It should be in the FAQ, but I did not find it.
How do I make a batch job to start in the directory of
the command file? in other words, how do I change the
submit command, such that I could avoid the "set def"
at the beginning of every batch job?
Thank you very much
This code could be executed in LOGIN.COM in the F$MODE().EQS."BATCH"
section. Thus every batch job would have it's default set to the location
of the batch procedure. Not a real good plan for shared procedures, but
if that's what the user wants, DCL can do it.
$ file = f$getqui("display_file","FILE_SPECIFICATION",,"this_job")
$ set default 'f$parse(file,,,"NODE")''f$parse(file,,,"DEVICE")''f$parse(file,,,"DIRECTORY")'
$ show default