HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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Reference Manual

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Chapter 8
8 Source Text Manipulation
     8.1     Text-Word Definition Rules
         8.1.1         COPY
         8.1.2         REPLACE
Appendix A
Appendix A HP COBOL Reserved Words
Appendix B
Appendix B Character Sets
Appendix C
Appendix C File Status Values
Appendix D
Appendix D Report Writer Presentation Rules and Tables
     D.1     Organization
     D.2     LINE NUMBER Clause Notation
     D.3     LINE NUMBER Clause Sequence Substitutions
     D.4     Saved-Next-Group-Integer Description
     D.5     REPORT HEADING Group Presentation Rules
     D.6     PAGE HEADING Group Presentation Rules
     D.7     Body Group Presentation Rules
     D.8     PAGE FOOTING Group Presentation Rules
     D.9     REPORT FOOTING Group Presentation Rules
Appendix E
Appendix E RTL Routines for Accessing the RAB and FAB Structures (OpenVMS Alpha and I64 Only)
    Command 2     DCOB$RMS_CURRENT_FAB
    Command 3     DCOB$RMS_CURRENT_RAB
Glossary Glossary
5-1 Multiple Record Definition Structure
6-1 Subscripting Example
6-2 Indexing Example
6-3 Separately Compiled Program 1
6-4 Separately Compiled Program 2
6-5 Separately Compiled Program 3
6-6 Separately Compiled Program 1
6-7 Separately Compiled Program 2
6-8 Separately Compiled Program 3
6-9 Resolving References to Miscellaneous Names
8-1 COPY with No REPLACING Phrase
8-2 Replacing a Word with a Literal
8-3 Replacing a Word by a Literal and Pseudo-Text by Pseudo-Text
8-4 Matching a Nonnumeric Literal
8-5 Multiple-Line Pseudo-Text Replacement Item
8-6 Matching Pseudo-Text That Includes Separators
8-7 Command File That Creates Oracle CDD/Repository Directories and Objects in Figure 8-1 (OpenVMS)
8-8 Using a Logical Name in a COPY Statement (OpenVMS)
8-9 Using a Full Pathname in a COPY Statement (OpenVMS)
8-10 Command File That Creates Oracle CDD/Repository Directories and Objects in Figure 8-2 (OpenVMS)
1-1 Source Program Line
2-1 Structure of a COBOL Program
5-1 Hierarchical Record Structure
5-2 Level-Number Record Structure
5-3 Record Alignment Boundaries
5-4 Effect of Boundary and Location Equivalence Rules on Sample Record
5-5 Storage Allocation for Sample Record
5-6 Storage Allocation Without and With Boundary Equivalence
5-7 Format 3 Clause Combinations
5-8 Control Break Levels and Their Printed Report Groups
5-9 Logical Page Areas Resulting from a LINAGE Clause
5-10 PICTURE Symbol Precedence Rules
6-1 Possible Combinations of Status Keys 1 and 2
6-2 Valid and Invalid Nested PERFORM Statements
6-3 PERFORM ... VARYING with the TEST BEFORE Phrase and One Condition
6-4 PERFORM ... VARYING with the TEST BEFORE Phrase and Two Conditions
6-5 PERFORM ... VARYING with the TEST AFTER Phrase and One Condition
6-6 PERFORM ... VARYING with the TEST AFTER Phrase and Two Conditions
8-1 Hierarchical Repository Structure (OpenVMS)
8-2 Nonhierarchical Repository Structure (OpenVMS)
D-1 REPORT HEADING Group Presentation Rules
D-2 PAGE HEADING Group Presentation Rules Table
D-3 Body Group Presentation Rules
D-4 PAGE FOOTING Group Presentation Rules
D-5 REPORT FOOTING Group Presentation Rules

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