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DIGITAL PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server)
Server Migration Guide

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7.3 Displaying Services

To check services, enter the following ADMINISTER commands:

  1. To display status information about services on the server, enter the SHOW SERVICES command:

    Services on server "LANDOFOZ":
    Service          Status
    -------------    ------------
    ALERTER          Started
    BROWSER          Started
    EVENTLOG         Started
    NETLOGON         Started
    SERVER           Started
    Total of 9 services
  2. To display print queues defined on the server, enter the SHOW PRINT QUEUES command:

    Name         Jobs  Status    Printer/Routing    Description
    -----------  ----  -------   ----------------   ----------------
    GLENDA        0    PAUSED    BRUCE_PRNT
    PARSIFAL      0    PAUSED    OPA0GENERIC        The Borg Printer

7.4 Verifying Client Access

To verify client access, log on from a client computer as a user and access shares that were upgraded from PATHWORKS LAN Manager.

7.5 Verifying Printer Access

To verify printer access, connect to the printer from a client computer that has access to the share and print a file.

7.6 Displaying Event Logs

To display PATHWORKS event logs for access violation errors, enter the ADMINISTER command as follows:


T Date     Time        Source    Category  Event  User  Computer
- -------  ----------- --------  --------  -----  ----  --------
I 01/21/97 04:18:19 PM Eventlog  None      6005   N/A   LANDOFOZ
W 01/21/97 04:18:29 PM SERVER    None      6123   N/A   LANDOFOZ
W 01/21/97 04:18:43 PM BROWSER   None      6033   N/A   LANDOFOZ
W 01/21/97 04:19:06 PM BROWSER   None      6033   N/A   LANDOFOZ
I 01/22/97 07:26:29 AM Eventlog  None      6005   N/A   LANDOFOZ

Refer to the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) Server Administrator's Guide for more information about the event logging feature of PATHWORKS Advanced Server.

7.7 How to Roll Back to PATHWORKS LAN Manager

PATHWORKS Advanced Server provides a Roll Back procedure that allows you to restore the PATHWORKS LAN Manager server environment if the server was not upgraded properly. The VMSINSTAL procedure allows you to specify a location to store the saveset that the Roll Back procedure will create. Refer to the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Server Installation and Configuration Guide for information on the VMSINSTAL procedure.

When the Roll Back procedure is activated, it de-installs PATHWORKS Advanced Server and restores the PATHWORKS LAN Manager environment and information as it was preserved when PATHWORKS Advanced Server was installed.

After installing PATHWORKS Advanced Server, use the following procedure to roll back to PATHWORKS LAN Manager:

  1. Enter the following command at the DCL prompt:

  2. Reboot the system.
  3. Run the PWRK$CONFIG.COM procedure, as described in the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Server Installation and Configuration Guide.
  4. Restart the PATHWORKS LAN Manager server.

Appendix A
Files Created by the Upgrade Utility

A.1 Introduction

This section lists the files created by the Upgrade utility including:

A.2 PATHWORKS Advanced Server Database Files

The Upgrade utility creates the following PATHWORKS Advanced Server database files. These files are specific to the server and domain.


Refer to the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Server Installation and Configuration Guide for more information about files installed by PATHWORKS Advanced Server.

A.3 Upgrade Files

This section describes the files created by the Upgrade utility:

  • Upgrade utility report files
  • Upgrade utility log file
  • Upgrade database and domain files

A.3.1 Upgrade Utility Report Files

The Upgrade utility creates the following Upgrade report files:


Refer to Chapter 5, Upgrading Your Server Information, in this guide, for more information about upgrade reports.

A.3.2 Upgrade Utility Log File

The following log file is created when you run the Upgrade utility:


Refer to Section 5.7, Troubleshooting, in this guide, for more information about upgrade logs.

A.3.3 Upgrade Database and Domain Files

The Upgrade utility creates the following database and domain files:

    This file contains information used to upgrade security, including PATHWORKS LAN Manager username, id, and group, and PATHWORKS Advanced Server username and group.
    Contains a list of the PATHWORKS LAN Manager and PATHWORKS Advanced Server domains.

Appendix B
Resolving Log File Error Messages

B.1 Introduction

This section describes how to resolve the most common log file error messages.

