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OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3
Upgrade and Installation Manual

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5.4 Backing Up the System Disk

Compaq recommends that you make a standalone BACKUP copy of the system disk and, if your configuration allows it, upgrade the backup copy. If there are problems, you will still have a working system disk.

5.4.1 How to Back Up the System Disk

To make a backup copy of the system disk, follow the instructions in the upgrade and installation supplement for your VAX computer. If you do not have a removable system disk, back up your system disk to tape and restore the image backup to the system disk. This eliminates disk fragmentation on the system disk and creates contiguous free disk blocks required for the upgrade. (The upgrade can fail if there are not sufficient contiguous free blocks.) Store the backup tapes in a safe place.

5.4.2 How to Back Up Console Media

If you have one of the following VAX computers, you must also make a backup copy of the console media:

VAX 8200, 8250, 8300, 8350, 8600, 8650

To make a backup copy of the console media, use the SYS$UPDATE:CONSCOPY.COM procedure, as described in the upgrade and installation supplement for your VAX computer. Use the backup copy of the console media during the upgrade procedure. The upgrade procedure automatically updates the console media for you.

If your VAX computer uses one of the following console media, you did not receive a new standalone BACKUP kit with your OpenVMS VAX distribution kit:

TU58 tape cartridge
RX33 diskette
RX50 diskette
RX01 diskette
RL02 disk cartridge

Before beginning the upgrade, make sure you have a standalone BACKUP kit on one of these media. If you do not have one, create a standalone BACKUP kit using the STABACKIT.COM procedure as described in the upgrade and installation supplement for your VAX computer.


You cannot build standalone BACKUP on TU58 or RX01 console media because the OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3 kit is too large. If your VAX computer uses a TU58 or RX01, build a standalone BACKUP kit before upgrading and retain the backup copies for use with future versions of OpenVMS VAX.

5.5 Preparing the System Disk

To prepare the system disk for the upgrade, log in to the SYSTEM account and, depending on your configuration, complete some or all of the tasks described in the sections that follow.

5.5.1 Create a Nonshadowed System Disk

If you are using a volume-shadowed system disk, you must create a nonshadowed system disk to upgrade. Follow the instructions in the Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS manual to prepare a nonshadowed system disk for the upgrade.

5.5.2 Boot the Backup Copy of Your System Disk

If you need to boot the backup copy of your system disk or if you are upgrading an OpenVMS Cluster systems environment, enter the following command (otherwise, go to the next step):


When the procedure asks if an automatic system reboot should be performed, press Return for NO. If you are a cluster member, choose the REMOVE_NODE option. When the procedure is finished, halt the system as described in the upgrade and installation supplement for your VAX computer.

If applicable, remove the system disk and replace it with the backup copy.

Boot the system from the backup copy of the system disk. If you do not know how to boot the system, refer to the upgrade and installation supplement for your VAX computer.

Log in to the SYSTEM account.

5.5.3 Copy UAF and Auditing Files to the System Disk

The current copies of the SYSUAF.DAT and the VMS$AUDIT_SERVER.DAT files must be on the system disk; otherwise, you cannot proceed with the upgrade.

If you have moved your copy of SYSUAF.DAT to another location, copy it to the SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] directory for the duration of the upgrade.

If you have moved your copy of VMS$AUDIT_SERVER.DAT to another location, copy it to the SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR] directory.

Note that, if you are doing a rolling upgrade, the shared version of SYSUAF.DAT is not updated.

Move any files that you do not want changed into a user directory.

5.5.4 Rename the System Dump File

If you have a shared system dump file in SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE], the shared dump file cannot have the name SYSDUMP.DMP. If you have a shared system dump file with this name, Compaq recommends that you rename it to SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]SYSDUMP-COMMON.DMP.

5.5.5 Analyze the System Disk

To analyze the system disk for inconsistencies and errors in the file structure, enter the following command:


The following message represents normal behavior; you can ignore it:


If you find any other errors on the system disk, repair the errors by entering the following command:


Refer to the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual for more information on the ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE command.

5.5.6 Check Page and Swap Files

Compaq recommends that the page file be located on the system disk in SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE] for the upgrade.

The swap file (SWAPFILE.SYS) does not need to be located on the system disk for the upgrade, but if it is located on the system disk, the file must be located in SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE].

If the upgrade procedure finds the page files and swap files in the common directory, it moves them to the system-specific directory before continuing.

The page file must be at least 4600 blocks. If the upgrade procedure detects fewer than 4600 blocks, it displays a message that gives you the option of continuing the upgrade or exiting the procedure and increasing the size of the page file. If you get this message, Compaq recommends that you exit the procedure, increase the page file to at least 4600 blocks, and restart the upgrade procedure.

