HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS
Applications Installation and Advanced Configuration

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4.4 Running the VAX P.S.I. Configuration Program

To configure your VAX P.S.I. system, you need to run the psi$configure.com command procedure.

This procedure allows you to set up the VAX P.S.I. system's permanent configuration database.

4.4.1 Starting the VAX P.S.I. Configuration Program

To start the program, log in to any account that has OPER and SYSPRV privileges and enter the command:

$ @sys$manager:psi$configure

4.4.2 Using the VAX P.S.I. Configuration Program

The configuration program consists of a number of sections, each corresponding to a logical group of information. Each section consists of one or more screens on which you can enter data. All sections (with the exception of the X.29 and Mail support section) also have an introductory information screen.

Most sections are optional. These sections begin with a question of the form: "Do you want to set up X?" If you select Yes, you go through the rest of the section. If you select No, you go directly to the next new section, although you can decide at a later stage to complete that section (See Section 4.4.3). Entering Information

The program prompts you for information in two ways:

  • For some questions, you choose your answer from a menu by using the arrow keys and pressing Return.
  • For other questions, you type data into a field and press Return.

Horizontal Scrolling

Usually, when you type data into a field, you can see the entire field on the screen. However, in some cases, the maximum length of the data you are allowed to type is too long to fit into the field shown on the screen; for example, a node name, which may be up to 400 characters. In such cases, the field scrolls horizontally as you enter data.

Note that horizontal scrolling works only if the keyboard is in Insert mode, not if it is in Overstrike mode. The words Insert or Overstrike appear in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to indicate which mode you are using. Press Ctrl/A to change from one mode to the other.

When you have entered all the required information on a screen, a new screen appears automatically. You cannot move forward until you have completed the required fields.


The configuration program indicates it is processing input by flashing the message working in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. Moving Within a Section

To move backward within a section, press the Prev Screen key. You are allowed to move backward within a section whether you have finished it or not. However, you can move backward only as far as the first screen of the section. To reach another section, use the Sections Menu (see Section 4.4.3).

If you have moved back to look at completed screens, you can move forward again by pressing the Next Screen key. Do this until you reach an incomplete screen. Then complete the required fields on that screen before moving on.

4.4.3 Options Menu

When you leave the last screen in a section, an Options menu appears.

Generally, the Options menu for a section provides the following choices:

  • Continue to new section
  • Add an x
  • Modify an x
  • Delete an x
  • Go to Sections menu

where x is the item you created in that section.

For example, the PVC Options menu provides the following choices:

  • Continue to a new section
  • Add a PVC
  • Modify a PVC
  • Delete a PVC
  • Go to Sections menu

These options are described here.


Choose this option when you finish entering or amending information in the current section. The configuration program then displays the first screen in the next unseen section.


Choose this option to add another item in this section.

For example, when you finish entering data for a PVC and you want to add another PVC, choosing this option takes you back to the first data entry screen for PVCs.


Choose this option to modify some or all of the information you provided previously about an item.

For example, if you choose this option from the PVC Options menu, the next screen lists all the PVCs defined so far. You select one of these (PVC1, for example), and then go back to the first data entry screen for PVCs. The fields contain the information you provided when you first set up PVC1. You can modify any of this information. Use the Next Screen key and the Prev Screen key to move between screens that you do not want to alter.


Choose this option to delete an item in this section.

For example, if you choose this option from the PVC Options menu, a list of all PVCs defined on your system so far appears on the screen. Select one of these (PVC2, for example), and you are asked for confirmation that this is the one you want to delete.

Go to Sections Menu

Choose this option to go to the Sections menu. From there you can go on to the Options menu of a different section.

4.4.4 Creating NCL Script

The final section in the configuration program is Create the NCL Script. You are asked if you want to create the NCL script.

