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Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Remote Systems Management Guide

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Updates records in the Trap table.


ACMSMGR SET TRAP [/qualifiers]

Command Qualifier Default
/ENTITY=[*,entity-name] Qualifier is required.
/NAME=[*,entity-name] * (all)
/NODE=node-name Translation of logical ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE
/TRAP_MIN=value -1
/TRAP_MAX=value -1
/USER=user-name Translation of logical ACMS$MGMT_USER

Privileges Required






This required qualifier specifies the entity or entities for which a trap should be set.

/NAME=[*, entity-name]

This qualifier specifies particular instances of an entity. Wildcards (*) are allowed in names.

For the MGR entity, this field should always be set to asterisk (*).

For ACC, CP, QTI, and TSC entity types, the entity name is the process name. For the EXC entity type, the entity name is the name of the application (for example, VR_APPL).

The default is all (*).


This qualifier specifies a fully- or partially-qualified TCP/IP host name. This name must match the current DECnet host name. IP addresses and host names (or aliases) that exceed six characters or include mixed case are not allowed. For more information on TCP/IP host names and defining aliases, see Section 2.2.1.

If the /NODE qualifier is not specified, the ACMSMGR utility checks for the presence of the logical name ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE. If the logical is defined, the value of the logical is used by default.

In order for the command to execute, either the /NODE qualifier must be provided on the command line, or the ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE logical must be defined.


This parameter specifies the field that should be monitored.
    Internal Remote Manager events are to be monitored. The Remote Manager logs internal events in the Remote Manager log. (See Section 11.33 and Section 4.7 for discussions of the Remote Manager log.) Traps can be generated based on the severity levels of these events.
    Process existence is to be monitored. Traps are generated if the associated entity type and name either starts or stops.


This qualifier specifies the severity to be associated with the trap. Severity codes are embedded in the trap message and must be parsed by the trap receiver. Severities are informational (I), warning (W), error (E), or fatal (F).


This qualifier specifies the minimum allowable value for the parameter being monitored. A trap is generated if the parameter value is less than the minimum. See Section 9.13.2 for a list of valid values.


This qualifier specifies the maximum allowable value for the parameter being monitored. A trap is generated if the parameter value is greater than the maximum. See Section 9.13.2 for a list of valid values.


This qualifier specifies the name of the OpenVMS account on the server node to be used for authorization. If this qualifier is specified, an explicit login must already have been completed successfully (see Section 11.9).

If the /USER qualifier is not specified, the ACMSMGR utility checks for the presence of the logical name ACMS$MGMT_USER. If the logical is defined, the value of the logical is used by default.

If the /USER qualifier is not specified and the ACMS$MGMT_USER logical is not defined, the ACMSMGR utility attempts proxy access. See Section for a discussion of proxy access.


When updating trap records, the combination of entity, name, and parameter must exactly match a record in the Trap table.

Changes become active as soon as they are added to the Trap table.

See Section 9.13.2 for a discussion about setting appropriate trap minimums and maximums. See Section 9.13.3 for a description of the trap message generated.



This command causes an SNMP trap to be generated whenever the QTI process is started if the SNMP interface is running.


Makes modifications to the ACMS terminal subsystem.


ACMSMGR SET TSC [/qualifiers]

Command Qualifier Default
/ASTLM=value++ None. See /process-quota.
/BIOLM=value++ None. See /process-quota.
/BYTLM=value++ None. See /process-quota.
/CP_PRIORITY=value None
/CP_SLOTS=value None
/CP_USERNAME=user-name None
/DIOLM=value++ None. See /process-quota.
/ENQLM=value++ None. See /process-quota.
/FILLM=value++ None. See /process-quota.
/LOG None
/MAX_LOGINS=value None
/MAX_TTS_CP=value None
/MIN_CPIS=value None
/NODE=node-name Translation of logical ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE
/PERM_CPS=value None
/PGFLQUOTA=value++ None. See /process-quota.
/TQELM=value++ None. See /process-quota.
/TSC_PRIORITY=value None
/TSC_USERNAME=user-name None
/USER=user-name Translation of logical ACMS$MGMT_USER
/WSDEFAULT=value++ None. See /process-quota.
/WSEXTENT=value++ None. See /process-quota.
/WSQUOTA=value++ None. See /process-quota.

