical user interface. You need to do this to obtain the new library for DECamds Version 7.2 and later.

A.2 Data Analyzer Installation Requirements

This section provides a checklist of hardware and software requirements for installing the DECamds Data Analyzer. A typical installation takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes per node, depending on your type of media and system configuration.

  • Hardware requirements
    • A workstation monitor. For any hardware configuration without a DECwindows Motif display device, use the DECwindows server to direct the display to a workstation or an X terminal.
    • 16 MB of memory for VAX systems and 32 MB for Alpha systems, for the Data Analyzer portion of DECamds.

    You should use a more powerful system as the number of nodes and the amount of collected data rises. Table A-1 shows general guidelines for the default Data Analyzer node. Note that the following table does not preclude DECamds from running on a less powerful system than listed for the number of nodes being monitored.

    Table A-1 Recommended System Requirements
    Number of Monitored Nodes Recommended Alpha Hardware Recommended VAX Hardware
    1-30 DEC 3000 Model 400, 32 MB VAXstation 3100, 16 MB
    20-50 DEC 3000 Model 400, 64 MB VAXstation 4000 Model 60
    40-90 DEC 3000 Model 500 VAXstation 4000 Model 90
    91 or more DEC 4000 Model 620 VAX 6000-420
  • Operating system version
    At least one of the following:
    OpenVMS VAX Version 6.2 or higher
    OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2 or higher
  • Display software
    DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Version 1.1 or higher installed on the Data Analyzer node system.
  • Privileges
    Operation Privileges Needed
    Monitor only (read-only access) OPER
    Implement fixes (write access) OPER, CMKRNL
    Stop, start, reload, or restart the Data Provider node. Includes changing security or group name. OPER, CMKRNL, LOG_IO, SYSNAM, SYSPRV


    For OpenVMS Version 6.2 and later, if the Data Provider is running on the same node as the Data Analyzer node, you must also have either SYSPRV privilege or ACL access to the RMA0: device.
  • Disk space
    • 3500 blocks on VAX systems.
    • 4000 blocks on Alpha systems.

    To determine the number of free disk blocks on the current system disk, enter the following command at the OpenVMS DCL prompt:

  • System parameter settings
    These settings are the same as those required for operating system installation. The Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) requires additional space as follows:
    GLBPAGFIL 1200
    WSMAX 16384

    1The value indicated is the absolute minimum needed; however, use this value in MODPARAMS.DAT as an ADD value.
    2The WSMAX parameter is the maximum any working set will be allowed. Even though the system authorization (SYSUAF) file allows more, only this amount will be allocated to the process.

    You can modify WSMAX and GLBPAGFIL using the System Management utility (SYSMAN). See the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual for more information.
  • Process account quotas (minimum)
    ASTLM 150
    BIOLM 51
    BYTLM 75000
    FILLM 20
    PRCLM 3
    PGFLQUO 25600
    TQELM 100
    WSEXTENT 16384

    Note that the AMDS$COMM_READS logical determines the default value. If you are reinstalling the Data Analyzer, or have changed AMDS$COMM_READS, then the following formulas are used to determine the default value:

    User account quotas are stored in the file SYSUAF.DAT. Use the OpenVMS Authorize utility (AUTHORIZE) to verify and change user account quotas. For more information on modifying account quotas, see the description of the Authorize utility in the OpenVMS system management documentation.


    On both Alpha and VAX systems, Compaq recommends that you perform a system disk backup before installing any software. Use the backup procedures that are established at your site. For details about performing a system disk backup, see the OpenVMS Backup utility documentation.

A.3 Obtaining the Data Analyzer Software

The Data Analyzer software is available on the OpenVMS operating system layered product CD-ROM or from the Compaq Availability Manager web site.

Follow these steps to download the software from the web:

  1. From the Availability Manager home page, click Software Download. The Availability Manager home page is at the following URL:

  2. Complete the user survey, which allows you to proceed to the Download web page.
  3. Click one or both of the DECamds executables:

        DECamds - Alpha: decamds0721b.pcsi-dcx_axpexe
        DECamds - VAX:   decamds0721b.pcsi-dcx_vaxexe
  4. Save the executable to a device and directory of your choice.
  5. Run the executable and accept the default file name. The result will be:

        DECamds:               DEC-VMS-AMDSV0702-1B-1.PCSI

The next section provides installation instructions for the Data Analyzer.

A.4 Installing Data Analyzer Software from a PCSI Kit

This section describes the installation procedure on an OpenVMS Version 6.2 or later systems from a POLYCENTER Software Installation (PCSI) kit.

