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HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual
These privileges are returned in a quadword privilege mask and are defined by the $PRVDEF macro. JPI$_PERSONA_IDOn Alpha and I64 systems, returns, as a longword integer, the ID of the persona.JPI$_PERSONA_PERMPRIVOn Alpha and I64 systems, returns the permanent (default) privilege mask of the persona. These privileges are returned in a quadword privilege mask and are defined by the $PRVDEF macro.JPI$_PERSONA_RIGHTSOn Alpha and I64 systems, returns the binary content of the persona rights list as an array of quadword identifiers. Each entry consists of a longword identifier value and longword identifier attributes, as listed in Table SYS-43. The persona rights list is a set of identifiers associated with the process.JPI$_PERSONA_RIGHTS_SIZEOn Alpha and I64 systems, returns a longword integer containing the number of bytes needed to store the persona rights.JPI$_PERSONA_WORKPRIVOn Alpha and I64 systems, returns the privilege mask of the working (active) persona. These privileges are returned in a quadword privilege mask and are defined by the $PRVDEF macro.JPI$_PGFLQUOTAReturns the paging file quota (maximum virtual page count) of the process, which is a longword integer value, measured in pages (on VAX systems) or pagelets (on Alpha and I64 systems).JPI$_PHDFLAGSReturns the process header flags as a longword bit vector.JPI$_PIDReturns the process identification (PID) of the process. The PID is a longword hexadecimal value.JPI$_P0_FIRST_FREE_VA_64On Alpha and I64 systems, this item code returns the 64-bit virtual address of the first free page at the end of the program region (P0 space) of the process.Because this number is a quadword, the buffer length field in the item descriptor should specify 8 (bytes). JPI$_P1_FIRST_FREE_VA_64On Alpha and I64 systems, this item code returns the 64-bit virtual address of the first free page at the end of the control region (P1 space) of the process.Because this number is a quadword, the buffer length field in the item descriptor should specify 8 (bytes). JPI$_P2_FIRST_FREE_VA_64On Alpha and I64 systems, this item code returns the 64-bit virtual address of the first free page at the end of P2 space of the process.Because this number is a quadword, the buffer length field in the item descriptor should specify 8 (bytes). JPI$_PPGCNTReturns the number of pages (on VAX systems) or pagelets (on Alpha and I64 systems) the process has in the working set. This is a longword integer value.JPI$_PRCCNTReturns, as a longword integer value, the number of subprocesses created by the process. The number returned by JPI$_PRCCNT does not include any subprocesses created by subprocesses of the process named in the procnam argument.JPI$_PRCLMReturns the subprocess quota of the process, which is a longword integer value.JPI$_PRCNAMReturns, as a character string, the name of the process. Because the process name can include up to 15 characters, the buffer length field of the item descriptor should specify at least 15 bytes.JPI$_PRIReturns the current priority of the process, which is a longword integer value.JPI$_PRIBReturns the base priority of the process, which is a longword integer value.JPI$_PROCESS_RIGHTSReturns the binary content of the process rights list as an array of quadword identifiers. Each entry consists of a longword identifier value and longword identifier attributes, as shown in Table SYS-43. Allocate a buffer that is sufficient to hold the process rights list because $GETJPI returns only as much of the list as will fit in the buffer.JPI$_PROC_INDEXReturns, as a longword integer value, the process index number of the process. The process index number is a number between 1 and the system parameter MAXPROCESSCNT, which identifies the process. Although process index numbers are reassigned to different processes over time, at any one instant, each process in the system has a unique process index number.You can use the process index number as an index into system global sections. Because the process index number is unique for each process, its use as an index into system global sections guarantees no collisions with other system processes accessing those sections. The process index is intended to serve users who formerly used the low-order word of the PID as an index number. JPI$_PROCPRIVReturns the default privileges of the process in a quadword bit mask.JPI$_RIGHTSLISTReturns, as an array of quadword identifiers, all identifiers applicable to the process. This includes the process rights list (JPI$_PROCESS_RIGHTS) and the system rights list (JPI$_SYSTEM_RIGHTS). Each entry consists of a longword identifier value and longword identifier attributes, shown