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OpenVMS Alpha System Analysis Tools Manual

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After a SET CPU command is issued (for analyzing a crash dump only), the symbols defined in Table 2-6 are set for that CPU.

Table 2-6 SDA Symbols Defined by SET CPU Command
CPUDB Address of CPU database
IPL Interrupt priority level register
PCBB Process context block base register
PRBR Processor base register (CPU database address)
SCBB System control block base register
SISR Software interrupt status register

After a SET PROCESS command is issued, the symbols listed in Table 2-7 are defined for that process.

Table 2-7 SDA Symbols Defined by SET PROCESS Command
ARB Address of access rights block
JIB Address of job information block
KTB Address of the kernel thread block
ORB Address of object rights block
PCB Address of process control block
PHD Address of process header

Other SDA commands, such as SHOW DEVICE and SHOW CLUSTER, predefine additional symbols.

SDA Symbol Initialization

On initialization, SDA reads the universal symbols defined by SYS$BASE_IMAGE.EXE. For every procedure descriptor address symbol found, a routine address symbol is created (with _C appended to the symbol name).

SDA then reads the object file REQSYSDEF.STB. This file contains data structure definitions that are required for SDA to run correctly. It uses these symbols to access some of the data structures in the crash dump file or on the running system.

Finally, SDA initializes the process registers defined in Table 2-7 and executes a SET CPU command, defining the symbols as well.

Use of SDA Symbols

There are two major uses of the address type symbols. First, the EXAMINE command employs them to find the value of a known symbol. For example, EXAMINE CTL$GL_PCB finds the PCB for the current process. Then, certain SDA commands (such as EXAMINE, SHOW STACK, and FORMAT) use them to symbolize addresses when generating output.

When the code for one of these commands needs a symbol for an address, it calls the SDA symbolize routine. The symbolize routine tries to find the symbol in the symbol table whose address is closest to, but not greater than the requested address. This means, for any given address, the routine may return a symbol of the form symbol_name+offset. If, however, the offset is greater than 0FFF16, it fails to find a symbol for the address.

As a last resort, the symbolize routine checks to see if this address falls within a known memory range. Currently, the only known memory ranges are those used by the OpenVMS Alpha executive images and those used by active images in a process. SDA searches through the executive loaded image list (LDRIMG data structure) to see if the address falls within any of the image sections. If SDA does find a match, it returns one of the following types of symbols:


The offset is the same as the image offset as defined in the map file.

The constants in the SDA symbol table are usually used to display a data structure with the FORMAT command. For example, the PHD offsets are defined in SYSDEF.STB; you can display all the fields of the PHD by entering the following commands:


SDA> FORMAT/TYPE=PHD phd_address

Symbols and Address Resolution

In OpenVMS Alpha, executive and user images are loaded into dynamically assigned address space. To help you associate a particular virtual address with the image whose code has been loaded at that address, SDA provides several features:

  • The SHOW EXECUTIVE command
  • The symbolization of addresses, described in the previous section
  • The READ command
  • The SHOW PROCESS command with the /IMAGES qualifier
  • The MAP command

The OpenVMS Alpha executive consists of two base images, SYS$BASE_IMAGE.EXE and SYS$PUBLIC_VECTORS.EXE, and a number of other separately loadable images. Some of these images are loaded on all systems, while others support features unique to particular system configurations. Executive images are mapped into system space during system initialization.

By default, a typical executive image is not mapped at contiguous virtual addresses. Instead, its nonpageable image sections are loaded into a reserved set of pages with other executive images' nonpageable sections. The pageable sections of a typical executive image are mapped contiguously into a different part of system space. An image mapped in this manner is said to be sliced. A particular system may have system parameters defined that disable executive image slicing altogether.

