HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS
Applications Installation and Advanced Configuration

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Table 4-7 lists the information you need to complete the Remote DTE Classes section of the configuration program.

Table 4-7 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Information: Remote DTE Classes (Access Systems Only)
Information required Form in which it is required Where to find it Default
Name Max. 32 characters You supply REMOTE-
Gateway node name(s) Max. 6 characters You supply --

Table 4-8 lists the information you need to complete the X.29 and P.S.I. Mail Support section of the configuration program.

Table 4-8 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Information: X.29 and P.S.I. Mail Support (All Systems)
Information required Form in which it is required Where to find it Default
X.29 support Yes or No You select Yes
P.S.I. Mail support Yes or No You select Yes
P.S.I. Mail account user name 1 Max. 31 characters You supply No

1 You are asked for this information only if you request P.S.I. Mail support.

Table 4-9 lists the information you need to complete the gateway clients section of the configuration program.

Table 4-9 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Information: Gateway Client Nodes (Multihost Systems Only)
Information required Form in which it is required Where to find it Default
Name Max. 32 characters You supply CLIENT- n
Node name Max. 32 characters You supply --
Filter name(s) Max. 32 characters You supply --

Table 4-10 lists the information you need to complete the Applications section of the configuration program.

Table 4-10 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Information: Applications (All Systems)
Information required Form in which it is required Where to find it Default
Name Max. 32 characters You supply APPLICATION- n
Type X.25, X.29, or X.29 Login You select X.25
Command file to start application 1 OpenVMS file name You supply --
User name for application 1   You supply --
Filter name(s) Max. 32 characters You supply --

1You are not asked for this information if the application type is X.29 login

Table 4-11 lists the information you need to complete the Declaring a Network Process section of the configuration program.

Table 4-11 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Information: Declaring a Network Process (All Systems)
Information required Form in which it is required Where to find it Default
Dynamic filters? Yes or No You supply Yes
Dynamic filter name(s) Max. 32 characters You supply --
Static filters? Yes or No You supply Yes
Filter name(s) Max. 32 characters You supply --

Table 4-12 lists the information you need to supply when you create filters in the gateway clients, Applications and Declaring a Network Process sections of the configuration program.

Table 4-12 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Information: Filters---for Applications and Network Processes (All Systems) and gateway clients (Multihost Systems Only)
Information required Form in which it is required Where to find it Default
Name Max. 32 characters You supply FILTER- n
Priority Decimal number You supply 1
Incoming DTE address Max. 15 digits You supply Not specified
Call data value Hexadecimal digits You supply Not specified
Call data mask Hexadecimal digits You supply Not specified
Subaddress range Range of numbers You supply Not specified
DTE class Max. 32 characters You supply Not specified
Sending DTE address Max. 15 digits You supply Not specified
Receiving DTE address Max. 15 digits You supply Not specified
Group Max. 32 characters You supply Not specified
Originally called address Max. 15 digits You supply Not specified
Redirect reason One of:
Not specified
Out of order
You supply Not specified
Called address extension value Hexadecimal digits You supply Not specified
Called address extension mask Hexadecimal digits You supply Not specified
Called NSAP Hexadecimal digits You supply Not specified

Table 4-13 lists the information you need to complete the Templates section of the configuration program.

Table 4-13 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Information: Templates (All Systems)
Information required Form in which it is required Where to find it Default
Name Max. 32 characters You supply TEMPLATE- n
DTE class Max. 32 characters You supply Not specified
Call data Hexadecimal digits You supply Not specified
Packet size Hexadecimal digits You supply Not specified
Window size Decimal number You supply Not specified
Destination DTE address Max. 15 digits You supply Not specified
Fast select option One of:
Not specified
Fast select
With response
No fast select
You supply Not specified
Reverse charging True or False You supply False
Selected group Max. 32 characters You supply Not specified
Throughput class request A range of values, the max. and min. to be chosen from:
You supply {0..0}
Network user identity Max. 32 characters You supply Not specified
Local facilities Max. 32 characters You supply Not specified
Charging information True or False You supply False
RPOA sequence Decimal number You supply Not specified
Local subaddress Decimal number You supply Not specified
Target address extension Hexadecimal digits You supply Not specified
NSAP mapping True or False You supply False
Calling address extension Hexadecimal digits You supply Not specified
Transit delay selection Decimal number You supply Not specified
End-to-end delay Decimal number You supply Not specified
Quality of service Max. 32 characters You supply Not specified
Expedited data option One of:
Not specified
Do not use
You supply Not specified

Table 4-14 lists the information you need to complete the Incoming Security for Applications section of the configuration program.

