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OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3
Upgrade and Installation Manual

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7.8.1 Restoring System Files

The procedure restores SYS$SPECIFIC and SYS$COMMON versions of the following system files that were renamed with .COM_OLD_SPECIFIC and .DAT_OLD_SPECIFIC extensions during Phase 1:


You might not have site-specific versions of all of these files. The procedure displays a message listing each file as it is restored.

You might receive any of the following network messages, which can be ignored:

   %NCP-W-UNRCMP, Unrecognized component, Object


   %NCP-I-SUCCESS, Success
   Object = X$X0
   %NML-I-RECDELET, Database entry deleted

7.8.2 Updating Time Zone Information

At this point in the upgrade, the procedure checks for the presence of time zone and time differential factor (TDF) files on your system. If it does not find one or the other of these files, the procedure prompts you for information to be used for providing local time zone support.

For local time zone support to work correctly, the upgrade procedure must set the time zone that accurately describes the location you want to be considered as your default time zone. Usually, this is the time zone in which your system is running. In addition, your system must be correctly configured to use a valid OpenVMS time differential factor (TDF).

The procedure displays a series of time zone menus and prompts you to make selections from those menus. The first menu is the main time zone menu. Select the time zone that best describes your location. If you do not select a time zone, the default is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

Some time zone choices cause an additional menu to be displayed. This happens when the time zone you select has subcomponents. For example, if you choose the United States (US) time zone from the main menu, a second menu displays the specific time zones within the United States. You then select the menu item that best represents your local time zone.

The procedure then prompts you for the TDF. The TDF is the difference between your system time and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which is an international standard for measuring time of day. You can choose from the following options:

  • Exit the time zone procedure without setting a TDF
  • Set a TDF
  • Display the TDF for your local time zone

For more information about TDF and local time zone support, refer to the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.

7.8.3 Installing Compaq DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS VAX

Earlier in the procedure, you were asked whether you wanted to install the Compaq DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS VAX product. If you answered Yes, the procedure now installs it.

Note that if Compaq DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS VAX is already installed on your system and if the installed version is the same as or higher than the version supplied with OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3, then Compaq DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS VAX is not reinstalled, and the procedure displays the following message:

    DECnet-Plus is already installed.

If Compaq DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS VAX is not already installed on your system, the procedure displays a message similar to the following and prompts you for information it needs to install the Compaq DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS VAX product:

    DECnet-Plus will now be installed.

    Media containing the DECnet-Plus kit must be available.

    If you are installing OpenVMS from an InfoServer (DAD1)
    or local CD-ROM, there is a DECnet-Plus kit on the CD-ROM.

    If you are installing from a cartridge tape (TK50) or
    from an open reel tape, you should have a DECnet-Plus kit
    on cartridge tape or open reel tape.

    An appropriate DECnet-Plus kit may also be available on
    the Consolidated Distribution CD-ROM, or you may have a
    separate DECnet-Plus kit.

    NOTE: You may choose any available media for the
    DECnet-Plus kit.  It is NOT NECESSARY to use the same
    type of media that contained the OpenVMS kit.

    If you do not have a DECnet-Plus kit available, or if you
    have decided NOT to install/upgrade DECnet-Plus, you can
    bypass the DECnet-Plus installation by entering "EXIT"
    for the "name of drive holding the DECnet-Plus kit".

* Enter name of drive holding the DECnet-Plus kit: dkb200
* Is DKB200: ready to be mounted? [N] y

The following product has been selected:
    DEC VAXVMS DECNET_OSI V7.3                Layered Product

Configuration phase starting ...

You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and for
any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency requirements.


    Copyright 2001 Compaq Computer Corporation.

    Compaq Computer Corporation

    This product requires one of two PAKs: DVNETEND or DVNETRTG.

    Do you want the defaults for all options? [YES]

    Do you want to review the options? [NO] y

    VAXVMS DECNET_OSI V7.3: DECnet-Plus V7.3 for OpenVMS VAX
    DEC VAXVMS VMS V7.3 [Installed]
    VAX P.S.I. or P.S.I. Access software: NO
    VAX Wide Area Device Drivers: NO
    DECdns Server software: NO
    DECdts Server software: NO

Are you satisfied with these options? [YES]

Execution phase starting ...

The following product will be installed to destination:

Portion done: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...80%...90%...100%

The following product has been installed:
    DEC VAXVMS DECNET_OSI V7.3             Layered Product

7.8.4 Running AUTOGEN

Next, the procedure displays the following message and runs AUTOGEN:

Running AUTOGEN to compute the new SYSTEM parameters ...

If AUTOGEN encounters any problems, it displays the following message:

%AUTOGEN-W-REPORT, Warnings were detected by AUTOGEN. Please review the
        information given in the file SYS$SYSTEM:AGEN$PARAMS.REPORT.

If AUTOGEN displays this message, be sure to check AGEN$PARAMS.REPORT as one of your postupgrade tasks. This task is described in Section 8.4.