Privileges Required






These qualifiers correspond to and update the related process quota fields in the system user authorization (SYSUAF) record for the user specified by /TSC_USERNAME. Updated quota values apply to the next process that is created.

Because these qualifiers control the nondynamic values for the related process quota fields, the /ACTIVE qualifier cannot be specified. The /STORED qualifier is the default and causes the specified values to be stored in the current SYSUAF.DAT file.

For information on using AUTHORIZE to modify process quotas, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. For more information about the individual quotas and their values, see OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: A--L or access the online help for AUTHORIZE.


This qualifier causes dynamic ACMSGEN field values to be updated from the current ACMSGEN file. The /ACTIVE qualifier cannot be specified on the same command with the /STORED qualifier. If neither is specified, the default is /STORED. If /ACTIVE is specified, no updates are written to the file.


This qualifier corresponds to and updates the ACMSGEN field CP_PRIORITY. Because this is a nondynamic ACMSGEN field, the /ACTIVE qualifier cannot be specified with this qualifier. The /STORED qualifier causes the specified value to be stored in the current ACMSGEN file.


This qualifier corresponds to and updates the ACMSGEN field CP_SLOTS. Because this is a nondynamic ACMSGEN field, the /ACTIVE qualifier cannot be specified with this qualifier. The /STORED qualifier causes the specified value to be stored in the current ACMSGEN file.


This qualifier corresponds to and updates the ACMSGEN field CP_USERNAME. Because this is a nondynamic ACMSGEN field, the /ACTIVE qualifier cannot be specified with this qualifier. The /STORED qualifier causes the specified value to be stored in the current ACMSGEN file.


This qualifier causes status information for the current SET transaction to be displayed to the terminal (SYS$OUTPUT). This qualifier is useful when setting multiple values; a separate status message is displayed for each value that is set.


This qualifier corresponds to and updates the ACMSGEN field MSS_MAX_LOGINS. As this is a dynamic ACMSGEN field, the /ACTIVE qualifier causes the current value to be modified for the running system. The /STORED qualifier causes the value specified to be stored in the current ACMSGEN file.


This qualifier corresponds to and updates the ACMSGEN field MAX_TTS_CP. Because this is a dynamic ACMSGEN field, the /ACTIVE qualifier causes the current value to be modified for the running system. The /STORED qualifier causes the specified value to be stored in the current ACMSGEN file.


This qualifier corresponds to and updates the ACMSGEN field MIN_CPIS. Because this is a dynamic ACMSGEN field, the /ACTIVE qualifier causes the current value to be modified for the running system. The /STORED qualifier causes the specified value to be stored in the current ACMSGEN file.


This qualifier specifies a fully- or partially-qualified TCP/IP host name. This name must match the current DECnet host name. IP addresses and host names (or aliases) that exceed six characters or include mixed case are not allowed. For more information on TCP/IP host names and defining aliases, see Section 2.2.1.

If the /NODE qualifier is not specified, the ACMSMGR utility checks for the presence of the logical name ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE. If the logical is defined, the value of the logical is used by default.

In order for the command to execute, either the /NODE qualifier must be provided on the command line, or the ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE logical must be defined.


This qualifier corresponds to and updates the ACMSGEN field PERM_CPS. Because this is a dynamic ACMSGEN field, the /ACTIVE qualifier causes the current value to be modified for the running system. The /STORED qualifier causes the specified value to be stored in the current ACMSGEN file.


This qualifier causes ACMSGEN field updates to be written and saved in the current ACMSGEN file. The /STORED qualifier cannot be specified on the same command as the /ACTIVE qualifier. If neither is specified, the default is /STORED.


This qualifier corresponds to and updates the ACMSGEN field TSC_PRIORITY. Because this is a nondynamic ACMSGEN field, the /ACTIVE qualifier cannot be specified with this qualifier. The /STORED qualifier causes the specified value to be stored in the current ACMSGEN file.


