HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP Pay per use (PPU) User's Guide for versions 8.x > Chapter 5 Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting the PPU Software

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You can troubleshoot your PPU system by performing the following individual steps:

  1. Verify that the PPU software is installed on your PPU system by executing the following command:
    /usr/sbin/swlist | grep T2351AA
    You should see output similar to:
    T2351AA      B.    HP-UX Pay per use (PPU)
    If you do not receive the correct output, see“Installing
    PPU Software”
     for details on installing the PPU software.

  2. Verify that the PPU system is configured to communicate with the utility meter, and the connection to HP is functional, by executing the following command:
    /usr/sbin/ppuconfig -t
    You should see the following output:
    Round trip communication with the utility meter succeeded.

    If you do not receive the correct output, see “Configuring PPU Software ” for details of configuring the utility meter.

  3. Go to the PPU portal and verify that a test usage report for the partition is posted on the portal. (See “PPU Web Portal” for details.)

  4. Ensure the ppud daemon is running by executing the following command:
    /usr/bin/ps -e | grep ppud

    You should see a ppud process running. If you do not, then see “Verifying the PPU Agent is Running”.

  5. Look in the syslog file/var/adm/syslog/syslog.log for ppud errors.

  6. Verify that the executable and configuration files have not been deleted and the permissions are set correctly as listed in Table 5-1:

    Table 5-1 PPU Executable and Configuration Files





    /usr/lib/hpux64/libppu.sl (PA-RISC)








  7. If any of the files in Step 6 are missing or corrupted, then reinstall the PPU software. See “Installing PPU Software” for details.

  8. Ensure that the kernel driver diag2 is built into the kernel.

  9. Ensure that the WBEM bundle B8465BA is installed (version 1.05 or higher, or version 2.0 or higher for PA-RISC systems on HP-UX 11i v2).

  10. Ensure that the NParProvider bundle (version B. or higher for HP-UX 11i v1, or B. or higher for HP-UX 11i v2) is installed.

  11. Ensure that the Utility Meter software is version 7.3 or higher.

  12. For HP-UX 11i v1 systems, verify that the required 11i v1 patches are installed. See “Required Patches for PPU on HP-UX 11i v1” for details.

For Windows Server 2003

If you experience problems with your Windows PPU system you should first refer to the Windows Application Event Viewer to see if there are specific error messages associated with the problem (click Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer, and double-click on System and/or Application).

Alternatively, you can troubleshoot your Windows PPU system by performing the following steps:

  1. Follow the procedure described in “Verifying PPU Installation and Functionality on Windows Systems” to verify the PPU software is installed correctly and configured for communications with the utility meter.

  2. Verify that the PPU system is configured to communicate with the utility meter, and the connection to HP is functional, by executing the following command:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\ppu> ppuconfig -t
    You should see the following output:
    Round trip communication with the utility meter succeeded.

    If you do not receive the correct output, see “Configuring PPU Software ” for details of configuring the utility meter.

  3. Go to the PPU portal and verify that a test usage report for the partition is posted on the portal. (See “PPU Web Portal” for details.)

  4. Open Services.msc, also known as the Services applet. Look for “HP Pay Per Use”, or open a command window, type sc query ppuservice, and press Enter. If the PPU service is not listed, you will need to install the PPU software as described in “Installing PPU Software”.

  5. Verify that the Administrators Group and local System accounts have full read/write permissions on the PPU directory.

  6. Verify the following files exist in the PPU installation directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\ppu):

    • ppuconfig.exe

    • ppuservice.exe

    • ppu_config
      (if this file is missing for some reason, it can be recreated by running the ppuconfig command, and specifying a utility meter with the -m option and system identifier with the -s option)

    • ppuclient.pem
      (this is a PPU-specific SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate required for communicating with the utility meter server)

    If any of these files are missing or corrupted, reinstall the PPU software. See “Installing PPU Software” for details.

