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POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Developer's Guide

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  1. The PRODUCT statement identifies this as the OPENVMS F7.1 product suite for installation or upgrade on an OpenVMS Alpha system. The version type F indicates that this is a test version of the kit. The PLATFORM keyword indicates that the primary purpose of this product is to install other products.
    Note that VMS (the operating system product) is different from OPENVMS (the product suite).
  2. The UPGRADE statement specifies that if this kit is being used to upgrade the OpenVMS product then the previous version must be within the stated range of versions. However, if the OpenVMS product is not currently installed, then the UPGRADE statement is ignored.
  3. The SOFTWARE statement specifies that the operating system (OpenVMS F7.1) is a required component of the product suite that will be implicitly installed. Should the OpenVMS F7.1 product kit not be accessible, an error message is displayed and the installation terminated before any files from any products are copied to the system.
  4. The OPTION...END OPTION group conditionally executes statements within the group based on the user's response to a question. In this example, the OPTION statement displays text associated with the label DWMOTIF_KIT from the PTF:

        1 DWMOTIF_KIT
        =prompt DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha
              This  option  installs  HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha, which
              provides the X Window system graphical user interface.

    An affirmative response to the question causes the DWMOTIF V1.2-4 product to be installed (or upgraded if a version is already installed); otherwise, the SOFTWARE statement is ignored. Should the DWMOTIF V1.2-4 product kit not be accessible when the platform is installed, this option is marked as unselectable and skipped over.

3.5.4 The Partial Kit Type

Use a partial kit to upgrade a currently installed product, including replacing some of the product's files, providing new files, or removing files. The PDF for a partial kit must contain a PRODUCT statement with the PARTIAL keyword, an UPGRADE statement, and an END PRODUCT statement as shown in the following example:

product HP AXPVMS TEST_A V2.1 partial ;
    upgrade version required V2.0 ;
end product ;

A partial kit has the following characteristics:

  • It does not contain all of the material for the product. Therefore, it can be used only to upgrade a previously installed version of the product.
  • It can upgrade a full, operating system, or platform product. More than one partial kit can be applied to the same product.
  • The full product name (the producer-base-product string) must be the same as the product it upgrades.
  • After installation, the version of the product is changed to the one specified in the partial kit's PDF.
  • The product can be removed, in which case the managed objects provided by the product's full and partial kits are deleted.
  • The product can be configured or reconfigured.
  • Its PDF can contain OPTION and SOFTWARE statements.

Generally, a new version of a product is provided as a full kit instead of a partial kit because a full kit can be used for either an initial installation or for an upgrade of the product. A partial kit is limited to an upgrade path.

A partial kit, however, is usually much smaller in disk block size than its corresponding full kit. For a very large product, this reduction in size may significantly reduce the time it takes to distribute the kit over the network.

Example 3-5 shows a partial kit.

Example 3-5 PDF for a Partial Kit

product HP AXPVMS FORTRAN V7.2 partial ; (1)
    upgrade version required V7.1-1 ; (2)
    information RELEASE_NOTES phase after ;
    information STARTUP_TASK phase after ;
    file [SYSHLP]FORTRAN.RELEASE_NOTES release notes ;
    file [SYSEXE]FORT$MAIN.EXE generation 4 ; (3)
    file [SYSMSG]FORT$MSG.EXE generation 4 ;
    file [SYSMSG]FORT$MSG2.EXE generation 4 ;
    module [000000]DEC_FORTCLD.CLD type command
        generation 4 module FORTRAN ;(4)
end product ;
  1. The PRODUCT statement identifies this as a partial kit for the FORTRAN product that will upgrade FORTRAN to V7.2 on an OpenVMS Alpha system.
  2. The UPGRADE statement (required for a partial kit) specifies that FORTRAN V7.1-1 must be installed before installing this upgrade kit.
  3. The GENERATION keyword in this FILE statement is used to supply sequencing information to aid file conflict detection and resolution should a patch kit for this product or another product supply the same file name.
  4. The MODULE statement installs the command definition module FORTRAN from the file DEC_FORTCLD.CLD in the default command library [SYSLIB]DCLTABLES.EXE. The file DEC_FORTCLD.CLD is not left on the system because a FILE statement is not used to place it there. (In Example 3-7 a CLD file is put into DCLTABLES and a copy of the file is left on the target disk.)
    Note that if this partial kit is installed after the patch kit in Example 3-6, the module FORTRAN from this partial kit will supersede the module FORTRAN from the patch kit because it has the higher generation number.
    Conversely, if the patch kit is installed after this partial kit, the module will not be updated. Conflict detection between patch kits and between patch and partial kits for the same product is new for OpenVMS Version 7.2. Previously, conflict detection only occurred between full, platform, and operating system products.
  5. FORT$IVP.COM already exists on the system disk, provided earlier by the full version of FORTRAN V7.1-1.

3.5.5 The Patch Kit Type

Use a patch kit to apply a correction to a currently installed product. It can replace files, provide new files, or remove files. The PDF for a patch kit must contain a PRODUCT statement with the keyword PATCH, an APPLY TO statement, and an END PRODUCT statement as shown in the following example:

product HP AXPVMS TEST_A_ECO1 V1.0 patch ;
    apply to HP AXPVMS TEST_A version minimum A2.0 version maximum V2.0 ;
end product ;

A patch kit has the following characteristics:

  • It usually does not contain all of the material for the product. Therefore, it can be used only to modify a previously installed version of the product.
  • It can modify a full, operating system, or platform product. Also, it can modify a product that has been upgraded by a partial kit. More than one patch kit can be applied to the same product.
  • Its full product name (the producer-base-product string) must be different than the full product name of the product it updates. Further, its full product name must be unique among all products and patches installed on the system.
  • After installation, the version of the product that it modifies is not changed. Use the PRODUCT SHOW PRODUCT /FULL command to display all patch kits that have been installed on the system.
  • Because it is not a product, you cannot remove a patch kit individually using a PRODUCT REMOVE command. Patches to a product are automatically removed when the product is removed or upgraded. They can also be uninstalled using the PRODUCT UNDO PATCH command, but only if they were installed with the /SAVE_RECOVERY_DATA qualifier and the recovery data is intact.
  • The patch kit cannot be configured or reconfigured, but the product that it modifies can be configured or reconfigured.
  • Its PDF cannot contain OPTION or SOFTWARE statements.
  • Patch kits are intended for making small updates to a product. Since the installation of a patch kit does not change the version number of the product, you should distribute a new version of the product kit (full, operating system, or platform) or a partial kit to make large updates or functional enhancements.

Example 3-6 shows a patch kit.

Example 3-6 PDF for a Patch Kit

product HP AXPVMS FORTECO_03 V1.0 patch ; (1)
    apply to HP AXPVMS FORTRAN version required V7.1-1 ; (2)
    module [000000]FORTCLD.CLD type command generation 3 module FORTRAN ;(3)
end product ;

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