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Ask the Wizard Questions

Trace a lock in cluster

The Question is:

How do I find a who has locks mastered in a clustered environment.  I
would like to find the PID for the use who has that particular record

The Answer is:

     DECamds can often be useful here. or you can do it by hand:

     Finding the lock master isn't so hard, but finding the lock name for a
    particular record will be! If you can make a process attempt to read
    the locked record with the RAB$V_WAT flag (or whatever the equivalent
    in your favorite language is), that process will be queued against the
    lock and you can determine its name with the SDA SHOW PROCESS/LOCK
    command. Once there, the following article explains how to trace the
    holder of the lock:

[OpenVMS] How To Trace A Hung Lock Request On A Clustered System

COPYRIGHT (c) 1988, 1993 by Digital Equipment Corporation.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No distribution except as provided under contract.

Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1988, 1994. All rights reserved

PRODUCT:    VMScluster Software for OpenVMS AXP
            VAXcluster Software for OpenVMS VAX

COMPONENT:  Lock Manager

SOURCE:     Digital Customer Support Center


This article explains how to use the SDA Utility to trace hung lock
requests on systems in a VAXcluster environment.  If you have a single
node environment, you may want to reference another article in the
database on how to trace a hung lock request on a non-clustered
system, as the procedure is simplified on a single node.


A process may hang in LEF or RWAST waiting to complete a lock request
(ENQ / ENQW).  That lock request may be blocked by another process
currently holding the lock with an incompatible mode.

The following procedure illustrates how to locate the process holding
the lock with an incompatible mode.  When the process is found you can
either delete the competing process, or work on isolating the
coordination problem and rewriting the programs to utilize other
synchronization techniques, such as Blocking ASTs.

More information on locks can be found in the "VAX/VMS System Services
Reference Manual" and the "VAX/VMS Internals And Data Structures"


The following steps and example should guide you through the isolation
of the process that is blocking a lock request.  A summary of the steps
appears first:

  o  Identify the hung process from SDA                  [Steps 1,2,3]

  o  Locate the hung process's Lock Block                [4]

  o  From the Lock Block locate the Resource Block;      [5]
     to do this check to see if the lock is a:

         'Process copy', go to Step [6]
      or a
         'Local copy', go to Step [7]

  o  'Process copy' locks mean the Master Resource       [6]
     Block is located on another node and must be
     viewed from that node.

        a. Record the 'remote' Lock ID
        b. Identify and log into the node in question
        c. Display the Lock Block on this node and verify
           it is the one in question.

  o  Use the Lock ID to show the Master Resource Block.  [7]

  o  From the Resource Block locate the Blocking Lock.   [8]
     If the Blocking Lock is a:

         'Master copy of lock', goto Step [9]
      or a
         'Local copy', goto Step [10]

  o  'Master copy of lock' indicates this lock is        [9]
     actually on another node.  Identify the remote
     Lock ID, the node.  Log into that node.  Display
     and verify the Lock information on that node.

  o  Display the Lock ID on the node the Blocking Lock   [10]
     is on and verify the lock Resource Name and Mode.
     From the Blocking Lock locate the blocking process.


 1)  Identify which process is hung waiting for a lock request.  In
     this example, assume that process M_MORREN, in system SALES, is
     hung waiting for a lock request.

 2)  Invoke SDA on the node with the hung process and locate that
     process's INDEX number:

          Sales$ SET PROCESS/PRIVILEGE=CMKRNL  ! needed privilege to
                                                 run SDA

          Sales$ ANALYZE/SYSTEM                 ! invoke SDA to look
          VAX/VMS System analyzer

          SDA> SHOW SUMMARY               ! print summary output

     Current process summary
     Extended Indx Process name    Username    State   Pri   PCB      PHD
     -- PID -- ---- --------------- ----------- ------- --- -------- -------
     20400101 0001 SWAPPER                      HIB     16 80197F98 80197E0
     20400106 0006 ERRFMT          SYSTEM       HIB      7 803F6440 80BE4E0
     20400107 0007 CACHE_SERVER    SYSTEM       HIB     16 803FCF50 80D2E80
         . . .
     20400666 0066 BRUCE_1         B_ARMER      HIB      4 80467150 81631E0
+--->20400767 0067 M_MORREN        M_MORREN     LEF      7 80479710 81B5860
|    20400768 0068 SMITH           SMITH        LEF      4 80479EA0 81C3420
+--------This is the hung process in this example, its process index
             is 0067, from the second column.