  7. Verify the WMI nParProvider service is running.Click Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Services and scan the list to find the service, and verify the status is “Started”. Or alternatively, run the “ sc query wminparprovider” command from a command window, and verify the service is running. Output should be similar to the following:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett-Packard\ppu>sc query wminparprovider

    SERVICE_NAME: wminparprovider
        TYPE       :10 WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
        STATE      :4 RUNNING
        WIN32_EXIT_CODE  :0 (0x0)
        SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  :0 (0x0)
        CHECKPOINT :0x0
        WAIT_HINT  :0x0

  8. Check that the Utility Meter software is version 7.3 or higher.

  9. Check that the Baseboard Management Controller Driver (HP Health Driver) is installed. The WMI nParProvider component requires this device driver in order to provide a communication path between the MP and the operating system running on an nPartition.

For OpenVMS

To troubleshoot your OpenVMS PPU system, perform the following individual steps:

  1. Verify the PPU software is installed by executing the following DCL command:

    $ product show product PPU
    You should see output similar to:

    ------------------- -------- ---------
    PRODUCT             KIT TYPE STATE
    ------------------- -------- ---------
    HP I64VMS PPU V8.0  Full LP  Installed
    ------------------- -------- ---------

    Refer to “Installing PPU Software” to install the PPU product.

  2. Verify the PPU root logical is defined and the configuration files are present:
    $ show log/sys PPU$ROOT/full
    "PPU$ROOT" [exec] = "DKC600:[SY0S0.]" [concealed](LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE)

    $ directory PPU$ROOT:[PPU]ppu$config.dat

    Refer to “Installing PPU Software” for information on defining the PPU root logical and configuring PPU after the installation.

  3. Verify all the PPU software files are present. Below is a list of required PPU files:






    If any of these files are missing, you will need to reinstall the PPU product.

  4. Verify the PPU system is configured to communicate with the utility meter, and the connection to HP is functional, by executing the following command:

    $ ppu config/test_connection

    You should see output similar to:

    Round trip communication with the utility meter succeeded.

    If you do not see the above output, refer to “Configuring PPU Software ” for details on configuring the utility meter.

  5. Go to the HP PPU portal and verify that a test usage report for the partition is posted on the portal.

  6. Ensure that the PPU_SERVER process is running.

    To verify the PPU server is running, you may use the PPU CONFIG command.


    Utility Meter IP/Hostname:                   meter1.corp.com
    System Identifier:                           superdome1
    Cores to be active at next reboot (cap):       5
    Cores that can be activated without reboot:    3
    Active Cores:                                  5

    ERROR: The Pay per use server (PPU_SERVER) is not running.

    Alternatively, you can use the DCL PIPE command to verify the PPU_SERVER process is running. The SEARCH-I-NOMATCHES message listed below indicates the server is not running:
    $ pipe show sys | search sys$pipe PPU_SERVER
    %SEARCH-I-NOMATCHES, no strings matched

    $ pipe show sys | search sys$pipe PPU_SERVER
    00000438 PPU_SERVER   HIB   10 2470 0 00:00:00:33 967 1408

  7. Ensure that the WBEMCIM supporting software product is installed.

    $ product show product wbemcim

    You should see output similar to the following:

    -------------------------------- ------------- ------------
    PRODUCT                          KIT TYPE      STATE
    -------------------------------- ------------- ------------
    HP I64VMS WBEMCIM A2.0-A051013F  Full LP       Installed
    -------------------------------- ------------- ------------

    1 item found

    If you do not see this output, refer to the OpenVMS operating system Installation manual for more information on installing WBEMCIM.

  8. Search the sys$manager:OperatorLog file for errors from the PPU server:
    $ search/exact SYS$MANAGER:OPERATOR.LOG;* "ppud:"

    If the logical name OPC$LOGFILE_NAME is defined to direct the operator log file to a location other than SYS$MANAGER:OPERATOR.LOG, search using the OPC$LOGFILE_NAME logical or location value as the filename parameter.

  9. Ensure the Utility Meter software is version 7.3 or higher.

  10. Ensure that the system serial number and Unique ID match the values that are listed on the HP PPU portal web site:

    $ ppu show portal
    Unique ID: a1db8784-1111-2222-3333-908070A0B03f
    System serial number: XX07740001

  11. Verify that the PPU$STARTUP.COM procedure is executed in systartup_vms.com and that the PPU$SHUTDOWN.COM procedure is executed by syshutdwn.com to ensure accurate reporting results. Refer to “Configuring PPU Software ”.