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Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Remote Systems Management Guide

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9.13.1 Field Descriptions

Following are descriptions of the fields in Table 9-12.

  • entity
    Name or type of the entity. Valid values are ACC, CP, EXC, MGR, QTI, and TSC. Symbolic values for the RPC interface are defined in Section 8.1.4. This value for entity cannot be changed from the SNMP interface.
  • name
    A name for the entity that helps to uniquely identify an instance of the entity type. This value cannot be changed from the SNMP interface. Possible entity names are:
    • ACC, CP, QTI, TSC (process name)
    • EXC (application name)
    • GROUP (task group name)
    • MGR: Must be *
    • SERVER (server name): One of the following wildcard values:
      • asterisk (*) (matches all characters)
      • exclamation point (!) (negation)
  • parameter
    Parameter specifies the value or condition to be monitored for potential alarms. This value cannot be changed from the SNMP interface.
    Not all parameters are valid for all entity types (see Table 9-13). Valid values are:
      This parameter causes a test to be performed each time an auditable event is raised in the Remote Manager. Remote Manager events are filtered using the fields in the Parameter table (see Section 9.9) and are stored in the Remote Manager log (see Section 4.7). Events are monitored for traps even if the event is not currently being logged.

    • EXISTS
      This parameter causes a test to be performed each time the Remote Manager detects that a process has started or stopped.
  • min_value
    The minimum allowable value for the parameter. Valid minimums are parameter dependent (see Table 9-13). If the field or condition being monitored is less than the value specified, an alarm is generated. A value of -1 is used when this field is not to be evaluated.
  • max_value
    The maximum allowable value for the parameter. Valid maximums are parameter dependent (see Table 9-13). If the field or condition being monitored is greater than the value specified, an alarm is generated. A value of -1 is used when this field is not to be evaluated.
  • severity
    A severity to be associated with the trap. Severity codes are embedded in the trap message (see Section 9.13.3) and must be parsed by the trap receiver. Valid values are:
    • INFO
    • WARN
    • ERROR
    • FATAL
  • alarms_sent
    A count of the number of alarms that have been sent.
  • alarm_last_sent
    The date and time the last alarm was sent.
  • trap_delete
    This field is available only through the SNMP interface. Set this field to 1 to delete the table row. RPC users call the procedure shown in Section 8.8. ACMSMGR and ACMSCFG each provide a DELETE TRAP command for this purpose.

9.13.2 Valid Trap Minimums and Maximums

Table 9-13 lists the values that can be specified as the minimum or maximum for each parameter type.

Table 9-13 Trap Minimums and Maximums
Parameter Value Meaning Valid for These Entities
EVENT_SEVERITY 1 1 Informational MGR
  2 1 Warning MGR
  4 1 Error MGR
  8 1 Fatal MGR
  --1 2 Ignore this field. MGR
  1 4 Started ACC, CP, EXC, QTI, TSC
  --1 2 Ignore this field. ACC, CP, EXC, QTI, TSC

1When configuring alarms for event severities, remember how the values are evaluated. For example, specifying the value 8 (FATAL) as a minimum results in an alarm being generated by all lesser severities. Similarly, specifying the value 1 (INFO) as a maximum results in an alarm being generated by all greater severities.
2The value of -1 causes the field to be ignored. When configuring traps, it is not always desirable to specify both minimum and maximum values. The value -1 can be used as a null placeholder when either value is to be ignored.
3When specified as a maximum, this value causes an alarm to be generated whenever the associated entity type and name is started. This value can be used, for example, to signal when the QTI has been started on a node on which it should not run.
4When specified as a minimum, this value causes an alarm to be generated whenever the associated entity type and name is stopped. This value can be used, for example, to signal when a particular application has been stopped.

9.13.3 SNMP Trap Format

The following is the format of an SNMP trap message. Note that the message is generated as an ASCII string. Fields within the string are separated by a colon.

 time: severity: entity_type: entity_name: parameter: value

In this format:

  • time is a 23-character ASCII time in the format DD-MMM-YYYY HH:MM:SS.hh.
  • severity is a single ASCII character that specifies the severity as determined from the severity field in the table that raised the alarm. Severities are:
    • I (informational)
    • W (warning)
    • E (error)
    • F (fatal)
  • entity_type is one of the valid entity types (ACC, TSC, QTI, EXC, CP, MGR) and represents the entity that caused the alarm to be raised.
  • entity_name is the process name of the entity that raised the alarm.
  • parameter is the parameter that caused the alarm to be raised.
  • value is the value that caused the alarm to be raised.

