HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual

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    vi (POSIX)
EDT editor
EFN 128 event flag
    EFN$C_ENF #1
    EFN$C_ENF #2
ef_cluster_name data type
ef_number data type
.END directive
ENQLM process limit
Enqueue process limit quota
Entry masks
Entry points
    CALL entry points #1
    CALL entry points #2
    RTL names
    common code
    common language
    open system
    production systems
EOF (end-of-file)
Equivalence names
    format convention
Error checking
Error recovery
Error returns
    returning condition value
    signaling condition value
Errors, signaling
Escape sequences, read
EV6 Alpha processor
EVE (Extensible Versatile Editor)
Event flag clusters
    specifying name for
Event flag service, example using
Event flag zero (0)
Event flags #1
Event flags #2
Event flags #3
    allocation of
    cluster #1
    cluster #2
    for interprocess communication
    local #1
    local #2
Event notification
Example heading, in routine documentation
Exception conditions #1
Exception conditions #2
Exception conditions #3
    returning condition value
    signaling #1
    signaling #2
    signaling #3
    signaling #4
    signaling #5
    floating-point underflow
    handling by run-time library
Execution context
Executive images
Executive mode
Executive stack
Exit handlers #1
Exit handlers #2
Exit handlers #3
    image #1
    image #2
exit_handler_block data type
Explanatory text
    in argument documentation
    in routine documentation
Explicit affinity
Extended address space #1
Extended address space #2
    physical address space
    virtual address space
Extended File Specifications
    long file names
    mixed-architecture support
    mixed-version support
Extended Math Library for OpenVMS
Extents, defining section #1
Extents, defining section #2
/EXTRACT qualifier
    LIBRARY command
FAB data type
FABs (file access blocks) #1
FABs (file access blocks) #2
.FACILITY directive
Facility identifiers
FAO argument, signaling
FAO parameter, specifying
Fast I/O
    buffer objects
Fast Path #1
Fast Path #2
File access blocks
    See FABs
File access, protection
File access strategies
File attributes
File terminators
    attributes #1
    attributes #2
    complete access
    discrete records access
    record-by-record access
    sequential and indexed access
file_protection data type
Fixed-size stack frames #1
Fixed-size stack frames #2
Flag words, bit mask
Floating-point numbers
    D_floating complex
    D_floating standard
    F_floating complex
    F_floating standard
    G_floating complex
    G_floating standard
    H_floating complex
    H_floating standard
    S_floating complex
    S_floating standard
    T_floating complex
    T_floating standard
    X_floating complex
    X_floating standard
Floating-point overflow
Floating-point register usage #1
Floating-point register usage #2
Floating-Point Registers and Execution Data Blocks
    See FREDs
Floating-point underflow
floating_point data type
Flow control
Forced exit
Foreign commands
Foreign devices
Foreign volumes #1
Foreign volumes #2
Format convention of equivalence names
Format convention of logical names
Format heading
    in routine documentation
    See also System routine documentation
    data type declarations
    HP Fortran 77 for OpenVMS VAX Systems
    HP Fortran for OpenVMS Alpha Systems
    implementation table
    zero offset
Frame markers
    for I64
FREDs (Floating-Point Registers and Execution Data Blocks)
Function code
Function codes
Function modifiers
    ACME$M_UCS2_4 #1
    ACME$M_UCS2_4 #2
    ACME$M_UCS2_4 #3
    types of
Function value returns
    for I64
function_code data type

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