Each executive image is described by a data structure called a loadable image data block (LDRIMG). The LDRIMG specifies whether the image has been sliced. If the image is sliced, the LDRIMG indicates the beginning of each image section and the size of each section. All the LDRIMGs are linked together in a list that SDA scans to determine what images have been loaded and into what addresses they have been mapped. The SHOW EXECUTIVE command displays a list of all images that are included in the OpenVMS Alpha executive.

Each executive image is a shareable image whose universal symbols are defined in the SYS$BASE_IMAGE.EXE symbol vector. On initialization, SDA reads this symbol vector and adds its universal symbols to the SDA symbol table.

Executive image .STB files define additional symbols within an executive image that are not defined as universal symbols and thus are not in the SYS$BASE_IMAGE.EXE symbol vector (see Sources for SDA Symbols in this section). You can enter a READ/EXECUTIVE command to read symbols defined in all executive image .STB files into the SDA symbol table, or a READ/IMAGE filespec command to read the .STB for a specified image only.

To obtain a display of all images mapped within a process, execute a SHOW PROCESS/IMAGE command. See the description of the SHOW PROCESS command for additional information about displaying the hardware and software context of a process.

You can also identify the image name and offset that correspond to a specified address with the MAP command. With the information obtained from the MAP command, you can then examine the image map to locate the source module and program section offset corresponding to an address.

2.7 Investigating System Failures

This section discusses how the operating system handles internal errors, and suggests procedures that can help you determine the causes of these errors. It illustrates, through detailed analysis of a sample system failure, how SDA helps you find the causes of operating system problems.

For a complete description of the commands discussed in the sections that follow, refer to Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 of this document, where all the SDA and CLUE commands are presented in alphabetical order.

2.7.1 General Procedure for Analyzing System Failures

When the operating system detects an internal error so severe that normal operation cannot continue, it signals a condition known as a fatal bugcheck and shuts itself down. A specific bugcheck code describes each fatal bugcheck.

To resolve the problem, you must find the reason for the bugcheck. Many failures are caused by errors in user-written device drivers or other privileged code not supplied by Compaq. To identify and correct these errors, you need a listing of the code in question.

Occasionally, a system failure is the result of a hardware failure or an error in code supplied by Compaq. A hardware failure requires the attention of Compaq Services. To diagnose an error in code supplied by Compaq, you need listings of that code, which are available from Compaq.

Start the search for the error by analyzing the CLUE list file that was created by default when the system failed. This file contains an overview of the system failure, which can assist you in finding the line of code that signaled the bugcheck. CLUE CRASH displays the content of the program counter (PC) in the list file. The content of the PC is the address of the next instruction after the instruction that signaled the bugcheck.

However, some bugchecks are caused by unexpected exceptions. In such cases, the address of the instruction that caused the exception is more informative than the address of the instruction that signaled the bugcheck. The address of the instruction that caused the exception is located on the stack. You can obtain this address either by using the SHOW STACK command to display the contents of the stack or by using the CLUE CRASH command to display the system state at time of exception. See Section 2.7.2 for information on how to proceed for several types of bugchecks.

Once you have found the address of the instruction that caused the bugcheck or exception, find the module in which the failing instruction resides. Use the MAP command to determine whether the instruction is part of a device driver or another executive image. Alternatively, the SHOW EXECUTIVE command shows the location and size of each of the images that make up the OpenVMS Alpha executive.

If the instruction that caused the bugcheck is not part of a driver or executive image, examine the linker's map of the module or modules you are debugging to determine whether the instruction that caused the bugcheck is in your program.

To determine the general cause of the system failure, examine the code that signaled the bugcheck or the instruction that caused the exception.

2.7.2 Fatal Bugcheck Conditions

There are many possible conditions that can cause OpenVMS Alpha to issue a bugcheck. Normally, these occasions are rare. When they do occur, they are often fatal exceptions or illegal page faults occurring within privileged code. This section describes the symptoms of several common bugchecks. A discussion of other exceptions and condition handling in general appears in the OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual.

