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OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3
Upgrade and Installation Manual

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3.4 Registering Licenses

Before you can use the Compaq OpenVMS Alpha operating system and its components, you must register all licenses in one of two ways:

  • During the installation (which Compaq recommends), by responding to the prompts displayed by the SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM procedure. This procedure is executed if you answer Yes (the default) to the following question:

          Do you want to register any Product Authorization Keys?
  • After the installation, by using the LICENSE REGISTER command or by invoking SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM.

In addition to reviewing the license information provided in this chapter, you can also refer to the following:

  • Appendix C, which contains notes and supplemental information about licenses and licensing procedures
  • The OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual, which contains complete, detailed information about the licensing procedure

3.4.1 Types of Compaq OpenVMS Alpha Licenses

The operating system uses one or more of the following types of licenses, depending on your hardware and software configuration.


All Compaq OpenVMS Alpha Base and SMP licenses include the NO_SHARE attribute and remain with the initial host computer.
Type of License Description
Operating System Base License Grants the right to noninteractive use of the remote batch, print, application, and computing services of the operating system on a single processor and authorizes one direct login (for system management purposes only). This license is a prerequisite for Compaq OpenVMS Alpha Interactive User Licenses.
Interactive User Licenses Grant the right to interactive use of the Compaq OpenVMS Alpha operating system, provided you have previously installed the appropriate Compaq OpenVMS Alpha Operating System Base License on your Alpha computer. These licenses, which are concurrent, are available in any quantity desired or as an unlimited user license.

You can add interactive users to the computer at any time by specifying the same node name on the additional Interactive User License PAK and by following the license combination procedure described in the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual.

Symmetric Multiprocessing
(SMP) Extension to the
Operating System Base License
Upgrades the Operating System Base License and all Interactive User licenses (including Unlimited) to the matching multiprocessing level of your DEC 4000 or DEC 7000 series Alpha computer.

Because the Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) Extension grants all the rights the existing Base and User licenses provided at the uniprocessing level, you do not need to reinstall those licenses when you upgrade to a multiprocessing system. Each time you upgrade your system to a new multiprocessing level (for example, from a DEC 7000 Model 620 Alpha system to a DEC 7000 Model 630 Alpha system), you add an SMP Extension to your existing licenses.

3.4.2 How to Register Licenses

After you install the OpenVMS Alpha operating system, the system displays the following message:

    If you have Product Authorization Keys (PAKs) to register,
    you can register them now.

Do you want to register any Product Authorization Keys? (Yes/No) [Yes]

Respond to the prompt as follows:

IF ... THEN ...
you choose to register your licenses at this time (which Compaq recommends), do the following:
  1. Be sure you review Appendix C and have the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual available.
  2. Be sure you have a copy of the Product Authorization Key (PAK) for each license that you will register.
  3. Type Y and press the Return key.
  4. Register your licenses, as described in the next section.
you choose not to register your licenses at this time, do the following:
  1. Type N and press the Return key.
  2. Skip the next section about registering licenses and follow the directions in Section 3.5.
  3. After completing the installation, register your licenses using the LICENSE REGISTER command or by invoking SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM before performing any other postinstallation tasks.

3.4.3 Using the Licensing Procedure

Entering Y (Yes) to register your licenses during the installation invokes the SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM procedure, which displays the following message:

VMS License Management Utility Options:

    1. REGISTER a Product Authorization Key
    2. AMEND an existing Product Authorization Key
    3. CANCEL an existing Product Authorization Key
    4. LIST Product Authorization Keys
    5. MODIFY an existing Product Authorization Key
    6. DISABLE an existing Product Authorization Key
    7. DELETE an existing Product Authorization Key
    8. COPY an existing Product Authorization Key
    9. MOVE an existing Product Authorization Key
   10. ENABLE an existing Product Authorization Key
   11. SHOW the licenses loaded on this node
   12. SHOW the unit requirements for this node

   99. Exit this procedure

   Type '?' at any prompt for a description of the information
   requested. Press Ctrl/Z at any prompt to return to this menu.

Enter one of the above choices [1]
  1. Select the appropriate options (beginning with 1, as indicated in the display) until you have successfully registered all required PAKs.
  2. After you register all your licenses, exit from the License Management procedure by entering option 99.