Table 4-14 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Information: Incoming Security for Applications (All Systems)
Information required Form in which it is required Where to find it Default
Select an application -- You supply --
DTE addresses of systems that can call this application only if the remote system is charged for the call Max. 15 digits 1 You supply --
DTE addresses of systems that can call this application irrespective of who pays for the call Max. 15 digits 1 You supply --
DTE addresses of systems that cannot call this application Max. 15 digits 1 You supply * 2

1The value required is a remote address prefix (RAP). This can be a full DTE address, or it can be an address prefix, which would stand for all DTEs with an address beginning with this prefix.
2The wildcard character (*) means all unspecified DTEs. If you enter the wildcard character to stand for DTEs that have Remote Charge or All access, there is no default for this value, and the only DTEs that are not allowed access are those that you specify explicitly.

Table 4-15 lists the information you need to complete the Outgoing Security for Local Processes section of the configuration program.

Table 4-15 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Information: Outgoing Security for Local Processes (All Systems)
Information required Form in which it is required Where to find it Default
Enter a rights identifier -- You supply --
DTE addresses of systems that can be called by processes with this rights identifier only if they pay for the call Max. 15 digits 1 You supply --
DTE addresses of systems that can be called by processes with this rights identifier irrespective of who pays for the call Max. 15 digits 1 You supply --
Names of PVCs that can be accessed by processes with this rights identifier 3 Max. 32 characters You supply --
DTE addresses of systems that cannot be called by processes with this rights identifier 3 Max. 15 digits 1 You supply * 2
Names of PVCs that cannot be accessed by processes with this rights identifier 3 Max. 32 characters You supply * 2

1The value required is a remote address prefix (RAP). This can be a full DTE address, or it can be an address prefix, which would stand for all DTEs with an address beginning with this prefix.
2The wildcard character (*) means all unspecified DTEs or PVCs. If you enter the wildcard character to stand for DTEs or PVCs that have Remote Charge or All access, there is no default for these values, and the only DTEs or PVCs that are not allowed access are those that you specify explicitly.
3You are asked for this information only if PVCs have been set up.

Table 4-16 lists the information you need to complete the Incoming Security for Network Processes section of the configuration program.

Table 4-16 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Information: Incoming Security for Network Processes (All Systems)
Information required Form in which it is required Where to find it Default
Select a filter -- You supply --
DTE addresses of systems that can call access this filter only if remote system is charged for the call Max. 15 digits 1 You supply --
DTE addresses of systems that can access this filter irrespective of who pays for the call Max. 15 digits 1 You supply --
DTE addresses of systems that cannot access this filter Max. 15 digits 1 You supply * 2

1The value required is a remote address prefix (RAP). This can be a full DTE address, or it can be an address prefix, which would stand for all DTEs with an address beginning with this prefix.
2The wildcard character (*) means all unspecified DTEs. If you enter the wildcard character to stand for DTEs that have Remote Charge or All access, there is no default for this value, and the only DTEs that are not allowed access are those that you specify explicitly.

Table 4-17 lists the information you need to complete the Incoming Security for Gateway Clients section of the configuration program.

Table 4-17 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Information: Incoming Security for Gateway Clients (Multihost Systems Only)
Information required Form in which it is required Where to find it Default
Select a gateway client -- You supply --
DTE addresses of systems that can call the client systems associated with this gateway client only if remote system is charged for the call Max. 15 digits 1 You supply --
DTE addresses of systems that can call the client systems associated with this gateway client irrespective of who pays for the call Max. 15 digits 1 You supply --
DTE addresses of systems that cannot call the client systems associated with this gateway client Max. 15 digits 1 You supply * 2

1The value required is a remote address prefix (RAP). This can be a full DTE address, or it can be an address prefix, which would stand for all DTEs with an address beginning with this prefix.
2The wildcard character (*) means all unspecified DTEs. If you enter the wildcard character to stand for DTEs that have Remote Charge or All access, there is no default for this value, and the only DTEs that are not allowed access are those that you specify explicitly.

Table 4-18 lists the information you need to complete the Outgoing Security for accessing Systems section of the configuration program.

Table 4-18 VAX P.S.I. Configuration Information: Outgoing Security for Client Systems (Multihost Systems Only)
Information required Form in which it is required Where to find it Default
Client system Max. 400 characters You supply --
Security name for client system Max. 32 characters You supply --
DTE addresses of systems that can be called by this client system only if the remote systems pay for the call Max. 15 digits 1 You supply --
DTE addresses of systems that can be called by this client system irrespective of who pays for the call Max. 15 digits 1 You supply --
Names of PVCs that can be accessed by this client system 3 Max. 32 characters You supply --
DTE addresses of systems that cannot be called by this client system 3 Max. 15 digits 1 You supply * 2
Names of PVCs that cannot be accessed by this client system 3 Max. 32 characters You supply -- 1

1The value required is a remote address prefix (RAP). This can be a full DTE address, or it can be an address prefix, which would stand for all DTEs with an address beginning with this prefix.
2The wildcard character (*) means all unspecified DTEs or PVCs. If you enter the wildcard character to stand for DTEs or PVCs that have Remote Charge or All access, there is no default for these values, and the only DTEs or PVCs that are not allowed access are those that you specify explicitly.
3You are asked for this information only if PVCs have been set up.

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