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OpenVMS System Manager's Manual

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14.4.1 Creating and Starting Autostart Execution Queues

To create and start an autostart execution queue, complete these tasks:

  1. Create the queue as an autostart queue and, optionally, specify a failover list.
  2. Activate the queue for autostart. You can do this either when you create a queue, or after you create one.
  3. Enable autostart on a node. You can do this before or after you create a queue.



The commands in this example perform the following tasks:

  1. Creates an autostart queue named LPA0 and activates it for autostart. Because this is an autostart queue with a failover list, this queue can run on either LILITH::LPA0 or SMITTN::LPA0.
  2. Creates an autostart queue named LN03_1 for LAT printers and activates it for autostart. Because this is an autostart queue with a failover list, this queue can run on either of the printers attached to LAT ports LTA3331: on node LILITH or LTA555: on node SMITTN.
  3. Enables autostart on the node on which the process is running. Assume this is node LILITH. Because both LPA0 and LN03_1 are active autostart queues capable of running on node LILITH, these queues will start up on this node.
  4. Enables autostart on node SMITTN. If LILITH becomes unavailable, both LPA0 and LN03_1 can fail over to node SMITTN.

Detailed explanations of each task follow. Creating an Autostart Queue

To create an autostart execution queue, use the /AUTOSTART_ON qualifier with the INITIALIZE/QUEUE command, as shown in the following table:

For... Use This Command...
Output queues INITIALIZE/QUEUE/AUTOSTART_ON=(node::[device:] [,...]) queue-name

For node::, specify the name of the node on which the queue is to run.

For device:, specify the name of the output device to which the queue's output is sent. To allow the autostart queue to fail over to another node and device, specify a list of nodes and devices, separated by commas.

Batch queues INITIALIZE/QUEUE/BATCH/AUTOSTART_ON=(node:: [,...]) queue-name

The /BATCH qualifier creates a batch queue.

For node::, specify the name of the node on which the queue is to run. To allow the autostart queue to fail over to another node, specify a list of nodes, separated by commas.


The system does not check the node name you specify as node:: to determine if it is an existing node name, so be sure to specify the node name correctly.

How to Specify a Failover List

As the table indicates, to specify a failover list:

  • For output queues, replace device with a list of failover devices.
  • For batch queues, replace node with a list of failover nodes. Activating an Autostart Queue

You must activate an autostart queue in one of the following ways:

  • Use the /START qualifier in the INITIALIZE/QUEUE command used to create the queue, as follows:

    INITIALIZE/QUEUE/START/AUTOSTART_ON[/qualifiers,...] queue-name

  • Enter START/QUEUE after you create the queue, as follows:

    START/QUEUE[/qualifiers,...] queue-name

Once an autostart queue is activated, it remains active until the queue is stopped with STOP/QUEUE/NEXT or STOP/QUEUE/RESET. Shutting down a node does not deactivate autostart queues on the node.

How to Start a Deactivated Queue

To start an autostart queue that has been deactivated by STOP/QUEUE/NEXT or STOP/QUEUE/RESET, enter START/QUEUE. The queue is then automatically started by the queue manager either:

  • Immediately if a node on which the queue can run is enabled for autostart
  • As soon as a node on which the queue can run is enabled for autostart Enabling an Autostart Queue

You must enable autostart on a node to start autostart queues. You can do this either before or after you create an autostart queue. Perform the following steps to enable autostart:

  1. For each node on which you want autostart queues to run (including those to which the queues can later fail over), enter the following command:


    Enabling autostart on a node notifies the queue manager to automatically perform the following tasks:
    • Start all active and valid autostart queues on the node
    • Start any active autostart queue that fails over to the node

    By default, the command affects the node from which it is entered. Specify the /ON_NODE qualifier to enable autostart on a different node.


    The ENABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES command starts only valid, active autostart queues capable of running on a node. If an autostart queue does not start when you enter this command, the queue might not be active for autostart. You must activate autostart queues, as explained in Section
  2. Add the ENABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES command to your startup command procedure on each node that is to run autostart queues to ensure that autostart is enabled each time the node reboots.

How to Start Stopped Autostart Queues

You can start all stopped active autostart queues on a node by enabling autostart for queues with ENABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES. Including a separate START/QUEUE command to start an active autostart queue is not necessary.