This qualifier corresponds to and updates the ACMSGEN field TSC_USERNAME. Because this is a nondynamic ACMSGEN field, the /ACTIVE qualifier cannot be specified with this qualifier. The /STORED qualifier causes the specified value to be stored in the current ACMSGEN file.


This qualifier specifies the name of the OpenVMS account on the server node to be used for authorization. If this qualifier is specified, an explicit login must already have been completed successfully (see Section 11.9).

If the /USER qualifier is not specified, the ACMSMGR utility checks for the presence of the logical name ACMS$MGMT_USER. If the logical is defined, the value of the logical is used by default.

If the /USER qualifier is not specified and the ACMS$MGMT_USER logical is not defined, the ACMSMGR utility attempts proxy access. See Section for a discussion of proxy access.


This command provides the ability to remotely update either the running ACMS system or the current ACMSGEN file.

The /ACTIVE and /STORED qualifiers control how updates are posted to ACMSGEN.




This command modifies the ACMSGEN field max_logins on node SPARKS and updates the active system only. The change is not saved in the ACMSGEN file.



This command modifies the ACMSGEN field max_logins on node SPARKS and saves the change in the ACMSGEN file. The active system is not updated.


++ Only for use on systems running ACMS Version 4.4 or higher.


Displays information about an ACC on one or more remote nodes.


ACMSMGR SHOW ACC [/qualifiers]

Command Qualifier Default
/ACTIVE See Notes.
/[BRIEF,FULL] /FULL if no class qualifier (/CONFIG, /ERROR, /ID, /POOL,
or /RUNTIME) is specified. Otherwise, /BRIEF.
/[class-name] * (all)
/INTERVAL=interval Command is executed once.
/NODE=node-name Translation of logical ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE
/OUT=file-name None
/STORED See Notes.
/USER=user-name Translation of logical ACMS$MGMT_USER

Privileges Required






When specified with the /BRIEF qualifier, this qualifier causes active ACMSGEN field values to be displayed. /ACTIVE is effective only when used with the /CONFIG qualifier. If /BRIEF is not specified, or if /FULL is specified, this qualifier has no effect (both active and stored values are displayed).


This qualifier causes either summary (/BRIEF) or detailed (/FULL) information to be displayed. If no class qualifier (/CONFIG, /ERROR, /ID, /POOL, or /RUNTIME) is specified, this qualifier is ignored and all details are displayed (equivalent to /FULL). Note that OpenVMS process quota and SYSGEN parameter information is only shown when /FULL is specified.


This qualifier causes data for only the specified class to be displayed. The default is to display information for all classes.


This qualifier causes the command to be reissued automatically at a specified interval (in seconds). Use either Ctrl/C or Ctrl/Y to interrupt the command. If this qualifier is not specified, the command is executed only once.


This qualifier specifies a fully- or partially-qualified TCP/IP host name. This name must match the current DECnet host name. IP addresses and host names (or aliases) that exceed six characters or include mixed case are not allowed. For more information on TCP/IP host names and defining aliases, see Section 2.2.1.

If the /NODE qualifier is not specified, the ACMSMGR utility checks for the presence of the logical name ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE. If the logical is defined, the value of the logical is used by default.

In order for the command to execute, either the /NODE qualifier must be provided on the command line, or the ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE logical must be defined.


This qualifier causes output to be written to the specified file. If this qualifier is not specified, output is displayed to the terminal (SYS$OUTPUT).


When specified with the /BRIEF qualifier, this qualifier causes field values from the ACMSGEN file (not those active in memory) to be displayed. The /STORED qualifier is effective only when used with the /CONFIG qualifier. If /BRIEF is not specified, or if /FULL is specified, this qualifier has no effect (both active and stored values are displayed).


This qualifier specifies the name of the OpenVMS account on the server node to be used for authorization. If this qualifier is specified, an explicit login must already have been completed successfully (see Section 11.9).

If the /USER qualifier is not specified, the ACMSMGR utility checks for the presence of the logical name ACMS$MGMT_USER. If the logical is defined, the value of the logical is used by default.

