HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS
Network Management

Previous Contents Index Configuring Routing to Use a Dynamically-Assigned X.25 Circuit

The following subsections explain how to configure routing to use X.25 circuits on OpenVMS Alpha and VAX systems. On either system, you can use the advanced configuration procedure (invoking NET$CONFIGURE ADVANCED) to configure routing to use an X.25 data link. The procedure checks for network devices on the system that are supported by NET$CONFIGURE and then configures them. If the procedure finds that your system has WANDD or X.25 installed but not configured, you will see the following information:

You have installed wide area device support, but it has not been
configured.  You may configure it now if you want.

* Do you want to configure Wide Area devices?          [YES] :

Answer yes.

OpenVMS Alpha Systems

For an Alpha system, the procedure displays the following information:

DEC X.25 software has been installed on this system.  You have
the option of configuring DECnet to run over X.25.

* Do you want to configure DECnet over X.25?            [NO] :

Answer yes.

You will see a list of choices for the type of X.25 circuit to use:

     Types of X.25 circuits:

     [1] - X.25 Dynamic Assigned (DA)
     [2] - X.25 Static Incoming (IN)
     [3] - X.25 Static Outgoing (OUT)
     [4] - X.25 Permanent (PVC)

* Which type of X.25 circuit do you want to use?             :

Select the X.25 dynamically-assigned circuit (Menu Option 1). The procedure then asks information about the circuit, including:

  • Routing circuit name to use.
  • Template name for the X25 Access template, which X.25 routing circuits use to make or accept network connections. For dynamically-assigned circuits, the X25 Access template is needed for specifying data terminal equipment (DTE) class and call data.
  • Filter name for the X25 access filter. For dynamically-assigned circuits, the x25 access filteris needed for specifying inbound DTE class, call data value, and call data mask.
  • Whether you want to configure reachable addresses, and if yes, information about reachable addresses. If you configure a dynamically-assigned X.25 routing circuit, you must configure one or more reachable addresses used for managing the circuit. Each reachable address specifies a mapping of an NSAP address to a DTE address.

When you have entered the circuit, template, filter, and reachable address information, the procedure asks if you want to configure any other circuits. If you do not want to configure any other routing circuits, press the Return key for the default ([NO]). The configuration procedure continues with the next series of questions.

OpenVMS VAX Systems

If you answer yesto the question, "Do you want to configure wide area devices?" and you are using a VAX system, the procedure displays the following information:

The VAX P.S.I. software has been installed on this system.  You have
the option of configuring DECnet over P.S.I. (i.e., configuring
DECnet over X.25 datalink mapping).

* Do you want to configure DECnet over P.S.I.?          [NO] :

Answer yes to configure DECnet over X.25 Access (P.S.I.). The procedure displays the following list of choices:

     Types of X.25 circuits:

     [1] - X.25 Dynamic Assigned (DA)
     [2] - X.25 Static Incoming (IN)
     [3] - X.25 Static Outgoing (OUT)
     [4] - X.25 Permanent (PVC)

* Which type of X.25 circuit do you want to use?             :

Select the X.25 dynamically assigned circuit (Menu Option 1). The procedure continues to ask for information, as described in Section NCL Commands for Configuring X.25 Routing Circuits

To use NCL to manually configure X.25 routing circuits, following these steps:

  1. Set up and enable routing.

    ncl> create routing type endnode
    ncl> set routing dna address format true, lifetime 63, -
    _ncl> manual network entity titles {}, probe rate 20
    ncl> enable routing
  2. Create and set up the routing circuit with the appropriate values for its attributes, including the circuit name, type, data link, X.25 filter, and the reachable address. (You must configure a reachable address if you have configured one or more dynamically-assigned routing circuits.)

    ncl> create routing circuit x25_circuit-1 type x25 da
    ncl> set routing circuit x25_circuit-1 data link entity x25 access
    ncl> set routing circuit x25_circuit-1 template template-name
    ncl> set routing circuit x25_circuit-1 x25 filter { filter-name}
    ncl> enable routing circuit x25_circuit-1
    ncl> create routing circuit x25_circuit-1 reachable address ughh_v -
    _ncl> address prefix /4145418715004108002b0ed41e
    ncl> set routing circuit x25_circuit-1 reachable address ughh_v -
    _ncl> dte address { 2267643 }
    ncl> set routing circuit x25_circuit-1 reachable address ughh_v -
    _ncl> mapping manual
    ncl> enable routing circuit x25_circuit-1 reachable address ughh_v