9.14 TSC Table

The TSC table contains a single entry for TSC management information.

Table 9-14 TSC Table
Collection Class Field Data Type SNMP Access RPC Access Dynamic
ID record_state integer R R  
ID id_coll_state integer R R  
ID process_name string R R  
ID pid integer R R  
ID start_time time R R  
ID end_time time R R  
CONFIG config_coll_state integer R R  
CONFIG tsc_priority_active integer R R  
CONFIG acms_state integer RW R D
CONFIG tsc_priority_stored integer RW RW  
CONFIG tsc_username_active string R R  
CONFIG tsc_username_stored integer RW RW  
CONFIG cp_priority_active integer R R  
CONFIG cp_priority_stored integer RW RW  
CONFIG cp_slots_active integer R R  
CONFIG cp_slots_stored integer RW RW  
CONFIG max_logins_active integer RW RW D
CONFIG max_logins_stored integer RW RW  
CONFIG max_tts_cp_active integer RW RW D
CONFIG max_tts_cp_stored integer RW RW  
CONFIG perm_cps_active integer RW RW D
CONFIG perm_cps_stored integer RW RW  
CONFIG min_cpis_active integer RW RW D
CONFIG min_cpis_stored integer RW RW  
CONFIG cp_username_active integer R R  
CONFIG cp_username_stored integer RW RW  
CONFIG astlm_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG astlm_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG biolm_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG biolm_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG bytlm_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG bytlm_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG diolm_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG diolm_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG enqlm_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG enqlm_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG fillm_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG fillm_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG pgflquota_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG pgflquota_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG tqelm_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG tqelm_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG wsdefault_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG wsdefault_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG wsextent_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG wsextent_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG wsquota_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG wsquota_stored++ integer RW RW  
RUNTIME runtime_coll_state integer R R  
RUNTIME current_users gauge R R  
RUNTIME cp_slots_used++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME terminals_per_cp_avg++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME astlm_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME biolm_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME bytlm_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME diolm_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME enqlm_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME fillm_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME pgflquota_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME tqelm_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME wssize_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME channelcnt_current++ gauge R R  
POOL pool_coll_state integer R R  
POOL mss_process_total integer R R  
POOL mss_process_free min gauge R R  
POOL mss_process_largest min gauge R R  
POOL mss_process_failures integer R R  
POOL mss_process_garbage integer R R  
ERROR err_coll_state++ integer R R  
ERROR err_count++ integer R R  
ERROR last_err_msg++ string R R  
ERROR time_of_last_error++ time R R  

++Only valid for use with systems running ACMS Version 4.4 or higher.

Key to Access Modes
  • R---Read Access
  • RW---Read/Write Access
  • Blank---Not available to the interface
  • D---Field is dynamic

9.14.1 Field Descriptions

Following are descriptions of the fields in Table 9-14.

  • record_state
    The current state of this table entry. Valid states are VALID (the process is currently running and maintaining this table entry) or INACTIVE (the process is no longer running). Inactive rows are subject to reuse.
  • id_coll_state
    The current collection state for this class and this process. Collection states can be modified by modifying entries in the Collection table. See Section 5.1 and Section 9.3 for discussions of data collection.
  • process_name
    The OpenVMS process name for the process.
  • pid
    The OpenVMS process identifier for the process.
  • start_time
    Date and time the process was started.
  • end_time
    Date and time the process ended. If the process has not yet ended, this field will be null.
  • config_coll_state
    The current collection state for this class and this process. Collection states can be modified by modifying entries in the Collection table. See Section 5.1 and Section 9.3 for discussions of data collection.
  • tsc_priority_active
    The base priority for this process. This is the value of the ACMSGEN field when the process was started.
  • tsc_priority_stored
    The base priority currently stored in the ACMSGEN file for this process.
  • tsc_username_active
    The OpenVMS account under which the TSC will run. The tsc_username_active is the value of the ACMSGEN field when the process was started.