     If you use the command SHOW SUMMARY/IMAGE, you also see the name
     of the image the process is executing.

 3)  Set your process index to the blocked process in SDA and VERIFY
     you have the correct process - either by process name or by what
     image the process is running (as shown in SHOW PROC/CHANNEL).

          SDA> SHOW PROCESS/CHANNEL/IND=67      ! set up process index
                                                  and view image

   Process index: 0067   Name: M_MORREN   Extended PID: 20400767
                               Process active channels
   Channel  Window           Status    Device/file accessed
   -------  ------           ------    --------------------
     0010  00000000                    GREAT$DUA10:
+--->0020  8080E920                    GREAT$DUA10:[M_MORREN]LOCK_C.EXE
|    0030  808C7420                    GREAT$DUS100:[SYSE.SYSCOMMON.SYSL
|    0040  00000000                    RTA2:
|    0050  00000000                    RTA2:
|    0060  808C7AE0                    GREAT$DUS100:[SYSE.SYSCOMMON.SYSL
+--------- The image the process is executing is usually one of the
           first few channels.  In this example, it is running the
           image LOCK_C.EXE.

 4)  Look at what locks that process currently has outstanding.  This
     is done with the "SHOW PROC/LOCK" command.  The locks a process
     has are ordered such that the locks the process is waiting for
     are near the end of the lock list - so you may have to go through
     many locks to get to the locks that are blocked by another

     Any lock that says 'Granted at' you can ignore as that lock
     request has already been completed.  If no locks are waiting then
     the process may not be waiting on a lock or the lock it was
     waiting on has since been granted.

     A blocked lock will say either 'Waiting for' or 'Converting
     to'.  In this example, the lock is 'Waiting for' a new ENQW
     request. ----------------------------------------------------------+
        NOTE:                                                           |
          This example is from a Pre OpenVMS VAX V5.4 system.           |
          The lock display on Post OpenVMS VAX V5.4 systems has         |
          been modified and the status text, e.g.; 'Waiting for'        |
          or 'Converting to', is located on its own individual          |
          line in the middle of the display.                            |
        SDA> SHOW PROCESS/LOCK                                          |
        Process index: 0067   Name: M_MORREN   Extended PID: 20400767   |
        -------------------------------------------------------------   |
        Lock data:                                                      |
        Lock id:  005107E3   PID:    00070067   Flags:                  |
        Par. id:  00000000   Waiting for   EX         <-----------------+
        Sublocks:        0
        LKB:      80867F00
        Resource:      414A5F45 4C505041    APPLE_JA  Status:  ASYNC
         Length   30   20202020 20204B43    CK
         User mode     20202020 20202020
         System        00002020 20202020          ..
        Process copy of lock 01CD0145 on system 00010003 <--------------+
 5)  You have now identified the Blocked Lock.  The next step is to     |
     identify the Resource Block for that lock.  The resource block     |
     could exist on this node or another node in the cluster.  To tell  |
     where the Master Resource Block is located look at the text at the |
     end of the lock displayed in Step 4. ------------------------------+

     If the text says 'Process copy of lock xxx on system yyy' then
     the Master Resource Block is located on another system and you
     must go to that system to get more information.  If this is the
     case, go to Step 6.

     If the text says 'Local copy', then this is the system with the
     lock and you can use this Lock Id on this node for Step 7.