    Specify the address prefix when you create the routing circuit entity. You cannot modify this attribute with the setcommand.
    For more information about reachable addresses for routing circuits, see Section
  3. Create the X25 Access module and enable it:

    ncl> create x25 access
    ncl> enable x25 access
  4. Create the X25 Access template (identified when you set up the routing circuit), and set its attributes:

    ncl> create x25 access template template-name (1)
    ncl> set x25 access template template-name -
    _ncl> destination dte address dte-address, -
    _ncl> dte class dte-class-name
    1. A routing circuit that invokes outbound X.25 calls uses an X25 Access template to supply most of the parameters for setting up the call. A routing circuit that receives inbound X.25 calls uses an X25 Access template to negotiate call parameters.
      Each X.25 routing circuit that you configure names an X25 Access template in its template attribute. You must, therefore, configure each of the X25 Access templates named in your X.25 routing circuits.
  5. Create the X25 Access filter (identified when you set up the routing circuit):

    ncl> create x25 access filter filter-name (1)
    ncl> set x25 access filter filter-name -
    _ncl> inbound dte class dte-class-name,  -
    _ncl> sending dte address dte-address
    ncl> enable x25 access filter
    1. A routing circuit that receives inbound X.25 calls requires one or more X25 Access filters. An X25 Access filter listens for incoming calls and passes them to the appropriate destination.
      Each X.25 static-incoming or X.25 dynamically-assigned routing circuit that you configure specifies the name of one or more X25 Access filters in its filter attribute. You must, therefore, configure the specified X25 Access filters.
      When setting up a filter for use with an X.25 static-incoming or X.25 dynamically-assigned circuits, specify the following X25 Access filter values:
      • call data mask %xff
      • call data value %x81

8.8.4 Configuring Routing Over X.25 Static Circuits

X.25 static circuits emulate a permanent point-to-point circuit over an X.25 switched virtual circuit. The underlying X.25 connection is established when DECnet-Plus starts up, and the connection remains until explicitly terminated (normally at system shutdown).

When two systems communicate using X.25 static circuits, one system must define the circuit as incoming, while the other system must define it as outgoing. The system with an incoming circuit establishes communication with the X.25 network provider and waits for a connection from the other end. The system with the outgoing circuit initiates the X.25 call to the waiting system. If the call fails, the system keeps retrying until a successful connection is made. After the X.25 connection is established, the two systems automatically exchange routing layer configuration information, autoconfigure their routing databases, and begin two-way communications. Configuring Outgoing X.25 Static Circuits

Take the following two steps to configure an outgoing X.25 static circuit:

  1. Use the X.25 or P.S.I. configuration procedure to define an x25 access template entity with the parameters necessary to establish a call to the destination system. See the appropriate X.25 or P.S.I. documentation.
  2. Create a routing circuit with the following commands:

    NCL>create routing circuit circuit-name type x25 static outgoing (1)
    NCL>set routing circuit circuit-name template template-name (2)
    NCL>enable routing circuit circuit-name
    1. The routing circuit type must be x25 static outgoing.
    2. The routing circuit template attribute must contain the name of the x25 access template entity. Configuring Incoming X.25 Static Circuits

Take the following three steps to configure incoming X.25 static circuits:

  1. Use the X.25 or P.S.I. configuration procedure to define the x25 access template and x25 access filter entities with the parameters necessary to accept a call from the source system. See the appropriate X.25 or P.S.I. documentation.
  2. Create a routing circuit with the following commands:

    NCL>create routing circuit circuit-name type x25 static incoming (1)
    NCL>set routing circuit circuit-name template template-name
    NCL>set routing circuit circuit-name x25 filter {filter-name}  (3)
    NCL>enable routing circuit circuit-name
    1. The routing circuit type must be x25 static incoming.
    2. The routing circuit template entity must contain the name of the x25 access template entity.
    3. The routing circuit x25 filter entity must contain the name of the x25 access filter entity.

