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HP OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual

Previous Contents Index Inner Mode (Executive and Kernel) AST Delivery

Before kernel threads, OpenVMS implemented AST preemptions in inner modes as follows:

  • An executive mode AST can preempt non-AST executive mode processing.
  • A kernel mode AST can preempt non-AST kernel mode processing, or any executive mode processing.
  • A special kernel mode AST can preempt a normal kernel mode AST, non-AST kernel mode, or any executive mode.
  • No ASTs can be delivered when interrupt priority level (IPL) is raised to 2 or above. Special kernel mode ASTs execute entirely at IPL 2 or above, which is what prevents other kernel mode ASTs from executing while the special kernel mode AST is active.

After kernel threads, in contrast to the preceeding list, kernel threads deliver any non thread-safe inner mode ASTs to the kernel thread that already owns the semaphore. If no thread currently owns the semaphore when the AST is queued, then the semaphore is acquired in SCH$QAST, and the owner is set to the target kernel thread for that AST. Subsequently queued ASTs see that thread as the semaphore owner and are delivered to that thread. This allows the PALcode and the hardware architecture to process all the AST preemption and ordering rules.

8.8 ASTs and Process Wait States

A process in a wait state can be interrupted for the delivery of an AST and the execution of an AST service routine. When the AST service routine completes execution, the process is returned to the wait state, if the condition that caused the wait is still in effect.

With the exception of suspended waits (SUSP) and suspended outswapped waits (SUSPO), any wait states can be interrupted.

8.8.1 Event Flag Waits

If a process is waiting for an event flag and is interrupted by an AST, the wait state is restored following execution of the AST service routine. If the flag is set at completion of the AST service routine (for example, by completion of an I/O operation), then the process continues execution when the AST service routine completes.

Event flags are described in Section 6.8 of Chapter 6.

8.8.2 Hibernation

A process can place itself in a wait state with the Hibernate (SYS$HIBER) system service. This state can be interrupted for the delivery of an AST. When the AST service routine completes execution, the process continues hibernation. The process can, however, "wake" itself in the AST service routine or be awakened either by another process or as the result of a timer-scheduled wakeup request. Then, it continues execution when the AST service routine completes.

Process suspension is another form of wait; however, a suspended process cannot be interrupted by an AST. Process hibernation and suspension are described in Chapter 4.

8.8.3 Resource Waits and Page Faults

When a process is executing an image, the system can place the process in a wait state until a required resource becomes available, or until a page in its virtual address space is paged into memory. These waits, which are generally transparent to the process, can also be interrupted for the delivery of an AST.

8.9 Examples of Using AST Services

The following is an example of an HP Fortran program that finds the process identification (PID) number of any user working on a particular disk and delivers an AST to a local routine that notifies the user that the disk is coming down:

 ! Implicit none
 ! Status variable
 2            CODE
 2            RETLENADR
 2               JPILIST(2)
 ! Information for GETDVI call
 2       PID_LEN
 ! Information for GETJPI call
 2        JPI$_TERMINAL
 ! AST routine and flag

 2       SYS$GETJPI,
 2       SYS$WAITFR

 ! Set up for SYS$GETDVI
 ! Find PID number of process using SYS$DRIVE0
 2                     ,
 2                     '_MTA0:',       ! device
 2                     DVILIST,        ! item list
 2                     ,,,)
 ! Get terminal name and fire AST
 2                    PID_BUF,         !process id
 2                    ,
 2                    JPILIST,         !itemlist
 2                    ,
 2                    NOTIFY_USER,     !AST
 2                    TERM_NAME)       !AST arg

 ! Ensure that AST was executed

 ! AST routine that broadcasts a message to TERMINAL
 ! Dummy argument
 ! Status variable
 2             'SYS$TAPE going down in 10 minutes')
 ! Flag to indicate AST executed

 ! Declare system routines
 2        SYS$SETEF
 2        SYS$SETEF,
 2        LIB$SIGNAL
 ! Add underscore to device name
 TERMINAL(1:1) = '_'

 ! Send message
 2                   TERMINAL(1:LENGTH+1))
 ! Set event flag

The following is an example of a C program setting up an AST:

#module SETAST "SRH X1.0-000"
#pragma builtins
**  Facility:
** Examples
**  Version: V1.0
**  Abstract:
** Example of working with the $SETAST call and ASTs.
**  Author:
** Steve Hoffman
**  Creation Date:  1-Jan-1990
**  Modification History:
 *  AST and $SETAST demo
 *  raise the AST shields
 *  request an AST, parameter is 1
 *  request an AST, parameter is 2
 *  lower the shields
 *  <bing1><bing2>
    int retstat = 0;
    int bogus();
    int SYS$SETAST();
    int SYS$DCLAST();