An exception is fatal when it occurs while either of the following conditions exists:

  • The process is executing above IPL 2 (IPL$_ASTDEL).
  • The process is executing in a privileged (kernel or executive) processor access mode and has not declared a condition handler to deal with the exception.

When the system fails, the operating system reports the approximate cause of the system failure on the console terminal. SDA displays a similar message when you issue a SHOW CRASH command. For instance, for a fatal exception, SDA can display one of these messages:

FATALEXCPT, Fatal executive or kernel mode exception

INVEXCEPTN, Exception while above ASTDEL

SSRVEXCEPT, Unexpected system service exception

UNXSIGNAL, Unexpected signal name in ACP

When a FATALEXCPT, INVEXCEPTN, SSRVEXCEPT, or UNXSIGNAL bugcheck occurs, two argument lists, known as the mechanism and signal arrays, are placed on the stack.

Section to Section describe these arrays and related data structures, and Section shows example output from SDA for an SSRVEXCEPT bugcheck.

A page fault is illegal when it occurs while the interrupt priority level (IPL) is greater than 2 (IPL$_ASTDEL). When OpenVMS Alpha fails because of an illegal page fault, it displays the following message on the console terminal:

PGFIPLHI, Page fault with IPL too high

Section describes the stack contents when an illegal page fault occurs. Mechanism Array

Figure 2-1 illustrates the mechanism array, which is made up entirely of quadwords. The first quadword of this array indicates the number of quadwords in this array; this value is always 2C16. These quadwords are used by the procedures that search for a condition handler and report exceptions.

Figure 2-1 Mechanism Array

Symbolic offsets into the mechanism array are defined as follows. The SDA SHOW STACK command identifies the elements of the mechanism array on the stack using these symbols.

Offset Meaning
CHF$IS_MCH_ARGS Number of quadwords that follow. In a mechanism array, this value is always 2C 16.
CHF$IS_MCH_FLAGS Flag bits for related argument mechanism information.
CHF$PH_MCH_FRAME Address of the FP (frame pointer) of the establisher's call frame.
CHF$IS_MCH_DEPTH Depth of the OpenVMS Alpha search for a condition handler.
CHF$PH_MCH_DADDR Address of the handler data quadword, if the exception handler data field is present.
CHF$PH_MCH_ESF_ADDR Address of the exception stack frame (see Figure 2-4).
CHF$PH_MCH_SIG_ADDR Address of the signal array (see Figure 2-2).
CHF$IH_MCH_SAVRnn Contents of the saved integer registers at the time of the exception. The following registers are saved: R0, R1, and R16 to R28 inclusive.
CHF$FH_MCH_SAVFnn If the process was using floating point, contents of the saved floating-point registers at the time of the exception. The following registers are saved: F0, F1, and F10 to F30 inclusive.
CHF$PH_MCH_SIG64_ADDR Address of the 64-bit signal array (see Figure 2-3). Signal Array

The signal array appears somewhat farther down the stack. This array comprises all longwords so that the structure is VAX compatible. A signal array describes the exception that occurred. It contains an argument count, the exception code, zero or more exception parameters, the PC, and the PS. Therefore, the size of a signal array can vary from exception to exception. Although there are several possible exception conditions, access violations are most common. Figure 2-2 shows the signal array for an access violation.

Figure 2-2 Signal Array

For access violations, the signal array is set up as follows:

Value Meaning
Vector list length Number of longwords that follow. For access violations, this value is always 5.
Condition value Exception code. The value 0C 16 represents an access violation. You can identify the exception code by using the SDA command EVALUATE/CONDITION_VALUE or SHOW CRASH.
Additional arguments These can include a reason mask and a virtual address.

In the longword mask if bit 0 of the longword is set, the failing instruction (at the PC saved below) caused a length violation. If bit 1 is set, it referred to a location whose page table entry is in a "no access" page. Bit 2 indicates the type of access used by the failing instruction: it is set for write and modify operations and clear for read operations.

The virtual address represents the low-order 32 bits of the virtual address that the failing instruction tried to reference.

