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OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3
Upgrade and Installation Manual

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Chapter 9
Customizing DECwindows Support Software

This chapter describes how you can customize DECwindows support software. The DECwindows components provided on the OpenVMS VAX kit supply DECwindows base support and workstation support files only. If you have not installed either of these DECwindows components on your system, skip this chapter.

Depending on your configuration, DECwindows customization tasks include the following:

  • Customizing the server startup
  • Using the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) as a DECwindows transport
  • Using transports with DECwindows other than those supplied by Compaq

Note that the OpenVMS VAX operating system no longer includes the VMS DECwindows product. To get full DECwindows support, you must also install the separate DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS VAX layered product, which supports both the Motif and XUI environments.

9.1 Customizing the Server Startup

By default, the DECwindows server no longer logs successful connect/disconnect messages to the DECW$SERVER_#_ERROR.LOG file. To enable these messages, define the symbol DECW$SERVER_CONNECT_LOG in the DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM file to be "T" and restart the server. Note that abnormal or unsuccessful connect/disconnect messages are still logged by the server.

9.1.1 Assumptions

The startup command procedures automatically determine most of the configuration variables for the DECwindows display server. However, there are items that the command procedures cannot determine, so they make the following assumptions:

  • The startup procedures normally assume that you have a 75 dots/inch monitor (such as a VR260 or VR290). However, if you are installing on a VAXstation 4000, the startup procedures assume that you have a 100 dots/inch monitor.
  • If you have a GPX, SPX, or LCG workstation, the startup procedures assume that you have a color monitor.
  • The startup procedures normally assume that you have a North American keyboard layout (you have an LK201--AA or an LK201--LA keyboard). If you are installing on a VAXstation 4000, the startup procedures assume that you have an LK401--AA keyboard.
  • The startup procedures assume that the server will use only DECnet software and local transports.

9.1.2 How to Override Incorrect Assumptions

If any of these assumptions is incorrect, you must override them as follows:

  1. Make a copy of the file SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.TEMPLATE and rename it to a .COM file type. The comments in this file show how to customize individual workstations by adding a section of DCL commands for each workstation. You can also add DCL commands to the common section of the server startup file. By doing this, you ensure that the customizations you make affect all workstations that use the server startup file.
  2. If your screen supports 100 dots/inch, add the following line:

    $ DECW$SERVER_DENSITY == "100"

    Add this line to the section for each workstation that has a 100 dots/inch monitor, or add it to the common section for all workstations (if all the workstations have 100 dots/inch monitors).
  3. If you have upgraded to a VAXstation 4000 but still have a 75 dots/inch monitor, add the following line:

  4. The section for any workstation with color graphics and a monochrome screen should contain the following lines:

  5. To override the default keyboard layout, determine the correct name from the model number of your LK201 keyboard, as follows:
    1. Turn the keyboard upside down, and look for a label that specifies the model number. The model number should be in a format similar to LK201-xx.
      If the model number is listed as LK201 without any additional characters, the information you need is on another part of the label. Look for a number that has the following format:

    2. Use the xx part of this number to choose a keymap name from Table 9-1. The table is arranged based on the dialect that each keyboard is designed for. Choose the keymap ending in _DP for the data processing keyboard layout, or the keymap ending in _TW for the typewriter layout.

      Table 9-1 DECwindows Keymap
      Dialect Model DECwindows Keymap Name
      Austrian/German LK201-(AG,LG,BG,MG) AUSTRIAN_GERMAN_LK201LG_DP
      Belgian/French LK201-(AP,LP,BP,MP) BELGIAN_FRENCH_LK201LP_DP
      Belgian/French LK401-(AP) BELGIAN_FRENCH_LK401AP_DP
      British LK201-(AE,LE,BE,ME) BRITISH_LK201LE_DP
      British LK401-(AA,PA) BRITISH_LK401AA_DP
      Canadian/French LK201-(AC,LC,BC,MC) CANADIAN_FRENCH_LK201LC_DP
      Canadian/French LK401-(AC,LC,BC,MC) CANADIAN_FRENCH_LK401AC_DP
      Czech LK401-(BV) CZECH_LK401AV
      Danish LK201-(AD,LD,BD,MD) DANISH_LK201LD_DP
        LK201-(ED,RD,FD) DANISH_LK201RD_DP
      Danish LK401-(AD,LD,BD,MD) DANISH_LK401AD_DP
      Dutch LK201-(AH,LH,BH,MH) DUTCH_LK201LH_DP
        LK201-(NH,PH) DUTCH_LK201NH
        LK401-(NH,PH) DUTCH_LK401AH
      Finnish LK201-(AF,LF,BF,MF) FINNISH_LK201LF_DP
        LK201-(NX,PX) FINNISH_LK201NX_DP
      Finnish LK401-(AF,LF,BF,MF) FINNISH_LK401AF_DP
      Flemish LK201-(AB,LB,BB,MB) FLEMISH_LK201LB_DP
      Flemish LK401-(AB,LB,BB,MB) FLEMISH_LK401AB_DP
      Hungarian LK401-(BQ) HUNGARIAN_LK401_BQ
      Icelandic LK201-(AU,LU,BU,MU) ICELANDIC_LK201LU_DP
      Italian LK201-(AI,LI,BI,MI) ITALIAN_LK201LI_DP
      Italian LK401-(AI,LI,BI,MI) ITALIAN_LK401AI_DP
      North American LK201-(AA,LA,BA,MA) NORTH_AMERICAN_LK201LA
      North American LK401-(AA,LA,BA,MA) NORTH_AMERICAN_LK401AA
      Norwegian LK201-(AN,LN,BN,MN) NORWEGIAN_LK201LN_DP
      Norwegian LK401-(AN,LN,BN,MN) NORWEGIAN_LK401AN_DP
      Polish LK401-(BP) POLISH_LK401_BP
      Portuguese LK201-(AV,LV,BV,MV) PORTUGUESE_LK201LV
      Portuguese LK401-(AV,LV,BV,MV) PORTUGUESE_LK401AV
      Russian LK401-(BT) RUSSIAN_LK401_BT
      Slovakian LK401-(CZ) SLOVAK_LK401_CZ
      Spanish LK201-(AS,LS,BS,MS) SPANISH_LK201LS_DP
      Spanish LK401-(AS,LS,BS,MS) SPANISH_LK401AS_DP
      Swedish LK201-(AM,LM,BM,MM) SWEDISH_LK201LM_DP
        LK201-(NM,PM) SWEDISH_LK201NM_DP
      Swedish LK401-(AM,LM,BM,MM) SWEDISH_LK401AM_DP
      Swiss/French LK201-(AK,LK,BK,MK) SWISS_FRENCH_LK201LK_DP
      Swiss/French LK401-(AK,LK,BK,MK) SWISS_FRENCH_LK401AK_DP
      Swiss/German LK201-(AL,LL,BL,ML) SWISS_GERMAN_LK201LL_DP
      Swiss/German LK401-(AL,LL,BL,ML) SWISS_GERMAN_LK401AL_DP
      Combined US/UK LK201-(EE,RE,PE) UK_LK201RE
      Combined US/UK LK401-(EE,RE,PE) UK_LK401AA
    3. After you choose a keymap name, modify the server startup file. For example, to change the keyboard layout to a Dutch typewriter layout, add the following line to the server startup file:


