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Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Remote Systems Management Guide

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This command displays all ACC management information from node VLCROW. Authorization is performed for user JONES. Since no class qualifiers (/ID, /CONFIG, /RUNTIME, /POOL, /ERROR) were specified, information is returned for all classes by default.


Displays Collection table data from one or more remote nodes.



Command Qualifier Default
/INTERVAL=interval Command is executed once.
/NODE=node-name Translation of logical ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE
/OUT=file-name None
/USER=user-name Translation of logical ACMS$MGMT_USER

Privileges Required






This qualifier causes either summary (/BRIEF) or detailed (/FULL) information to be displayed.

Note that storage start and end times for data snapshots are only visible when /FULL is provided. When not specified, the resulting summary display may contain truncated values for some of the longer fields (such as, entity name and storage location).


This qualifier causes the command to be reissued automatically at a specified interval (in seconds). Use either Ctrl/C or Ctrl/Y to interrupt the command. If this qualifier is not specified, the command is executed only once.


This qualifier specifies a fully- or partially-qualified TCP/IP host name. This name must match the current DECnet host name. IP addresses and host names (or aliases) that exceed six characters or include mixed case are not allowed. For more information on TCP/IP host names and defining aliases, see Section 2.2.1.

If the /NODE qualifier is not specified, the ACMSMGR utility checks for the presence of the logical name ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE. If the logical is defined, the value of the logical is used by default.

In order for the command to execute, either the /NODE qualifier must be provided on the command line, or the ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE logical must be defined.


This qualifier causes output to be written to the specified file. If this qualifier is not specified, output is displayed to the terminal (SYS$OUTPUT).


This qualifier specifies the name of the OpenVMS account on the server node to be used for authorization. If this qualifier is specified, an explicit login must already have been completed successfully (see Section 11.9).

If the /USER qualifier is not specified, the ACMSMGR utility checks for the presence of the logical name ACMS$MGMT_USER. If the logical is defined, the value of the logical is used by default.

If the /USER qualifier is not specified and the ACMS$MGMT_USER logical is not defined, the ACMSMGR utility attempts proxy access. See Section for a discussion of proxy access.


This command displays data-collection configuration information on the target node. The /BRIEF and /FULL qualifiers control the format of information to be displayed.

See Section 9.6 for a discussion of each field displayed. See Section 5.1 for a discussion of collections.


ACMS Remote Management -- Command line utility

ACMS V4.4-0  Entity/Collection table Display     Time: 18-APR-2001 13:59:11.31

             Entity                 Collect  Collect                         Storage   Storage
 Node     Wt Type     Entity Name   Class    State    Storage Location       State     Interval
 -------- -- -------- ------------  -------  -------- --------------------   --------  ----------
 vlcrow   2  *        *             id       enabled  acms$mgmt_snapshot     enabled   3600
 vlcrow   2  *        *             config   enabled  acms$mgmt_snapshot     disabled  3600
 vlcrow   2  *        *             runtime  enabled  acms$mgmt_snapshot     disabled  10
 vlcrow   2  *        *             pool     enabled  acms$mgmt_snapshot     disabled  10
 vlcrow   2  *        *             error    enabled  acms$mgmt_snapshot     disabled  10


This command displays the contents of the Collection table on node VLCROW, where all collections have been enabled for all entities. Authorization is performed for the user specified by the logical ACMS$MGMT_USER, or by proxy if the logical is not defined. Data snapshots for the ID class have been enabled and are set to occur every 5 minutes (3600 seconds). The data files are stored in the file specified by the logical ACMS$MGMT_SNAPSHOT.


Displays information about terminal command processes (CPs) on one or more remote nodes.


ACMSMGR SHOW CP [/qualifiers]

Command Qualifier Default
/ACTIVE See Notes.
/ALL Current data only.
/[BRIEF,FULL] /FULL if no class qualifier (/CONFIG, /ERROR, /ID, /POOL, or
/RUNTIME) is specified. Otherwise, /BRIEF.
/[class-name] * (all)
/INTERVAL=interval Command is executed once.
/NODE=node-name Translation of logical ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE
/OUT=file-name None
/PROCESS_NAME=process-name * (all)
/STORED See Notes.
/USER=user-name Translation of logical ACMS$MGMT_USER

Privileges Required






When specified with the /BRIEF qualifier, this qualifier causes active ACMSGEN field values to be displayed. /ACTIVE is effective only when used with the /CONFIG qualifier. If /BRIEF is not specified, or if /FULL is specified, this qualifier has no effect (both active and stored values are displayed).