PC PC whose execution resulted in the exception.
PS PS at the time of the exception. 64-Bit Signal Array

The 64-bit signal array also appears further down the stack. This array comprises all quadwords and is not VAX compatible. It contains the same data as the signal array, and Figure 2-3 shows the 64-bit signal array for an access violation. The SDA SHOW STACK command uses the CHF64$ symbols listed in the figure to identify the 64-bit signal array on the stack.

Figure 2-3 64-Bit Signal Array

For access violations, the 64-bit signal array is set up as follows:

Value Meaning
Vector list length Number of quadwords that follow. For access violations, this value is always 5.
Condition value Exception code. The value 0C 16 represents an access violation. You can identify the exception code by using the SDA command EVALUATE/CONDITION_VALUE or SHOW CRASH.
Additional arguments These can include a reason mask and a virtual address.

In the quadword mask if bit 0 of the quadword is set, the failing instruction (at the PC saved below) caused a length violation. If bit 1 is set, it referred to a location whose page table entry is in a "no access" page. Bit 2 indicates the type of access used by the failing instruction: it is set for write and modify operations and clear for read operations.

PC PC whose execution resulted in the exception.
PS PS at the time of the exception. Exception Stack Frame

Figure 2-4 illustrates the exception stack frame, which comprises all quadwords.

Figure 2-4 Exception Stack Frame

The values contained in the exception stack frame are defined as follows:

Table 2-8 Exception Stack Frame Values
Value Contents
INTSTK$Q_R2 Contents of R2 at the time of the exception
INTSTK$Q_R3 Contents of R3 at the time of the exception
INTSTK$Q_R4 Contents of R4 at the time of the exception
INTSTK$Q_R5 Contents of R5 at the time of the exception
INTSTK$Q_R6 Contents of R6 at the time of the exception
INTSTK$Q_R7 Contents of R7 at the time of the exception
INTSTK$Q_PC PC whose execution resulted in the exception
INTSTK$Q_PS PS at the time of the exception (except high-order bits)

The SDA SHOW STACK command identifies the elements of the exception stack frame on the stack using these symbols. SSRVEXCEPT Example

If OpenVMS Alpha encounters a fatal exception, you can find the code that signaled it by examining the PC in the signal array. Use the SHOW CRASH or CLUE CRASH command to display the PC and the instruction stream around the PC to locate the exception.

The following display shows the SDA output in response to the SHOW CRASH and SHOW STACK commands for an SSRVEXCEPT bugcheck. It illustrates the mechanism array, signal arrays, and the exception stack frame previously described.

OpenVMS (TM) Alpha system dump analyzer
...analyzing a selective memory dump...

Dump taken on 30-AUG-2000 13:13:46.83
SSRVEXCEPT, Unexpected system service exception

Time of system crash: 30-AUG-1996 13:13:46.83

Version of system: OpenVMS (TM) Alpha Operating System, Version V7.3

System Version Major ID/Minor ID: 3/0

System type: DEC 3000 Model 400

Crash CPU ID/Primary CPU ID:  00/00

Bitmask of CPUs active/available:  00000001/00000001

CPU bugcheck codes:
        CPU 00 -- SSRVEXCEPT, Unexpected system service exception

System State at Time of Exception
Exception Frame:
        R2  = 00000000.00000003
        R3  = FFFFFFFF.80C63460  EXCEPTION_MON_NPRW+06A60
        R4  = FFFFFFFF.80D12740  PCB
        R5  = 00000000.000000C8
        R6  = 00000000.00030038
        R7  = 00000000.7FFA1FC0
        PC  = 00000000.00030078
        PS  = 00000000.00000003

