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HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS

Installation Guide

Order Number: AA--RT26C--TE

January 2005

This manual provides step-by-step instructions for installing the DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Version 1.5 software.

Revision/Update Information: This manual supersedes the HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Installation Guide for Version 1.3--1.

Operating Systems: OpenVMS I64 Version 8.2

OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.2

Software Versions: DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS I64 Version 1.5

DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.5

Hewlett-Packard Company Palo Alto, California

© Copyright 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

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The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.

Intel and Itanium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.

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The DECwindows Motif documentation set is available on CD-ROM.

This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version V3.2n.

Contents Index


Intended Audience

This manual is intended for anyone who plans to install the HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Version 1.5 (DECwindows Motif) software on the OpenVMS I64 or OpenVMS Alpha platform.

Document Structure

This manual contains the following chapters and appendixes:

  • Chapter 1 discusses how to prepare for installing DECwindows Motif software.
  • Chapter 2 discusses how to install DECwindows Motif using the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility.
  • Chapter 3 provides startup procedures. This chapter also includes a sample Installation Verification Procedure (IVP).
  • Chapter 4 discusses customizing the environment, and reporting errors.
  • Appendix A presents sample DECwindows Motif installation procedures using the POLYCENTER Software Installation (PCSI) utility.
  • Appendix B shows how to obtain a list of the DECwindows Motif software components as well as how to check the versions of images installed on the system.

Related Documents

In addition to this manual, the following documents are useful when installing the DECwindows Motif software:

  • HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS New Features
  • HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Release Notes
  • Getting Started With the New Desktop
  • HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Management Guide
  • HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual
  • HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual

For additional information about OpenVMS or DECwindows Motif products and services, visit the following web site:


Reader's Comments

HP welcomes your comments on this manual. Please send comments to either of the following addresses:

Internet openvmsdoc@hp.com
Mail Hewlett-Packard Company
OSSG Documentation Group, ZKO3-4/U08
110 Spit Brook Rd.
Nashua, NH 03062-2698

How To Order Additional Documentation

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The following product names may appear in this manual:

  • HP OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 for Integrity servers
  • OpenVMS I64
  • I64

All three names---the longer form and the two abbreviated forms---refer to the version of the OpenVMS operating system that runs on the Intel Itanium architecture.

All uses of DECwindows and DECwindows Motif refer to the HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS software; and all uses of X server and X display server refer to the HP DECwindows X11 Display Server. Additionally, all uses of DECwindows XUI (X User Interface) refer to the DECwindows product prior to DECwindows Motif Version 1.0.

The following typographic conventions may be used in this manual:

Ctrl/ x A sequence such as Ctrl/ x indicates that you must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key or a pointing device button.
[Return] In examples, a key name enclosed in a box indicates that you press a key on the keyboard. (In text, a key name is not enclosed in a box.)

In the HTML version of this document, this convention appears as brackets, rather than a box.

... Horizontal ellipsis points in examples indicate one of the following possibilities:
  • Additional optional arguments in a statement have been omitted.
  • The preceding item or items can be repeated one or more times.
  • Additional parameters, values, or other information can be entered.
Vertical ellipsis points indicate the omission of items from a code example or command format; the items are omitted because they are not important to the topic being discussed.
( ) In command format descriptions, parentheses indicate that you must enclose the choices in parentheses if you choose more than one.
[ ] In command format descriptions, brackets indicate optional elements. You can choose one, none, or all of the options. (Brackets are not optional, however, in the syntax of a directory name in an OpenVMS file specification or in the syntax of a substring specification in an assignment statement.)
| In command format descriptions, vertical bars separating items inside brackets indicate that you choose one, none, or more than one of the options.
{ } In command format descriptions, braces surround a required choice of options; you must choose one of the options listed.
text style This text style represents the introduction of a new term or the name of an argument, an attribute, or a reason.

In the HTML version of this document, this convention appears as italic text.

italic text Italic text indicates important information, complete titles of manuals, or variables. Variables include information that varies in system messages (Internal error number), in command lines (/PRODUCER= name), and in command parameters in text (where dd represents the predefined code for the device type).
UPPERCASE TEXT Uppercase text indicates a command, the name of a routine, the name of a file, or the abbreviation for a system privilege.
Monospace type Monospace type indicates code examples and interactive screen displays.

In the C programming language, monospace type in text identifies the following elements: keywords, the names of independently compiled external functions and files, syntax summaries, and references to variables or identifiers introduced in an example.

- A hyphen at the end of a command format description, command line, or code line indicates that the command or statement continues on the following line.
numbers All numbers in text are assumed to be decimal unless otherwise noted. Nondecimal radixes---binary, octal, or hexadecimal---are explicitly indicated.

Chapter 1
Preparing to Install the Software

This chapter describes the requirements for installing DECwindows Motif software using the POLYCENTER Software Installation (PCSI) utility.