Chapter 9
Setting Up an OpenVMS Cluster Environment for DECnet-Plus

This chapter provides information about:

  • Configuring OpenVMS Cluster satellite nodes
  • Setting up an OpenVMS Cluster alias
  • Sharing network applications in the OpenVMS Cluster environment

9.1 Configuring OpenVMS Cluster Satellite Nodes in a DECnet-Plus Environment

The information presented in the following sections supplements the material provided by the OpenVMS Cluster Systems for OpenVMS guide.

9.1.1 Adding, Modifying, or Deleting an OpenVMS Cluster Satellite Node

You must have planned your OpenVMS Cluster and have at least one OpenVMS Cluster boot node set up before using the information in this section. The following information is based on the CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM procedure found in the SYS$MANAGER directory. The OpenVMS Cluster Systems for OpenVMS guide describes this procedure. DIGITAL has modified the procedure to make it compatible with the DECnet-Plus software. In the following sections, only those portions of CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM that have been modified are discussed in detail.

You should also be familiar with the general concepts of the Maintenance Operations Protocol (MOP), and, in particular, the MOP client database, as described in Chapter 10.

If you are adding a new OpenVMS Cluster satellite node to your OpenVMS Cluster, see Section

If you are making the transition from an existing Phase IV DECnet cluster satellite node to DECnet-Plus, see Section 9.1.2. After you have made the transition, you can invoke CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM to modify its characteristics.

You can delete a satellite node from the OpenVMS Cluster system with CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM whether or not the satellite node has made the transition to DECnet-Plus. If the satellite has not made the transition, a message appears stating that the client could not be removed from the client database. This will not cause a problem, and all root information will be deleted correctly.

By default, the satellite node information created by CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM or NET$CONFIGURE.COM is placed in the SYS$MANAGER root directory for the boot node. See Section 9.1.4 for a discussion about making this information available to other boot nodes in your OpenVMS Cluster system. Adding a New Satellite Node to an OpenVMS Cluster Environment

To add a new OpenVMS Cluster satellite node to an OpenVMS Cluster environment, invoke the SYS$MANAGER:CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM procedure. This procedure does the following:

  • Creates a root directory for the satellite node on the OpenVMS Cluster common disk.
  • Creates a MOP client entry for the satellite node in the MOP client database on the boot node.
  • Provides the satellite node with a set of SYSGEN parameters sufficient to run the DECnet-Plus software.
  • Enables the node to automatically invoke the NET$CONFIGURE procedure after it boots.

Refer to the OpenVMS Cluster Systems for OpenVMS guide for general information about CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM. You can enter a "?" at any prompt to display help text that explains what information is required at the prompt.

Table 9-1 explains the information specific to DECnet-Plus that CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM requests.

Table 9-1 Information Requested for New OpenVMS Cluster Satellites
Item Response
What is the node's DECnet full name? Determine a full name with the help of your network manager. Enter a string that includes:
  • Nickname (optional), ending with a colon (:)
  • Root directory, designated by a period (.)
  • Zero or more hierarchical directories, designated by a character string followed by a period
  • Simple name, a character string that, combined with the directory names, uniquely identifies the node

For example:




What is the DECnet Phase IV compatible synonym name for this node? A node synonym is a short name for the node's full name. In an OpenVMS Cluster environment, this name is used as the value of the SYSGEN parameter SCSNODE. It must also be defined in the namespace as the synonym name for that node. Therefore, it must be a string of six or less alphanumeric characters. By default, it is the first six characters of the last simple name in the full name. For example:

Full name --- bigbang:.galaxy.nova.blackhole

Synonym --- blackh

Node synonyms greater than six characters in length are not supported if the node is an OpenVMS Cluster member.

What is the node's DECnet node address? Enter the node's DECnet node address. This address is in the form area.node. Ask your network manager to help you determine this address.
Does synonym name need to be registered in the namespace [N]? Answer YES to this question if the name of the node you are adding has not been registered with the namespace. Registration makes your node "known" to the namespace. You only need to do this once.

The registration might fail if your namespace has access control list (ACL) protection. If that occurs, your network manager must register the node for you.