This qualifier displays all available application data, even data for applications that are no longer running. When applications are stopped, the CP table row they were occupying is marked for reuse. If the row has not been reused, the data remains available for display. This qualifier allows that data to be displayed. Inactive rows are flagged with an asterisk (*) in the output.

To inhibit the display of old data, do not specify this qualifier. By default, only data for currently running processes is displayed.


This qualifier causes either summary (/BRIEF) or detailed (/FULL) information to be displayed. If no class qualifier (/CONFIG, /ERROR, /ID, /POOL, or /RUNTIME) is specified, this qualifier is ignored and all details are displayed (equivalent to /FULL). Available OpenVMS process quota and SYSGEN parameter information is only displayed when /FULL is specified.


This qualifier causes data for only the specified class to be displayed. If this qualifier is omitted, the default is to display information for all classes.


This qualifier causes the command to be reissued automatically at a specified interval (in seconds). Use either Ctrl/C or Ctrl/Y to interrupt the command. If this qualifier is not specified, the command is executed only once.


This qualifier specifies a fully- or partially-qualified TCP/IP host name. This name must match the current DECnet host name. IP addresses and host names (or aliases) that exceed six characters or include mixed case are not allowed. For more information on TCP/IP host names and defining aliases, see Section 2.2.1.

If the /NODE qualifier is not specified, the ACMSMGR utility checks for the presence of the logical name ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE. If the logical is defined, the value of the logical is used by default.

In order for the command to execute, either the /NODE qualifier must be provided on the command line, or the ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE logical must be defined.


This qualifier causes output to be written to the specified file. If this qualifier is not specified, output is displayed to the terminal (SYS$OUTPUT).


This qualifier causes data for only the specified process to be displayed. If this qualifier is omitted, the default is to display information for all CP processes.


When specified with the /BRIEF qualifier, this qualifier causes field values from the ACMSGEN file (not those active in memory) to be displayed. The /STORED qualifier is effective only when used with the /CONFIG qualifier. If /BRIEF is not specified, or if /FULL is specified, this qualifier has no effect (both active and stored values are displayed).


This qualifier specifies the name of the OpenVMS account on the server node to be used for authorization. If this qualifier is specified, an explicit login must already have been completed successfully (see Section 11.9).

If the /USER qualifier is not specified, the ACMSMGR utility checks for the presence of the logical name ACMS$MGMT_USER. If the logical is defined, the value of the logical is used by default.

If the /USER qualifier is not specified and the ACMS$MGMT_USER logical is not defined, the ACMSMGR utility attempts proxy access. See Section for a discussion of proxy access.


This command displays information about ACMS command processes (CPs) on the target node. The /BRIEF and /FULL qualifiers control the format of information to be displayed. To display OpenVMS process quota and SYSGEN parameter information, use the /FULL qualifier.

See Section 9.4 for a discussion of each field displayed.

Note that some information may not be current, depending on whether the class to which the data belongs has been enabled for the CP. The Runtime Class field indicates whether or not information is being collected for that class.



ACMS Remote Management -- Command line utility

ACMS V4.4-0  CP Table Display                 Time: 18-APR-2001 13:59:13.39

                               Active  Active  Total    Total   Total
       Runtime   Process      Attached  Task  DECforms  TDMS    Task  Dataset
 Node  Class       Name        Terms   Calls  Requests Requests Calls Hangups
------ ------- -------------- -------- ------ -------- -------- ----- -------
vlcrow enabled ACMS01CP001000 0        0      0        0        20    0
vlcrow enabled ACMS01CP002000 1        1      0        0        20    0
vlcrow enabled ACMS01CP003000 0        0      0        0        20    0
vlcrow enabled ACMS01CP004000 1        1      0        0        20    0

This command displays summary RUNTIME class information for CPs on node VLCROW. Authorization is performed for the user specified by the logical name ACMS$MGMT_USER, or by proxy if the logical is not defined.


Displays the errors recorded in the Remote Manager error log file.