When a node reboots, autostart is disabled until you enter ENABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES. Adding Commands to Your Startup Procedure

Compaq recommends that you add ENABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES to your startup procedure on all of your nodes. Add this command following the commands that configure printer devices and mount important disks. Adding the command eliminates the necessity of adding it later, if you need to add autostart queues or add nodes to autostart queue failover lists.

The following example illustrates some sample commands that you might add to a node's SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM procedure:

$! Start the nonautostart batch queue
$! Start all autostart queues

For more examples, see the SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM template on your system disk.

14.4.2 Creating and Starting Nonautostart Execution Queues

This section describes how to create and start a nonautostart queue.


The following example creates a batch queue named SYS$BATCH and starts the queue on LILITH:


To create a nonautostart execution queue, use the /ON qualifier with the INITIALIZE/QUEUE command, as shown in the following table:

Type of Queue Command
Output queues INITIALIZE/QUEUE/ON=node::device: queue-name

For node::, specify the node on which the queue is to execute.

For device:, specify the device to which the queue's output is sent.

Batch queues INITIALIZE/QUEUE/BATCH/ON=node:: queue-name

The /BATCH qualifier is required to create a batch queue.

For node::, specify the node on which the queue is to execute. Starting a Nonautostart Queue

You must start a nonautostart queue in one of the following ways:

  • Enter the /START qualifier in the INITIALIZE/QUEUE command that you use to create the queue, with the following format:

    INITIALIZE/QUEUE/START/ON[/qualifiers,...] queue-name

  • Enter START/QUEUE after you create the queue, using the following format:

    START/QUEUE[/qualifiers,...] queue-name

    For each nonautostart queue, you must include a START/QUEUE command naming the queue in your startup command procedure.

14.4.3 Creating and Starting Generic Queues

This section describes how to create and start a generic queue. Creating a Generic Queue

To create a generic queue, use the /GENERIC qualifier with the INITIALIZE/QUEUE command, as shown in the following table:

Type of Queue Command
Output queue INITIALIZE/QUEUE/GENERIC[=(queue-name[,...])] queue-name

The /GENERIC qualifier specifies that the queue is a generic queue.

For the first queue-name, specify the execution queue to which the generic queue sends jobs.

For the second queue-name, specify the generic queue to which output is sent.

Batch queues INITIALIZE/QUEUE/BATCH/GENERIC[=(queue-name[,...]) queue-name

The /BATCH qualifier is required to create a batch queue.

For queue-name, specify the execution queue to which the generic queue sends jobs. The execution queue must be a batch queue.

You can also set up a generic queue without explicitly naming the execution queues to which it may send jobs. Instead, use the /ENABLE_GENERIC qualifier with INITIALIZE/QUEUE, START/QUEUE, or SET QUEUE for the execution. This method is not normally recommended. However, if your queue configuration is simple, you can use this method.


The following example creates a generic queue (LN03_PRINT), which lists execution queues to which LN03_PRINT sends jobs:

$ INITIALIZE/QUEUE/GENERIC=(LN03_1,LN03_2,LN03_3) LN03_PRINT Starting a Generic Queue

You must start a generic queue in one of the following ways:

  • Use the /START qualifier in the INITIALIZE/QUEUE command used to create the queue, using the following format:

    INITIALIZE/QUEUE/START/GENERIC(=queue-name[,...])[/qualifiers, ...] queue-name

  • Enter START/QUEUE after you create the queue, using the following format:

    START/QUEUE[/qualifiers,...] queue-name

14.5 Restarting Execution Queues on Reboot

Information about forms, characteristics, and queues is stored in the queue database. For this reason, creating forms, queues, and characteristics each time the node or OpenVMS Cluster system reboots is unnecessary. However, you must start nonautostart execution queues and enable autostart each time a node reboots. To do so, create a command procedure.

If your configuration is simple, you can add the commands to the site-specific startup command procedure SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM. If your configuration requires a large number of commands, create a separate command procedure and execute it from SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM.

Generic queues are not automatically stopped when a node shuts down. Therefore, including commands to start generic queues in your startup command procedure is unnecessary.

14.6 Using Queue Options

The following table describes options that you can use with queues:

Options Type of queue Reference
Control of access to queues Batch and output Section 14.6.1
Job retention Batch and output Section 14.6.2
Characteristics Batch and output Section 14.6.3
Control of batch processing Batch Section 14.6.4
Control of job scheduling Output Section 14.6.5
Banner pages Output Section 14.6.6
Forms Output Section 14.6.7
Control of line and page overflow Output Section
Suppression of initial form feed Output Section
Device control library modules Output Section 14.6.8

You can implement options in either of the following ways:

  • Specify appropriate qualifiers with INITIALIZE/QUEUE when you create a queue.
  • Specify options after you create a queue by including qualifiers with START/QUEUE or SET QUEUE.