What is the cluster alias full name? The alias name is the node name of the alias: the DECdns full name of the object that stores the address towers for the alias. Do not enter a node synonym.

If this node will not be participating in an OpenVMS Cluster alias, press carriage return.

Determine the OpenVMS Cluster alias name with the help of your network manager. Enter a string that includes:

  • Nickname (optional), ending with a colon (:)
  • Root directory, designated by a period (.)
  • Zero or more hierarchical directories, designated by a character string followed by a period
  • Simple name, a character string that, combined with the directory names, uniquely identifies the node

For example:



What is the Phase IV address of the cluster alias? The node ID of the alias could not be retrieved from the namespace, so it must be calculated from the alias's Phase IV address. Enter the Phase IV address of the alias in the area.node format (for example, 63.137), or enter a 6-byte ID in the format AA-00-04-00- xx-xx, where xx-xx is calculated from the Phase IV node address. To determine the Ethernet physical address, proceed as follows:
  1. Convert the Phase IV node address to its decimal equivalent as follows:
     (area-number * 1024) + node-number = decimal equivalent

    For example:

     (12 * 1024) + 139 = 12427 decimal
  2. Convert the decimal node address to its hexadecimal equivalent and reverse the order of the bytes to form the hexadecimal node address. For example:
     (12427 decimal = 308B hex, reversed = 8B30 hexnodeaddress)
  3. Incorporate the hexadecimal node address in the following format:

    For example:

What selection weight do you choose for this node? [0 for satellites] The selection weight determines the percentage of incoming connections addressed to the alias that this node will handle. If the node is a satellite, take the default value of 0. For larger nodes, select a value between 1 and 10 (or larger if you want) according to the size of the node.

The information you enter by means of CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM is automatically entered in the boot node's MOP client database and executed. The cluster_config procedure prompts you for other information. Then, it tells you when to boot your satellite node. The satellite node will run an AUTOGEN procedure shortly after booting.

After the satellite reboots, the NET$CONFIGURE procedure executes automatically. When it completes, the network starts, and the OpenVMS startup procedure continues until completion.

9.1.2 Making the Transition from an Existing DECnet Phase IV OpenVMS Cluster Satellite Node

Existing OpenVMS Cluster satellite nodes already have a root directory on the system disk. Because these satellites are already in the OpenVMS Cluster, you cannot use CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM to migrate them to DECnet-Plus. However, you can take the following actions to migrate the satellites:
  1. Create a MOP client entry for the satellite node in the MOP client database on the boot node.
  2. Execute the MOP client script on a boot node.
  3. Edit SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT in the satellite's root directory.
  4. If the OpenVMS Cluster satellite node is not already running, boot it. A boot node will downline load it.
  5. On the OpenVMS Cluster satellite node, invoke the AUTOGEN procedure to provide the satellite node with a set of SYSGEN parameters sufficient to run the DECnet-Plus software.
  6. After the satellite node has rebooted, invoke the SYS$MANAGER:NET$CONFIGURE procedure from the satellite and select the menu option to perform a full configuration. The network will start automatically when NET$CONFIGURE completes.

Each of these steps is fully explained in the following list:

  1. Create a MOP client entry for the satellite node.
    Your Phase IV DECnet object database on your boot node might already have been converted to DECnet-Plus. When you invoke the NET$CONFIGURE.COM procedure to perform a full configuration, you can request that it convert the Phase IV object database. Refer to the DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Applications Installation and Advanced Configuration guide for more information about converting your Phase IV object database.
    To determine if your Phase IV DECnet object database has been converted to DECnet-Plus, look at the contents of the NCL script file, SYS$MANAGER:NET$MOP_CLIENT_STARTUP.NCL. This is an ASCII file that you can display on your terminal. If the object database has been converted, you will find information about each OpenVMS Cluster satellite node that existed in the Phase IV DECnet object database. If some of the information needs to be modified for DECnet-Plus, you can edit the file.
    If the Phase IV DECnet object database was not converted, you can add information for each OpenVMS Cluster satellite node with SYS$MANAGER:NET$CONFIGURE.COM. Refer to Section 10.2 for more information about the parameters needed to configure an OpenVMS Cluster satellite.

