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OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual

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Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix F Security Audit Message Format
     F.1     Audit Header Packet
     F.2     Audit Data Packets
Appendix G
Appendix G Valid Combinations of BACKUP Qualifiers
Appendix H
Appendix H Supplemental MONITOR Information---Record Formats
     H.1     The MONITOR Recording File
     H.2     Conventions
     H.3     Compaq Control Records
         H.3.1         File Header Record
         H.3.2         System Information Record
         H.3.3         Node Transition Record
         H.3.4         RMS File Record
     H.4     Class Records
         H.4.1         Class Type Formats
             H.4.1.1             Class Header
             H.4.1.2             Class Prefix (Component Classes Only)
         H.4.2         Class Data Blocks
             H.4.2.1             CLUSTER Class Record
             H.4.2.2             DECNET Class Record
             H.4.2.3             DISK Class Record
             H.4.2.4             DLOCK Class Record
             H.4.2.5             FCP Class Record
             H.4.2.6             FILE_SYSTEM_CACHE Class Record
             H.4.2.7             I/O Class Record
             H.4.2.8             LOCK Class Record
             H.4.2.9             MODES Class Record
             H.4.2.10             MSCP_SERVER Class Record
             H.4.2.11             PAGE Class Record
             H.4.2.12             PROCESSES Class Record
             H.4.2.13             RLOCK Class Record
             H.4.2.14             RMS Class Record
             H.4.2.15             SCS Class Record
             H.4.2.16             STATES Class Record
             H.4.2.17             SYSTEM Class Record
             H.4.2.18             TIMER Class Record
             H.4.2.19             TRANSACTION Class Record
             H.4.2.20             VBS Class Record (VAX Only)
             H.4.2.21             VECTOR Class Record
Appendix I
Appendix I SHOW CLUSTER Keypad Commands
     I.1     Using the Keypad
     I.2     Redefining the Keypad Keys
     I.3     Redefining the Arrow Keys
Appendix J
Appendix J System Parameters
     J.1     How the Parameters Are Described
         J.1.1         Parameter Categories and Attributes
         J.1.2         Values for Parameters
     J.2     Parameter Descriptions
         J.2.1         System Parameters
Appendix K
Appendix K Configuring Devices with SYSGEN (VAX Only)
     K.1     SYSGEN Device Table (VAX Only)
     K.2     Configuring VAXstation 2000 and MicroVAX 2000 Devices (VAX Only)
14-1 Sample Transaction Log
19-1 Sample SHOW CLUSTER Report
A-1 Keypad for an LK201-Series Keyboard
C-1 Format of an Accounting Record
C-2 Format of an Information Packet
C-3 Format of a File Name Packet
C-4 Format of an Identification Packet
C-5 Format of an Image Name Packet
C-6 Format of a Print Resource Packet
C-7 Format of a Resource Packet
C-8 Format of a User Data Packet
F-1 Format of a Security Audit Message
F-2 Audit Header Packet Format
F-3 Audit Data Packet Format
G-1 Command Qualifiers Used in Save Operations
G-2 Input File-Selection Qualifiers Used in Save Operations
G-3 Output Save-Set Qualifiers Used in Save Operations
G-4 Command Qualifiers Used in Restore Operations
G-5 Input Save-Set Qualifiers Used in Restore Operations
G-6 Output File Qualifiers Used in Restore Operations
G-7 Command Qualifiers Used in Copy Operations
G-8 Input File-Selection Qualifiers Used in Copy Operations
G-9 Output File Qualifiers Used in Copy Operations
G-10 Command Qualifiers Used in Compare Operations
G-11 Input File-Selection Qualifiers Used in Compare Operations
G-12 Input Save-Set Qualifiers Used in Compare Operations
H-1 File Header Record Format
H-2 System Information Record Format
H-3 Node Transition Record Format
H-4 RMS File Record Format
H-5 Class Record Format
H-6 Class Header Format
H-7 Class Prefix Format
H-8 CLUSTER Class Record Format
H-9 DECNET Class Record Format
H-10 DISK Class Record Format
H-11 DLOCK Class Record Format
H-12 FCP Class Record Format
H-13 FILE_SYSTEM_CACHE Class Record Format
H-14 I/O Class Record Format
H-15 LOCK Class Record Format
H-16 MODES Class Record Format
H-17 MSCP_SERVER Class Record Format
H-18 PAGE Class Record Format
H-19 PROCESSES Class Record Format
H-20 RLOCK Class Record Format
H-21 RMS Class Record Format
H-22 SCS Class Record Format
H-23 STATES Class Record Format
H-24 SYSTEM Class Record Format
H-25 TIMER Class Record Format
H-26 TRANSACTION Class Record Format
H-27 VBS Class Record Format (VAX Only)
H-28 VECTOR Class Record Format
I-1 SHOW CLUSTER Default Keypad
5-1 Screen Control Keys
6-1 System Parameters Affected by AUTOGEN Calculations
6-2 System Parameters Affected by AUTOGEN Feedback
6-3 AUTOGEN Phases
6-4 AUTOGEN Execution Modes
6-5 Files Used by AUTOGEN
7-1 BACKUP Input and Output by Operation Type
7-2 BACKUP Qualifier Summary
7-3 Keywords for Tapes
7-4 Save Operation Quick Reference
7-5 Restore Operation Quick Reference
7-6 Copy Operation Quick Reference
7-7 Compare Operation Quick Reference
7-8 List Operation Quick Reference
9-1 Primary Qualifiers
9-2 (Optional) Secondary Qualifiers
12-1 Default Functional Address Mapping for Token Ring Devices
16-1 PPPD Command Summary
18-1 SCACP Commands
19-1 Classes of SHOW CLUSTER Information
20-1 Device Type Codes
21-1 SYSMAN Commands
21-2 /SELECT Qualifier Examples
A-1 ACL Editor Keypad Commands
A-2 Additional ACL Editing Keys and Key Sequences
A-3 ACL Editing Keys on the Supplemental Keypad
B-1 ACL Section File Variables
B-2 CALL_USER Function Codes
C-1 Summary of Accounting System Services
C-2 Fields in an Accounting Record Header
C-3 ACR$W_TYPE Fields in an Accounting Record Header
C-4 Types of Accounting Record
C-5 Fields in an Information Packet Header
C-6 ACR$W_TYPE Fields in an Information Packet Header
C-7 Data Fields in a File Name Packet
C-8 Data Fields in an Identification Packet
C-9 Data Field in an Image Name Packet
C-10 Data Fields in a Print Resource Packet
C-11 Data Fields in a Resource Packet
C-12 Data Field in a User Data Packet
D-1 Stage 3 Maps
E-1 Identification Record Format (Length USG$K_IDENT_LEN)
E-2 File Record Format (Length USG$K_FILE_LEN)
F-1 Description of the Audit Header Fields
F-2 Description of Audit Event Types and Subtypes
F-3 Description of Audit Event Flags
F-4 Description of the Audit Data Packet
F-5 Types of Data in Audit Packets
J-1 System Parameters
K-1 SYSGEN Device Table (VAX Only)
K-2 VAXstation 2000 Autoconfiguration Table (VAX Only)

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