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OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual

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C.2 Terminal Sequences and Modes

Table C-2 lists the valid ANSI and DIGITAL private escape sequencesfor terminals that have the TT2$M_ANSICRT, TT2$M_DECCRT, TT2$M_AVO,TT2$M_EDIT, and TT2$M_BLOCK characteristics (see Section

Table C-2 also lists assumed and selectable ANSI modes andselectable DIGITAL private modes. Only the names of the escapesequences and modes are listed (for more information, refer to thespecific VT100-, VT200-, or VT300- family user's guide). Unlessotherwise noted, the operation of escape sequences and modes isidentical to the particular VT100-, VT200-, or VT300- family terminalsthat implement these features.

Table C-2 Sequences and Modes
ANSI-Defined Escape Sequences
CPR All x x      
CUB All x x      
CUD All x x      
CUF All x x      
CUP All x x      
CUU All x x      
DSR 0,3,5,6 x x      
ED 0,1,2 x x      
EL 0,1,2 x x      
HVP All x x      
IND   x x      
NEL   x x      
RI   x x      
RIS   x x      
SCS UK,ASCII,0 x        
SCS UK,ASCII x x      
SGR 0,4,7 x x      
SGR 0,1,4,5,7     x    
DA Terminal specific     x    
HTS     x      
RM Class specific   x      
SM Class specific   x      
TBC 0,3   x      
DCH All       x x
DL All       x x
IL All       x x
DIGITAL Private Escape Sequences
DECDHDL 2,3   x      
DECDWL 6   x      
DECKPAM     x      
DECKPNM     x      
DECRC 8   x      
DECSC 7   x      
DECSTBM All   x      
DECSWL 5   x      
DECPRO 0,1,4,5,7,254         x
DECTTC 0,1         x
DECXMIT 5         x
ANSI Selectable Modes (Set with ANSI SM/RM)
IRM 4       x x
GATM 1       x x
ERM 6         x
TTM 16         x
DIGITAL Private Selectable Modes (Set with ANSI SM/RM)
DECCKM 1     x    
DECANM 2     x    
DECCOLM 3     x    
DECSCLM 4     x    
DECSCNM 5     x    
DECOM 6     x    
DECAWM 7     x    
DECARM 8     x    
DECEDM 10         x
DECEKEM 16         x
DECLTM 11         x
DECSCFDM 13         x
DECTEM 14         x
ANSI Assumed Modes
CRM   Reset Reset      
EBM   Reset Reset      
ERM   Set Set   2  
FEAM   Reset Reset      
FETM   Reset Reset      
GATM   N/A N/A   2  
HEM   N/A N/A      
IRM   Reset Reset 2 2  
KAM   Reset Reset      
MATH   N/A N/A      
PUM   Reset Reset      
SATM   N/A N/A      
SRTM   Reset Reset      
TSM   Reset Reset      
TTM   N/A N/A   2  
VEM   N/A N/A      

1Terminal characteristics. Prefix is TT2$M_.
2Selectable mode.

Appendix D
Control Connection Routines

This appendix lists and describes the calling conventions for thepseudoterminal driver control connection routines. The routines appearin this section in alphabetical order.

Table D-1 lists the control connection routines and theirfunctions:

Table D-1 Control Connection Routines
Routine Name Description
PTD$CANCEL Cancels a queued control connection read request
PTD$CREATE Creates a pseudoterminal
PTD$DELETE Deletes a pseudoterminal
PTD$READ Reads data from the pseudoterminal
PTD$READW Reads data from the pseudoterminal and waits for read to complete
PTD$SET_EVENT_NOTIFICATION Enables or disables terminal event notification ASTs
PTD$WRITE Writes data to the pseudoterminal


Cancels a queued control connection read request.




OpenVMS usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value



OpenVMS usage: channel
type: word (unsigned)
access: read only
mechanism: by value

Number of the I/O channel assigned to the pseudoterminal. This channelis only intended to be used for PTD$XXX operations.

