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POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Developer's Guide

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In a future version, the utility may create and delete these managed objects directly without the use of command procedures. If this is the case, these statements will continue to function, but the command procedures may not be maintained or shipped with future versions of the utility.

The NETWORK OBJECT statement specifies a network object managed object that has the following characteristics:

  • Its name is the value of the name parameter. The name must be unique with respect to all network object names in the processor scope.
  • It has operating lifetime and processor scope.
  • Managed object conflict is not recoverable.
See Also FILE



network object k$test with ("number 107", "user KRYPTON") ;


In this example, the NETWORK OBJECT statement creates a network DECnet Phase IV object named k$test. Its object number is 107 and it will execute as user KRYPTON .



    start "@sys$startup:product_startup.com"
    stop  "";


In this example, the first FILE statement supplies the DECnet--Plus NCL script file. This script can contain NCL directives that create a DECnet--Plus network object, that is, session control application. For example, the script file might contain the following NCL commands:

delete session control application k_test
create session control application k_test
set session control application k_test
The network object name is k_test .

The second FILE statement supplies a command procedure, which is executed as a result of processing the EXECUTE START statement during the product installation. The startup command procedure may contain the following DCL command that forces the NCL script file to be executed:


The startup command procedure can be placed later into the system startup procedure to execute each time the user's system is rebooted.


The OPTION statement conditionally processes a group of statements based on the user's response to a question. The OPTION and END OPTION statements form an OPTION group.

Statement Syntax


; [ PDL-statements ]



Function Syntax

< OPTION name [ DEFAULT value ] [ WITH HELPTEXT ] >



Indicates, as a quoted or unquoted string, the name of the associated PTF text module. This text module contains the text of a question that will be displayed to the user. The name you specify can be from 1 to 31 characters and must be unique among all text modules in the PDF; that is, two PDL statements cannot refer to the same text module.



Indicates the default value for the option. The value must be either 1 (true), 0 (false), yes, no, true, or false; the default is 1 (true).

If you specify an OPTION statement with the default value 0, and the OPTION group contains other OPTION statements, any defaults for the enclosed OPTION statements apply only when the top-level OPTION statement is selected.


Forces the display of the full help text module during the installation or configuration of the product. See Section 7.1 for usage constraints.


Any product description language statement or a group of statements described in this reference section can be used, except the PRODUCT and END PRODUCT statements.

Required Terminator




The OPTION statement conditionally processes a group of statements based on the user's response to a question. The user is prompted to choose options during the configuration phase of an operation. If the user accepts an option, the utility executes the statements contained in the OPTION group. If the user declines the option, the utility skips these statements.

You can nest OPTION groups. The user must process and select an OPTION group containing other OPTION statements before any inner OPTION statements are processed. That is, if the user declines an option, any OPTION groups contained within it are also treated as being declined.

When an option is processed, the utility displays the prompt text line from the specified module in the PTF and waits for a response. The response can be Yes, No, or Return to accept the default answer.

Default answers come from one of three places:

  • A product configuration file (PCF), if one is supplied with the /CONFIGURATION=INPUT=pcf-name qualifier on the command line of a PRODUCT INSTALL, PRODUCT CONFIGURE, or PRODUCT RECONFIGURE command.
  • The product database (PDB) for an upgrade of a previously installed product where the PDB contains the answers from the previous installation.
  • The product description file (PDF) from the product kit.

If an input PCF is used and it contains an answer for an option, that answer is the default. Depending on the entry in the PCF, the user may or may not be allowed to change the default value.

If no input PCF is supplied, or if the input PCF does not contain an answer for an option, the default answer is obtained from either the PDB or the PDF. If the PDB does not contain information about the product (for example, this is a new installation), or a product specific PDB entry exists but does not contain the option (a new option), then the default comes from the PDF. Default answers that come from either the PDB or PDF may be changed by the user.

In addition to the prompt text line, the utility displays help text (if present in the PTF), when the user specifies the /HELP qualifier on the command line, or the OPTION statement contains the WITH HELPTEXT option.

You must supply prompt text for the OPTION statement in the PTF using the =prompt directive. Help text is optional. If provided, it must immediately follow the prompt text line.

You cannot use the OPTION statement in a patch, mandatory update, partial, or transition PDF. It is valid only in a full, platform, or operating system PDF.


The user is prompted to choose options during the configuration phase of the operation. If the user selects an option, the OPTION function returns true. If the user declines the option, the OPTION function returns false.

See Also IF



option NET ;
    option NET_A default 0 ;
        file [SYSEXE]FAL.COM ;
        file [SYSEXE]FAL.EXE ;
    end option ;
    option NET_B ;
        file [SYSEXE]REMACP.EXE ;
        file [SYSMGR]RTTLOAD.COM ;
        file [SYS$LDR]CTDRIVER.EXE ;
        file [SYS$LDR]RTTDRIVER.EXE ;
    end option ;
end option ;

If the product description file contains the previous lines, the product text file contains the corresponding text:

=prompt network support
This option allows you to participate in a DECnet network.
=prompt incoming remote file access
This option allows file access from other nodes in a DECnet network.
=prompt incoming remote terminal access
This option allows users on other nodes in a DECnet network to log

The user must select option NET before NET_A or NET_B are available for selection. Therefore, NET is processed before NET_A or NET_B.


if (<option A>) ;
    file [SYSEXE]A.EXE ;
else ;
    file [SYSEXE]B.EXE ;
end if ;


The product text file contains the corresponding text:

1 A
=prompt the X capability
This feature provides the A capability, but you will not get the B

In this example, if the user selected the A option, the utility provides the file [SYSEXE]A.EXE. Otherwise, the utility provides the file [SYSEXE]B.EXE.

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