  • Starting the installation
    Use the following procedure to start the installation:
    Enter the OpenVMS DCL command PRODUCT, the name of the task to be performed, and the name of one or more products. For example, to install DECamds Version 7.2, enter the following command:


    device directory refers to the device and the directory where the kit is located.
    For a description of the features you can request with the PRODUCT INSTALL command when starting an installation such as running the IVP, purging files, and configuring the installation, see the POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility User's Guide.
    As an installation procedure progresses, the system displays a percentage message to indicate how much of the installation is done. For example:

    Percent Done: 15%
    %PCSI-I-SUCCESS, operation completed successfully

    If you started the installation using the /LOG qualifier, the system displays details of the installation.
  • Stopping and restarting the installation
    Use the following procedure to stop and restart the installation:
    1. To stop the procedure at any time, press Ctrl/Y.
    2. Enter the PRODUCT REMOVE command to reverse any changes to the system that occurred during the partial installation. This deletes all files created up to that point and causes the installation procedure to exit.
    3. Go back to the beginning of the installation procedure to restart the installation.
  • Recovering from errors
    If the installation procedure fails for any reason, the following message is displayed:

    %POLYCENTER Software Installation utility
    %INSTAL-E-INSFAIL, The installation of DECamds 7.2-1B has failed.

    An error during the installation can occur if one or more of the following conditions exist:
    • The operating system version is incorrect.
    • The prerequisite software version is incorrect.
    • Quotas necessary for successful installation are inadequate.
    • Process quotas required by the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility are inadequate.
    • The OpenVMS Help library is currently in use.

    If you receive any error message beginning with %PCSI-E-INSTAL , refer to the OpenVMS DCL HELP/MESSAGE utility for POLYCENTER Software Installation information and a possible solution to the problem.
    If the installation fails, you must restart the installation procedure. If the installation fails due to an IVP failure, contact a Compaq support representative.

Sample Installation on an OpenVMS Alpha System

Example A-1 shows a sample installation on an OpenVMS Alpha system. This sample was run on a system that had no previous version of DECamds installed. Depending on which layered products you have on your system, you might see additional messages and questions when you perform your installation.

Example A-1 Sample OpenVMS Alpha Installation

$ product install amds

The following product has been selected:

DEC VMS AMDS V7.2-1B                   Layered Product

Do you want to continue? [YES]

Configuration phase starting ...

You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and
for any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency

DEC VMS AMDS V7.2-1B: DECamds (Availability Manager for Distributed
Systems) V7.2-1B

COPYRIGHT © © 1994, 1995, 1999 -- All rights reserved

Compaq Computer Corporation

License and Product Authorization Key (PAK) Information

Do you want the defaults for all options? [YES]

DECamds Data Provider Installation Verification Procedure

DECamds Startup File

DECamds Logicals Customization File

DECamds Data Provider Security Access File

DECamds Data Analyzer Security Access File

DECamds Data Analyzer Installation Verification Procedure (IVP)

IVP may fail due to the following PQL values being too low:


See the file AMDS$SYSTEM:AMDS$PCSI_IVP_OUTPUT.LOG for help on failure.

Do you want to review the options? [NO]

Execution phase starting ...

The following product will be installed to destination:

DEC VMS AMDS V7.2-1B                   DISK$ALPHA_V72:[VMS$COMMON.]

Portion done: 0%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100%

The following product has been installed:

DEC VMS AMDS V7.2-1B                   Layered Product

%PCSI-I-IVPEXECUTE, executing test procedure for DEC VMS AMDS V7.2-1B ...

%PCSI-I-IVPSUCCESS, test procedure completed successfully

DEC VMS AMDS V7.2-1B: DECamds (Availability Manager for Distributed
Systems) V7.2-1B

This product requires the following SYSGEN parameters:

GBLPAGES add 1172

A.5 Postinstallation Tasks on Data Provider Nodes

Perform the following tasks after installing DECamds on Data Provider nodes:

  1. If you have not read the release notes, please read them.
  2. Modify user accounts.
    Users who maintain the security or group name files or load new versions of the driver need privileges associated with the driver startup procedure.
  3. Add AMDS$STARTUP.COM to the node's startup and shutdown procedures to provide for automatic startup and shutdown of the Data Provider driver when a node is booted or shut down.
    Add the following command line to SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM:


    Also, edit SYSHUTDWN.COM to add the following line:

  4. Modify default security files.
    To implement fixes, which require write access, the security files must bemodified. The Data Provider security file contains a list of three-part codes representing Data Analyzer nodes that have read or write access to that node.Refer to Section 1.3 for complete instructions about designing security files.
  5. Assign a node to a group.
    See Section
  6. Start DECamds (the Data Provider).
    Even though the IVP starts and stops the driver, you must start the Data Provider drivers by entering the following command on each node:



    Starting, stopping, or reloading DECamds (the AMDS$STARTUP.COM procedure) requires at least TMPMBX, NETMBX, SYSNAM, LOG_IO, and CMKRNL privileges. Use the OpenVMS Authorize utility (AUTHORIZE) to determine whether users have the required privileges and then make adjustments as needed.

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