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POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Developer's Guide

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The MODULE statement adds or replaces one or more modules in a command, help, macro, object, or text library file.


MODULE file TYPE type MODULE (module_name[,...])
[ [NO] GENERATION generation ]
[ LIBRARY library ]



Indicates the relative file specification of the file that contains the modules.

TYPE type

The library type. Table 7-7 lists the keywords you can specify with this parameter.

Table 7-7 Library Types for Module Statement
Keyword Library Type Default Library File
Command Command definition library [SYSLIB]DCLTABLES.EXE
Help Help library [SYSHLP]HELPLIB.HLB
Macro Macro library [SYSLIB]STARLET.MLB
Object Object library [SYSLIB]STARLET.OLB

MODULE module_name

The list of module names you are specifying.


[NO] GENERATION generation

Indicates that the file has an explicit generation number. Specify the number as an unsigned integer in the range of 0 through 4294967295. See the Description section for the meaning of this value. By default, the file does not have an explicit generation number (no generation), which is equivalent to 0.


Indicates whether the global symbol names of the modules you are inserting into an object library are included in the global symbol table. You can use this option with object libraries only. By default, the global symbols of the module are inserted into the global symbol table.

LIBRARY library

Indicates the relative file specification of the library. The file you specify must be a library of the type you specified with the TYPE parameter.


Indicates whether the input modules being inserted into the library are available for selective searches by the linker (by default, they are not). You cannot use this option with the command and help libraries. For more information about selective searches, see the HP OpenVMS Linker Utility Manual.


The MODULE statement adds or replaces one or more modules in a command library file, or a single module in a help, macro, object, or text library file. The MODULE statement adds the module name to the product database. You do not need to use a REGISTER MODULE statement in addition to a MODULE statement to register the module name.

Use the MODULE parameter to specify the name of the module object. For a help, macro, object, or text library, the name specified with the MODULE parameter should be the same as the name of the module itself.

The module object has assembly lifetime, and its scope is the same as the library.

A module inserted into a command, help, object, text, or macro library can conflict with another module having the same name that is already resident in the library. Two types of module conflict can occur:

  • An interproduct module conflict occurs when two or more products provide a module with the same name.
  • An intraproduct module conflict occurs when two or more patch or partial kits for a product update the same module.

The utility resolves a module conflict by comparing the generation numbers of the modules involved.

A generation number is an optional attribute you supply on either the MODULE or REGISTER MODULE statement using the GENERATION option. A generation number can be any integer in the range of 0 to 4294967295. If you do not specify a generation number, its default value is 0.

Table 7-8 Resolving Module Conflict with Generation Numbers
If the generation numbers Then
Are different The module with the largest non-zero number is selected.
Are the same and are not zero The module from the kit replaces the previously installed module.
Are zero Unresolvable file conflict, an error is reported to the user. Note that for V6.1-V6.2 a module with an explicit generation number of 0 might be selected over a module with a default value of 0.

Generation information is not used for intraproduct conflict detection when a product is upgraded. In this case, all modules from the old version are deleted, and new modules from the kit are placed on the target disk. However, generation information is used during an upgrade for interproduct conflict detection when any modules from the product conflict with modules from another product.

See Also FILE



module [SYSUPD]CDD.CLD type COMMAND module CDD ;

The statement in this example creates the command module CDD in the default command library [SYSLIB]DCLTABLES.EXE using the file [SYSUPD]CDD.CLD.


module [SYSUPD]HELP.HLP type HELP module HELP ;

The statement in this example creates the help module in the default help library [SYSHLP]HELPLIB.HLB using the file [SYSUPD]HELP.HLP.


    library [SYSLIB]LIB.MLB module SPI$CONNECT ;

The statement in this example creates the macro module SPI$CONNECT in the macro library [SYSLIB]LIB.MLB using the file [SYSUPD]SPI$CONNECT.MAR.



The statement in this example creates the object module COBRTL in the default object library [SYSLIB]STARLET.OLB using the file [SYSUPD]COBRTL.OBJ.



The statement in this example creates the text module PROTOTYPE_BOOK in the text library [SYSLIB]LPS$FONT_METRICS.TLB using the file [SYSUPD]PROTOTYPE_BOOK.TXT.


The NETWORK OBJECT statement uses a command procedure to create a DECnet network object.


NETWORK OBJECT name WITH (parameters,...) ;



Indicates the name of the network object. The network object name is passed to the command procedure as P1.

WITH (parameters,...)

Indicates the list of parameters that are passed to the command procedure that creates the network object. Each parameter must be a single quoted string that specifies P2 through P5, in order. See the Description section for the meaning of the parameters.


The NETWORK OBJECT statement uses a command procedure (SYS$UPDATE:PCSI$CREATE_NETWORK_OBJECT.COM) to create network objects. The command procedure determines whether DECnet Phase IV or DECnet--Plus is running on the system. If Phase IV is being used, the command procedure runs the Network Control Program (NCP) utility to create the network object. Otherwise, it runs the Network Control Language (NCL) utility.

In the case of DECnet--Plus, the network object created during the product installation will exist only in memory. It is recommended that DECnet--Plus objects be supplied in the form of an NCL script with a FILE statement and activated with a product startup procedure.

The utility passes the following parameters to the command procedure:

  • P1 specifies the name of the network object (using the name parameter).
  • P2 specifies the object number (for DECnet Phase IV systems only).
  • P3 specifies the user name associated with the object. If you specify a user name, it must already exist.


    The password of the specified user account is changed when the network object is created by PCSI$CREATE_NETWORK_OBJECT.COM. The new password is system generated, and can be viewed with the NCP command SHOW OBJECT.
  • P4 specifies optional parameters to use with the NCP command DEFINE OBJECT for DECnet Phase IV objects.
  • P5 specifies optional parameters to use with the NCL command CREATE SESSION CONTROL APPLICATION for DECnet--Plus objects.

When you remove a product that created network objects, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility uses a command procedure (SYS$UPDATE:PCSI$DELETE_NETWORK_OBJECT.COM) to delete network objects associated with your product.

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