ACMSMGR SHOW ERROR [/qualifiers]

Command Qualifier Default
/BEFORE=time End of file
/FILENAME=file-name Translation of logical ACMS$MGMT_ERR_LOG
/INTERVAL=interval Command is executed once.
/LOCAL Remote
/NODE=node-name Translation of logical ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE
/OUT=file-name None
/SINCE=time Beginning of file
/USER=user-name Translation of logical ACMS$MGMT_USER

Privileges Required






This qualifier causes only those error log entries with a timestamp less than or equal to the time specified by time to be returned and displayed. The format of time is DD-MMM-YY:HH:MM:SS.nn. Partial dates and times (for example, 10-OCT or 09:00) are supported. If this qualifier is not specified, the search ends when the end of the audit file is reached.


This qualifier allows log records to be displayed from a file other than the current error log file. Specify a fully- or partially-qualified file specification.


This qualifier causes the command to be reissued automatically at a specified interval (in seconds). Use either Ctrl/C or Ctrl/Y to interrupt the command. If this qualifier is not specified, the command is executed only once.


This qualifier causes the ACMSMGR to open and read the error log on the local node directly. You can use this qualifier if the Remote Manager process is not started. The /LOCAL qualifier overrides the /NODE qualifier and the ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE logical.


This qualifier specifies a fully- or partially-qualified TCP/IP host name. This name must match the current DECnet host name. IP addresses and host names (or aliases) that exceed six characters or include mixed case are not allowed. For more information on TCP/IP host names and defining aliases, see Section 2.2.1.

If the /NODE qualifier is not specified, the ACMSMGR utility checks for the presence of the logical name ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE. If the logical is defined, the value of the logical is used by default.

In order for the command to execute, either the /NODE qualifier must be provided on the command line, or the ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE logical must be defined.


This qualifier causes output to be written to the specified file. If this qualifier is not specified, output is displayed to the terminal (SYS$OUTPUT).


This qualifier causes only error log entries with matching severities to be displayed. Valid severities are informational (I), warning (W), error (E), and fatal (F). If this qualifier is not specified, all severities are returned.


This qualifier causes only error log entries with a timestamp greater than or equal to the time specified by time to be returned and displayed. The format of time is DD-MMM-YY:HH:MM:SS.nn. Partial dates and times (for example, 10-OCT or 09:00) are supported. If this qualifier is not specified, the search begins at the beginning of the audit file.


This qualifier specifies the name of the OpenVMS account on the server node to be used for authorization. If this qualifier is specified, an explicit login must already have been completed successfully (see Section 11.9).

If the /USER qualifier is not specified, the ACMSMGR utility checks for the presence of the logical name ACMS$MGMT_USER. If the logical is defined, the value of the logical is used by default.

If the /USER qualifier is not specified and the ACMS$MGMT_USER logical is not defined, the ACMSMGR utility attempts proxy access. See Section for a discussion of proxy access.


This command displays Remote Manager error log information. The format of the error log entries displayed is:

node  time: severity: error-text

In this format:

  • node is the node from which the information was obtained.
  • time is the time the error was logged.
  • severity is the severity of the error.
  • error-text is the details of the error.


ACMS Remote Management -- Command line utility

ACMS V4.4-0  Log Display                 Time: 18-APR-2001 13:59:13.39

 Node   Message
vlcrow  : 17-APR-2001 10:40:41.04 : %ACMSACC-I-EVENT, Event
                                  : -ACMSACC-E-ERRSTARTA, Error occurred starting application
                                  : -ACMSEXC-E-NO_TDB, Error opening TDB file !AS for task group !AS
vlcrow  : 16-APR-2001 14:26:01.34 : %ACMSMSS-E-ERRNETCRE, Error creating DECnet object
                                  : -ACMSMSS-E-NODEMISMATCH, NODE_Name is ACMSPAR does not match DECnet node name


This command displays entries from the Remote Manager error log on node VLCROW. Authorization is performed for the user specified by the logical name ACMS$MGMT_USER, or by proxy if the logical is not defined.


++ This command (and its qualifiers) is only for use with systems running ACMS Version 4.4 or higher.


Displays information about an application on one or more remote nodes.


