For an Ethernet device, the QIO function IO$_SENSEMODE+IO$M_CTRL
returns the hardware address in the NMA$C_PCLI_HWA parameter
and the "DECnet" (AA0004-nnnnnn) address in the NMA$C_PCLI_PHA
parameter. For an FDDI device, it returns the hardware address
in both parameters. How can a program find out the "DECnet"
address for the FDDI device it is using?
On FDDI, multiple addresses are supported so a SENSEMODE to the
particular UCB returns the addresses set for that UCB. The PHA gives
the address currently set for the UCB so for the template UCB, the
address is the same as the HWA. What the program has to do is do
the SENSEMODE on the UCB used by DECnet.