         00000000.00030068:     STQ             R27,(SP)
         00000000.0003006C:     BIS             R31,SP,FP
         00000000.00030070:     STQ             R26,#X0010(SP)
         00000000.00030074:     LDA             R28,(R31)
   PC => 00000000.00030078:     LDL             R28,(R28)
         00000000.0003007C:     BEQ             R28,#X000007
         00000000.00030080:     LDQ             R26,#XFFE8(R27)
         00000000.00030084:     BIS             R31,R26,R0
         00000000.00030088:     BIS             R31,FP,SP

   PS =>
         0   00   00000000000 00  0   0   KERN   0   USER

Signal Array
        Length = 00000005
        Type   = 0000000C
        Arg    = 00000000.00010000
        Arg    = 00000000.00000000
        Arg    = 00000000.00030078
        Arg    = 00000000.00000003
%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual address=0000000000000000,
   PC=0000000000030078, PS=00000003

Saved Scratch Registers in Mechanism Array
R0   = 00000000.00020000  R1   = 00000000.00000000  R16  = 00000000.00020004
R17  = 00000000.00010050  R18  = FFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFF  R19  = 00000000.00000000
R20  = 00000000.7FFA1F50  R21  = 00000000.00000000  R22  = 00000000.00010050
R23  = 00000000.00000000  R24  = 00000000.00010051  R25  = 00000000.00000000
R26  = FFFFFFFF.8010ACA4  R27  = 00000000.00010050  R28  = 00000000.00000000

CPU 00 Processor crash information

CPU 00 reason for Bugcheck: SSRVEXCEPT, Unexpected system service exception

Process currently executing on this CPU: SYSTEM

Current image file: $31$DKB0:[SYS0.][SYSMGR]X.EXE;1

Current IPL: 0  (decimal)

CPU database address:  80D0E000

CPUs Capabilities:    PRIMARY,QUORUM,RUN

General registers:

R0   = 00000000.00000000  R1   = 00000000.7FFA1EB8  R2   = FFFFFFFF.80D0E6C0
R3   = FFFFFFFF.80C63460  R4   = FFFFFFFF.80D12740  R5   = 00000000.000000C8
R6   = 00000000.00030038  R7   = 00000000.7FFA1FC0  R8   = 00000000.7FFAC208
R9   = 00000000.7FFAC410  R10  = 00000000.7FFAD238  R11  = 00000000.7FFCE3E0
R12  = 00000000.00000000  R13  = FFFFFFFF.80C6EB60  R14  = 00000000.00000000
R15  = 00000000.009A79FD  R16  = 00000000.000003C4  R17  = 00000000.7FFA1D40
R18  = FFFFFFFF.80C05C38  R19  = 00000000.00000000  R20  = 00000000.7FFA1F50
R21  = 00000000.00000000  R22  = 00000000.00000001  R23  = 00000000.7FFF03C8
R24  = 00000000.7FFF0040  AI   = 00000000.00000003  RA   = FFFFFFFF.82A21080
PV   = FFFFFFFF.829CF010  R28  = FFFFFFFF.8004B6DC  FP   = 00000000.7FFA1CA0
PC   = FFFFFFFF.82A210B4  PS   = 18000000.00000000

Processor Internal Registers:

ASN  = 00000000.0000002F                     ASTSR/ASTEN =          0000000F
IPL  =          00000000  PCBB = 00000000.003FE080  PRBR = FFFFFFFF.80D0E000
PTBR = 00000000.00001136  SCBB = 00000000.000001DC  SISR = 00000000.00000000
VPTB = FFFFFFFC.00000000  FPCR = 00000000.00000000  MCES = 00000000.00000000

CPU 00 Processor crash information

        KSP    = 00000000.7FFA1C98
        ESP    = 00000000.7FFA6000
        SSP    = 00000000.7FFAC100
        USP    = 00000000.7AFFBAD0