     * $SETAST() returns SS$_WASSET and SS$_WASCLR depending
     * on the previous setting of the AST shield.  Watch out,
     * SS$_WASSET looks like a SUCCESSFUL SS$_ACCVIO.  (ie:
     * a debug EXAMINE/COND shows SS$_WASSET as the error
     * %SYSTEM-S-ACCVIO.  *Real* ACCVIO's never have the "-S-"
     *  code!)
    retstat = SYS$SETAST( 0 );
    printf("\n  disable/ was: %d\n", retstat );

    retstat = SYS$DCLAST( bogus, 1, 0 );
    retstat = SYS$DCLAST( bogus, 2, 0 );
    printf("\ndclast %x\n", retstat );

    printf("\nenabling\n" );
    retstat = SYS$SETAST( 1 );

     *  and, since we just lowered the shields, the ASTs should hit
     *  in here somewhere....
    printf("\n  enable/ was: %d\n", retstat );

    return( 1 );

 *  and, here's the entire, sophisticated, twisted AST code...
bogus( astprm )
int astprm;
    printf("\nAST tripped.  ast parameter was 0x%x\n\n", astprm);
    return( 1 );

Chapter 9
Condition-Handling Routines and Services

This chapter describes the OpenVMS Condition Handling facility and contains the following sections:

Section 9.1 gives an overview of run-time errors.

Section 9.2 gives an overview of the OpenVMS Condition Handling facility, presenting condition-handling terminology and functionality.

Section 9.3 describes VAX, Alpha, and I64 system exceptions, arithmetic exceptions, and unaligned access traps on Alpha and I64 systems.

Section 9.4 describes how run-time library routines handle exceptions.

Section 9.5 describes the condition value field and the testing and modifying of values.

Section 9.6 describes the exception dispatcher.

Section 9.7 describes the argument list that is passed to a condition handler.

Section 9.8 describes signaling.

Section 9.9 describes types of condition handlers.

Section 9.10 describes types of actions performed by condition handlers.

Section 9.11 describes messages and how to use them.

Section 9.12 describes how to write a condition handler.

Section 9.13 describes how to debug a condition handler.

Section 9.14 describes several run-time library routines that can be established as condition handlers.

Section 9.15 describes how to establish, write, and debug an exit handler.

9.1 Overview of Run-Time Errors

Run-time errors are hardware- or software-detected events, usually errors, that alter normal program execution. Examples of run-time errors are as follows:

  • System errors---for example, specifying an invalid argument to a system-defined procedure
  • Language-specific errors---for example, in Fortran, a data type conversion error during an I/O operation
  • Application-specific errors---for example, attempting to use invalid data

When an error occurs, the operating system either returns a condition code or value identifying the error to your program or signals the condition code. If the operating system signals the condition code, an error message is displayed and program execution continues or terminates, depending on the severity of the error. See Section 9.5 for details about condition values.

When unexpected errors occur, your program should display a message identifying the error and then either continue or stop, depending on the severity of the error. If you know that certain run-time errors might occur, you should provide special actions in your program to handle those errors.

Both an error message and its associated condition code identify an error by the name of the facility that generated it and an abbreviation of the message text. Therefore, if your program displays an error message, you can identify the condition code that was signaled. For example, if your program displays the following error message, you know that the condition code SS$_NOPRIV was signaled:

%SYSTEM-F-NOPRIV, no privilege for attempted operation

9.2 Overview of the OpenVMS Condition Handling Facility

The operating system provides a set of signaling and condition-handling routines and related system services to handle exception conditions. This set of services is called the OpenVMS Condition Handling facility (CHF). The OpenVMS Condition Handling Facility is a part of the common run-time environment of OpenVMS, which includes run-time library (RTL) routines and other components of the operating system.

The OpenVMS Condition Handling facility provides a single, unified method to enable condition handlers, signal conditions, print error messages, change the error behavior from the system default, and enable or disable detection of certain hardware errors. The RTL and all layered products of the operating system use the CHF for condition handling.

See the HP OpenVMS Calling Standard for a detailed description of OpenVMS condition handling.

9.2.1 Condition-Handling Terminology

This section defines the terms used to describe condition handling.


An event detected by the hardware or software that changes the normal flow of instruction execution. An exception is a synchronous event caused by the execution of an instruction and often means something generated by hardware. When an exception occurs, the processor transfers control by forcing a change in the flow of control from that explicitly indicated in the currently executing process.

Some exceptions are relevant primarily to the current process and normally invoke software in the context of the current process. An integer overflow exception detected by the hardware is an example of an event that is reported to the process. Other exceptions, such as page faults, are handled by the operating system and are transparent to the user.