3.5 Completing the Installation

The following sections describe the remaining steps that you need to perform to complete the installation.

3.5.1 Choosing Descriptive Help Text

Next, the system prompts you as follows:

The installation can provide brief or detailed descriptions.
In either case, you can request the detailed descriptions by typing "?".

Do you always want detailed descriptions? (Yes/No) [No]

If you answer Yes, the system will display additional explanatory text with each prompt.

3.5.2 Selecting Components

The system next displays the following message, indicating that the procedure is ready to install the operating system:

The following product has been selected:
    DEC AXPVMS OPENVMS V7.3                    Platform (product suite)

Configuration phase starting ...

You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and for
any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency requirements.

DEC AXPVMS OPENVMS V7.3: OpenVMS and related products Platform

    COPYRIGHT (c) 27-MAY-2001 -- All rights reserved

    Compaq Computer Corporation

After the system displays a series of additional messages, the procedure prompts you to choose the default values for all the options and suboptions for each component included in the operating system. The display is similar to the following:

    Do you want the defaults for all options? [YES]

When selecting components, note the following:

  • If you want all the default values, press the Return key.
    If you want to select components individually, answer NO. The system will then prompt you for each option and suboption.
  • You should review the list of options and compare them with the requirements for your system. If you are selecting components individually, be sure that you include all components necessary to support the needs of your users. Note also that certain components are dependent upon the installation of other components.
  • If you are not sure whether you want certain options, request help by entering a question mark (?) at the prompt for that option.
  • After you select all the options you want, you will have an opportunity to view your selections and make changes (if necessary).
  • OpenVMS Management Station software is automatically installed on your OpenVMS system disk when you accept all the default values. If you do not accept the default values, you must select the OpenVMS Management Station component (server and client files) if you plan to use that product. After the installation is complete, you can then prepare your Compaq OpenVMS Alpha system and your PC to run OpenVMS Management Station by following the procedures described in Appendix D.
  • If you decide after the installation to change which Compaq OpenVMS Alpha operating system options you want installed on your system, you must reconfigure the installation as described in Section
  • After you boot the new system disk and log in, you can obtain information about individual system files by entering HELP SYSTEM_FILES at the dollar sign prompt ($).

3.5.3 List of Components

The following components are included with the Compaq OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3 operating system:

    Accounting Log Report Generator Utility
    Access Control List Utilities
    Print and Batch Queue Utilities
    DECdtm Distributed Transaction Manager
    Support for DECnet-Plus or DECnet for OpenVMS
        DECnet Incoming Remote File Access
        DECnet Incoming Remote Terminal
        DECnet Network Test
        DECnet Remote Task Loading
    Programming Support
        Debugger Utility
        Image Dump Utility
        RMS Analyze and FDL Editor Utilities
        Message Utility
        System Shareable Image and Object Module Libraries
        Macro libraries
        Macro-32 Migration Compiler
        TLB intermediary form of STARLET
        Fortran Require Files
        C Object Libraries
        C Header Files
        VMS text libraries of Ada declarations
    RMS Journaling Recovery Utility
    System Programming Support
        Support for ISO 9660 and High Sierra CD-ROM Formats
        Analyze Object File Utility
        Delta Debugger
        System Dump Analyzer Utility
        Miscellaneous Symbol Table Files
    OpenVMS Management Station Software -- PC files
        OpenVMS Mail Utility
        Dump Utility
        DIGITAL Standard Runoff (DSR) Text Formatter
        Phone Utility
        Help Library
        Foreign Terminal Support
        LAT-11 Terminal Server (via Ethernet)
        Error Log Generator Utility
        Terminal Fallback Facility
        TECO Interactive Text Editor
        National Character Set Utility (NCS)
        DIAGNOSE Utility
        XPG4 Internationalization Utilities
    Bliss Require Files
    Example Files
    Message Facility Files (HELP/MESSAGE)
    Translated Image Support
    UETP Files
    Support for DECwindows
        DECwindows workstation files
        Video fonts
            100 dots per inch video fonts
    Delete any obsolete OpenVMS files
    Delete files archived by OpenVMS remedial kits

3.5.4 Completing the Procedure

When you have answered all the prompts and selected the components you want installed, the system allows you to review your selections (and make changes if necessary), then installs the product, provides informational messages, and returns you to the menu. The following is a sample display:


If you perform two installations at the same time to systems connected by MEMORY CHANNEL, you may see a message similar to the following every 5 seconds:

%PMA0 CPU00: 30-OCT-2001 14:58:40 Remote System Conflicts with
Known System - REMOTE NODE
%PMA0 CPU00: 30-OCT-2001 14:58:45 Remote System Conflicts with
Known System - REMOTE NODE

Disregard the message. The installation or upgrade will proceed normally and the messages will not be present when the system reboots with its actual node name.

