HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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Reference Manual

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1-1 The COBOL Character Set
1-2 COBOL User-Defined Words
1-3 Special Registers
1-4 Numeric Literals
1-5 Floating-Point Literals
1-6 Nonnumeric Literals
1-7 Hexadecimal Literals
1-8 Figurative Constants
1-9 Separators
4-1 CRT STATUS Termination Codes (Alpha, I64)
4-2 Required Manual Record-Locking Phrases (Hewlett-Packard Standard)
5-1 Maximum Physical Record Size for Tape and Disk Devices
5-2 Classes and Categories of Data Items
5-3 Comparison of Major-Minor and Left-Right Locations
5-4 Alpha Alignment and Padding
5-5 Color Table
5-6 Page Regions Established by the PAGE Clause
5-7 Summary of PICTURE Clause Rules
5-8 PICTURE Clause Symbols
5-9 Using Sign Control Symbols in Fixed Insertion Editing
5-10 Using Sign Control Symbols in Floating Insertion Editing
5-11 Positive and Negative Signs for All Numeric Digits
5-12 Unscaled Data Items, Allocated Storage, and Corresponding Data Types
5-13 Scaled Data Items, Allocated Storage, and Data Types
6-1 Types and Categories of COBOL Statements
6-2 Contents of COBOL Sentences
6-3 Relational Operators and Corresponding True Conditions
6-4 How Logical Operators Affect Evaluation of Conditions
6-5 Combinations of Conditions, Logical Operators, and Parentheses
6-6 Expanded Equivalents for Abbreviated Combined Relation Conditions
6-7 Relation of GIVING Phrase to RETURN-CODE Special Register (Alpha, I64)
6-8 Field Editing Keys for OpenVMS Systems
6-9 Field Editing Keys for Tru64 UNIX Systems
6-10 SCREEN SECTION Keys for OpenVMS Alpha and I64 Systems
6-11 SCREEN SECTION Keys for Tru64 UNIX Systems
6-12 Effects of CLOSE Statement Formats on Files by Category
6-13 Valid MOVE Statements
6-14 Opening Available and Unavailable Sequential, Line Sequential (Alpha, I64), Relative, and Indexed Files
6-15 Allowable Input-Output Statements for Sequential, Line Sequential (Alpha, I64), Relative, and Indexed Files
6-16 Opening Available and Unavailable Report Writer Files
6-17 Allowable Statements for Report Writer Files
6-18 Validity of Operand Combinations in Format 1 SET Statements
7-1 Intrinsic Functions
8-1 Oracle CDD/Repository Data Types and HP COBOL Equivalents (OpenVMS)
C-1 I-O File Status Values for the Default -std 85 Flag or /STANDARD =85 Qualifier Option
C-2 I-O File Status Values for the V3 and 85 Options

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