If the /USER qualifier is not specified and the ACMS$MGMT_USER logical is not defined, the ACMSMGR utility attempts proxy access. See Section for a discussion of proxy access.


This command displays information about the ACC on the target node. The /BRIEF and /FULL qualifiers control the format ofinformation to be displayed. To display OpenVMS process quota and SYSGEN parameter information, use the /FULL qualifier.

See Section 9.2 for a discussion of each field displayed.

Note that some information may not be current, depending on whether the class to which the data belongs has been enabled for the ACC. The Config Class field indicates whether or not information is being collected for that class.



ACMS Remote Management -- Command line utility

ACMS V4.4-0  ACC Table Display                     Time: 18-APR-2001 13:59:06.99

       A Config   Audit  Max   Mss    Mss Proc  Mss     Mss     WS      TWS
 Node  S Class    State  Appl Max Obj   Pool   Poolsize Maxbuf Poolsize Poolsize
------ - ------- ------- ---- ------- -------- -------- ------ -------- --------
gocrow A enabled enabled 10   1006    512      4096     1544   256      1440
vlcrow A enabled enabled 10   1006    512      2048     1544   256      1440

This command displays ACC configuration information from nodes GOCROW and VLCROW. Authorization is performed for the user specified by the logical name ACMS$MGMT_USER, or by proxy if the logical is not defined. Only summary configuration information is displayed because neither the /BRIEF nor /FULL qualifier was supplied.


ACMS Remote Management -- Command line utility

ACMS V4.4-0  ACC Table Display                Time: 19-APR-2001 13:59:04.38


 -------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
 vlcrow   ID Class Collection State         enabled
          Version                           V4.4-0
          Process Name                      ACMS01ACC001000
          PID                               37C0024F
          User Name                         LT$ACC_V31
          Start Time                        18-APR-2001 14:49:15.76
          End Time                          (null)

 Node     CONFIGURATION                     Active          Stored
 -------- --------------------------------- --------------- -------------
 vlcrow   Config Class Collection State     enabled
          System Auditing State             enabled
          ACC Running State                 started
          ACC Username                      LT$ACC_V31      LT$ACC_V31
          ACC Base Priority                 4               4
          MSS Net Retry Timer (D) (seconds) 10              10
          Max Applications                  10              10
          MSS Max Objects                   1006            1006
          MSS Maxbuf [Msg Buffer] (bytes)   1544            1544
          MSS Process Pool Size (pagelets)  512             512
          MSS Pool Size [Shared] (pagelets) 2048            2048
          WS Pool Size  (pagelets)          256             256
          WSC Pool Size (pagelets)          128             128
          TWS Pool Size (pagelets)          1440            1440
          TWSC Pool Size (pagelets)         169             169
          Username Default (D)              LTU_ACMSDEF     LTU_ACMSDEF
          Node Name (ACMSGEN) (DECnet node) VLCROW          VLCROW
          Working Set Default               1744            1744
          Working Set Extent                300000          300000
          Working Set Quota                 4000            4000
          AST Limit                         500             500
          Byte Limit                        497632          497632
          Direct I/O Limit                  500             500
          Buffered I/O Limit                500             500
          Enqueue Limit                     3000            3000
          File Limit                        500             500
          Page File Quota                   100000          100000
          Timer Queue Limit                 20              20
          Channel Count                     256             256
          Global Sections                   2000            2000
          Global Pages                      1118076         1118076
          Global Page File                  60000           60000

 Node     RUNTIME
 -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 vlcrow   Runtime Class Collection State    enabled
          DECnet Object                     started

          Gauges                            Current  Max    Limit   Max Time
          --------------------------------- -------- ------ ------- ------------------------
          Users: Total                      4        85             (null)
          Users: Local                      4        20             (null)
          Users: Remote                     0        0              (null)
          Applications                      1        1      20      18-APR-2001 14:49:49.19

