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DIGITAL PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server)
Server Migration Guide

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Chapter 2
Overview of the Migration Process

2.1 Introduction

Migrating to PATHWORKS Advanced Server includes planning network changes, upgrading server information, and verifying and completing the migration. This section provides a complete overview of the steps in the migration process.

2.2 Steps in the Migration Process

The following table summarizes the recommended steps in the migration process.

Table 2-1 Steps in the Migration Process
Step Procedure Section
1. Complete the migration worksheet.

Before you run the Upgrade utility, read this guide and then collect the information required to complete the migration process. The migration worksheet helps you keep track of the elements of the server that will change with the upgrade. The migration worksheet is only available in the printed copy of this guide.

Appendix D, Migration Worksheet
2. Select the server to upgrade first.

When you upgrade a domain with only PATHWORKS LAN Manager servers, you must upgrade the PDC first to preserve domain security. Therefore you must upgrade servers in the following order:

  • PDC
  • BDC, member or standalone server
Note: If your license server runs on a standalone system, upgrade the license server first (before any other server). Refer to the Advanced Server for OpenVMS Guide to Managing Advanced Server Licenses for more information.
Chapter 5, Upgrading Your Server Information
3. Determine the role of the server.

The PATHWORKS Advanced Server does not support the following traditional LAN Manager roles:

  • Standalone servers
  • Member servers
You may need to change the role of these servers prior to upgrading them to PATHWORKS Advanced Server.
Chapter 3, Changing Server Roles and Domain Names
4. Change the server's domain.

With PATHWORKS Advanced Server, trusts provide you with greater choices for information sharing and resource management. You can change the server's domain to consolidate duplicate databases and incorporate new servers.

Chapter 3, Changing Server Roles and Domain Names
5. Install the Upgrade utility.

DIGITAL recommends that you install the Upgrade utility only, and then install the Advanced Server software later. Installing just the Upgrade utility allows you to upgrade your PATHWORKS LAN Manager server database to a PATHWORKS Advanced Server database, while you continue to run PATHWORKS LAN Manager, preventing interruptions in service.

Chapter 4, Installing the Upgrade Utility
6. Upgrade the PDC.

The order in which you upgrade servers is important. When you upgrade a domain with only PATHWORKS LAN Manager servers, you must upgrade the PDC first to preserve domain security

Chapter 5, Upgrading Your Server Information
7. Upgrade BDCs.

When upgrading Backup Domain Controllers (BDCs), the PDC in the domain must be already running PATHWORKS Advanced Server or Windows NT Server software.

Chapter 5, Upgrading Your Server Information
8. Install the Advanced Server.

After you have upgraded server information, you can install the PATHWORKS Advanced Server software.

Chapter 6, Completing the Migration
9. Configure and start the PATHWORKS Advanced Server.

After installing the PATHWORKS Advanced Server software, you can configure and start it.

Chapter 6, Completing the Migration
10. Load and allocate licenses.

To access the PATHWORKS Advanced Server, every client must obtain and load a PATHWORKS Advanced Server license.

Chapter 6, Setting Up Licensing section
11. Verify the migration.

After completing the migration, you need to check management interfaces and services to ensure access.

Chapter 7, Verifying the Migration

Chapter 3
Changing Server Roles and Domain Names

3.1 Introduction

Before you can run the Upgrade utility, you must determine whether the server role or the domain name will be changing. If the server role or domain name will be changed, there are additional steps you must take before and after running the Upgrade utility. This section explains the steps necessary for changing the server role or domain name, and includes the following topics:

3.2 Upgrading Standalone and Member Servers

You can configure the PATHWORKS Advanced Server as a PDC or BDC. The PATHWORKS Advanced Server does not support the traditional roles of standalone and member servers. The Upgrade utility will automatically upgrade standalone and member servers as backup domain controllers. When upgrading standalone servers, you have the option of preserving the existing User/Group database and merging it into another domain.