  • tsc_username_stored
    The value of the tsc_username field currently stored in the ACMSGEN file.
  • cp_priority_active
    The base priority for CP processes. This is the value of the ACMSGEN field when the TSC process was started.
  • cp_priority_stored
    The base priority currently stored in the ACMSGEN file for CP processes.
  • cp_slots_active
    The current number of CP slots. This is the value of the ACMSGEN field when the TSC process was started. This field also represents the maximum number of entries in the CP table.
  • cp_slots_stored
    The value of the cp_slots field in the current ACMSGEN file.
  • max_logins_active
    The current maximum number of logins allowed.
  • max_logins_stored
    The value of the max_logins field in the current ACMSGEN file.
  • max_tts_cp_active
    The current maximum number of terminals that a CP will support.
  • max_tts_cp_stored
    The value of the max_tts_cp field in the current ACMSGEN file.
  • perm_cps_active
    The number of permanent CPs that will be maintained on the system.
  • perm_cps_stored
    The value of the perm_cps field in the current ACMSGEN file.
  • min_cpis_active
    The number of CP slots that will be left open on a given CP.
  • min_cpis_stored
    The value of the min_cpis field in the current ACMSGEN file.
  • cp_username_active
    The current user name under which CP processes will run.
  • cp_username_stored
    The value of the cp_username field in the current ACMSGEN file.
  • astlm_active, biolm_active, bytlm_active, diolm_active, enqlm_active, fillm_active, pgflquota_active, tqelm_active, wsdefault_active, wsextent_active, wsquota_active
    The default value of the related OpenVMS process quota. This is the value of the quota when the TSC process was started.

  • astlm_stored, biolm_stored, bytlm_stored, diolm_stored, enqlm_stored, fillm_stored, pgflquota_stored, tqelm_stored, wsdefault_stored, wsextent_stored, wsquota_stored
    The value of the related process quota currently stored in the OpenVMS system user authorization file (SYSUAF.DAT).
  • acms_state
    Current ACMS state of the process.
  • runtime_coll_state
    The current collection state for this class and this process. Collection states can be modified by modifying entries in the Collection table. See Section 5.1 and Section 9.3 for discussions of data collection.
    If this field is set to DISABLED, the process is not currently collecting data for the fields in this class. Any field values reflect activity during a prior period when collection was enabled.
  • current_users
    The current number of users in all CPs started by this TSC.
  • cp_slots_used
    The number of CP processes running on the current node.
  • terminals_per_cp_avg
    The average number of user terminals per CP process on the current node.
  • astlm_current, biolm_current, bytlm_current, diolm_current, enqlm_current, fillm_current, pgflquota_current, tqelm_current, wssize_current, channelcnt_current
    The actual amount of the related OpenVMS process or system resource that is being consumed by the TSC process. The frequency with which these fields are updated is based on the value of the vms_coll_interval field in the Parameter table (see Table 9-8).
  • pool_coll_state
    The current collection state for this class and this process. Collection states can be modified by modifying entries in the Collection table. See Section 5.1 and Section 9.3 for discussions of data collection.
    If this field is set to DISABLED, the process is not currently collecting data for the fields in this class. Any field values reflect activity during a prior period when collection was enabled.
  • mss_process_total
    The total size of the MSS process pool allocated for this process. The frequency with which this field is updated is based on the value of the Parameter table field mss_coll_interval (see Table 9-8).
  • mss_process_free
    The amount of unused MSS process pool for this process. The frequency with which this field is updated is based on the value of the Parameter table field mss_coll_interval (see Table 9-8).

  • mss_process_largest
    The largest unused block available in the MSS process pool for this process. The frequency with which this field is updated is based on the value of the Parameter table field mss_coll_interval (see Table 9-8).
  • mss_process_failures
    The number of failed attempts to allocate space in the MSS process pool for this process. The frequency with which this field is updated is based on the value of the Parameter table field mss_coll_interval (see Table 9-8).
  • mss_process_garbage
    The number of garbage collections that have been run to reclaim space in the MSS process pool for this process. The frequency with which this field is updated is based on the value of the Parameter table field mss_coll_interval (see Table 9-8).
  • err_coll_state
    The current collection state for this class and this process. Collection states can be modified by modifying entries in the Collection table. See Section 5.1 and Section 9.3 for discussions of data collection.
    Errors for this process are only sent to the Remote Manager if this field is set to ENABLED. If this field is set to DISABLED, the process will not collect data for the fields in this class; existing field values reflect activity during a prior period when collection was enabled.
  • err_count
    The total number of errors related to this process that were sent to the Remote Manager.
  • last_err_msg
    The text of the most recent error message related to this process that was sent to the Remote Manager.
  • time_of_last_error
    Date and time of the most recent error message related to this process that was sent to the Remote Manager.

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