ACMSMGR SHOW EXC [/qualifiers]

Command Qualifier Default
/ACTIVE See Notes.
/ALL Current applications only.
/APPLICATION=application-name * (all)
/[BRIEF,FULL] /FULL if no class qualifier (/CONFIG, /ERROR, /ID, /POOL,
or /RUNTIME) is specified. Otherwise, /BRIEF.
/[class-name] * (all)
/INTERVAL=interval Command is executed once.
/NODE=node-name Translation of logical ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE
/OUT=file-name None
/STORED See Notes.
/USER=user-name Translation of logical ACMS$MGMT_USER

Privileges Required






When specified with the /BRIEF qualifier, this qualifier causes active ACMSGEN field values to be displayed. /ACTIVE is effective only when used with the /CONFIG qualifier. If /BRIEF is not specified, or if /FULL is specified, this qualifier has no effect (both active and stored values are displayed).


This qualifier displays all available application data, even data for applications that may no longer be running. When applications are stopped, the EXC table row they were occupying is marked for reuse. If the row has not been reused, the data remains available for display. This qualifier allows that data to be displayed. Inactive rows are flagged with an asterisk (*) in the output.

To inhibit the display of old data, do not specify this qualifier. By default, only data for currently running processes is displayed.


This qualifer specifies a particular ACMS application to display. Wildcard matching is performed on the name provided; use of asterisks (*) is allowed.


This qualifier causes either summary (/BRIEF) or detailed (/FULL) information to be displayed. If no class qualifier (/CONFIG, /ERROR, /ID, /POOL, or /RUNTIME) is specified, this qualifier is ignored and all details are displayed (equivalent to /FULL). Available OpenVMS process quota and SYSGEN parameter information is only displayed when /FULL is specified.


This qualifier causes data for only the specified class to be displayed. If this qualifier is omitted, the default is to display information for all classes.


This qualifier causes the command to be reissued automatically every interval seconds. Use either Ctrl/C or Ctrl/Y to interrupt the command. If this qualifier is not specified, the command is executed only once.


This qualifier specifies a fully- or partially-qualified TCP/IP host name. This name must match the current DECnet host name. IP addresses and host names (or aliases) that exceed six characters or include mixed case are not allowed. For more information on TCP/IP host names and defining aliases, see Section 2.2.1.

If the /NODE qualifier is not specified, the ACMSMGR utility checks for the presence of the logical name ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE. If the logical is defined, the value of the logical is used by default.

In order for the command to execute, either the /NODE qualifier must be provided on the command line, or the ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE logical must be defined.


This qualifier causes output to be written to the specified file. If this qualifier is not specified, output is displayed to the terminal (SYS$OUTPUT).


When specified with the /BRIEF qualifier, this qualifier causes field values from the ACMSGEN file (not those active in memory) to be displayed. The /STORED qualifier is effective only when used with the /CONFIG qualifier. If /BRIEF is not specified, or if /FULL is specified, this qualifier has no effect (both active and stored values are displayed).


This qualifier specifies the name of the OpenVMS account on the server node to be used for authorization. If this qualifier is specified, an explicit login must already have been completed successfully (see Section 11.9).

If the /USER qualifier is not specified, the ACMSMGR utility checks for the presence of the logical name ACMS$MGMT_USER. If the logical is defined, the value of the logical is used by default.

If the /USER qualifier is not specified and the ACMS$MGMT_USER logical is not defined, the ACMSMGR utility attempts proxy access. See Section for a discussion of proxy access.


This command displays information about ACMS applications on the target node. The /BRIEF and /FULL qualifiers control the format of information to be displayed. To display OpenVMS process quota and SYSGEN parameter information, use the /FULL qualifier.

See Section 9.6 for a discussion of each field displayed.

Note that some information may not be current, depending on whether the class to which the data belongs has been enabled for the application. The ID Class field indicates whether or not information is being collected for that class.


ACMS Remote Management -- Command line utility

ACMS V4.4-0  EXC Table Display                    Time: 18-APR-2001 13:59:09.33

 Node  Class     PID     Process Name         Start Time            Application Name
------ ------- -------- --------------- ----------------------- --------------------------
vlcrow enabled 37C0025A ACMS01EXC001000 18-APR-2001 14:49:49.22 LDT_APPL_A
gocrow enabled 38000249 ACMS01EXC001000 18-AUG-2001 15:07:23.51 LDT_APPL_B

This command displays summary IDENTIFICATION class information for all applications on the nodes specified by the logical name ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE. Authorization is performed for the user specified by the logical name ACMS$MGMT_USER, or by proxy if the logical is not defined.

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