      Add a line similar to this for each workstation that does not have a North American keyboard layout, or add it to the common section for all workstations (if all the workstations use the same keyboard layout).
  6. To add support for the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) transport using the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS product, add the following line:


    Add this line to the section for each workstation that will be using TCP/IP, or add it to the common section for all workstations.
    To include support for other transports, add the last part of the transport image name to the list of transports. For example, suppose you want to add support for a customer-written transport that has the following image name:
    You would add the following line:

  7. Reboot the workstations for which you customized the server startup.
  8. Customize security as described in the Using DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS manual.

After you start the server, a per-server logical name table is created on your system but is not added to the default logical name table search lists.

9.2 Using Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS

DECwindows contains support for the TCP/IP transport. This support requires Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS, a Compaq layered product. Before you can use the DECwindows TCP/IP transport interface, you must install Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS.


Other vendors' implementation of TCP/IP transports use different call interfaces. For this reason, DECwindows support for TCP/IP is compatible only with Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS.

You can conserve memory and process slots by configuring Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS software for the minimum DECwindows requirement to support the X protocol. DECwindows only requires that INET_ACP be running. DECwindows does not require that the NFS server, the FTPD server, or the remote terminal servers be running.

For more information about TCP/IP concepts, refer to the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS documentation. For information about how to configure the TCP/IP software, refer to the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Installation and Configuration manual.

Documentation for Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS is included on the OpenVMS Online Documentation CD-ROM. Hardcopy documentation must be purchased separately.

9.3 Using Other Transports with DECwindows

DECwindows supports DECnet--Plus, local, and TCP/IP transports. However, you can use other transports, such as new transports for layered products and transports from third-party vendors, with DECwindows by writing a DECwindows transport interface layer.

9.3.1 Writing a Transport Interface

For information about writing a transport interface, refer to the VMS DECwindows Transport Manual.

The transport interface image's file name must have the following format where name is the unique transport name:

DECW$TRANSPORT_name (for transports supplied by Compaq)
DECW_TRANSPORT_name (for customer-written transports)

9.3.2 Installing the Transport Interface Image

Install the image as a protected image in the SYS$SHARE directory (as defined by an executive mode logical name). Compaq recommends that you install the image by adding the following line to SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM:


You can also include this command in a startup file that SYSTARTUP_VMS calls.

To use this transport with the DECwindows server, customize the server startup as described in Section 9.1.

9.4 Using the Example Transport

DECwindows has an example transport interface based on the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS layered product. It is similar to the DECwindows TCP/IP transport interface, except it includes its own source files and it uses a different port number (5000). You can run the example transport interface simultaneously with the TCP/IP transport interface.

If you have installed Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS software, you can install and use the example transport by doing the following:

  1. Copy the example transport to the SYS$SHARE directory as follows:

  2. Add the following line to SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM:

  3. Customize the private server startup as described in Section 9.1 for TCP/IP, except use the transport name "EXAMPLE". For example, you might add the following line:

  4. Reboot the workstation, or restart DECwindows.
  5. Customize TCP/IP security as described in the Using DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS manual, but use the transport name "EXAMPLE" instead of "TCPIP".
  6. Create a DECterm window on the workstation and enter the following command:


    Substitute the node name of your workstation for your_node.
    Remember that the same transport must be running on both the client and server. It is not necessary, however, for the client and the server to be on the same system.
  7. Run any DECwindows application from the DECterm window. It now uses the example transport to display graphics on your workstation screen. For example, enter the following command to run the clock:


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