7.8.5 Shutting Down the System

After AUTOGEN finishes, the procedure displays a sequence of shutdown messages that begins like this:

The system is shutting down to allow the system to boot with the
generated site-specific parameters and installed images.

The system will automatically reboot after the shutdown and the
upgrade will be complete.

         SHUTDOWN -- Perform an Orderly System Shutdown
                     on node VXPCSI

The system shuts down and will reboot automatically if your system is set up to do so. If the system does not reboot automatically, reboot it manually. For more information about booting your system, refer to the upgrade and installation supplement for your VAX computer.

7.8.6 Booting Voting Nodes

If you are upgrading a standalone system, go to the next step.

If you are upgrading an OpenVMS Cluster system, the system might hang when you try to reboot the upgraded system disk. This is because the total cluster value is less than the cluster quorum value. To remedy this situation, boot voting members that run from the system disk you just upgraded. (For more information about quorum values and voting members, refer to OpenVMS Cluster Systems.) All nodes that are booted at this time will run AUTOGEN and reboot.

7.8.7 Executing STARTUP

After the system reboots, the procedure displays the following message:

OpenVMS VAX V7.3

You have SUCCESSFULLY installed the OpenVMS VAX Operating System.

The system is now executing the STARTUP procedure. Please
wait for the completion of STARTUP before logging in to the

Finally, the procedure displays informational messages as well as accounting information indicating that your OpenVMS VAX operating system is running. For example:

%STDRV-I-STARTUP, OpenVMS startup begun at 13-NOV-2000 13:36:40.32
%SET-I-INTSET, login interactive limit=64, current interactive value = 0

 SYSTEM       job terminated at 13-NOV-2000 13:39:28.31

Accounting information:
 Buffered I/O count:       1845   Peak working set size:        970
 Direct I/O count:          677   Peak virtual size:           5165
 Page faults:              8906   Mounted volumes:                0
 Charged CPU time 0 00:00:53.34   Elapsed time        0 00:02:58.77

At this time, you can log in to the SYSTEM account (so you can perform postupgrade tasks), as described in the following sections.

7.8.8 Logging in to the SYSTEM Account by Means of a Character Cell Terminal

Log in to a character cell terminal by entering the user name SYSTEM followed by the password. The display is similar to the following:

 Welcome to OpenVMS (TM) VAX Operating System, Version V7.3

Username: SYSTEM
 Welcome to OpenVMS (TM) VAX Operating System, Version V7.3

(If you forget your password, follow the instructions in the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 1: Essentials to perform an emergency startup.)

7.8.9 Logging in to the SYSTEM Account by Means of a Workstation

If you installed the DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS VAX software on your workstation, do the following after the login window displays on your screen:

  1. Enter the user name SYSTEM followed by the password.
  2. Click on the OK button.

7.9 What to Do Next

After you have successfully upgraded the OpenVMS VAX operating system and logged in to the SYSTEM account, you must perform certain postupgrade tasks before you can use the system. For complete information, go to Chapter 8.

Chapter 8
After Upgrading the OpenVMS VAX Operating System

After you upgrade the OpenVMS VAX operating system, you need to perform several important tasks before you can use the system. These tasks, described in the order in which you perform them, are as follows:

  • Verifying system time
  • Restoring the preferred node list
  • Checking the size of system files
  • Examining your command procedures
  • Changing MODPARAMS.DAT
  • Updating your console media
  • Decompressing system libraries
  • Testing the system with UETP, the user environment test package
  • Increasing free space on your system disk
  • Purging system files
  • Restoring your modifications to the system password dictionary
  • Customizing DECwindows support software
  • Preparing to run the OpenVMS Management Station software
  • Installing layered products
  • Backing up the system disk
  • Running AUTOGEN
  • Completing the postupgrade checklist

If you are an experienced system manager, you can use the checklist at the end of this chapter to complete the necessary postupgrade tasks.

If you are a less-experienced system manager, you should read the entire chapter and then use the checklist to make sure you have completed all the postupgrade tasks.

8.1 Verifying System Time

During the upgrade, the procedure displayed the system time and gave you the opportunity to enter the correct time if the displayed time was incorrect.

Now that you have upgraded your system, verify that the system time is correct by entering the following command:


The system displays the date and time.

If the time displayed by your system is not correct, reset it by entering the command SET TIME using the following format:

SET TIME=dd-mmm-yyyy:hh:mm:ss

For example:

$ SET TIME=12-JUN-2000:10:19:25

8.2 Restoring the Preferred Node List

After the upgrade completes, the queuing system on the upgraded nodes is enabled, and you must restore the preferred node list for the queue manager.

To restore the preferred node list, enter the following command from any node:

START/QUEUE/MANAGER/ON=(node1, node2 . . . noden)

For node1, node2, and so forth, supply the names of the nodes --- separated by commas --- that you want to restore to the preferred node list.


If you permanently store the SYSUAF.DAT and VMS$AUDIT_SERVER.DAT files on the system disk, go to Section 8.4.

If you do not permanently store SYSUAF.DAT and VMS$AUDIT_SERVER.DAT on the system disk, you copied them to the system disk before you did the upgrade. During the upgrade procedure, these files were updated.


