HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS
Network Management

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H.1.7 Modem Connect

The Modem Connect module provides management directives for creating and deleting the entity.

The modem connect entity has the following subordinate entities:

  • data port --- Represents status information about each access point to the Physical layer currently provided by the Modem Connect module.
  • line --- Defines attributes for the control and monitoring of a physical line.

H.2 Attribute Mapping

The following sections show the association between Phase IV network management parameters and their equivalent DECnet Phase V attributes.

Each section contains a table listing the parameters that could be set by Phase IV network management. The columns in the table denote the following:

  1. Phase IV Name --- The name of a Phase IV network management parameter.
  2. DECnet Phase V entity --- The DECnet Phase V entity that contains the attribute that maps most closely to this parameter.
  3. attribute --- The name of the attribute that maps most closely to the Phase IV network management parameter.
  4. type --- The DECnet Phase V data type of this attribute. (Refer to the DECnet-Plus Network Control Language Reference for a description of common data types for NCL.)

The footnotes describe additional points to consider when converting from DECnet Phase IV to DECnet Phase V network management.

H.2.1 X25-ACCESS NETWORK Database

The X25-ACCESS NETWORK database points to the X.25 protocol networks on remote connector systems. It also contains session control access control information. Table H-1 shows the parameter mapping rules.

Table H-1 X25-ACCESS NETWORK Database
Phase IV Name Phase IV Entity Attribute Type
NETWORK x25 access dte class 1 Identifier Simple name
NODE x25 access dte class node DNS full name
USER + x25 access dte class user 2 Latin1String
PASSWORD + x25 access dte class password 2 Latin1String
ACCOUNT + x25 access dte class account 2 Latin1String

+Optional parameter.
1Of type remote. The DTE class type is specified on creation.
2Not supported.

For example:

NCP> set x25-access network MYNET node GWYNOD

ncl> create x25 access dte class MYNET type remote
ncl> set x25 access dte class MYNET node LOCAL:.GWYNOD


The X25-PROTOCOL NETWORK database defines the base operating characteristics (including default values) for a collection of DTEs and their associated lines. The same profile can be used by more than one network name. Table H-2 shows the parameter mapping rules.

Table H-2 X25-PROTOCOL NETWORK Database
Phase IV Name Phase V Entity Attribute Type
NETWORK x25 access dte class 1 Identifier Simple Name
PROFILE x25 protocol dte profile 2 Latin1String
  lapb link profile 2 Latin1String

+Optional parameter.
1Of type local. The DTE class type is specified on creation.
2All DTEs in this network must use the same profile name as the profile attribute of both the X25 Protocol DTE and LAPB Link entities.

H.2.3 X25-PROTOCOL DTE Database

The X25-PROTOCOL DTE database contains the operating characteristics of each connection to the PSDN at X.25 level 3 (packet level). Default values are taken mostly from the profile; customers can modify these values so that their system configurations match their PSDN subscription options. Table H-3 shows the parameter mapping rules.

Table H-3 X25-PROTOCOL DTE Database
Phase IV Name Phase V Entity Attribute Type
DTE x25 protocol dte x25 address DTE address
NETWORK x25 access dte class Identifier Simple name
  x25 protocol dte inbound dte class 1 Simple name
  x25 protocol dte profile Latin1String
LINE x25 protocol dte link service provider 2 Local entity name
CALL TIMER + x25 protocol dte call timer Unsigned
CHANNELS + x25 protocol dte outgoing list Set of range of unsigned
CLEAR TIMER + x25 protocol dte clear timer Unsigned
DEFAULT DATA + x25 protocol dte default packet size Unsigned
DEFAULT WINDOW + x25 protocol dte default window size Unsigned
INTERFACE + x25 protocol dte interface type Enumerated {[DTE], DCE, negotiated}
INTERRUPT TIMER + x25 protocol dte interrupt timer Unsigned
MAXIMUM CIRCUITS + x25 protocol dte maximum active circuits Unsigned
MAXIMUM CLEARS + x25 protocol dte maximum clear attempts Unsigned
MAXIMUM DATA + x25 protocol dte maximum packet size Unsigned
MAXIMUM RESETS + x25 protocol dte maximum reset attempts Unsigned
MAXIMUM RESTARTS + x25 protocol dte maximum restart attempts Unsigned
MAXIMUM WINDOW + x25 protocol dte maximum window size Unsigned
RESET TIMER + x25 protocol dte reset timer Unsigned
RESTART TIMER + x25 protocol dte restart timer Unsigned
STATE + x25 protocol dte N/A 3  