  • If you answer YES, the configuration program uses the information you have entered to create two files of NCL commands.
  • If you answer NO, you see a Sections menu, showing all the completed sections. At this point, you can return to any of these sections and modify, add, or delete information. When you want to create an NCL script, go to the Sections menu from any of the Options menus, and select Create the NCL Script.
  • After the NCL scripts are created, you are asked if you want to run a command file called psi$security_identifiers.com.
    This file is created by the configuration program, to add certain rights identifiers to the system rights database on your system. The rights to be added depend on the security information you have supplied.
    You can run the command file from within the configuration procedure, or you can exit from the configuration program and run the command file later. Note that you cannot start VAX P.S.I. until you have run this command file. This is true even if you have selected not to set up X.25 security for your system.
    If you edit the command procedure before running it, you must make corresponding changes to the NCL scripts before attempting to start VAX P.S.I.

4.4.5 Exiting the Program

Once it has created the NCL scripts, the program returns to the main menu. You can then choose the Exit option to exit the program.

If, for some reason, the program cannot create the NCL script, an error message appears at the foot of the screen and the cursor stays on the question, "Do you wish to create the NCL scripts now?" You must correct the problem before you answer YES to this question.

To quit the program, without creating a set of NCL scripts, press the F8 key; however, this deletes all the information you entered so far.

4.4.6 Requirement to Complete VAX P.S.I. Configuration

You cannot leave the configuration program unfinished. That is, you cannot retain the data you entered if you exit before you create a valid configuration.

If you quit prematurely by pressing F8, you receive a warning message, asking for confirmation. If you confirm that you want to quit, everything you have entered so far is lost.

4.4.7 Getting Help

You can get help at any time during the program by pressing the Help key. Getting Help on a Specific Field or Menu Choice

If you press the Help key while the cursor is on a particular field or menu choice, three lines of text appear near the bottom of the screen. These lines tell you what sort of value is expected in that field, or what the implications are of making that choice.

If you press the Help key again, the screen is replaced by additional information about that field or menu choice. Press the F10 key to leave help and return to the screen from which you pressed the Help key originally. Getting General Help

If you press the Help key while on any of the introductory screens, the screen is replaced by general information about that section. For example, pressing the Help key while on the PVC introduction screen brings up general information on PVCs.

You can also reach this section help from the Options menu for any particular section. Getting Help on the Program

You can get help on the configuration program (for example, which keys you can use, how to navigate between screens) by pressing the Help key while you are on any other Help screen.

4.5 Testing VAX P.S.I.

This section explains how to run the VAX P.S.I. configuration test program.


Before you can test the VAX P.S.I. configuration, you must run the net$configure.com configuration procedure (in either BASIC or ADVANCED mode) to configure the system on the network.

You use the configuration test program (CTP) to check any synchronous DTEs (and associated PVCs) that your system uses to make or receive calls.

You can operate the CTP in one of three modes:

  • Send/Receive
  • Receive Only
  • Send Only

In Send/Receive mode, you can do two types of testing:

  • Loopback testing, in which calls are sent to the PSDN and then looped back to your system. The PSDN used for the CTP must allow loopback from the network to your system.
  • Testing to a remote DTE, in which calls are sent to and received from a remote DTE.

In Receive Only and Send Only modes, you can only test to a remote DTE.

4.5.1 Preparing to Run the CTP

This section describes the checks you must make before running the CTP.

Privileges Required


System Quotas Required

  • ASTLM = 100
  • BIOLM = 100
  • BYTLM = 40000
  • BIOLM = 100
  • TQELM = 30

VAX P.S.I. Software

  • VAX P.S.I. must be configured and running on your system.
  • The DTE you want to use to make and receive calls must be up and running. To check, enter the following commands.
    Native or Multihost:

    ncl> show x25 protocol dte dte-name state


    ncl> show node connector-node-id -
    _ncl> x25 protocol dte dte-name state

    If the status of your DTE is not shown as RUNNING, wait for 2 minutes and try again. If your DTE is still not RUNNING, refer to the X.25 Problem Solving guide.

Remote System

  • The remote system must have VAX P.S.I. V4.3 or later configured and running.
  • You must know the DTE address and subaddress of the remote system.

4.5.2 Running the CTP

You can run the CTP either interactively or as a network object. When the CTP is set up as a network object, it can only handle incoming calls (either from a remote system or calls that have been looped back from the PSDN). Running the CTP Interactively

Enter the following command:

$ run sys$test:psi$ctp

After some introductory screens, you are asked if you want to run the CTP in Send/Receive mode, Receive Only mode, or Send Only mode.