    Do you want to review the options? [NO]

Execution phase starting ...

The following products will be installed:
    DEC AXPVMS DECNET_OSI V7.3               Layered Product
    DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-6                Layered Product
    DEC AXPVMS OPENVMS V7.3                  Platform (product suite)
    DEC AXPVMS VMS V7.3                      Operating System

Portion done: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100%

The following products have been installed:
    DEC AXPVMS DECNET_OSI V7.3               Layered Product
    DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-6                Layered Product
    DEC AXPVMS OPENVMS V7.3                  Platform (product suite)
    DEC AXPVMS VMS V7.3                      Operating System

    The installation is now complete.

    When the newly installed system is first booted, a special
    startup procedure will be run.  This procedure will:

        o  Configure the system for standalone or OpenVMS Cluster operation.
        o  Run AUTOGEN to set system parameters.
        o  Reboot the system with the newly set parameters.

    You may shut down now or continue with other operations.

  Process AXPVMS_INSTALL logged out at 27-MAY-2001 14:45:49.54

Press Return to continue...


    You can install or upgrade the OpenVMS Alpha operating system
    or you can install or upgrade layered products that are included
    on the OpenVMS Alpha operating system CD-ROM.

    You can also execute DCL commands and procedures to perform
    "standalone" tasks, such as backing up the system disk.

    Please choose one of the following:

        1)  Install or upgrade OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3
        2)  Display products and patches that this procedure can install
        3)  Install or upgrade layered products and patches
        4)  Show installed products
        5)  Reconfigure installed products
        6)  Remove installed products
        7)  Execute DCL commands and procedures
        8)  Shut down this system

    Enter CHOICE or ? for help: (1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/?)

If you want to install layered products, go to Section 3.6.

If you do not want to install layered products or perform any other operations prior to booting the new system disk, choose option 8 from the menu to shut down the system. The system display is similar to the following:

Enter CHOICE or ? for help: (1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/?) 8
    Shutting down the system


After you complete the installation and shut down the system, go to Section 3.7.

3.6 Installing Layered Products

You can use the menu system included on the operating system CD-ROM to install certain layered products with the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility. You can view a list of the layered products that can be installed in this way by choosing option 2 from the menu. (To install layered products that are not listed, see Chapter 4 and the installation documentation for each layered product.)

You may see the following product name while installing layered products:


Do not attempt to install this kit. This is a "dummy" that is needed to facilitate upgrading from the prior UCX implementation of Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS to the new implementation.

If you do attempt to install this kit, the following message will be displayed:

          The UCX implementation of TCP/IP Services is obsolete and is not
          supported on OpenVMS V7.2 and higher versions.

          Starting with OpenVMS V7.2, the UCX implementation of TCP/IP
          services is replaced by the new TCPIP product.

          This is a placeholder kit to satisfy OpenVMS upgrade requirements
          so that UCX can be automatically upgraded to TCPIP.

          You cannot use this kit to install UCX.

The installation will then terminate.

You can install (or upgrade to) the new implementation of Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS, version 5.1, as part of the OpenVMS upgrade. If you wish to install version 5.1 separately, choose the product:


To install layered products using the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility, choose option 2 to view the list and then option 3 to perform the installation. For example:

Please choose one of the following:

        1) Upgrade, install or reconfigure OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3
        2) Display products and patches that this procedure can install
        3) Install or upgrade layered products and patches
        4) Show installed products
        5) Reconfigure installed products
        6) Remove installed products
        7) Execute DCL commands and procedures
        8) Shut down this system

        Enter CHOICE or ? for help: (1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/?) 2

            The following versions of the OpenVMS operating system, the
            DECwindows graphical user interface and network products.
            are available on the OpenVMS Distribution compact disk.
            They can be installed by selecting choice 1:

        DEC AXPVMS VMS version V7.3
        DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF version V1.2-6
        DEC AXPVMS DECNET_OSI version V7.3
        DEC AXPVMS DECNET_PHASE_IV version V7.3
        DEC AXPVMS TCPIP version V5.1

            The following Layered Product kits are available on the OpenVMS
            Distribution Compact Disk.  They can be installed by selecting
            choice 3.  If already installed, they can be reconfigured by
            selecting choice 5, or removed by selecting choice 6.