Before you can install and configure DECwindows Motif software, you must have the required version of the OpenVMS operating system, sufficient memory, and a license. Also, if this is a system upgrade, you may need to take steps to preserve OSF/Motif Release 1.1.3 programming files or any customized Bookreader files.

This chapter includes the following topics:


HP strongly recommends that you read the release notes before proceeding with the installation. See Section 2.2 for instructions on how to access this information.

1.1 Hardware and Memory Requirements

DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Version 1.5 software can be installed on any processor supported by OpenVMS Version 8.2. For a complete list of supported hardware, see the OpenVMS and DECwindows Motif Software Product Descriptions (SPDs).

On OpenVMS Alpha systems, a minimum of 64 MB of memory is required; at least 128 MB of memory is highly recommended.

On OpenVMS I64 systems, the minimum amount of memory is dependent upon the specific Integrity Server platform. In general for DECwindows Motif, 512 MB of memory is recommended. Refer to the supported platform list in the OpenVMS SPD for more specific requirements.

1.2 Required Operating System Software

The DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Version 1.5 software requires that the OpenVMS Version 8.2 operating system be installed.

If your system is not running a supported version of OpenVMS before you attempt to install DECwindows Motif, the installation fails.

The OpenVMS operating system provides two subsets of components to support DECwindows Motif. To use DECwindows Motif software, your system must be running a version of the OpenVMS system that includes the following components, as described in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1 DECwindows Motif Support Options for OpenVMS
Option Description
DECwindows Motif network transport and base system support This component is required to install DECwindows Motif and to run DECwindows Motif applications. During the installation of OpenVMS, you are prompted to specify whether you want to install this option.

To determine whether this option was installed during the installation of OpenVMS, check for the existence of the following file:


See Section 4.2 for information on adding DECwindows base support files after OpenVMS has been installed.

DECwindows X11 Display Server, fonts, and device drivers This component is necessary to display DECwindows Motif applications or any other X Window applications on your system. During the installation of OpenVMS, you are prompted to specify whether you want to install this option.

To determine whether this option was installed during the installation of OpenVMS, check for the existence of the following file:


If the DECW$SERVER_MAIN.EXE file is not on your system, you cannot display DECwindows Motif or other X Window applications on your local system 1. The DECwindows Motif installation procedure asks whether you want to continue the installation without workstation support.

See Section 4.2 for information on adding DECwindows device support after OpenVMS has been installed.

1If this component is not installed locally, note that you can run DECwindows Motif applications and redirect their display to a remote system that does have the DECwindows X11 Display Server installed.

1.3 License Requirements

You must register and load your license for DECwindows Motif before you run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) and use the software.

To register a license using the License Management Facility (LMF), log into the system manager account (SYSTEM). Then choose one of the following options to register the license:

  • Invoke the SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM procedure. When the procedure prompts you for information, respond with data from your License PAK.
  • At the DCL prompt, enter the LICENSE REGISTER command with the appropriate qualifiers that correspond to License PAK information.

If you plan to use DECwindows Motif software on more than one node in a OpenVMS Cluster, load the license on the other nodes after you complete this installation.

If you are installing DECwindows Motif software as an update on a node or cluster already licensed for this software, you have already completed the License PAK registration requirements.

For complete information about using LMF, see the HP OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual.

The following sections describe additional platform-specific license requirements.

1.3.1 For OpenVMS Alpha Systems

Before you install and run DECwindows Motif software on a newly licensed node or cluster, you must first register a DW-MOTIF License PAK or another License PAK that includes support for the DECwindows Motif product (such as, NET-APP-SUP-150). The License PAK is provided along with the kit if you ordered the license and media together; otherwise, it is provided separately to a location based on your license order.

1.3.2 For OpenVMS I64 Systems

Before you install the DECwindows Motif software, you must have first registered a license for an OpenVMS I64 Operating Environment (OE) that includes the DECwindows Motif layered product. See the HP OpenVMS I64 and DECwindows Motif SPDs for a complete list of the OpenVMS I64 OEs that include the DECwindows Motif layered product.

1.4 Saving OSF/Motif Release 1.1.3 and XUI Programming Files

The X Window System and OSF/Motif libraries that are provided with DECwindows Motif software are incompatible with those libraries provided with versions of DECwindows Motif prior to Version 1.2. Run-time compatibility is preserved, but the earlier OSF/Motif Release 1.1.3 and XUI programming environments are not compatible with the later OSF/Motif Release 1.2 programming environment.

Programming support in the XUI and OSF/Motif Release 1.1.3 environments that was provided in previous versions of DECwindows Motif is no longer supported in the DECwindows Motif product. The DECwindows Motif Alpha installation procedure gives you the option of saving the XUI and OSF/Motif Release 1.1.3 programming files if they exist on your system. If you choose to save these programming files, they are moved to subdirectories where you can access them for future use. Specifically, the installation procedure creates a subdirectory called [.DECW$113] under each of the directories listed in Table 1-2. It then moves the Release 1.1.3 programming files into the newly created subdirectories.