Table 14-1 lists qualifiers you can use to specify queue options, and indicates the type of queue for which you can specify each option.

Table 14-1 Qualifiers for Specifying Queue Options
Qualifier Type of Queue Description For More Information
/AUTOSTART_ON Batch and output Creates an autostart execution queue and specifies the node or nodes (and for output queues, the device or devices) on which the queues can run. Section 14.4.1
/BASE_PRIORITY Batch and output Specifies a base process priority (not the same as the job scheduling priority). For a batch queue, specifies the base priority for processes executing jobs in the queue. For output queues, specifies the base priority of the symbiont process. Section
/BLOCK_LIMIT Output Limits the size of print jobs that can be processed on an output execution queue. Section
Batch and output Specifies one or more characteristics associated with the queue. Section 14.6.3
/CPUDEFAULT Batch Defines the default CPU time limit for batch jobs executed in the queue. Section 14.6.4
/CPUMAXIMUM Batch Defines a maximum CPU time limit for batch jobs executed in the queue. Section 14.6.4
/DEFAULT Output Establishes defaults for certain options of the PRINT command. After you set an option for the queue with the /DEFAULT qualifier, users do not have to specify that option in their PRINT commands. However, they can specify options to override the defaults set on the queues. Possible default options are as follows:  
    BURST Section 14.6.6
    FEED Section
    FLAG Section 14.6.6
    FORM Section 14.6.7
    TRAILER Section 14.6.6
/DESCRIPTION Batch and output Specifies a text string to provide users with information about the queue.  
/DEVICE Output Specifies the type of output execution queue. The keywords are as follows:

PRINTER (default)



/DISABLE_SWAPPING Batch Specifies whether batch jobs executed from a queue can be swapped in and out of memory. Section 14.6.4
/FORM_MOUNTED Output Specifies the mounted form for an output execution queue. Section 14.6.7
/GENERIC Batch and output Creates a generic queue and names the execution queues it feeds. Section
/JOB_LIMIT Batch Indicates the number of batch jobs that can be executed concurrently from a batch queue. Section 14.6.4
/LIBRARY Output Specifies the file name for a device control library. Section 14.6.8
/NAME_OF_MANAGER Batch and output Specifies the name of the queue manager with which the queue will be associated. Section 13.8
/NO_INITIAL_FF Output Specifies the qualifier for an output execution queue; suppresses the initial form feed sent to an output execution queue. Section
/ON Batch and output Creates a nonautostart execution queue and specifies the node (and, for output queues, the device) on which the queue is to run. Section
/OWNER_UIC Batch and output Specifies the user identification code (UIC) for the queue. Section
/PROCESSOR Output Specifies the symbiont to be used with an output execution queue. The default is the standard operating system print symbiont PRTSMB. Section 14.4.1
/PROTECTION Batch and output Specifies a protection for the queue. Section
/RECORD_BLOCKING Output Determines whether the symbiont can concatenate (or block together) output records for transmission to the output device. Section 14.4.1
/RETAIN Batch and output Holds jobs in the queue after they have executed. Section 14.6.2
/SCHEDULE Output Specifies whether pending jobs in a queue are scheduled based on the size of the job. Section 14.6.5
/SEPARATE Output Specifies required job separation or job reset options for an output execution queue. Required options cannot be overridden by the PRINT command. Possible options are as follows:  
    BURST Section 14.6.6
    FLAG Section 14.6.6
    RESET Section 14.6.8
    TRAILER Section 14.6.6
/WSDEFAULT Batch and output For batch queues, specifies a default working set size for batch jobs executed in the queue. For output queues, specifies a default working set size for the symbiont process.

The value set by this qualifier overrides the value defined in the UAF of any user submitting a job to the queue.

Section 14.6.4
/WSEXTENT Batch and output For batch queues, specifies the working set extent for batch jobs executed in the queue. For output queues, specifies a working set extent for the symbiont process.

The value set by this qualifier overrides the value defined in the UAF of any user submitting a job to the queue.

Section 14.6.4
/WSQUOTA Batch and output For batch queues, specifies the working set quota for batch jobs executed in the queue. For output queues, specifies a working set quota for the symbiont process.

The value set by this qualifier overrides the value defined in the UAF of any user submitting a job to the queue.

Section 14.6.4

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