An exception may also be signaled by a routine (software signaling) by calling the RTL routines LIB$SIGNAL or LIB$STOP.


An informational state that exists when an exception occurs. Condition is a more general term than exception; a condition implies either a hardware exception or a software-raised condition. Often, the term condition is preferred because the term exception implies an error. Section 9.3.1 further defines the differences between exceptions and conditions.

condition handling

When a condition is detected during the execution of a routine, a signal can be raised by the routine. The routine is then permitted to respond to the condition. The routine's response is called handling the condition.

On VAX systems, an address of 0 in the first longword of a procedure call frame or in an exception vector indicates that a condition handler does not exist for that call frame or vector.

On Alpha systems, the handler valid flag bit in the procedure descriptor is cleared to indicate that a condition handler does not exist.

On I64 systems, the handler present flag bit in the frame flags field of the invocation context block indicates the presence of a condition handler.

The condition handlers are themselves routines; they have their own call frames. Because they are routines, condition handlers can have condition handlers of their own. This allows condition handlers to field exceptions that might occur within themselves in a modular fashion.

On VAX systems, a routine can enable a condition handler by placing the address of the condition handler in the first longword of its stack frame.

On Alpha and I64 systems, the association of a handler with a procedure is static and must be specified at the time a procedure is compiled (or assembled). Some languages that lack their own exception-handling syntax, however, may support emulation of dynamic specified handlers by means of built-in routines.

If you determine that a program needs to be informed of particular exceptions so it can take corrective action, you can write and specify a condition handler. This condition handler, which receives control when any exception occurs, can test for specific exceptions.

If an exception occurs and you have not specified a condition handler, the default condition handler established by the operating system is given control. If the exception is a fatal error, the default condition handler issues a descriptive message and causes the image that incurred the exception to exit.

To declare or enable a condition handler, use the following system services:

  • Set Exception Vector (SYS$SETEXV)
  • Unwind from Condition Handler Frame (SYS$UNWIND)
  • Declare Change Mode or Compatibility Mode Handler (SYS$DCLCMH)

Parallel mechanisms exist for uniform dispatching of hardware and software exception conditions. Exceptions that are detected and signaled by hardware transfer control to an exception service routine in the executive. Software-detected exception conditions are generated by calling the run-time library routines LIB$SIGNAL or LIB$STOP. Hardware- and software-detected exceptions eventually execute the same exception dispatching code. Therefore, a condition handler may handle an exception condition generated by hardware or by software identically.

The Set Exception Vector (SYS$SETEXV) system service allows you to specify addresses for a primary exception handler, a secondary exception handler, and a last-chance exception handler. You can specify handlers for each access mode. The primary exception vector is reserved for the debugger. In general, you should avoid using these vectored handlers unless absolutely necessary. If you use a vectored handler, it must be prepared for all exceptions occurring in that access mode.

9.2.2 Functions of the Condition Handling Facility

The OpenVMS Condition Handling facility and the related run-time library routines and system services perform the following functions:

  • Establish and call condition-handler routines
    You can establish condition handlers to receive control in the event of an exception in one of the following ways:
    • On VAX systems, by specifying the address of a condition handler in the first longword of a procedure call frame.
      On Alpha and I64 systems, the method for establishing a dynamic (that is, nonvectored) condition handler is specified by the language.
    • By establishing exception handlers with the Set Exception Vector (SYS$SETEXV) system service.

    The first of these methods is the preferred way to specify a condition handler for a particular image. The use of dynamic handlers is also the most efficient way in terms of declaration. You should use vectored handlers for special purposes, such as writing debuggers.
    The VAX MACRO programmer can use the following single-move address instruction to place the address of the condition handler in the longword pointed to by the current frame pointer (FP):


    You can associate a condition handler for the currently executing routine by specifying an address pointing to the handler, either in the routine's stack frame on VAX systems or in one of the exception vectors. (The Macro-32 compilers for OpenVMS Alpha and I64 systems generate the appropriate code from this VAX instruction to establish a dynamic condition handler.)
    On VAX systems, the high-level language programmer can call the common run-time library routine LIB$ESTABLISH (see the HP OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual), using the name of the handler as an argument. LIB$ESTABLISH returns as a function value either the address of the former handler established for the routine or 0 if no handler existed.
    On VAX systems, the new condition handler remains in effect for your routine until you call LIB$REVERT or control returns to the caller of the caller of LIB$ESTABLISH. Once this happens, you must call LIB$ESTABLISH again if the same (or a new) condition handler is to be associated with the caller of LIB$ESTABLISH.
    On VAX systems, some languages provide access to condition handling as part of the language. You can use the ON ERROR GOTO statement in BASIC and the ON statement in PL/I to define condition handlers. If you are using a language that does provide access to condition handling, use its language mechanism rather than LIB$ESTABLISH. Each procedure can declare a condition handler.
    When the routine signals an exception, the OpenVMS Condition Handling facility calls the condition handler associated with the routine. See Section 9.8 for more information about exception vectors. Figure 9-5 shows a sample stack scan for a condition handler.
    The following HP Fortran program segment establishes the condition handler ERRLOG. Because the condition handler is used as an actual argument, it must be declared in an EXTERNAL statement.