    The following is a sample of the information requested when you choose Option 8 of NET$CONFIGURE.COM, "Configure MOP Client Database:"

    * Which configuration option to perform?                 [1] : 8
    * Do you wish to ADD or DELETE a MOP Client?           [ADD] :
    * Name of the MOP Client?                                    : tahini
    * Circuit for 'TAHINI'?                                      :
    * Physical addresses for 'TAHINI'?                           : 08-00-2B-07-36-B6
    * Secondary Loader for 'TAHINI'?                             :
    * Tertiary Loader for 'TAHINI'?                              :
    * System Image for 'TAHINI'?          : "@net$niscs_laa(disk$v55:<sys10.>)"
    * Diagnostic Image for 'TAHINI'?                             :
    * Management Image for 'TAHINI'?                             :
    * Script File for 'TAHINI'?                                  :
    * Dump File for 'TAHINI'?                                    :
    * Verification for 'TAHINI'?            [%X0000000000000000] :
    * Phase IV Client Address (aa.nnnn) for 'TAHINI'?     [none] : 63.10
    * Phase IV Client Name for 'TAHINI'?                [TAHINI] :
    * Phase IV Host Address for 'TAHINI'?                [63.61] :
    * Phase IV Host Name for 'TAHINI'?                  [CASIDY] : hummus
    * Do you wish to generate NCL configuration scripts?   [YES] :
    %NET$CONFIGURE-I-CHECKSUM, checksumming NCL management scripts
    %NET$CONFIGURE-I-CONFIGCOMPLETED, DECnet-Plus for VMS configuration

    The information will not take effect until you execute the NCL script SYS$MANAGER:NET$MOP_CLIENT_STARTUP.NCL. If MOP has not yet been started, starting MOP executes the script. If MOP is already running, you can stop it and then start it again to execute the script. Alternatively, if MOP is already running, you can invoke the script at the NCL prompt.
  2. Execute the MOP client script on a boot node.

    $ run sys$system:ncl
    ncl> @sys$manager:net$mop_client_startup.ncl


    One line in the file, create mop, generates an error message because the mop entity has already been created. You can ignore this message.

    After the script has been executed, you can downline load the OpenVMS Cluster satellite.

    The following example shows the information that network management knows about the client configured in the previous step:

    ncl> show mop client tahini all

    Node 0 MOP Client TAHINI
     at 1995-04-21-18:32:38.205-04:00I0.448
      Name                              = TAHINI
      Circuit                           =
      Addresses                         = {08-00-2B-07-36-B6, AA-00-04-00-0A-FC}
      Secondary Loader                  = {}
      Tertiary Loader                   = {sys$system:tertiary_vmb.exe}
      System Image                      = {"@net$niscs_laa(DISK$V55:<SYS10.>)"}
      Diagnostic Image                  = {}
      Management Image                  = {}
      Script File                       = {}
      Phase IV Host Name                = HUMMUS
      Phase IV Host Address             = 63.61
      Phase IV Client Name              = TAHINI
      Phase IV Client Address           = 63.10
      Dump File                         = {}
      Dump Address                      = 0
      Verification                      = %X0000000000000000
      Device Types                      = {}
  3. Edit SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT in the satellite's root directory. For a list of the minimum SYSGEN parameter values recommended for an OpenVMS Cluster satellite, see the DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Installation and Basic Configuration guide.
    When installing DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS on an OpenVMS cluster, make sure that all cluster members have the suggested SYSGEN parameters set correctly. If a node in the cluster does not have the required minimum parameters, startup of the network will fail. If the network fails to start for this reason, the logical NET$STARTUP_STATUS will be set to OFF-AUTOGENREQ. Set the parameters to the recommended values prior to attempting to run NET$CONFIGURE.
    Check the release notes for any updates to the SYSGEN parameter values. Update these values by editing the SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT file.
  4. If the OpenVMS Cluster satellite node is not already running, boot it.
    If the MOP client database was successfully configured and the script executed, the boot node will downline load the satellite.
  5. On the OpenVMS Cluster satellite node, invoke the AUTOGEN procedure to provide the satellite node with a set of SYSGEN parameters sufficient to run the DECnet-Plus software.
    From the OpenVMS Cluster satellite node, invoke the AUTOGEN procedure as follows:

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