 6)  'Process copy of lock xxx on system yyy' indicates the lock
     exists on another node in the cluster.  Take note of the
     following fields:

        a. Lock Id on the remote node - in this example it is 01CD0145
        b. System Id - in this example is is 00010003
        c. Resource Name - in this example it is APPLE_JACK

     To identify the node the lock is on with the System Id you can
     enter "SHOW CLUSTER" and examine both the Node name and the CSID


     VAXcluster data structures
                        --- VAXcluster Summary ---

              Quorum   Votes   Quorum Disk Votes   Status Summary
              ------   -----   -----------------   --------------
                 2       3            6553         quorum

                             --- CSB list ---

     Address   Node      CSID      Votes   State     Status
     -------   ----      ----      -----   -----     ------

     807DFF40  FRANK     00010007    0     open    member,qf_noaccess
     8071E640  SAM       00010001    1     open    member,qf_noaccess
     8071D9F0  HAL <-+-> 00010003    1     local   member,qf_same
     8071E700  SALES |   00010002    1     open    member,qf_noaccess
   +-In this example HAL is node 00010003 and is thus the node with the
     Master Resource Block.

     NOTE:  To go from CSID to cluster member display in SDA, do a

                 $ SHOW CLUSTER/CSID=

            This saves time looking for the correct node on a large
            cluster.  You can also abbreviate the CSID to just the low
            order word index (similar to how SET and SHOW PROCESS use
            the index of the PID).

     You must now log onto that node and enter SDA to examine the Lock
     on the node with Master Resource Block.


          Hal$ ANALYZE/SYSTEM

          VAX/VMS System analyzer

          SDA> SHOW LOCK 1CD0145       ! check the lock out

          Lock database

          Lock id:  01CD0145   PID:    00000000   Flags:
          Par. id:  00000000   Waiting for   EX
          Sublocks:        0
          LKB:      80F34200
          Resource:      414A5F45 4C505041  APPLE_JA Status: ASYNC MSTCPY
           Length   30   20202020 20204B43  CK
           User mode     20202020 20202020
           Group   022   00002020 20202020          ..
          Master copy of lock 005107E3 on system 00010002

     You should now verify that you have the correct lock:

          a. Lock Id is 01CD0145, which matches
          b. Resource Name is APPLE_JACK, which matches
          c. Lock Mode is still 'Waiting for EX', which matches
          d. The last line has 'Master copy of lock' shows the correct
             Lock Id and System Id from the node you just came from.

     Now that you know you have the correct lock you can continue with
     Step 7.

 7)  The next step is to print out the Master Resource Block and
     identify the Blocking Lock.  To do this enter "SHOW
     RESOURCE/LOCK=" from SDA, taking the  from the
     'Lock id:' field in the lock display.

     Once the resource block is displayed, the blocking lock will be
     found in the 'Granted Queue' and will have a lock mode
     incompatible with the lock mode we are requesting.  In the
     following example the  is taken from the display in
     Step 6, 01CD0145.

          SDA> SHOW RESOURCE/LOCK=01CD0145

   Resource database
   Address of RSB:  80BF2810  Group grant mode:       EX
   Parent RSB:      00000000  Conversion grant mode:  EX
   Sub-RSB count:          0  BLKAST count:            0
   Value block:   00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000   Seq. #:  00000000
   Resource:      414A5F45 4C505041    APPLE_JA
    Length   30   20202020 20204B43    CK               CSID:  00000000
    User mode     20202020 20202020                     Directory entry
    Group   022   00002020 20202020          ..

   Granted queue (Lock ID / Gr mode):
1--->   05210A82  EX                       <-------This is the blocking
                                                   lock request and
   Conversion queue (Lock ID / Gr/Rq mode):        its 'Lock Id' is
2--->   032500B4  NL/EX                            05210A82.

   Waiting queue (Lock ID / Rq mode):
3--->   01CD0145  EX

     NOTE 1:  This is the lock that is blocking our request.  This
              lock is granted at EXclusive access and there is another
              lock also waiting to get access to the resource (Note 2).
     NOTE 2:  Another process doing a conversion request from NL
              (null) to EX (exclusive) is also blocked.
     NOTE 3:  This is our lock request from node SALES in the 'Waiting

 8)  The Blocking Lock has been identified, now you must see if the
     process owning that lock is on this node or another node in the
     cluster.  Display the lock information using the SDA SHOW LOCK

          SDA> SHOW LOCK 5210A82

          Lock database

          Lock id:  05210A82   PID:    00000000   Flags:
          Par. id:  00000000   Granted at    EX
          Sublocks:        0
          LKB:      80FC7CE0
          Resource:      414A5F45 4C505041    APPLE_JA  Status:  MSTCPY
           Length   30   20202020 20204B43    CK
           User mode     20202020 20202020
           Group   022   00002020 20202020          ..
          Master copy of lock 028605D7 on system 00010001

     If the last line of text says it is a 'Local Copy' then you are
     on the correct node to get the process owning the lock and can go
     directly to Step 10.