    LIB$ESTABLISH returns the address of the previous handler as its function value. If only part of a program unit requires a special condition handler, you can reestablish the original handler by invoking LIB$ESTABLISH and specifying the saved handler address as follows:


    The run-time library provides several condition handlers and routines that a condition handler can call. These routines take care of several common exception conditions. Section 9.14 describes these routines.
    On Alpha and I64 systems, LIB$ESTABLISH and LIB$REVERT are not supported, though a high-level language may support them for compatibility. (Table 9-5 lists other run-time library routines supported and not supported on Alpha systems.)
  • On VAX systems, remove an established condition-handler routine
    On VAX systems using LIB$REVERT, you can remove a condition handler from a routine's stack frame by setting the frame's handler address to 0. If your high-level language provides condition-handling statements, you should use them rather than LIB$REVERT.
  • On VAX systems, enable or disable the detection of arithmetic hardware exceptions
    On VAX systems, using run-time library routines, you can enable or disable the signaling of floating point underflow, integer overflow, and decimal overflow, which are detected by the VAX hardware.
  • On I64 systems, allows access to the Floating Point Status Register, which contains dynamic control and status information for floating-point operations.
    On I64 systems, the services SYS$IEEE_SET_FP_CONTROL, SYS$IEEE_SET_ROUNDING_MODE, and SYS$IEEE_SET_PRECISION_MODE provide the supported mechanisms to access and modify the Floating Point Status Register, and to modify the floating point rounding and precision modes respectively. Volume 1 of the Intel® Itanium® Architecture Software Developer's Manual contains a thorough description of the Floating Point Status Register.
  • Signal a condition
    When the hardware detects an exception, such as an integer overflow, a signal is raised at that instruction. A routine may also raise a signal by calling LIB$SIGNAL or LIB$STOP. Signals raised by LIB$SIGNAL allow the condition handler either to terminate or to resume the normal flow of the routine. Signals raised by LIB$STOP require termination of the operation that raises the condition. The condition handler will not be allowed to continue from the point of call to LIB$STOP.
  • Display an informational message
    The system establishes default condition handlers before it calls the main program. Because these default condition handlers provide access to the system's standard error messages, the standard method for displaying a message is by signaling the severity of the condition: informational, warning, or error. See Section 9.5 for the definition of the severity field of a condition vector. The system default condition handlers resume execution of the instruction after displaying the messages associated with the signal. If the condition value indicates a severe condition, then the image exits after the message is displayed.
  • Display a stack traceback on errors
    The default operations of the LINK and RUN commands provide a system-supplied handler (the traceback handler) to print a symbolic stack traceback. The traceback shows the state of the routine stack at the point where the condition occurred. The traceback information is displayed along with the messages associated with the signaled condition.
  • Compile customer-defined messages
    The Message utility allows you to define your own exception conditions and the associated messages. Message source files contain the condition values and their associated messages. See Section 9.11.3 for a complete description of how to define your own messages.
  • Unwind the stack
    A condition handler can cause a signal to be dismissed and the stack to be unwound to the establisher or caller of the establisher of the condition handler when it returns control to the OpenVMS Condition Handling facility (CHF). During the unwinding operation, the CHF scans the stack. If a condition handler is associated with a frame, the system calls that handler before removing the frame. Calling the condition handlers during the unwind allows a routine to perform cleanup operations specific to a particular application, such as recovering from noncontinuable errors or deallocating resources that were allocated by the routine (such as virtual memory, event flags, and so forth). See Section 9.12.3 for a description of the SYS$UNWIND system service.
  • Log error messages to a file
    The Put Message (SYS$PUTMSG) system service permits any user-written handler to include a message in a listing file. Such message logging can be separate from the default messages the user receives. See Section 9.11 for a detailed description of the SYS$PUTMSG system service.
  • On Alpha or I64 systems, perform a nonlocal GOTO unwind.
    A GOTO unwind operation is a transfer of control that leaves one procedure invocation and continues execution in a prior (currently active) procedure. This unified GOTO operation gives unterminated procedure invocations the opportunity to clean up in an orderly way.

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