To check the size of your page file and enter a new size if needed, use the following procedure:

  1. To determine the size of the page file, enter the following command:


    The procedure displays the size of the page file and asks you to enter a new value, as follows:

    Enter new size for paging file:

    If the page file (PAGEFILE.SYS) size is greater than 4600 blocks, press Return. If it is less than 4600 blocks, enter 4600 and press Return.
  2. If the swap and dump files are on the system disk, the procedure displays the sizes of each file. To keep the current values, press Return after each prompt.
    If the swap file is not on the system disk, the procedure asks if you want to create one. You do not need swap and dump files on the system disk for the upgrade procedure. Enter the appropriate response for your system.
    If you changed the size of the page file or created a swap file, a message is displayed that tells you to reboot the system. Do not reboot now. You will reboot later.

5.5.7 Check for Free Blocks

Check the system disk to make sure there is enough room for the upgrade. To determine whether you have enough room, enter the following command:


To upgrade the OpenVMS VAX required files, the minimum number of free blocks required is 48,950. Even if you plan to upgrade the OpenVMS library or optional files, you might not need more than 48,950 free blocks because many files are deleted as the upgrade progresses, thus freeing up additional space.

5.5.8 Check Quotas and Limits

Use the Authorize utility (AUTHORIZE) to make sure the SYSTEM account has sufficient quotas and limits. To check and, if necessary, modify quota and limit values, do the following:

  1. Enter the following commands:


    AUTHORIZE displays the SYSTEM account's quota and limit values.
  2. Compare the values displayed on your screen to the following minimum required values:
    Quota or Limit Name Minimum Value
    Open file quota (FILLM) 300
    Buffered I/O limit (BIOLM) 18
    Direct I/O limit (DIOLM) 18
    AST limit (ASTLM) 24
    Enqueue quota (ENQLM) 200
    Buffered byte quota count (BYTLM) 32768+

    +If you are using an InfoServer device to upgrade your system, increase the value of BYTLM to 33150

  3. If necessary, adjust the quota and limit values in your SYSTEM account so that they are equal to or greater than the minimum required values.
    To change the value for a quota or limit, enter the MODIFY SYSTEM command using the following format:

    MODIFY SYSTEM/limit=new_value

    For example:

  4. Exit the Authorize utility by entering the following command:

  5. If you adjusted the values for any of the SYSTEM account quotas or limits, log out and log back in to have the new values take effect.

5.5.9 Set System Parameters

During the upgrade procedure, the system is shut down and rebooted a number of times. You must boot the system minimum (STARTUP_P1 set to MIN) before you begin the upgrade (see Section 5.6). This prevents the startup of certain system integrated products and layered products on the system during each reboot. To set the system parameter STARTUP_P1 to MIN, enter the following commands:


Make sure the system parameters SCSNODE and SCSSYSTEMID are defined on your system. To determine whether these parameters are defined on your system, enter the following commands:


If SCSNODE and SCSSYSTEMID are not set correctly, enter the following commands where node is a 1- to 6-character unique DECnet node name and systemid is (DECnet area * 1024) + node number:


Make sure the system parameter VMS5 is set to 0. If your system has a KFQSA controller, the VMS5 parameter might have been set to a nonzero value for a previous upgrade. The VMS5 parameter is reserved for use by Compaq only.

To check the value of the VMS5 parameter, enter the following commands:

Parameter Name           Current   Default   Minimum   Maximum Unit  Dynamic
--------------           -------   -------   -------   ------- ----  -------
VMS5                           1         0         0        -1

If the current value of VMS5 is not 0, set it to 0 by entering the following commands:


5.5.10 Check AGEN$INCLUDE Files

During an upgrade, user disks are not mounted and SYLOGICALS.COM is not invoked, so AUTOGEN can access only data files that are on the system disk and whose file specification includes a logical name that is shipped as part of the OpenVMS operating system. Therefore, if you use AGEN$INCLUDE in SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT to point to data files that are not on the system disk, follow these steps before you perform an upgrade:

  1. Copy any files that you want AUTOGEN to include to a directory on the system disk.
  2. For each file that you move, change the file specification on the AGEN$INCLUDE line in SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT to point to the new location of the file on the system disk.

If you do not move referenced data files to the system disk, AUTOGEN uses whatever information is available during the upgrade and parameters might be set to values considerably different from what you intend.

5.5.11 Add Modified System Parameters to MODPARAMS.DAT

Any system parameter values that you modified and did not enter in MODPARAMS.DAT are lost during the upgrade. To retain the values of these parameters, enter their names in MODPARAMS.DAT and the value that AUTOGEN needs to add to the default minimum value.

For example, if you modified GBLPAGES by 128 pages above the default, add the following line to SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT:


When AUTOGEN runs after the upgrade, it uses the values in MODPARAMS.DAT.

Section 5.6 tells you how to get your system ready for an upgrade.

5.6 Preparing the System

To prepare the system for the upgrade, use the procedure described in the following sections.

5.6.1 Enable Auto Restart or Manual Reboot

If your computer uses console media, set the computer to restart automatically. For some VAX computers this means setting one or more switches. For others, this means entering certain console mode commands. To determine how to enable auto restart, refer to the upgrade and installation supplement for your VAX computer.

