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HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
Installation and Configuration

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Chapter 3
Configuring TCP/IP Services

After you install HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS, you need to enable the components and characteristics you require for your particular system using the menu-driven TCPIP$CONFIG configuration procedure.

This chapter explains the TCPIP$CONFIG menus, provides sample installation output, and summarizes additional configuration and setup tasks.


Before configuring TCP/IP services for OpenVMS, make sure you do the following:
  • Create a System Authorization File (SYSUAF) database and a RIGHTSLIST database. The TCPIP$CONFIG.COM configuration procedure fails on systems that do not have these databases.
  • Create and start the queue manager. The queue manager must be running. This is important especially if you plan to enable services that use queues, such as SMTP and LPD.
    The queue manager is normally enabled by default. To determine whether it is running, enter the following command at the OpenVMS DCL prompt, as shown:


    If the queue manager is running, the display is as follows (where the local node is named ACME):

    Queue manager SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER, running, on ACME::

    If the following is displayed instead, the required queue files have not yet been created. The files do not exist after an initial installation of OpenVMS and must be created.

    -RMS-E-FNF, file not found

    To create these files, enter the following OpenVMS DCL command:


    For more information, refer to the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual: Essentials. Information is also available in the SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.TEMPLATE file.

3.1 Recommended Order for Configuring TCP/IP Services

Table 3-1 lists the tasks involved in configuring TCP/IP Services, and the sections that describe these tasks.

Table 3-1 Configuring TCP/IP Services
Step Task to perform... Described in...
1 Assemble system information to prepare for running TCPIP$CONFIG. Section 1.3
2 If applicable, add your system to the OpenVMS Cluster to perform as a TCP/IP host Section 3.2
3 Run TCPIP$CONFIG. (Alternatively, have TCP/IP Services configured automatically, as explained in step 4.) If you have a TCP/IP Services V4. x configuration on your system, answer prompts to convert existing databases or to create new ones. Section 3.4
4 If you prefer, have TCP/IP Services software configured automatically by a DHCP server. Section 3.3
5 Manually configure the TCP/IP Services core environment, clients, and servers using TCPIP$CONFIG. Sections 3.4.4 through 3.4.6
6 Configure the optional components using TCPIP$CONFIG, as applicable. Section 3.4.7
7 Start TCP/IP Services. Section 3.6
8 Verify the configuration. Section 3.9
9 Complete additional configuration tasks, as appropriate. Section 3.10


Configuration changes made to the TCP/IP Services software do not take effect until you start or restart the software. See Section 3.6.

3.2 Adding a System to an OpenVMS Cluster

The TCPIP$CONFIG.COM configuration procedure for TCP/IP Services Version 5.5 creates OpenVMS accounts using larger system parameter values than in previous versions. Only new accounts get these larger values. These values are useful on OpenVMS Alpha systems but essential on OpenVMS I64 systems.

To have your OpenVMS I64 system join an OpenVMS Cluster as a TCP/IP host, HP recommends adding the system to the cluster before you configure TCP/IP Services. The guidelines in Section 3.2.1 assume you have followed this recommendation.

If you configure TCP/IP Services before you add the system to a cluster, see Section 3.2.2.

3.2.1 Running a Newly Configured Host in the Cluster

The following recommendations assume you are configuring TCP/IP Services on the system after having added the system to the OpenVMS Cluster.

If TCP/IP Services has previously been installed on a node in the cluster and you encounter problems running a TCP/IP component on the system, modify the cluster SYSUAF to increase the parameter values for the account used by the affected component. The minimum recommended values are listed in Table 3-2.

Table 3-2 Minimum Values for SYSUAF Parameters
Parameter Minimum Value
BYTLM 108000

1This parameter's value setting is especially critical.

The IMAP, DHCP, and XDM components can exhibit account parameter problems if the value assigned to PGFLQUOTA or to any of the other listed parameters is too low. Use the OpenVMS AUTHORIZE utility to modify SYSUAF parameters. For more information, refer to the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: A-L.

