EDT and/or TPU/EVE (with the EDT emulation) both create a new version of the
file being editted. What kind of file is this 35MB file? Editors are typically
used to edit sequential files. Many large files are indexed files (or database
EDT reads the input file and uses a work file to hold data structures containing
the records. The work file is placed in the SYS$SCRATCH directory, with an
extension of .JOU. It'll be larger than the source file. Perhaps you've simply
run out of space on that disk?
To modify a file in place, you'll need to use a different utility.
Rough rule of thumb (derived from experience rather than documentation).
For EDT you will require disk space for work files of at least 3-4 TIMES
the size of the input file in order to edit. So, you will need of the order
of 250,000 blocks available to edit this file, possibly more (For a file
of this size, I would also pack a lunch and take a good book to read while
you're waiting for EDT to jump around the file ;-) TIP - try to work
through the file from top to bottom, don't back up. This will be
*substantially* faster.
Using TPU on this file, you will wait quite a while for the whole file
to be read, but after the initial wait performance will be much better
than EDT. You will require about 2-3 times the size of the file in free
diskspace and a pagefile quota and VIRTUALPAGECNT of around 100,000 blocks.
Make sure your pagefile is more than 250,000 blocks! I've seen numerous
system hangs due to pagefile depletion resulting from a system manager
attempting to edit a large file. The usual scenario is:
Assume VIRTUALPAGECNT > pagefile size (dangerous, but common)
$ EDIT largefile
EXQUOTA - page file quota exceeded
*I'm* the system manager, I can fix that!
UAF> MODIFY ME/PGFLQUOTA=more than pagefile size
$ EDIT largefile
hmmm, that's odd, this system isn't responding anymore ;-)