How do I install OpenVMS Management Station?
This afternoon I discovered that Management Station also works with TCP/IP,
so I downloaded the PC Client and the Server for Alpha.
The installation of the server gives the following problems:
After having checked that VMS is registered in the POLYCENTER
product database:
$ prod sho prod vms
PCSI-I-IOPPDB, additional information last updated 13-FEB-1996 in DISK$AXPVMS:[
1 item found
I tried to install Management Station. I defined PCSI$SOURCE,
and started the installation, with the following result:
$product install tnt/version=V1.5
%PCSI-E-APPLYTOERR, product DEC AXPVMS VMS to which maintenance product DEC AXPV
MS TNT V1.5 applies not found
Terminating is strongly recommended. Do you want to terminate? [YES]
Do you have any idea what's wrong?
Thanks in advance for your reaction.