          Number of application starts      6

          Process Quotas              Current      Max         Limit   Max Time
          --------------------------- -----------  ----------  ------- ------------------------
          Working Set Size             6544        6544          300000  18-APR-2001 14:49:15.76
          AST Limit                       5 (  0%)     5 (  0%)     500  18-APR-2001 14:49:15.76
          Byte Limit                   1792 (  0%)  3648 (  0%) 1775409  18-APR-2001 14:49:15.76
          Direct I/O Limit                0 (  0%)     1 (  0%)   15000  18-APR-2001 14:49:15.76
          Buffered I/O Limit              2 (  0%)     3 (  0%)   10000  18-APR-2001 14:49:15.76
          Enqueue Limit                   2 (  0%)     2 (  0%)    2000  18-APR-2001 14:49:15.76
          File Limit                      3 (  0%)     3 (  0%)    1001  18-APR-2001 14:49:15.76
          Page File Quota              7056 (  1%)  7056 (  1%)  500000  18-APR-2001 14:49:15.76
          Timer Queue Limit               4 (  0%)     4 (  0%)     500  18-APR-2001 14:49:15.76
          Channel Count                  29 ( 11%)    31 ( 12%)     256  18-APR-2001 14:49:15.76

 Node     POOL
 -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 vlcrow   Pool Class Collection State       enabled

          MSS Gauge                         Current   Max    Time
          --------------------------------- --------- ------ -----------------------
          MSS Objects                       252       432    18-APR-2001 14:49:15.76

          MSS Maxbuf Message Counters       Current          Time
          --------------------------------- ---------------- -----------------------
          MSS Msg Size     0 to  1024 bytes              157
          MSS Msg Size  1025 to  2048 bytes                0
          MSS Msg Size  2049 to  4096 bytes                0
          MSS Msg Size  4097 to  8192 bytes                0
          MSS Msg Size  8193 to 16384 bytes                0
          MSS Msg Size 16385 to 32768 bytes                0
          MSS Msg Size 32769 to 65536 bytes                0
          MSS Message Counter Overflow Resets              0 (null)

          MSS Process Pool                            Pct    Time
          ------------------------------------------- ------ ------------------------
          Pool Size                         262144
          Current Free (bytes)              255312    (97%)
          Minimum Free (bytes)              255056    (97%)  18-APR-2001 15:00:17.30
          Largest Current Free Block (bytes) 65536
          Minimum Largest Free Block (bytes) 65536           19-APR-2001 13:59:03.25
          Allocation Failures                0
          Garbage Collections                0

          MSS Shared Pool                             Pct    Time
          ------------------------------------------- ------ ------------------------
          Pool Size                         1048576
          Current Free (bytes)              973176    (92%)
          Minimum Free (bytes)              948480    (90%)  18-APR-2001 16:22:58.01
          Largest Current Free Block (bytes) 65536
          Minimum Largest Free Block (bytes) 65536           19-APR-2001 13:59:03.25
          Allocation Failures                0
          Garbage Collections                0

          WS/TWS Pools (for all EXCs)       Current   Max    Time
          --------------------------------- --------- ------ -----------------------
          TWS Pool Size Total (pagelets)    3520      3520   18-APR-2001 14:49:15.76
          TWSC Pool Size Total (pagelets)   500       500    18-APR-2001 14:49:15.76
          WS Pool Largest Used (bytes)      512       512    18-APR-2001 14:49:15.76
          WSC Pool Largest Used (bytes)     544       544    18-APR-2001 14:49:15.76
          TWS Pool Largest Used (bytes)     8192      8192   18-APR-2001 14:49:15.76
          TWSC Pool Largest Used (bytes)    512       512    18-APR-2001 14:49:15.76

          WS/TWS Pools (for all EXCs)       Current   Min    Time
          --------------------------------- --------- ------ -----------------------
          WS Pool Minimum Free (bytes)      0         0      18-APR-2001 14:49:15.76
          WSC Pool Minimum Free (bytes)     0         0      18-APR-2001 14:49:15.76
          TWS Pool Minimum Free (bytes)     0         0      18-APR-2001 14:49:15.76
          TWSC Pool Minimum Free (bytes)    0         0      18-APR-2001 14:49:15.76

 Node     ERROR
 -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 vlcrow   Error Class Collection State      enabled
          Error Count                       1
          Last Error Message                FDA462
          Time of Last Error                17-APR-2001 14:26:01.37


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