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POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Developer's Guide

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  1. The PRODUCT statement identifies this as V1.0 of a patch kit named FORTECO_03. The name of this kit must be unique among all products and patches applied to the system.
  2. The APPLY TO statement (required for a patch kit) specifies that this patch can be applied only to the installed product FORTRAN V7.1-1.
  3. The MODULE statement installs the FORTRAN CLD module in the default command library [SYSLIB]DCLTABLES.EXE. The file FORTCLD.CLD is not left on the system because a FILE statement is not used to place it there. (In Example 3-7 a CLD file is put into DCLTABLES and a copy of the file is left on the target disk.)

Example 3-7 shows a patch kit that modifies the operating system.

Example 3-7 PDF for a Patch Kit That Modifies the Operating System

product HP AXPVMS VMS61TO71U2_PCSI B1.0 patch ; (1)
    apply to HP AXPVMS VMS version minimum V6.1 version below A7.2 ; (2)

--  This patch kit provides the entire POLYCENTER Software Installation(3)
--  facility built from OpenVMS V7.2 sources that can be installed on OpenVMS
--  V6.1 through V7.1-n systems.  Installation of this patch extends the
--  capabilities of the DCL command PRODUCT, enhances the utility's user
--  interface, and corrects problems.  In addition, the availability of this
--  patch enables product developers to use new product description language
--  syntax introduced in OpenVMS V7.1 and V7.2 in their product kits for
--  deployment on older OpenVMS systems that have this patch installed.
--  Although this kit could have been packaged as a layered product, it was
--  more appropriate to package it as a patch to the operating system because
--  it replaces a facility that is bundled with OpenVMS.  Finally, the use
--  of generation numbers on files and library modules provides information
--  used during object conflict detection and resolution should other patches
--  for this facility be distributed in the future that update these objects.

    file [SYSEXE]PCSI$MAIN.EXE generation 50000000 ;
    file [SYSLIB]PCSI$SHR.EXE generation 50000000 ;
    file [SYSUPD]PCSI.CLD generation 50000000 ; (4)
    module [SYSUPD]PCSI.CLD type command generation 50000000 module PRODUCT ;
    module [SYSUPD]PRODUCT.HLP type help generation 50000000 module PRODUCT ;
    file [SYSUPD]PCSI$CREATE_RIGHTS_IDENTIFIER.COM generation 50000000 ;
    file [SYSUPD]PCSI$DELETE_RIGHTS_IDENTIFIER.COM generation 50000000 ;
    file [SYSUPD]PCSI$CREATE_ACCOUNT.COM generation 50000000 ;
    file [SYSUPD]PCSI$DELETE_ACCOUNT.COM generation 50000000 ;
    file [SYSUPD]PCSI$CREATE_NETWORK_OBJECT.COM generation 50000000 ;
    file [SYSUPD]PCSI$DELETE_NETWORK_OBJECT.COM generation 50000000 ;
    file [SYSUPD]PCSI$REGISTER_PRODUCT.COM generation 50000000 ;
    file [SYSUPD]PCSI$EXTRACT_TLB.COM generation 50000000 ;
    remove ;(5)
        file [SYSLIB]PCSI$MOTIFSHR.EXE ;  -- obsolete file as of VMS V7.2
    end remove ;
end product ;

  1. The PRODUCT statement identifies this as B1.0 (a field test version) of a patch kit named VMS61TO71U2_PCSI. The name of this kit must be unique among all products and patches applied to the system.
  2. The APPLY TO statement (required for a patch kit) specifies that this patch can be applied only to versions V6.1 through V7.1-2 of the VMS product.
  3. The double hyphen (-
  4. This FILE statement provides [SYSUPD]PCSI.CLD. The following MODULE statement installs the command definition module PRODUCT from this file in the default command library [SYSLIB]DCLTABLES.EXE. A FILE statement is not required to provide the file specified in the MODULE statement unless you want the file left on the system.
  5. This REMOVE...END REMOVE group deletes the obsolete file [SYSLIB]PCSI$MOTIFSHR.EXE.