        ----------------------------------- ----------- ----------
        PRODUCT                             KIT TYPE    KIT FORMAT
        ----------------------------------- ----------- ----------
        DEC AXPVMS DECNET_OSI V7.3          Full LP     Sequential
        DEC AXPVMS DECNET_PHASE_IV V7.3     Full LP     Sequential
        DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-6           Full LP     Sequential
        DEC AXPVMS TCPIP V5.1               Full LP     Sequential
        DEC AXPVMS UCX V4.2-99PLACEHOLDER   Full LP     Sequential
        ----------------------------------- ----------- ----------

        5 items found

        Press Return to continue...


            You can install or upgrade the OpenVMS Alpha operating system
            or you can install or upgrade layered products that are included
            on the OpenVMS Alpha operating system CD-ROM.

            You can also execute DCL commands and procedures to perform
            "standalone" tasks, such as backing up the system disk.

            Please choose one of the following:

        1) Upgrade, install or reconfigure OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3
        2) Display products and patches that this procedure can install
        3) Install or upgrade layered products and patches
        4) Show installed products
        5) Reconfigure installed products
        6) Remove installed products
        7) Execute DCL commands and procedures
        8) Shut down this system

        Enter CHOICE or ? for help: (1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/?) 3

            If you choose to install or upgrade DECwindows Motif,
            please note the following:

              o If you did not select the OpenVMS DECwindows base support
                and workstation files options, DECwindows Motif will not run.
                You must add these options to use DECwindows Motif.

              o If you are upgrading DECwindows Motif from version V1.1 and
                want to save the OSF/Motif Release 1.1.3 programming files,
                DO NOT upgrade now.  Instead, see the DECwindows Motif
                installation manual and follow the instructions for running

            If you choose to install or upgrade DECnet-Plus or DECnet Phase IV,
            please note the following:

        o If you did not select the OpenVMS DECNET option, neither version
                of DECnet will run.  You must add this option to use DECnet.

        Press Return to continue...

            The installation procedure will ask a series of questions.

                  () - encloses acceptable answers
                  [] - encloses default answers

            Type your response and press the Return key.  Type:

                  ? - to repeat an explanation
                  ^ - to change prior input (not always possible)
                  Ctrl-Y - to exit the installation procedure

            You must enter the device name for the target disk on which
            the layered product(s) installation will be performed.

        Enter device name for target disk: [DKB400:] (? for choices)

            DKB400: is labeled V73_TCPIPV51.

            The install operation can provide brief or detailed descriptions.
        In either case, you can request the detailed descriptions by typing

        Do you always want detailed descriptions? (Yes/No) [No]

           1 - DEC AXPVMS DECNET_OSI V7.3          Layered Product
           2 - DEC AXPVMS DECNET_PHASE_IV V7.3     Layered Product
           3 - DEC AXPVMS DWMOTIF V1.2-6           Layered Product
           4 - DEC AXPVMS TCPIP V5.1               Layered Product
           5 - DEC AXPVMS UCX V4.2-99PLACEHOLDER   Layered Product
           6 - All products listed above
           7 - Exit

        Choose one or more items from the menu separated by commas:

Note that the UCX V4.2-99PLACEHOLDER kit is not a valid UCX (TCP/IP) kit. It is present only to support upgrading UCX to the new TCPIP implementation of Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS. Any attempt to install this PLACEHOLDER kit will terminate with an error.

If you do not want to perform any other operations after you install the layered products, enter option 8 to shut down the system. The system display is similar to the following:

Enter CHOICE or ? for help: (1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/?) 8
    Shutting down the system


After you complete the installation and shut down the system, go to the next section to boot the new system disk.

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