  • If you run the CTP in Send/Receive mode, you can test your system's ability to communicate with a PSDN (loopback testing) or with remote systems.
  • If you run the CTP in Receive Only mode or Send Only mode, you can test your system's ability to make calls to or receive calls from remote systems. Running the CTP as a Network Object

Enter the following command:

$ mcr ncl @sys$test:psi$ctp_add_netobj

To run the CTP as a network object automatically when you start VAX P.S.I., you should add the above line to psi$startup.com.

To remove the CTP as a network object, enter the following command:

$ mcr ncl @sys$test:psi$ctp_rem_netobj

4.6 Changing Your VAX P.S.I. Configuration

To modify an existing configuration:

  • Run psi$configure.com ( Section 4.4.1).
  • At the main menu, choose Modify.
  • The next screen is the Sections Menu, from which you can modify, add to, or delete any of the information entered previously.


When you run the configuration program to modify your existing configuration, the configuration program retrieves the information you supplied the last time you ran the program.

If you manually changed the NCL script produced by the configuration program, or if you dynamically changed your configuration by issuing NCL commands interactively, this changed information is lost when you select Modify, unless you quit the program (by pressing the F8 key) before asking it to create the NCL script.

4.7 Creating a New VAX P.S.I. Configuration

To delete your existing configuration and create a new set of NCL scripts:

  • Run psi$configure.com ( Section 4.4.1).
  • At the main menu, choose Create.

Part 3
Installing and Configuring X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems

Part III describes the prerequisite steps necessary to install and configure X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha. It includes the following chapters:

  • Chapter 5 --- Planning the Installation
  • Chapter 6 --- Preparing to Install X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha
  • Chapter 7 --- Installing X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha
  • Chapter 8 --- Post-installation Tasks

Chapter 5
Planning to Install X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha

5.1 Product Description

X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha enables appropriately configured systems to connect to an X.25 packet switched data network (PSDN) via an X.25 relay node on the same local area network (LAN), via an X.25 connector node, or directly using a synchronous communications device. Full details of the features and facilities provided by X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha are provided in the Software Product Description. For more conceptual information on PSDNs, refer to the DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Introduction and User's Guide.

Throughout the rest of this section, the product X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha is referred to as X.25.

5.2 Required Hardware

To install X.25, you need the following hardware:

  • A CD reader (if installing an Alpha version)
  • A CD reader, magnetic tape drive, or TK50 tape drive (if installing a VAX version)
  • A terminal

You can use either a hardcopy or video terminal to communicate with the operating system and respond to prompts from the installation procedure.

If you intend to access a PSDN directly, an appropriate synchronous interface card is required. For details of the synchronous communications devices supported, refer to the System Support Addendum (SSA). The SSA is supplied with the X.25 Software Product Description (SPD) on the Media CD.

5.3 Required Software

X.25, Version 1.1-B, requires Version 7.1 of the OpenVMS operating system. Future X.25 releases may require higher versions of the operating system, as described in the online release notes associated with each product release.

During the installation of X.25, a check is made for the required DECnet-Plus and WANDD software. If the DECnet-Plus software is not present, you are prompted to install it before proceeding. If the WANDD software is not present, the X.25 installation procedure automatically installs it. Note that X.25 cannot be run without the DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS software.

You must install the following X.25 installation kits using the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility:

  • DEC-AXPVMS-X25-V0100-B-1.PCSI

5.4 Kit Location

To obtain the directory location of the X.25 kit on the CD, refer to the OpenVMS Layered Products Compact Disc User's Guide that accompanies the CD distribution kit, or before starting installation, complete the following steps:

  1. To determine whether the CD drive is already mounted (mount command), enter the following command:

    $ show device device-name
  2. If it is not mounted, enter the appropriate mount command to mount the CD (omit the /FOREIGN qualifier).
  3. To obtain the save-set name, use a directory command specifying the directory file from the previous command:

    $directory dka400:[kits]*.pcsi

If you are installing from a magnetic tape or a TK50, refer to the appropriate user guide for further instructions.

5.5 Time Required to Install

The time required to install X.25 depends on the media type, the CPU type, and your system configuration. In general, the procedure should require less than 5 minutes.

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