3.3 Determining Your Upgrade Path

The upgrade path includes the steps you take before, during, and after upgrading. The following sections describe all the possible upgrade paths for the following PATHWORKS LAN Manager server roles:

  • Primary domain controller (PDC)
  • Backup domain controller (BDC)
  • Member server
  • Standalone server

You can upgrade any of these types of servers to the following PATHWORKS Advanced Server domain configurations:

  • PDC in the same domain (that is, the domain in which the server is currently participating)
  • BDC in the same domain.
  • PDC in a different domain (that is, an existing domain with its own PDC)
  • BDC in a different domain
  • PDC in a new domain (that is, a domain that does not currently exist)

Table 3-1 Upgrade Paths
To upgrade this type of PATHWORKS LAN Manager server. . . To this type of PATHWORKS Advanced Server . . . Refer to this section. . .
PDC PDC in the same domain Upgrading with No Role or Domain Change
  BDC in the same domain Changing the Server Role
  PDC in a different domain Changing the Server Role
  BDC in a different domain Upgrading into a Different Domain
  PDC in a new domain Upgrading the Server as a PDC in a New Domain
BDC PDC in the same domain Changing the Server Role
  BDC in the same domain Upgrading with No Role or Domain Change
  PDC in a different domain Changing the Server Role
  BDC in a different domain Upgrading into a Different Domain
  PDC in a new domain Upgrading the Server as a PDC in a New Domain
Member Server PDC in the same domain Changing the Server Role
  BDC in the same domain Upgrading with No Role or Domain Change
  PDC in a different domain Changing the Server Role
  BDC in a different domain Upgrading into a Different Domain
  PDC in a new domain Upgrading the Server as a PDC in a New Domain
Standalone Server PDC in the same domain Changing the Server Role
  BDC in the same domain Upgrading with No Role or Domain Change
  PDC in a different domain Changing the Server Role
  BDC in a different domain Upgrading into a Different Domain
  PDC in a new domain Upgrading the Server as a PDC in a New Domain

3.3.1 Upgrading with No Role or Domain Change

This section describes the upgrade path when the User/Group database is to be merged with an existing domain database.


The PDC on the domain into which the server will be merged must be running PATHWORKS Advanced Server or Windows NT Server.

You need not perform additional steps before running the Upgrade utility. The Upgrade utility will convert the PATHWORKS LAN Manager server into a PATHWORKS Advanced Server BDC in the domain you specify. If you want this server to take the role of a PDC in the domain, you must manually make the role change after installing and starting the PATHWORKS Advanced Server.

To upgrade the server, run the Upgrade utility, as described in Chapter 5, Upgrading Your Server Information, in this guide.

3.3.2 Upgrading into a Different Domain

This section describes the upgrade path when the User/Group database is to be merged into a different domain's database.


The PDC on the domain into which the server will be merged must be running either PATHWORKS Advanced Server or Windows NT Server.

You need take no additional steps before running the Upgrade utility. The Upgrade utility converts the PATHWORKS LAN Manager server into a PATHWORKS Advanced Server BDC in the domain you specify. If you want the server to take the role of a PDC, you must manually make the role change after installing and starting the PATHWORKS Advanced Server.

To upgrade:

  1. Run the Upgrade utility as described in Chapter 5, Upgrading Your Server Information, and follow the directions in Section 5.6, Upgrading a Backup Domain Controller, Member Server, or Standalone Server.
  2. Select Upgrading as a BDC. During the User/Group upgrade, you are given the opportunity to merge the existing User/Group database into the new domain.

3.3.3 Changing the Server Role

This section describes the upgrade path when you want the upgraded server to play a different role in either the same domain or a different domain. For example, you may want to change the server's role because the PATHWORKS LAN Manager server will be a more powerful PDC than the currently running PDC.

You would want to change the server's domain if you want to merge the User/Group database from a PATHWORKS LAN Manager domain into a PATHWORKS Advanced Server or Windows NT domain.

After you run the Upgrade utility, and after you install and start the server, you must manually change the role of the server.

For example:

You have two domains in your network, PWRK and WINNT. The PDC of the PWRK domain is a PATHWORKS LAN Manager server: PWPDC. The PDC of the WINNT domain is a Windows NT Server: NTPDC. You want to merge these two domains, and preserve the domain name WINNT.