B.2 Log File Error Messages

The Upgrade utility logs error messages to the following file:


You can access this file during the upgrade procedure as described in Section 5.7, Troubleshooting, in this guide, or after the upgrade from the DCL prompt. For example:


The following table shows examples of error messages you may see in the Upgrade utility log file.

Table B-1 Error Messages and Warnings
Message Description Action
V6 upgrade initialization failed An attempt to upgrade a standalone server failed. The Upgrade utility does not support upgrading a standalone server as a PDC. Exit the utility and promote the server to either a PDC or BDC, as described in Chapter 3, Changing Server Roles and Domain Names, in this guide.
Bad network path The BDC server failed to connect to the PDC. Make sure the PDC is running, the domain and server name are correct, and transports are running.
Access denied System account password is incorrect or account does not have required privileges. Check system account password and privileges.
Computer name invalid Incorrect PDC name entered. Enter correct name using the Upgrade utility (see Enter PDC Information screen).
User already upgraded User was upgraded previously. Ignore this message.
Group already exists The group was upgraded previously. Ignore this message.
File currently locked by another user If a file is open, the security ACLs on the file may not be upgraded to PATHWORKS Advanced Server permissions None. The PATHWORKS Advanced server can be configured to dynamically upgrade file security when the file is accessed for the first time.

Appendix C
Editing Upgrade Reports

C.1 Introduction

This section describes how to resolve errors in Upgrade reports. You can also edit the Upgrade reports from the DCL ($) prompt in the following files:


This section includes the following topics:

C.2 Editing the User Report

To resolve errors in the User Report, edit the report as described in Section, Create and Edit the User Report, in this guide. The following table provides an example of how to edit the User Report.

Table C-1 How to Edit the User Report
If... Then... Example
You want to remove a user from the database Type a backslash (\) in front of each user that you do not want upgraded, or delete the name. To prevent the upgrade of JONES and SMITH, edit the appropriate section of the report so that it looks like this:



When merging into a new domain: A user name on the local server has a match on the PDC, but the accounts are not for the same user Rename the user account name in the user group. To do this, type = newname after the existing name in the appropriate section of the report. Joe Smart has an account on the local server with a username of SMART. However, the account on the PDC is for another user named SMART.

To make sure the upgrade procedure creates a new account JSMART on the PDC, provide a new name for the SMART account in the User Report on the local server. For example:


C.3 Editing the Group Report

To resolve errors in the Group Report, edit the report as described in Section, Create and Edit the Group Report, in this guide. The following table provides examples of how to edit the Group Report.

Table C-2 How to Edit the Group Report
If... Then... Example
You want to merge the members of a group on the local server with a group on the PDC, but the groups do not have the same name Rename the group in the upgrade report so that it has the same name as the group on the PDC. To do this, change the line in the group report to rename the group as follows:

Group name = newname.

To merge the members of the group SQE containing users SMITH and JONES on the local server, with the members of the group WRITERS containing users BROWN and WHITE on the PDC, rename the group SQE in the Group Report as follows:






C.4 Editing the Shares Report

To resolve errors in the Shares report, edit the report as described in Section, Create and Edit the Share Report, in this guide. The following table provides an example of how to edit the Shares report.

Table C-3 How to Edit the Shares Report
If... Then... Example
You want to prevent the upgrade of a print service or share to PATHWORKS Advanced Server Type a backslash (\) in front of the share that you do not want upgraded, or delete the name. To prevent the upgrade of the share ENGTEAM, edit the appropriate section of the Shares Report so it looks like this:


C.5 Editing the Security Report

To resolve errors in the security report, edit the report as described in Section, Create and Edit the Security Report, in this guide. The following table provides an example of how to edit the Security Report.

Table C-4 How to Edit the Security Report
If... Then... Example
You want to prevent the upgrade of permissions on a specific file or directory to PATHWORKS Advanced Server Type a backslash (\) in front of the file or directory that you do not want upgraded, or delete the name. To prevent the upgrade of the security on a directory, edit the appropriate section of the report so it looks like this:


Appendix D
Migration Worksheet

D.1 Introduction

The migration worksheet in this section will help you keep track of information about your network as you modify it. You should start the migration process by completing the worksheet, then you will have it for reference during the upgrade. This worksheet is available in hardcopy only.

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