                No spinlocks currently owned by CPU 00

Current Operating Stack (KERNEL):
                       00000000.7FFA1C78    18000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1C80    00000000.7FFA1CA0
                       00000000.7FFA1C88    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1C90    00000000.7FFA1D40
                SP =>  00000000.7FFA1C98    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1CA0    FFFFFFFF.829CF010  EXE$EXCPTN
                       00000000.7FFA1CA8    FFFFFFFF.82A2059C  EXCEPTION_MON_PRO+0259C
                       00000000.7FFA1CB0    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1CB8    00000000.7FFA1CD0
                       00000000.7FFA1CC0    FFFFFFFF.829CEDA8  EXE$SET_PAGES_READ_ONLY+00948
                       00000000.7FFA1CC8    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1CD0    FFFFFFFF.829CEDA8  EXE$SET_PAGES_READ_ONLY+00948
                       00000000.7FFA1CD8    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1CE0    FFFFFFFF.82A1E930  EXE$CONTSIGNAL_C+001D0
                       00000000.7FFA1CE8    00000000.7FFA1F40
                       00000000.7FFA1CF0    FFFFFFFF.80C63780  EXE$ACVIOLAT
                       00000000.7FFA1CF8    00000000.7FFA1EB8
                       00000000.7FFA1D00    00000000.7FFA1D40
                       00000000.7FFA1D08    00000000.7FFA1F00
                       00000000.7FFA1D10    00000000.7FFA1F40
                       00000000.7FFA1D18    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1D20    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1D28    00000000.00020000  SYS$K_VERSION_04
                       00000000.7FFA1D30    00000005.00000250  BUG$_NETRCVPKT
                       00000000.7FFA1D38    829CE050.000008F8  BUG$_SEQ_NUM_OVF
CHF$IS_MCH_ARGS        00000000.7FFA1D40    00000000.0000002C
CHF$PH_MCH_FRAME       00000000.7FFA1D48    00000000.7AFFBAD0
CHF$PH_MCH_DADDR       00000000.7FFA1D58    00000000.00000000
CHF$PH_MCH_ESF_ADDR    00000000.7FFA1D60    00000000.7FFA1F00
CHF$PH_MCH_SIG_ADDR    00000000.7FFA1D68    00000000.7FFA1EB8
CHF$IH_MCH_SAVR0       00000000.7FFA1D70    00000000.00020000  SYS$K_VERSION_04
CHF$IH_MCH_SAVR1       00000000.7FFA1D78    00000000.00000000
CHF$IH_MCH_SAVR16      00000000.7FFA1D80    00000000.00020004  UCB$M_LCL_VALID+00004
CHF$IH_MCH_SAVR17      00000000.7FFA1D88    00000000.00010050  SYS$K_VERSION_16+00010
CHF$IH_MCH_SAVR19      00000000.7FFA1D98    00000000.00000000
CHF$IH_MCH_SAVR20      00000000.7FFA1DA0    00000000.7FFA1F50
CHF$IH_MCH_SAVR21      00000000.7FFA1DA8    00000000.00000000
CHF$IH_MCH_SAVR22      00000000.7FFA1DB0    00000000.00010050  SYS$K_VERSION_16+00010
CHF$IH_MCH_SAVR23      00000000.7FFA1DB8    00000000.00000000
CHF$IH_MCH_SAVR24      00000000.7FFA1DC0    00000000.00010051  SYS$K_VERSION_16+00011
CHF$IH_MCH_SAVR25      00000000.7FFA1DC8    00000000.00000000
CHF$IH_MCH_SAVR27      00000000.7FFA1DD8    00000000.00010050  SYS$K_VERSION_16+00010
CHF$IH_MCH_SAVR28      00000000.7FFA1DE0    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1DE8    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1DF0    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1DF8    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1E00    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1E08    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1E10    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1E18    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1E20    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1E28    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1E30    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1E38    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1E40    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1E48    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1E50    