If you did a rolling upgrade, the shared version of SYSUAF.DAT was not updated.

To replace the updated files, copy the updated versions of SYSUAF.DAT and VMS$AUDIT_SERVER.DAT from the system disk to the directory where you usually keep them.


When AUTOGEN runs, it writes informational and, if necessary, warning messages to the file SYS$SYSTEM:AGEN$PARAMS.REPORT. You can view the contents of this report file to examine these messages.

To display AGEN$PARAMS.REPORT on your screen, enter the following command and press Return:


If the report includes a message similar to the following, you can modify the size of the page, swap, or dump file:

        resides would be over 95% full if it were modified to hold 20000

For more information about modifying the sizes of the page, swap, or dump files, see Section 8.5.

8.5 Checking the Size of System Files

AUTOGEN sets the following files at sizes appropriate for your system:


For special workloads or configurations, you can specify different sizes for these files. Check the sizes of these files to be sure they meet your needs. Log in to the SYSTEM account and enter the following command:


For more information, refer to the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 1: Essentials.

8.6 Examining Your Command Procedures

The upgrade procedure places a new version of WELCOME.TXT on your system disk. If your system uses a site-specific version of this file, you must modify the new version of the file with your changes.

The upgrade procedure restores your site-specific version of the following files with *.COM_OLD_SPECIFIC extensions:


The upgrade procedure provides new templates for some of these files with the .TEMPLATE extension. The new templates can include features that are not in your site-specific files. Check the templates against your site-specific files and edit your files as necessary.

Remember, you do not need a START/QUEUE/MANAGER command in your startup file because the queue manager automatically starts up when you boot the system.

8.7 Changing MODPARAMS.DAT

Review the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT. The upgrade procedure created a new version of this file. The old version is named SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT_OLD. Modify the new file, if necessary, for your system.

If you are upgrading an OpenVMS Cluster system, you must update the MODPARAMS.DAT file for each VAX computer that boots from the system disk. Make sure the value for the EXPECTED_VOTES parameter is correct. The value is the sum of all VOTES in the cluster. For example, if there are five VAX computers in the cluster, and each has one VOTE, the value is five. As you reboot each VAX computer, AUTOGEN runs automatically. The cluster forms when you have booted enough computers to attain cluster quorum.

For more information, refer to the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems.

8.8 Updating Your Console Media

If your computer does not use console media, skip this section and go to Section 8.10.

If your computer uses console media, you must copy the Version 7.3 VMB.EXE onto your system's console media. The procedure differs depending on the VAX series computer you have. Follow the instructions in the section that applies to your VAX computer.

8.9 VAX 8530, 8550, 8810 (8700), 8820-N (8800) Computers

If you upgraded a VAX 8530, 8550, 8810 (8700), or 8820-N (8800) computer, do the following:

  1. Insert a blank RX50 diskette in one of the console diskette drives. The console refers to the upper (or left-hand) diskette drive as DZ1 while the OpenVMS VAX operating system refers to it as CSA1. The console refers to the lower (or right-hand) drive as DZ2 while the OpenVMS VAX operating system refers to it as CSA2.
  2. Make sure the diskette drives are connected to the OpenVMS VAX operating system, as follows:

    Device                  Device           Error     Volume
     Name                   Status           Count      Label
    CSA0:         (SYSTEM)  Online               0
    CSA1:         (SYSTEM)  Online               0
    CSA2:         (SYSTEM)  Online               0

    If the drives are not connected, the following message is displayed:

    %SYSTEM-W-NOSUCHDEV, no such device available

    If this message is displayed, enter the following commands (you need CMKRNL privilege):

  3. To initialize the disk, enter a command in the following format:

    $ INITIALIZE/STRUCTURE=1 device-name: volume-label

    Substitute CSA1 or CSA2 for device-name. Substitute a 1- to 12-character name for volume-label. For example:

  4. Enter the following commands to mount the diskette, create the required directories, and copy the new VMB.EXE to the diskette. Substitute CSA1 or CSA2 for device-name.

    $ MOUNT/OVERRIDE=ID device-name:
  5. Once you have copied all the files, enter the following command to dismount the diskette. (Leave the diskette in the drive.) Substitute CSA1 or CSA2 for device-name.

    $ DISMOUNT device-name:
  6. To enter console mode, press Ctrl/P. To exit the console program, enter the following command:

    >>> EXIT
  7. Open the diskette drive door, pause for a moment, and close it. The red indicator light will flash.
  8. To copy VMB.EXE from the diskette to the console fixed disk drive, enter the following command:


    Substitute DZ1 or DZ2 for DZu.
    The fixed drive in the console is known by two names, DW2 and LB0. Most console files are stored using the name LB0. If the system displays a message that describes a protection violation on the output device, copy the files using the device name DW2 rather than LB0.
  9. When you have finished copying the files, remove the diskette from the drive.
  10. Restart the console program by entering the following command and pressing Return:

  11. Return to the operating system by entering the following command and pressing Return:


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