Table 1-2 Directories for Previous XUI or OSF/Motif Programming Environments
Directory Contents New Location
SYS$LIBRARY Non-C language bindings SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSLIB.DECW$113]


For additional information about accessing and using the saved programming files, see the HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Release Notes.

1.5 Saving Customized Bookreader Files

The installation procedure replaces the Bookreader bookshelf settings file, SYS$SYSROOT:[DECW$BOOK]LIBRARY.DECW$BOOKSHELF, with the default version.

If you customized this file and want to save it, copy the file to another directory or rename the file prior to the installation of DECwindows Motif software so that it is not deleted.

To copy your customized file to another directory, create the directory and define a global symbol in the file DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP.COM.

To create a Bookreader directory called SYS$COMMON:[DECW$BOOK_LOCAL], perform the following steps:

  1. Create the directory and assign world read access as follows:

  2. Copy the LIBRARY.DECW$BOOKSHELF file to the new directory as follows:

  3. If the SYS$MANAGER directory does not contain the DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP.COM command file, copy the template file to a command file as follows:

  4. Edit the DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP.COM file and define the global symbol DECW$BOOK to point to your Bookreader directory by adding the following line to the file:

  5. Restart DECwindows Motif using the following command if you performed step 4 after installing the product and after DECwindows had been started (for example, after a reboot):


For more information about customizing your DECwindows Motif environment, see HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Management Guide.

1.6 Installation Procedure Requirements

This section discusses the requirements for installing the DECwindows Motif software using PCSI.

1.6.1 Process Account Quotas

Use the following table to determine the minimum quotas required by the installation procedure.

Table 1-3 Process Quotas for the Installation Account on OpenVMS I64 and OpenVMS Alpha Systems
Quota Name Value
BYTLM 64,000
ENQLM 2,000

Use the OpenVMS AUTHORIZE utility to verify and change process quotas for the installation account in the user authorization file (UAF). (Some sites may restrict the use of the AUTHORIZE utility to certain accounts or users.) For example, to change the BYTLM quota for the account-name installation account, enter the following commands:

UAF> SHOW account-name
UAF> MODIFY account-name /BYTLM = 64000
UAF> SHOW account-name

After you change the quotas for the installation account, log out of the installation account and log in again for the new quotas to take effect. You can then proceed with the installation.

User account quotas are stored in the file SYS$SYSTEM:SYSUAF.DAT. For more information about modifying account quotas, see the description of the AUTHORIZE utility in the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.

1.6.2 Disk Space

Use the table appropriate for your operating system to determine the amount of free disk space that is required on the system disk to install DECwindows Motif components. However, because you can choose not to install all the components, your actual disk space requirement may be less.

To determine the number of free blocks on the system disk, enter the following command at the DCL prompt:


The installation procedure checks for free disk space on the system disk. If sufficient space is not available, the installation procedure provides the following options:

  • Install fewer optional files.
  • Terminate the installation, create more free disk space on the system disk, and restart the installation.
  • Continue the installation and risk running out of disk space.


If you run out of free disk space during the installation, the installation procedure fails.

Table 1-4 Required Disk Space by Component for OpenVMS I64 Systems (in Blocks)
Component/Subcomponent Requirement Subtotals Totals
Installation overhead: 40,000 1 40,000 40,000
LBX support: 1,020 1,020 1,020
Client software:      
  Client base kit 114,970 114,970  
  Desktop support      
    New Desktop 63,510    
    DECwindows desktop 13,600    
    Manual pages for
New Desktop
    Desktop subtotal   79,920  
  Programming environment      
    C, C++ 8,970    
    FORTRAN 2,080    
    Pascal 3,060    
    New Desktop 150    
    Programming subtotal   14,260  
  Example programs      
    Sound examples 1,670    
    Programming examples 12,290    
    New Desktop examples 1,250    
    Examples subtotal   15,210  
  Client total     224,360
Total for all components:     265,380

1Includes excess disk space allocation (dependent on disk cluster size), PCSI overhead, and log files. The value shown is for the combined installation of LBX and the client software.

Table 1-5 Required Disk Space by Component for OpenVMS Alpha Systems (in Blocks)
Component/Subcomponent Requirement Subtotals Totals
Installation overhead: 40,000 1 40,000 40,000
LBX support: 450 450 450
Client software:      
  Client base kit 57,030 57,030  
  Desktop support      
    New Desktop 43,410    
    DECwindows desktop 7,870    
    Manual pages for
New Desktop
    Desktop subtotal   54,090  
  Programming environment      
    C, C++ 7,910    
    FORTRAN 2,080    
    Pascal 3,060    
    New Desktop 150    
    Programming subtotal   13,200  
  Example programs      
    Sound examples 1,550    
    Programming examples 10,290    
    New Desktop examples 1,250    
    Examples subtotal   13,090  
  Translated image support 28,330 28,330  
  Client total     165,740
Total for all components:     206,190

1Includes excess disk space allocation (dependent on disk cluster size), PCSI overhead, and log files. The value shown is for the combined installation of LBX and the client software.

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