+Optional parameter.
1All DTEs must have a valid inbound DTE class attribute.
2The LINE qualifier points to an entry in the LINE database. The link service provider might be LAPB Link or LLC2 SAP Link.
3Now controlled by the enable or disable directives.

For example:

NCP> set x25-protocol network mynet profile iso8208
NCP> set x25-protocol dte 123456789 network mynet line dsv-0-0 state off
NCP> set x25-protocol dte 123456789 network mynet channels 1024-1
NCP> set dte 123456789 net mynet state on

ncl> create x25 access dte class mynet type local
ncl> set x25 access dte class mynet local dte {dte-0}
ncl> create x25 protocol dte dte-0 profile "ISO8208"
ncl> set x25 protocol dte dte-0 x25 address 123456789,inbound dte class mynet
ncl> set x25 protocol dte dte-0 link service provider LAPB link dsv-0
ncl> set x25 protocol dte dte-0 outgoing list {[1..1024]}
ncl> enable x25 protocol dte dte-0

H.2.4 X25-PROTOCOL GROUP Database

The X25-PROTOCOL GROUP database associates individual local DTEs (qualified by their network) with an X.25 closed user group. The Phase IV database design is less flexible than the Phase V one (which allows complicated groups to be configured as one entity). Table H-4 shows the parameter mapping rules.

Table H-4 X25-PROTOCOL GROUP Database
Phase IV Name Phase V Entity Attribute Type
GROUP x25 protocol group Identifier Simple name
DTE x25 protocol group members CUG member
NUMBER x25 protocol group members CUG member
TYPE + x25 protocol group type Enumeration {CUG, BCUG}

+Optional parameter.

For example:

NCP> set x25-protocol group secret dte 123456789 network mynet type bilateral -
_ number 99

ncl> create x25 protocol group secret
ncl> set    x25 protocol group secret type bcug,members {(dte=dte-0,index=99)}

H.2.5 X25-SERVER Database

The X25-SERVER database serves as the incoming call handler and controls the total number of connections on the system. In DECnet Phase V, it is replaced by three distinct modules. Table H-5 shows the parameter mapping rules.


The x25 server entity is not supported by the X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha software. Therefore, no migration path exists from Phase IV endnodes to OpenVMS Alpha endnodes for the functionality described in this section. You must use a VAX P.S.I. multihost system or a Phase V gateway.

Table H-5 X25-SERVER Database
Phase IV Name Phase V Entity Attribute Type
MAXIMUM CIRCUITS + x25 access maximum active ports Unsigned
  x25 server maximum session connections Unsigned
  x25 client maximum session connections Unsigned
STATE + x25 access N/A 1  
  x25 server N/A 1  
  x25 client N/A 1  

+Optional parameter.
1Now controlled by the enable or disable directives.

H.2.6 X25-SERVER Local Destination Database

The local destinations in the X25-SERVER database are identified by the lack of a NODE qualifier.

Each destination points to an entry in the Phase IV OBJECT database, which identifies a command procedure to invoke. (VAX P.S.I. does not support executable images.)

In DECnet Phase V, objects are replaced by x25 access application entities. Each application specifies a set of filters to listen for incoming calls by using the filters attribute. The file attribute identifies a command procedure to invoke when a call is received. The type attribute for these applications should be set to X25.

Table H-6 shows the parameter mapping rules.