You would also like to make the PDC from the PWRK domain the new PDC in the WINNT domain, because PWPDC is an OpenVMS cluster of DIGITAL Alpha systems, a configuration that provides high availability to PDC functions.

To achieve this environment, you perform the following steps:

  1. Install the Upgrade utility. Select Install Upgrade utility only, as described in Chapter 4, Installing the Upgrade Utility, in this guide.
  2. Run the Upgrade utility, as described in Section 5.6, Upgrading a Backup Domain Controller, Member Server, or Standalone Server, in this guide. The Upgrade utility allows you to change the BDC's domain. Select the option to change the domain name, which allows you to merge all users and groups into the new domain.
  3. Install, configure, and start the PATHWORKS Advanced Server.
  4. Use the PATHWORKS ADMINISTER command to change the roles of the servers. For example:


The role of the PDC will automatically change to a BDC.

3.3.4 Upgrading the Server as a PDC in a New Domain

This section describes the upgrade path if you want the PATHWORKS Advanced Server to be a PDC in a new domain that does not have a PDC. For example, follow this procedure if you have a standalone server in an existing domain that already has a PDC, and you want the standalone server to be a PDC in a new domain.

Depending on the current role of the PATHWORKS LAN Manager server, you may do some or all of the steps listed below:

  1. For a BDC or member server, while running the PATHWORKS LAN Manager server, change the role of the LAN Manager server to a standalone server, using the following command:

  2. Change the server's domain name using the following PATHWORKS LAN Manager command procedure:

  3. Restart the PATHWORKS LAN Manager server.
  4. For a BDC, member server, or standalone server, promote the PATHWORKS LAN Manager server to a PDC in the new domain that you just created. For example:

  5. Install and run the Upgrade utility, as described in Section 5.5, Upgrading a Primary Domain Controller, in this guide.

Chapter 4
Installing the Upgrade Utility

4.1 Introduction

The software kit for the PATHWORKS Advanced Server provides a single installation procedure that allows you to install any of the following:

  • PATHWORKS Advanced Server software (including the Upgrade utility and the license server)
  • NetWare server software (including the license server)
  • PATHWORKS Advanced Server Upgrade utility only
  • PATHWORKS license server only

If you are upgrading a server to PATHWORKS Advanced Server, Digital Equipment Corporation recommends that you follow the procedure described in the following sections:

4.2 Before You Install the Upgrade Utility

To safeguard against the loss of valuable data, Digital Equipment Corporation recommends that you back up all disks on your system before you install any layered product. To do a system backup, use the OpenVMS BACKUP command. For information about the BACKUP command, see the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual and the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.

4.3 Options for Installing the Upgrade Utility

When you migrate a server from PATHWORKS LAN Manager to PATHWORKS Advanced Server, follow the steps listed below. This allows you to upgrade your PATHWORKS LAN Manager server database while continuing to run the PATHWORKS LAN Manager server. This provides the smoothest migration process with uninterrupted network service.

  1. The installation may be performed while the PATHWORKS LAN Manager server is running. Also, a system reboot is not necessary after installation when installing only the Upgrade utility. To begin the installation, enter:

    $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL [Product-Name]


    For the initial release of PATHWORKS Advanced Server, the Product- Name is PWRK060. See the cover letter shipped with your media kit to determine the product name for subsequent releases.
  2. When you execute the installation procedure, the procedure offers you the option of installing the Upgrade utility only. Select this option.
  3. Upgrade the server information, using the procedures described in Chapter 5, Upgrading Your Server Information, in this guide.
  4. Install the PATHWORKS Advanced Server software, then configure and start it, as described in the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Server Installation and Configuration Guide.

The remaining procedures described in this guide assume that you are following the steps described above.

You have the option to install the server software initially. In this case, the Upgrade utility is automatically installed also. After installing the software, start the upgrade process described in Chapter 5, Upgrading Your Server Information, in this guide. After upgrading, configure and start the server.

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