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1E58    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1E60    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1E68    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1E70    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1E78    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1E80    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1E88    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1E90    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1E98    00000000.00000000
CHF$PH_MCH_SIG64_ADDR  00000000.7FFA1EA0    00000000.7FFA1ED0
                       00000000.7FFA1EA8    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1EB0    00000000.7FFA1F50
                       00000000.7FFA1EB8    0000000C.00000005
                       00000000.7FFA1EC0    00000000.00010000  SYS$K_VERSION_07
                       00000000.7FFA1EC8    00000003.00030078  SYS$K_VERSION_01+00078
CHF$L_SIG_ARGS         00000000.7FFA1ED0    00002604.00000005  UCB$M_TEMPLATE+00604
CHF$L_SIG_ARG1         00000000.7FFA1ED8    00000000.0000000C
                       00000000.7FFA1EE0    00000000.00010000  SYS$K_VERSION_07
                       00000000.7FFA1EE8    00000000.00000000
                       00000000.7FFA1EF0    00000000.00030078  SYS$K_VERSION_01+00078
                       00000000.7FFA1EF8    00000000.00000003
INTSTK$Q_R2            00000000.7FFA1F00    00000000.00000003
INTSTK$Q_R3            00000000.7FFA1F08    FFFFFFFF.80C63460  EXCEPTION_MON_NPRW+06A60
INTSTK$Q_R4            00000000.7FFA1F10    FFFFFFFF.80D12740  PCB
INTSTK$Q_R5            00000000.7FFA1F18    00000000.000000C8
INTSTK$Q_R6            00000000.7FFA1F20    00000000.00030038  SYS$K_VERSION_01+00038
INTSTK$Q_R7            00000000.7FFA1F28    00000000.7FFA1FC0
INTSTK$Q_PC            00000000.7FFA1F30    00000000.00030078  SYS$K_VERSION_01+00078
INTSTK$Q_PS            00000000.7FFA1F38    00000000.00000003
Prev SP (7FFA1F40) ==> 00000000.7FFA1F40    00000000.00010050  SYS$K_VERSION_16+00010
                       00000000.7FFA1F48    00000000.00010000  SYS$K_VERSION_07
                       00000000.7FFA1F50    FFFFFFFF.8010ACA4  AMAC$EMUL_CALL_NATIVE_C+000A4
                       00000000.7FFA1F58    00000000.7FFA1F70
                       00000000.7FFA1F60    00000000.00000001
                       00000000.7FFA1F68    FFFFFFFF.800EE81C  RM_STD$DIRCACHE_BLKAST_C+005AC
                       00000000.7FFA1F70    FFFFFFFF.80C6EBA0  SCH$CHSEP+001E0
                       00000000.7FFA1F78    00000000.829CEDE8  EXE$SIGTORET
                       00000000.7FFA1F80    00010050.00000002  SYS$K_VERSION_16+00010
                       00000000.7FFA1F88    00000000.00020000  SYS$K_VERSION_04
                       00000000.7FFA1F90    00000000.00030000  SYS$K_VERSION_01
                       00000000.7FFA1F98    FFFFFFFF.800A4D64  EXCEPTION_MON_NPRO+00D64
                       00000000.7FFA1FA0    00000000.00000003
                       00000000.7FFA1FA8    FFFFFFFF.80D12740  PCB
                       00000000.7FFA1FB0    00000000.00010000  SYS$K_VERSION_07
                       00000000.7FFA1FB8    00000000.7AFFBAD0
                       00000000.7FFA1FC0    00000000.7FFCF880  MMG$IMGHDRBUF+00080
                       00000000.7FFA1FC8    00000000.7B0E9851
                       00000000.7FFA1FD0    00000000.7FFCF818  MMG$IMGHDRBUF+00018
                       00000000.7FFA1FD8    00000000.7FFCF938  MMG$IMGHDRBUF+00138
                       00000000.7FFA1FE0    00000000.7FFAC9F0
                       00000000.7FFA1FE8    00000000.7FFAC9F0
                       00000000.7FFA1FF0    FFFFFFFF.80000140  SYS$PUBLIC_VECTORS_NPRO+00140
                       00000000.7FFA1FF8    00000000.0000001B


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