Return Values

SS$_NORMAL Normal successful completion.
SS$_DEVOFFLINE Device is off line and request cannot proceed.
SS$_IVCHAN Illegal channel.
SS$_NOPRIV Insufficient privilege to perform request.


Creates a new pseudoterminal with a unique device name.


PTD$CREATE chan [,acmode] [,charbuff] [,buflen] [,astadr] [,astprm][,ast_acmode], inadr


OpenVMS usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value



OpenVMS usage: channel
type: word (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by reference

Number of the channel that is assigned to the new pseudoterminal. Thisargument is the address of a word into which PTD$CREATE writes thechannel number. This channel is only intended to be used for PTD$XXXoperations.


OpenVMS usage: access_mode
type: longword (unsigned)
access: read only
mechanism: by value

Access mode to be associated with the channel. The most privilegedaccess mode is the access mode of the caller. I/O operations on thechannel can be performed only from equal and more privileged accessmodes.


OpenVMS usage: device_characteristics
type: longword (unsigned)
access: read only
mechanism: by reference

Address of buffer containing the device characteristics. Thisinformation is used to set up the pseudoterminal's initialcharacteristics. This buffer can be 12, 16, or 20 bytes long.

Figure D-1 shows the format of this buffer:

Figure D-1 Device Characteristics Buffer


OpenVMS usage: word_unsigned
type: word (unsigned)
access: read only
mechanism: by value

Length of the characteristics buffer (either 12, 16, or 20 bytes). Thisargument is required if you supply the charbuffargument.


OpenVMS usage: ast_procedure
type: procedure value
access: call without stack unwinding
mechanism: by reference

AST service routine to be executed when the terminal connectiondeassigns the last channel to the pseudoterminal. This argument is theprocedure value of this routine. This is a repeating AST and is activeuntil the control connection deletes the pseudoterminal.


OpenVMS usage: user_arg
type: longword (unsigned)
access: read only
mechanism: by value

AST parameter to be passed to the AST service routine specified byastadr.


OpenVMS usage: access_mode
type: longword (unsigned)
access: read only
mechanism: by value

Access mode for which the AST is to be declared. The most privilegedaccess mode is the access mode of the caller. The resulting mode is theaccess mode at which the AST is declared.


OpenVMS usage: address_range
type: longword (unsigned)
access: read only
mechanism: by reference

Address of a two-longword array containing the starting and endingvirtual addresses in the virtual address space of the process (eitherP0 or P1 regions) to be used as I/O buffers. The array contains, inorder, the starting and ending virtual addresses. The addressessupplied to inadr must express an integral number ofCPU-specific pages. The lower address must be on a CPU-specific pageboundary, and the higher address must be one less than a CPU-specificpage boundary. Together these addresses form a range from lowest tohighest bytes. The pages must already exist and must be fully containedin either P0 or P1 space. All pages in the range must:
  • Have identical page protection
  • Be writable in the mode of the caller
  • Be owned by the same access mode
  • Be owned in a mode equal to or less privileged than the caller
  • Be of the same page type (process or global)


PTD$CREATE creates a new pseudoterminal with a unique device name. Thisdevice name is in the form FTAn:, where n is the unitnumber.

When a pseudoterminal is created, it inherits the current systemterminal default attributes unless you specify an alternate set ofcharacteristics.

Return Values

SS$_NORMAL Normal successful completion.
SS$_ACCVIO Unable to read one of the arguments.
SS$_BADPARAM Bad parameter value.
SS$_EXBYTLM Insufficient BYTLM to create device or map buffers.
SS$_EXQUOTA Insufficient quota to create device.
SS$_EXASTLM Insufficient AST quota for notification AST.
SS$_INSFMEM Insufficient memory to create device.
SS$_INSFWSL Insufficient working set limit to map buffers.
SS$_IVSECFLG Invalid process or global section flags.
SS$_NOPRIV No privilege for attempted operation.
SS$_PAGOWNVIO Page owner violation.
SS$_VA_IN_USE Virtual address already in use.

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