If you have a system that does not use console media, set your system so you can reboot it manually. For more information, refer to the upgrade and installation supplement for your VAX computer.

5.6.2 Shut Down and Reboot the System

Shut down and reboot the system to activate any system parameters that you changed (STARTUP_P1, for example). To shut down the system, enter the following command:


When the procedure asks if an automatic system reboot should be performed, type Y (for YES) and press Return.

After the system reboots, log in to the SYSTEM account.

5.6.3 Prevent Interactive Logins

To prevent users from logging in to the system during the upgrade, enter the following command:


5.6.4 Check for DECnet for OpenVMS

To determine whether your system is running DECnet for OpenVMS software, enter the following command:


If the system displays the following message, DECnet is not running on your system and you can proceed to Section 5.6.6:

%SHOW-S-NOTRAN, no translation for logical name SYS$NODE

If the system responds with a translation for SYS$NODE, then DECnet is running on your system.

If you set STARTUP_P1 to MIN as described in Section 5.5.9, DECnet should not be running. To set STARTUP_P1 to MIN, repeat all of the preceding steps beginning with Section 5.5.9. Note that you must shut down and reboot the system for any changes you make to system parameters to take effect.

5.6.5 Check for Volume Shadowing

Phase I (controller-based) volume shadowing is no longer available. Phase II (host-based) volume shadowing is designed to fully replace phase I with significantly enhanced features.

If you have volume shadowing software installed on your system but are unsure which phase, you can enter the following commands:


If the SHADOWING parameter is 1 or 3, then you have phase I volume shadowing software currently loaded on your system. For information about migrating to phase II, refer to Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS.

At the beginning of an upgrade, the procedure checks the setting of the SHADOWING system parameter. If you have not migrated to phase II and the procedure detects the presence of phase I, it displays the following message and asks if you want to continue the upgrade:

   The SHADOWING system parameter (currently set to 1) specifies
   phase I of volume shadowing, which is no longer available as of
   OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1.  If you continue with this upgrade, volume
   shadowing will not be present on your system after the upgrade has
   completed. Please consult the Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS manual
   for instructions about moving to phase II of volume shadowing.

* Do you want to continue the upgrade?

At that point, you can exit the upgrade procedure, follow the instructions in Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS for migrating to phase II volume shadowing, and restart the upgrade procedure from the beginning. If you continue with the upgrade without migrating to phase II, the volume shadowing software will not be present on your system after the upgrade has completed.

5.6.6 Stop Queues

To stop all batch and print queues on the node you are upgrading, enter the following command:


It is not necessary to stop queues on nodes that you are not upgrading.

5.7 Gathering Information for the Upgrade

At different points during the upgrade, the procedure prompts you to supply information. To save time once the procedure begins, be sure you have the following information readily available. Remember, entering incorrect information during the upgrade could force you to repeat the entire upgrade procedure.

Required Information Explanation
Device names You will need to specify the device names for the drives that will hold the distribution media and the system disk.
Passwords You will be prompted to type passwords of at least 8 characters for the SYSTEM, SYSTEST, and FIELD accounts.
Optional components and OpenVMS Management Station files The upgrade procedure prompts you to specify whether you want to install the library (VMS073.C), optional (VMS073.D) OpenVMS components, and OpenVMS Management Station software PC files (VMS073.F). Appendix D lists the files included in these save sets.

You can save some space on your system disk if you choose not to install these components, but be sure to review Appendix D before deciding.

Location for Help Message utility Save set VMS073.E contains the online Help Message utility, which you can install on your system disk or on an alternate disk. (However, if you copied the distribution kit to some other media from which you will be performing the installation, you cannot install this save set on that media.)
DECwindows components The installation procedure prompts you to specify which of the following DECwindows components you want to install:
  • DECwindows base support (required for running DECwindows software), which includes:
    • DECwindows transport
    • DECwindows keymaps
  • DECwindows workstation support (required for VAX workstations), which includes:
    • DECwindows X11 display server
    • Graphics drivers
    • 75 dots/inch video fonts
    • 100 dots/inch video fonts (option available only if you select DECwindows workstation support)

Note that you must install the DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS VAX (previously called VMS DECwindows Motif) layered product if you want to run the DECwindows software. DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS VAX Version 1.2-4 is the minimum supported version for systems running OpenVMS VAXVersion 7.3. If you do not know which version of DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS VAX you are currently running on your system, you can check by entering the following command:


Also note that the layered product does not have the DECwindows base and workstation support components. To get full DECwindows support, you must select the DECwindows components provided with the OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3 kit and install the separate DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS VAX layered product, which supports both Motif and XUI environments.

PAK information The information listed on Product Authorization Keys (PAKs) for any new products you will register. You do not need to register your OpenVMS VAX license or the licenses for any System Integrated Products (SIPs) you are already running.

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