in Table SYS-43. Allocate a buffer that is sufficient to hold the rights list because $GETJPI returns only as much of the list as will fit in the buffer.JPI$_RIGHTS_SIZEReturns the number of bytes required to buffer the rights list. The rights list includes both the system rights list and the process rights list. Because the space requirements for the rights list can change between the time you request the size of the rights list and the time you fetch the rights list with JPI$_RIGHTSLIST, you might want to allocate a buffer that is 10 percent larger than this item indicates.JPI$_RMS_DFMBCReturns the default multiblock count.JPI$_RMS_DFMBFIDXReturns the default multibuffer count for local buffers for indexed file operations.JPI$_RMS_DFMBFRELReturns the default multibuffer count for local buffers for relative file operations.JPI$_RMS_DFMBFSDKReturns the default multibuffer count for local buffers for sequential file operations on disk.JPI$_RMS_DFMBFSMTReturns the default multibuffer count for local buffers for sequential file operations on magnetic tape.JPI$_RMS_DFMBFSURReturns the default multibuffer count for file operation on unit record devices.JPI$_RMS_DFNBCReturns the default block count for local buffers for network access to remote files.JPI$_RMS_EXTEND_SIZEReturns the default number of blocks used to extend a sequential file.JPI$_RMS_FILEPROTReturns the default file protection.JPI$_RMS_PROLOGUEReturns the default prolog level for indexed files.JPI$_SCHED_CLASS_NAMEReturns the name of the scheduling class (as a character string) to which this process belongs. Because the class name can include up to 16 characters, the buffer length field of the item descriptor must specify at least 16 bytes. If the process is not class scheduled, then a return length of 0 is returned to the caller.JPI$_SCHED_POLICYOn Alpha and I64 systems, returns the current scheduling policy of the specified process. Definitions of the policy values are in the $JPIDEF macro. The buffer length of the item descriptor should specify 4 (bytes).JPI$_SHRFILLMReturns the maximum number of open shared files allowed for the job to which the process specified in the call to $GETJPI belongs. This limit is set in the UAF record of the user who owns the process. The number is returned as a word decimal value. A value of 0 means that there is no limit on the number of open shared files for that job.JPI$_SITESPECReturns the per-process, site-specific longword, which is a longword integer value.JPI$_SLOW_VP_SWITCHOn VAX systems, returns an unsigned longword containing the number of times this process has issued a vector instruction that resulted in an inactive vector processor being enabled with a full vector context switch. This vector context switch involves the saving of the vector context of the process that last used the vector processor and the restoration of the vector context of the current process.JPI$_STATEReturns the state of the process, which is a longword integer value. Each state has a symbolic representation. If the process is currently executing, its state is always SCH$K_CUR. STATEDEF defines the following symbols, which identify the various possible states:
JPI$_STSReturns the first longword of the process status flags, which are contained in a longword bit vector. PCBDEF definitions include the following symbols for these flags:
JPI$_STS2Returns the second longword of the process status flags, which are contained in a longword bit vector. PCBDEF defines the following symbol for these flags:
JPI$_SUBSYSTEM_RIGHTSOn Alpha and I64 systems, returns the binary content of the subsystem rights list as an array of quadword identifiers. Each entry consists of a longword identifier value and longword identifier attributes, as listed in Table SYS-43. The subsystem rights list is a set of identifiers associated with a protected subsystem image.When a process runs a protected subsystem, the subsystem rights are automatically added to the process's image rights list. These identifiers are subsequently removed during image rundown. Allocate a buffer that is sufficient to hold the subsystem rights list, because $GETJPI returns only as much of the list as will fit in the buffer. JPI$_SUBSYSTEM_RIGHTS_SIZEOn Alpha and I64 systems, returns a longword integer containing the number of bytes needed to store the subsystem rights.JPI$_SWPFILLOCReturns the location of the process's swapping file, which is a longword hexadecimal value. If the number returned is positive, the fourth byte of this value identifies a specific swapping file, and the lower three bytes contain the VBN within the swapping file. If the number returned is 0 or negative, the swap file location information is not currently available for the