3.2.2 Configuring TCP/IP Services Before Adding the System to the Cluster

If you configure TCP/IP Services before you add the system to a cluster, when you add the system to the cluster the owning UIC for each of the TCP/IP service SYS$LOGIN directories (TCPIP$service-name, where service-name is the name of the service) may be incorrect. Use the OpenVMS AUTHORIZE utility to correct these UICs.

3.3 Automatic Configuration of TCP/IP Services Using DHCP Client

TCP/IP Services Version 5.5 supports the DHCP client, which allows you to have your system configured automatically by a DHCP server. You can achieve this in one of two ways:

  • If TCP/IP Services has never been configured on your system, you can run the TCP/IP Services startup procedure, SYS$STARTUP:TCPIP$STARTUP.COM. The startup procedure detects the fact that the TCP/IP Services software has not been configured and asks whether you want the DHCP client to configure the host for you. Answer YES.
    The startup procedure invokes TCPIP$CONFIG, which sets up the environment for the DHCP client and designates any unconfigured interfaces to be under DHCP client control. The procedure enables the following set of services automatically:
    • FTP client
    • TELNET client
    • TELNET server
    • SMTP

    For more information about DHCP, refer to the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual.
  • Run TCPIP$CONFIG. Choose option 2 from the Core Environment Configuration menu to configure the Internet interface, and then choose option 2 from the Interface Configuration menu:

    Configuration options:
         1 - Configure interface manually   (Current default)
         2 - Let DHCP configure interface

    You can also use TCPIP$CONFIG to configure additional services and parameters, as needed.

3.4 Running TCPIP$CONFIG

The TCPIP$CONFIG configuration procedure displays menus from which you do the following:

  • Make selections that enable services for your system. To select the default, press the Return key.
  • Start or stop TCP/IP Services software.
  • Verify the configuration.

To get started, enter:


3.4.1 Converting Existing TCP/IP Services Configuration Files (Upgrade Only)

If you have a TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (UCX) configuration in place (Version 4.x), and you have never configured a Version 5.x product on the system, the procedure begins by asking you whether to convert the Version 4.x (UCX) TCP/IP Services configuration files:

Convert the old configuration files [Y]

Unless you respond NO to the prompt, the procedure converts existing configuration files to new configuration files.

If you have already configured this product, the procedure indicates that no new configuration files are being created:

Checking TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS configuration database files.

No new database files were created.

The following sample output shows the start of the TCPIP$CONFIG procedure and a portion of the conversion of a previous configuration:

        TCP/IP Network Configuration Procedure

  This procedure helps you define the parameters required
  to run HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS on this system.

  TCP/IP has been previously configured from an earlier version
  of this product.  You can avoid a complete reconfiguration of
  TCP/IP by allowing this procedure to automatically convert the
  old configuration files.  If you choose not to do this now, you
  will not be asked again.  At the end of the conversion you will
  be able to further modify your configuration.

Convert the old configuration files [Y]: [Return]
Preparing files for conversion...

    UCX$HOST.DAT           --> TCPIP$HOST.DAT

       No new database files were created.

FTP SERVER Configuration

LPD SERVER Configuration

Service is not defined in the SYSUAF.
  Nonprivileged user access is not enabled.

By default, HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS configures
LPD such that nonprivileged users cannot modify queue entries.

Creating TCPIP$AUX identifier with a value of 3655

     HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS supports Line Printer Daemon
     Protocol (see RFC 1179).

       LPD requires the following:
         - Name of the local queue
         - Name of the remote queue
         - Name of the remote host
         - Spooling directory for the local queue

       To add or delete printers in the TCPIP PRINTCAP database, use the

3.4.2 Creating New TCP/IP Services Configuration Files

If you do not have an existing TCP/IP Services configuration in place from a previous version of the product, the procedure begins by creating configuration database files, as shown in the following sample output:

 TCP/IP Network Configuration Procedure

 This procedure helps you define the parameters required
 to run HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS on this system.

 Checking TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS configuration database files.


HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS requires a definition for
at least one interface.  There are no interfaces defined
on this system.

Please select the Interface option from the Core Environment Menu.

3.4.3 Understanding the Configuration Menus

After the configuration files are converted or created, the Main Configuration menu is displayed:

    HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Configuration Menu

    Configuration options:

           1  -  Core environment
           2  -  Client components
           3  -  Server components
           4  -  Optional components

           5  -  Shutdown HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
           6  -  Startup HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
           7  -  Run tests

           A  -  Configure options 1 - 4
          [E] -  Exit configuration procedure

Enter configuration option:

The options are as follows:

Option Description
1 Core environment Configure software associated with the Network, Internet, and Transport layers of the TCP/IP architecture (Section 3.4.4).
2 Client components Configure application software and related services (Section 3.4.5).
3 Server components Configure server software and related services (Section 3.4.6).
4 Optional components Configure software necessary if you plan to allow Anonymous FTP access, enable Kerberos authentication for the TELNET server, enable failSAFE IP support, or run such products as PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server), Advanced Server for OpenVMS, DECnet over TCP/IP, or any applications that use the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) QIO application programming interface (Section 3.4.7)
5 Shutdown TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Stop TCP/IP Services (Section 3.7).
6 Startup TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Start TCP/IP Services (Section 3.8).
7 Run tests Run the installation verification procedure (Section 3.9).
A Configure options 1 - 4 Configure all the TCP/IP Services components (the core, client, server, and optional services). The procedure takes you through each of the configuration options.
E Exit the configuration procedure Return to the system prompt.


If you do not have experience with the TCP/IP Services product, you should use the configuration menus provided by the TCPIP$CONFIG configuration procedure to configure the product (use options 1 through 4, or option A).

If you have experience configuring the software and want to bypass the configuration menus, you can add one or more command parameters when you run TCPIP$CONFIG. For information about the command parameters, see Section 3.5.

3.4.4 Configuring the Core Environment

To display the Core Environment Configuration menu, choose option 1 (Core environment) from the Main Configuration menu. If you chose option A from the Main Configuration menu to configure all the TCP/IP Services components, the Core Environment Configuration menu is displayed first. The sample output in the following sections show the progression of the procedure when you choose option A.

You are required to configure the Domain, Interfaces, and Routing services; BIND Resolver and Time Zone are optional.


Use the Interfaces menu (option 2) to set up an interface under control of the DHCP client. If you mark a DHCP client interface as primary, you might not need to set up the other Core Environment components. Ask your network manager whether these components are configured by DHCP. For more information, see the DHCP client documentation.

   HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Core Environment Configuration

   Configuration options:

           1 - Domain
           2 - Interfaces
           3 - Routing
           4 - BIND Resolver
           5 - Time Zone

           A  - Configure options 1 - 5
          [E] - Exit menu

Enter configuration option: A [Return]


If you have run the TCPIP$IP6_SETUP.COM procedure to enable IPv6, and then you run the TCPIP$CONFIG.COM command procedure, TCPIP$CONFIG.COM displays the following warning message prior to displaying the Core Environment configuration options. For more information, see Chapter 4.

                               - WARNING -
   This node has been configured for IPv6.  If you make any additional
   changes to the configuration of the interfaces, you must run
   TCPIP$IP6_SETUP again and update your host name information in
   BIND/DNS for the changes to take effect.

The following sections include sample output for the core environment components. The samples reflect a TCP/IP Services product configuration for a system on which other TCP/IP Services configurations are in place. The output varies for a new TCP/IP Services installation (see Appendix A).

Enter your responses to the menu questions using the information from your configuration planning worksheet ( Section 1.3). Domain Configuration

The following is sample output for configuring the domain:

DOMAIN Configuration

Enter Internet domain [budget.acme.com]: [Return] Interface Configuration

The following is sample output for configuring the Internet interface:

INTERFACE Configuration

        The Ethernet device(s) on your system are: EWA0:

        Start of configuration questions for Internet interface WE0.