     If the last line of text says it is a 'Master copy of lock' then
     the lock exists on another node and you must get onto that node
     to locate the blocking process.  If this is the case, go to Step 9.

 9)  'Master copy of lock xxx on system yyy' indicates that the
     blocking lock exists on another node in the cluster.  Take note
     of the following fields:

          a. Lock Id on the remote node, in this example 28605D7
          b. System Id of the remote node, in this case 00010001
          c. Resource Name, in this case APPLE_JACK.

     To identify the node the lock is on with the System Id you can
     enter "SHOW CLUSTER" and examine both the Node name and the CSID


   VAXcluster data structures
                      --- VAXcluster Summary ---

             Quorum   Votes   Quorum Disk Votes   Status Summary
             ------   -----   -----------------   --------------
                2       3            6553         quorum

                                                  --- CSB list ---

    Address   Node      CSID      Votes   State     Status
    -------   ----      ----      -----   -----     ------

    807DFF40  FRANK     00010007    0     open    member,qf_noaccess
    8071E640  SAM <-+-> 00010001    1     open    member,qf_noaccess
    8071D9F0  HAL   |   00010003    1     local   member,qf_same
    8071E700  SALES |   00010002    1     open    member,qf_noaccess
    +---The node holding the lock in this case is SAM as its CSID
        (System Id) matches that of the lock.

     You must now log onto that node and enter SDA to examine the Lock
     on the node with Master Resource Block.


          Sam$ ANALYZE/SYSTEM

          VAX/VMS System analyzer

          SDA> SHOW LOCK 28605D7          ! check the lock out

          Process index: 005C   Name: M_MORREN   Extended PID: 202002DC
          Lock data:

          Lock id:  028605D7   PID:    0005005C   Flags:
          Par. id:  00000000   Granted at    EX
          Sublocks:        0
          LKB:      808748C0
          Resource:      414A5F45 4C505041    APPLE_JA  Status:
           Length   30   20202020 20204B43    CK
           User mode     20202020 20202020
           System        00002020 20202020          ..
          Process copy of lock 05210A82 on system 00010003

     You should now verify that you have the correct lock:

          a. Lock Id is 028605d7, which matches
          b. Resource Name is APPLE_JACK, which matches
          c. Lock Mode is 'Granted at EX', this is the blocking lock
          d. The last line has 'Process copy of lock' and shows the
             Lock Id and System Id from the 'Mastering' node.

     Now that you have the correct lock, you can continue to Step 10.

10)  To see the process holding the incompatible lock, you use the PID
     field as an index number on the system which the process exists
     on.  In this example, we will use the Lock Block from Step 9,
     with the Lock Id of 028605d7 and PID of 005c (we only use the
     lower four hex digits).

     Hopefully either the process name holding the lock, or the image
     it is executing, will give some clue as to why the process has
     kept the lock.  In this case LOCK_A.EXE has taken out an
     EXclusive lock on the resource APPLE_JACK and is now waiting for
     terminal input.


          Process index: 005C   Name: M_MORREN   Extended PID: 202002DC

                                      Process active channels

          Channel  Window       Status     Device/file accessed
          -------  ------       ------     --------------------
            0010  00000000                 GREAT$DUA10:
            0020  80879000                 GREAT$DUA10:[M_MORREN]LOCK_A.EX
            0030  8081B5E0                 GREAT$DUS100:[SYSE.SYSCOMMON.SY
            0040  00000000         Busy    RTA1:
            0050  00000000                 RTA1:
            0060  8081BFA0                 GREAT$DUS100:[SYSE.SYSCOMMON.SY