3.5.6 The Mandatory Update Kit Type

Use a mandatory update kit to apply a correction to a currently installed product. It can replace files, provide new files, or remove files. The PDF for a mandatory update kit must contain a PRODUCT statement with the MANDATORY UPDATE keyword, an APPLY TO statement, and an END PRODUCT statement, as shown in the following example:

product HP AXPVMS TEST_A_ECO1 V1.0 mandatory update ;
    apply to HP AXPVMS TEST_A version minimum A2.0 version maximum V2.0 ;
end product ;

A mandatory update kit is functionally identical to a patch kit except for its kit type designation. It is used for corrections that must be applied to the product.

The characteristics of a mandatory update kit are the same as for a patch kit, as described in Section 3.5.5.

3.5.7 The Transition Kit Type

Use a transition kit to register in the product database a product that was not installed by the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility. For example, use a transition kit to register products installed by the VMSINSTAL utility. The PDF for a layered product transition kit must contain a PRODUCT statement with the TRANSITION keyword and an END PRODUCT statement as shown in the following example:

product HP AXPVMS FMS V2.4 transition ;
end product ;

To register an operating system product, the keyword OPERATING SYSTEM is added to the keyword TRANSITION as shown in the following example:

product HP VAXVMS VMS V7.2 transition operating system ;
end product ;

In contrast to OpenVMS Alpha, the OpenVMS VAX operating system is not installed by the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility. The OpenVMS VAX installation procedure uses the PRODUCT REGISTER PRODUCT VMS command to register the operating system in the product database.

The transition kit has the following characteristics:

  • It cannot be installed with a PRODUCT INSTALL command; instead, it is registered with a PRODUCT REGISTER PRODUCT command.
  • Optionally, it can reference managed objects such as files, directories, modules, and so forth. However, none of these objects is created or modified when the kit is registered, nor does the installation utility verify that any of these objects actually exist on the system.
  • Files specified in FILE statements do not need to be present when a transition kit is packaged because product material is not included in this type of kit.
  • The registered product can be removed with the PRODUCT REMOVE command. If the transition kit references any managed objects, these objects will be removed as if the transition kit had been a full kit.
  • The registered product cannot be configured or reconfigured.
  • The INFER statement can be used only in a PDF for a transition kit.

There are several benefits of registering a product:

  • The product name is displayed with the PRODUCT SHOW PRODUCT and PRODUCT SHOW HISTORY commands.
  • Other software products that require this product as a prerequisite can specify it in a SOFTWARE statement and have this software dependency satisfied.
  • If all of the managed objects for the product are specified in the transition kit, then the product can be completely removed with a PRODUCT REMOVE command.

Example 3-8 shows a transition PDF for the FMS product.

Example 3-8 PDF for a Transition Kit

product HP AXPVMS FMS V2.4 transition ; (1)
    infer version from [SYSLIB]FDVSHR.EXE ; (2)
    file [SYSLIB]FDVSHARE.OPT ; (3)
    module [SYSUPD]FDV.OBJ type object module FDV ; (4)
    module [SYSUPD]FDVMSG.OBJ type object module FDVMSG ;
    module [SYSUPD]FDVDAT.OBJ type object module FDVDAT ;
    module [SYSUPD]FDVERR.OBJ type object module FDVERR ;
    module [SYSUPD]FDVTIO.OBJ type object module FDVTIO ;
    module [SYSUPD]FDVXFR.OBJ type object module FDVXFR ;
    module [SYSUPD]HLL.OBJ type object module HLL ;
    module [SYSUPD]HLLDFN.OBJ type object module HLLDFN ;
end product ;

The following list describes the statements in this example:

  1. The TRANSITION keyword to the PRODUCT statement indicates that this is a transition PDF.
  2. The INFER VERSION statement tests the execution environment to determine whether the file FDVSHR.EXE is present. If it is, the utility infers the version that is installed.
  3. The FILE statement indicates that the [SYSLIB]FDVSHARE.OPT file is part of the FMS kit.
  4. The MODULE statements describe object modules in the default object library [SYSLIB]STARLET.OLB that are part of the FMS kit.

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