process.JPI$_SYSTEM_RIGHTSReturns the system rights list as an array of quadword identifiers. Each entry consists of a longword identifier value and longword identifier attributes, listed in Table SYS-43. Allocate a buffer that is sufficient to hold the system rights list because $GETJPI only returns as much of the list as will fit in the buffer.JPI$_SYSTEM_RIGHTS_SIZEOn Alpha and I64 systems, returns a longword integer containing the number of bytes needed to store the system rights.JPI$_TABLENAMEReturns the file specification of the process's current command language interpreter (CLI) table. Because the file specification can include up to 255 characters, the buffer length field in the item descriptor should specify 255 bytes.JPI$_TERMINALReturns, for interactive users, the process's login terminal name as a character string. Because the terminal name can include up to 16 characters, the buffer length field in the item descriptor should specify at least 16 bytes. Trailing zeros are written to the output buffer if necessary.JPI$_THREAD_INDEXOn Alpha and I64 systems, returns the kernel thread index for the target thread or process, which is a longword integer value.JPI$_TMBUReturns the termination mailbox unit number, which is a longword integer value.JPI$_TQCNTReturns the remaining timer queue entry quota of the process, which is a longword integer value.JPI$_TQLMReturns the process's limit on timer queue entries, which is a longword integer value.JPI$_TT_ACCPORNAMReturns the access port name for the terminal associated with the process. (The terminal name is returned by JPI$_TERMINAL.) This item code can return the following information:
JPI$_TT_PHYDEVNAMReturns the physical device name of the terminal associated with the process. This name is the same as JPI$_TERMINAL unless virtual terminals are enabled, in which case JPI$_TERMINAL returns the name of the virtual terminal and JPI$_TT_PHYDEVNAM returns the name of the physical terminal. If JPI$_TERMINAL is null or if the virtual terminal is disconnected from the physical terminal, JPI$_TT_PHYDEVNAM returns a null string.JPI$_UAF_FLAGSReturns the UAF flags from the UAF record of the user who owns the process. The flags are returned as a longword bit vector. For a list of the symbolic names of these flags, see the UAI$_FLAGS item code under the $GETUAI system service.JPI$_UICReturns the UIC of the process in the standard longword format.JPI$_USERNAMEReturns the user name of the process as a 12-byte string. If the name is less than 12 bytes, $GETJPI fills out the 12 bytes with trailing blanks and always returns 12 as the string length.JPI$_VIRTPEAKReturns the peak virtual address size---in pages for VAX or pagelets for Alpha or I64---of the process.On VAX systems, the value returned is a longword integer. On Alpha and I64 systems, the value returned requires a quadword of storage. If the buffer size supplied is not equal to 8 bytes, and the virtual peak exceeds the maximum value that can be represented in a longword, $GETJPI returns the largest positive 32-bit integer: 2147483647. JPI$_VOLUMESReturns the number of volumes that the process currently has mounted, which is a longword integer value.JPI$_VP_CONSUMEROn VAX systems, returns a byte, the low-order bit of which, when set, indicates that the process is a vector consumer.JPI$_VP_CPUTIMOn VAX systems, returns an unsigned longword that contains the total amount of time the process has accumulated as a vector consumer.JPI$_WSAUTHReturns the maximum authorized working set size, in pages (on VAX systems) or pagelets (on Alpha and I64 systems), of the process. This is a longword integer value.JPI$_WSAUTHEXTReturns, in pages (on VAX systems) or pagelets (on Alpha and I64 systems), the maximum authorized working set extent of the process as a longword integer value.JPI$_WSEXTENTReturns, in pages (on VAX systems) or pagelets (on Alpha and I64 systems), the current working set extent of the process as a longword integer value.JPI$_WSPEAKReturns, in pages (on VAX systems) or pagelets (on Alpha and I64 systems), the peak working set size of the process as a longword integer value.JPI$_WSQUOTAReturns, in pages (on VAX systems) or pagelets (on Alpha and I64 systems), the working set size quota of the process as a longword integer value.JPI$_WSSIZEReturns, in pages (on VAX systems) or pagelets (on Alpha and I64 systems), the current working set limit of the process as a longword integer value.DescriptionThe Get Job/Process Information service returns information about one or more processes on the system or across the cluster. Using $GETJPI with $PROCESS_SCAN, you can perform selective or clusterwide searches. Condition Values Returned
Condition Values Returned in the I/O Status Block1Same as those returned in R0.