        WE0 is the Ethernet device EWA0:

Interface: WE0
  IP_Addr:     NETWRK:     BRDCST:
   C_Addr:             C_NETWRK:                C_BRDCST:

   Receive buffer:       0

     HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Interface WE0 Reconfiguration

     Reconfiguration options:

           1  -  Configure interface manually   (Current default)
           2  -  Let DHCP configure interface

          [E] -  Exit menu (Do not reconfigure interface WE0)

Enter configuration option: [Return]

In this example, no changes are made to the interface. If you want to configure a standby interface IP address for failSAFE IP failover support, see Section; otherwise, skip to Section failSAFE IP Address Configuration

You can configure a standby IP address that failSAFE IP assigns to multiple interfaces on a node or across a cluster. When, for example, a Network Interface Controller fails or a cable breaks or disconnects, failSAFE IP activates the standby IP address so that an alternate interface can take over to maintain the network connection. If an address is not preconfigured with a standby, then failSAFE IP removes the address from the failed interface until it recovers.

When the failed interface recovers, failSAFE IP detects this and can return its IP address.

Configure the standby IP address as follows:

  1. From the Core Environment Configuration menu, select option 2 (Interfaces). The Interface Configuration menu appears.
  2. From the Interface Configuration menu, select option 1 (Configure interface manually). Configure your interface by responding to the prompts that ask for interface-specific information, including the host name, the Internet address, the network mask, and the broadcast mask. In the following example, IP address is configured for interface WE0.


    For information on configuring failSAFE IPv6 addresses, see Section 4.3.

            HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Interface WE0 Configuration Menu
            Configuration options:
                     1  -  Configure interface manually
                     2  -  Let DHCP configure interface
                    [E] -  Exit menu (Do not configure interface WE0)
    Enter configuration option: 1 [Return]
    Enter fully qualified host name [delite.budget.acme.com]: [Return]
    Enter Internet address for delite []: [Return]
    Enter Internet network mask for delite []: [Return]
    Enter broadcast mask for delite []: [Return]
            The following parameters will be used to define the
            Internet interface WE0:
                    Host name:         delite
                    Internet address:
                    Network mask:
                    Broadcast mask:
    * Is the above correct [YES]: [Return]

    In this example, the configuration procedure displays the interface information you entered and lets you verify that it is correct. Answer YES to the prompt that asks whether the information is correct.
  3. Next, the configuration procedure displays information about failSAFE IP, as in the following example, and prompts you whether you want to configure a target for failSAFE IP. Answer YES.

                                  failSAFE IP
               failSAFE IP uses  multiple Network Interface Controllers
               (NICs)  to provide  high availability  of IP  addresses.
               In  the  event  of   a  NIC  failure,  (e.g.  any  event
               preventing  the   NIC  from  receiving   data),  all  IP
               addresses associated with  the failed NIC are reassigned
               to a preconfigured failover target.
               In  a  cluster  configuration,  the IP  address  may  be
               preconfigured  on  NICs across  other  cluster  members.
               This provides cluster-wide failover for the IP address.
               See the management guide for more configuration options.
               You  will be  asked what  other NICs on  this node  will
               act as failover targets.
    * Configure failover target for failSAFE IP [NO]: YES [Return]

  4. The configuration procedure then lists other interfaces available for failover and allows you to specify them as an interface for failSAFE IP. In the following example, interfaces IEO and IE1 are configured with the standby address for failSAFE IP failover. Failover configuration ends either when you finish specifying all available interfaces or when you enter Return at the prompt.

    Interfaces available for failover are:
       IE0 IE1
    Enter an interface for failSAFE IP: IE0 [Return]
    Interfaces available for failover are:
    Enter an interface for failSAFE IP: IE1 [Return]

  5. After configuring the standby IP address, you must configure and enable the failSAFE IP service, as explained in Section


    You can also manually configure the failSAFE IP address using the TCP/IP management SET INTERFACE command or the ifconfig utility. The ifconfig utility provides a greater degree of management control and is recommended for more complex environments. For more information, refer to the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual.

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