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POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Developer's Guide

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The LINK statement specifies a second directory entry for a file or directory.


LINK name FROM source ;



Indicates the file specification of the second directory entry.

FROM source

Indicates the file specification of an existing directory entry for the file or directory. The parameter string must be a single quoted or unquoted string. The referenced file or directory must be defined by a DIRECTORY or FILE statement in the same product description.


The LINK statement specifies a second directory entry for a file or directory. The managed object type of the file with the second directory entry is "link".

The scope and lifetime of the link managed object depend on whether it is contained in a scope group, as shown in Table 7-6.

Table 7-6 Link Managed Object Scope and Lifetime
Type of Scope Group Lifetime Scope
Product Product Product
Global Assembly Global
Bootstrap Operating Bootstrap
Processor Operating Processor

If the LINK statement is not contained in a SCOPE, END SCOPE pair or it is contained in a scope product group, the link managed object has product lifetime and product scope.

Managed object conflict is unrecoverable.





The statement in this example specifies that the file [SYSEXE]FMS.EXE is linked to the file [SYS$EXE]FMS.EXE. Both files, [SYS$EXE]FMS.EXE and [SYSEXE]FMS.EXE, have the same file ID.


directory [ABC] ;
directory [DEF] ;

link [DEF]ABC.DIR from [000000]ABC.DIR;

This example illustrates how to create a second directory entry [DEF.ABC] for a directory [ABC].


The LOADABLE IMAGE statement places an image into the system loadable images table, SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:VMS$SYSTEM_IMAGES.DATA, and also into SYS$UPDATE:VMS$SYSTEM_IMAGES.IDX for compatibility with the System Management utility (SYSMAN).


[ MESSAGE text ]



Indicates the file name of the system loadable image. The name you specify must be defined in the same product description and must have bootstrap scope and product or assembly lifetime.

PRODUCT product

Indicates the product mnemonic (as a single quoted or unquoted string of 1 to 8 characters) that uniquely identifies the loadable image. For user-written images, this should typically contain the string _LOCAL_.



Indicates that the system load the image during the INIT step of the booting process.


Indicates that the system load the image during the SYSINIT step of the booting process. This is the default.


Indicates the message you want displayed using the severity option. The message must be a single quoted or unquoted string. Case is significant. By default, the severity option displays the message "system image load failed."


Indicates that if an error occurs while the image is being loaded, the system displays the message and bugchecks; if no error occurs, processing continues.


Indicates that the system continue processing and not display a message regardless of whether an error occurs while the image is being loaded.


Indicates that if an error occurs while the image is being loaded, the system displays the message and continues; if no error occurs, the system continues and does not display the message. This is the default.


The LOADABLE IMAGE statement places an image into the system loadable images table, SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:VMS$SYSTEM_IMAGES.DATA, and also into SYS$UPDATE:VMS$SYSTEM_IMAGES.IDX for compatibility with the System Management utility (SYSMAN).

The LOADABLE IMAGE statement specifies a loadable image module managed object that has the following characteristics:

  • It must be unique within the global scope.
  • It has assembly lifetime and global scope.
  • It does not recover from managed object conflict.

The LOADABLE IMAGE statement also refers to a file managed object specified using the image parameter.

See Also FILE


loadable image DDIF$RMS_EXTENSION product _LOCAL_
    message "DDIF Extension not loaded"
    severity warning ;

The statement in this example places the user-written image DDIF$RMS_EXTENSION in the system loadable images table. If an error occurs while loading this image, the system displays the error message "DDIF Extension not loaded" and continues.


The LOGICAL NAME function tests whether the specified logical name is defined in the designated logical name table and optionally has an equivalence string with a particular value.

There is no corresponding LOGICAL NAME statement.

Function Syntax

< LOGICAL NAME name [ EQUALS value ] [ TABLE table_name ] >


NAME name

Indicates the logical name string.


EQUALS value

Specifies the value of the equivalence name string that must match the translation of the logical name to cause the function to evaluate as TRUE. If you do not use the EQUALS option to specify an equivalence name, the presence of the logical name in the specified or default logical name table is sufficient to make the function evaluate as TRUE.

TABLE table_name

Specifies the name of the logical name table to search. If you do not use the TABLE option to designate a logical name table, LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE becomes the default table to search.


The LOGICAL NAME function tests whether the specified logical name is defined in the designated logical name table and optionally has an equivalence string with a particular value.

The function evaluates as TRUE if the logical name is defined in the designated logical name table (or the system logical name table by default) and, if a value for the logical name is specified, the translation of the logical name provides an equivalence string that matches that value. Otherwise, the function evaluates as FALSE. Note that only one logical name table is searched.

The LOGICAL NAME function is evaluated immediately after processing all EXECUTE PRECONFIGURE statements that may be present in the PDF. This has the following implications:

  • For the logical name function to evaluate as TRUE, it must be defined in one of the following ways:
    1. By the user before the PRODUCT command is invoked
    2. BY the action of a command procedure run by the processing of an EXECUTE PRECONFIGURE statement.

    A logical name defined during the processing of any other type of EXECUTE statement will not be used in the evaluation of a logical name function.
  • A logical name function cannot be used to conditionalize the execution of an EXECUTE PRECONFIGURE statement. If an EXECUTE PRECONFIGURE statement is enclosed in an IF group that tests for a logical name, the EXECUTE PRECONFIGURE statement will always be executed.

The primary purpose of the logical name function is to provide a mechanism for the product developer to conditionalize the execution of PDL statements based on the definition of a logical name that can be established dynamically after the user selects a product kit, but before the configuration phase begins. By using an EXECUTE PRECONFIGURE command procedure, you can probe the system environment or interact with the user to gather information to define a logical name as appropriate. This allows you to affect the processing of PDL statements within an IF group during the execution phase of an installation, configuration, or reconfiguration operation.



execute preconfigure "@PCSI$SOURCE:[SYSUPD]EXEC_PREC.COM"
             uses [SYSUPD]EXEC_PREC.COM interactive ;
if ( < logical name YOUR_ANSWER equals MENU_ITEM_1 > ) ;
             file [SYSEXE]FILE1.EXE ;
else if ( < logical name YOUR_ANSWER equals MENU_ITEM_2 > ) ;
             file [SYSEXE]FILE2.EXE ;
else if ( < logical name YOUR_ANSWER equals MENU_ITEM_3 > ) ;
             file [SYSEXE]FILE3.EXE ;
end if ;


The utility limits your configuration options to accept only true or false values. This example illustrates how to program multiple choice questions.

The EXECUTE PRECONFIGURE statement runs commands from the EXEC_PREC.COM file in an interactive mode. The user is prompted to select one of three menu items. The answer is stored by the command procedure as an equivalence name to a logical name YOUR_ANSWER. The logical name is evaluated immediately after the EXECUTE PRECONFIGURE statement and the result is stored internally. During the execution phase, the LOGICAL NAME function is evaluated and, based on the result, the IF group installs the appropriate file.

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