Table H-6 X25-SERVER Local Destination Database
Phase IV Name Phase V Entity Attribute Type
DESTINATION x25 access filter 1 Identifier Simple name
  x25 access application 1 filters Set of simple name
  x25 access application type X25 2
OBJECT x25 access application Identifier Simple name
USER + x25 access application user Latin1String
ACCOUNT + x25 access application account 3 Latin1String
CALL MASK + x25 access filter call data mask Octet string
CALL VALUE + x25 access filter call data value Octet string
CALLED ADDRESS + x25 access filter originally called address DTE address
EXTENSION MASK + x25 access filter called address extension mask Octet string
EXTENSION VALUE + x25 access filter called address extension value Octet string
GROUP + x25 access filter group Simple name
INCOMING ADDRESS + x25 access filter incoming dte address DTE address
NETWORK + x25 access filter inbound dte class Simple name
PRIORITY + x25 access filter priority Unsigned
RECEIVING DTE + x25 access filter receiving dte address DTE address
REDIRECT REASON + x25 access filter redirect reason Enumerated {[Not Specified], Busy, Out of Order, Systematic}
SENDING ADDRESS + x25 access filter sending dte address DTE address
SUBADDRESSES + x25 access filter subaddress range Set of range of unsigned

+Optional parameter.
1Used for more than one attribute, due to a split of function between the X25 Access module and the X25 Access Application entity.
2X25 Access application type should be X25 for this type of destination.
3Not supported in all implementations.

For example:

NCP> define object psi_mail number 0 file sys$system:psi$mail -
_ user username password secret

NCP> define module x25-server destination psi_mail object psi_mail -
_ call mask ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff -
_ call value ff00000056332e30204d41494c2d3131

ncl> create x25 access filter PSI_MAIL
ncl> set x25 access filter PSI_MAIL priority 3000 ,  -
_ncl> call data value %XFF00000056332E30204D41494C2D3131 ,  -

ncl> create x25 access application PSI_MAIL
ncl> set x25 access application PSI_MAIL type X25,  -
_ncl> file sys$system:psi$mail.com , user "mail$server", filters {PSI_MAIL}

H.2.7 X25-SERVER Remote Destination Database

Remote destinations are used when operating as an X.25 Connector (gateway) system. They contain a NODE qualifier, point to the X.25 GAP application at the remote access system, and might include access control information.


The x25 server entity is not supported by the X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha software. Therefore, no migration path exists from Phase IV endnodes to OpenVMS Alpha endnodes for the functionality described in this section. You must use a VAX P.S.I. multihost system or a Phase V gateway.

Table H-7 shows the parameter mapping rules.

Table H-7 X25-SERVER Remote Destination Database
Phase IV Name Phase V Entity Attribute Type
DESTINATION x25 access filter 1 Identifier Simple name
  x25 server client 1 Identifier Simple name
  x25 server client 1 filters Set of simple name 2
NODE x25 server client node DNS full name
OBJECT + x25 server client application End-user specification
USER + x25 server client user Latin1String
PASSWORD + x25 server client password Latin1String
ACCOUNT + x25 server client account Latin1String
CALL MASK + x25 access filter call data mask Octet String
CALL VALUE + x25 access filter call data value Octet String
CALLED ADDRESS + x25 access filter originally called address DTE address
EXTENSION MASK + x25 access filter called address extension mask Octet string
EXTENSION VALUE + x25 access filter called address extension value Octet string
GROUP + x25 access filter group Simple name
INCOMING ADDRESS + x25 access filter incoming dte address DTE address
NETWORK + x25 access filter inbound dte class Simple name
PRIORITY + x25 access filter priority Unsigned
RECEIVING DTE + x25 access filter receiving dte address DTE address
REDIRECT REASON + x25 access filter redirect reason Enumerated {[Not Specified], Busy, Out of Order, Systematic}
SENDING ADDRESS + x25 access filter sending dte address DTE address
SUBADDRESSES + x25 access filter subaddress range Set of range of unsigned

+Optional parameter.
1Used for more than one attribute, due to a split of function between the x25 access and x25 server client entities.
2Note that this is a set of filters, not a single value.

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